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Palm cure in sweating

Glad to stumble upon people with similar issues like me on this forum. I've been having these issues since high school and I'm 30 now. Back then I used to get reactions and comments but never knew what it was.
Over the past 10 years or so, I've been trying everything under the sun like most of us but nothing really worked. I even did a raw cleanse for a month with no food except greens. Lost almost 10kgs but didn't help with anything.
The real part that I would like to highlight is the smell we carry and leave behind. It's like I'm a thick cloud which affects people within 100ft or more at times as I walk. Even when I'm driving down the road, people at the very end of the road start coughing or holding noses even before I reach them. As I walk, I leave a trail of smoke( I guess) which makes anyone cough,sneeze itch until someone sprays something in the air to clear it.
Self detection:
At times we feel our bodies aren't emitting anything but to test, run cold water under a tap and bend over closer to the tap. You'll feel the stench or stand close to a steel barrier/wall and the odor would bounce back. There are times, I feel my body is so overheated but I ain't sweating. And at times, I'll be sweating like crazy
What I'm doing now:
I've been trying the brown rice protein like hopeful123 mentioned but hasn't worked for the past 2 weeks. Tried the one from source naturals but I've ordered another one from amazing grass which has probiotics so maybe that would help! Tried Kelp and zinc but no luck.
I believe it's all got to do with raw eating and sweating. No matter the supplements we take, if we don't sweat out the toxins then there's no point to it.
Different types of sweating glands;
I tried the steam room for 30mins everyday for a month. Made me feel so odorless after every session but not in reality. Sauna on the other hand is a better solution but again, this isn't expelling toxins.
Running outdoors or on a treadmill seems to lower down my body temperature and my sweat isn't so warm. Guys, try and run for 20mins or so everyday and you'll see a difference of about 50% in the reactions.

Ok so I do get reactions from everyone like the whole train station or even a ballroom filled with people. Imagine the nonstop coughs during a ballroom event as the odor keeps moving around when I'm stationary.
The moment I make eye contact with anyone, they hold their nose or cough their lungs out. This is beyond my understanding. Is there something on my face that triggers it or brain waves? Mysterious.

I haven't given up. Will continue exploring different options as I've for the past decade.
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Hey Jon. Read up the one that I recently posted. PATM is caused by mold toxicity. People are allergic to you because of the spores you carry from your home to wherever you go and sometimes people react to you when you sweat because you're sweating out the toxins. Mold toxicity not only affects an individual's physical health but also the mental health as well. It can cause OCD and anxiety. This explains why whenever someone coughs, sneezes or itches, people who have PATM automatically assume that they are the culprit. Eating healthy and exercising regularly can definitely make you feel better but it will never fix the problem when you're just going to recontaminate yourself again and again. I personally sweat and tremble like crazy whenever I'm around mold. I sweat a lot even when I switch on the A/C.

Did you experience water/pipe leaking happen in your house?

Are there any signs of mold in your house or your work place?

Are there a lot of dust or fibres in your home?

Go do some research on toxic mold. Check and compare the symptoms with yours. Mold could be the culprit of your sufferings. I hope you'll find your answers.
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