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People Are Allegic To Me

Nickname: WorsethanJob. My first question is addressed to Bee46. May you please explain what indican test is. Also please tell us everything you did to beat your PATM. The second question is addressed to Grateful2011. How do you use the oil of Oregano? Please address these questions for me. I'm African. I don't know what triggered my PATM 19 years ago. But I suspect it is the painful twisting of my lower intestines which started before the PATM. I always experience these abdominal spasms whenever I'm constipated. My intestines would twist painfully for a few minute before stopping. I have a dry itchy scalp and almost always there's a strange odour around me. This odour issue seems to be worse when I sweat or walk in the sun. When my hair grows the PATM worsens so I shave my head all the time. I have a rash in my armpits and it produces a sticky sweat. When my armpits sweat and become sticky many people around me begin to cough and sneeze and scratch their noses and eyes. So, to keep my armpits dry, I use baby powder. That way the reactions are better. Anyone with sticky armpits and exibiting these symptoms? My theory: these reactions are linked to the gut problems, possibly candida( I've tested positive) but the reaction are not brought by gas. It is a microorganism responsible for the coughing and sneezing. I usually feel these things crawling in my armpits before hearing a cough somewhere. Even the way they cloud the nostril and bite, this can never be a gas. I'v done science and have produced irritant gases in the lab, including hydrogen sulphide. None of these gases come close to what I experience with these biting nano insects. I tried checking them out using school microscopes but I'v failed to see them. I gave up on doctors because none has an idea about what I'm going through. I'm glad I found this forum. It's the first step to a long protracted war against the evil disease. God bless you.
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P.S.   I wait about an hour after my morning lemon water to take the oregano oil with water !!!!  for further dosing info go to www.candida-cure-recipes.com (see # 5).  

liquid chlorophyll  I take at least couple times per day - one tablespoon in a glass of water each time. Brush teeth after each use to prevent staining of teeth.

VERY IMPORTANT - please go to www.youtube.com , in the search field put--   liferegenerator --  and check out his(and also the others- to begin to change to better healthy eating)  video dated dec 20, 2011 how to remove mucus from your body - which from another member's post appears to be the source of our problem
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God Bless You, please hang in there !!!!!  The Oil of Oregano that has "P73" on the label  - I use 3 drops in a cup of water, stir well and drink. I begin each day with a cup of hot water with the juice of fresh lemon squeezed into it - before brushing teeth or breakfast .    I also now put about a tablespoon or so of liquid chlorophyll into my morning smoothie which consists of protein and fruits and  green vegetables . I take PROBIOTICS - enzymes before lunch and dinner ----  and acidophilus and alpha lipoic acid  WITH my lunch and dinner.  I drink at least 3 liters of water each day and also take the equivalent of metamucil - I get mine from Target or Walmart "Fiber Therapy" sugar free - to make sure I have bowel movement each day.  VERY IMPORTANT  - I also now do a epsom salt detox bath each morning before work and then shower with unscented dove soap.  I pray this helps you on your way to better health, do not ever give up !
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