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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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you say :

   " i have only felt relief from patm, when I used large amounts of Vitamin D3

....  and as soon as it wore off, the patm returned"

so for me I would continue Vitamin D3, 365 days a year - this is a no -brainer !!!!

Please do NOT blame the exquisite  President Obama and/or Obamacare
for your health condition - YOU have the power to become patm free just like I did !!!!

God Bless you always !!!!!!  
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Keep yourself well everybody.
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Don't disregard or demean my words. I am a sufferer too just like yourself looking for answers to explanations.
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I used to fly a mile when someone use to cough. Jump out my skin, but it doesn't happen anymore. I accept I am the cause of these allergic reactions because I feel this certain way which cant be helped all the time. It doesn't so much affect me the way it used to which is good. Ideal, you have to get to a place where you are fine with the coughing and continue living. I mean what happens to you when someone coughs or the whole world coughs? Me personally I feel confused and lost but there's no need to feel that way, even if you did. Just the other day I nearly cried reading some of the older comments because i was 'feeling'  a certain way..
I'm one of the tough ones on this patm, I mean what I've had it really bad. Calmness is something you must find in yourself. If your calm and someone is coughing why would you care because you're too calm. The reason I come back to this forum frequently is because I don't want to leave you behind. I want us to overcome and see through patm. If we can do that, that's an accomplishment itself and should be at the top of your cv.
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No no no. Its hardly anything to do with diet. I've never felt the need to change to a different diet (although I have changed to becoming a vegetarian once, for other reasons). You eat whatever the **** you want. Diet only plays a significant role in patm because we are over sensitive to a bad smell becoming live out from us and when we think smells we think food inducing that in us, but its simply said is not the case. You have to be real here, to yourself anyway. Patm hasn't yet made me turn mad but believing I smell, that I emit some kind of pungent smell or repulsive odor is where it all began. I'm happy to speak openly about my experiences, and you should to. I used to be ashamed because I thought I was deliberately causing these reactions and generally containing patm would contribute to its general feeling of embarrassment. In this case, unfortunately, there are victims on both sides. All It is is a feeling. Yes. That's how we feel. Sad, yes but true. This is how we feel and we express it though with to patm.
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Hello jn4357,

Hope are having a wonderful labor day weekend.

To answer your question, the support was not there from fellow PATMERS and among other things like Obamacare that reduced my benfits and increased my deductibles.

Speaking for myself, I really do think that my symptoms come from a bacteria/virus in the stomach or intestines.

I'm literally losing weight everyday being on a vegetarian diet. I have only felt relief from PATM when I used large amounts of vitamin D or taking antibiotics. As soon as they wore off PATM came back so I don't it would be some kind of mutated gene. Yes, it can be controlled but who wants to live like this, I want to be able to enjoy food again and not have to worry ohh is this going to give me reactions. I don't know about yall, but I have a wife that likes to go out and eat and Texas, there is a restuarant at every block.

I'm scheduled to see a Gastrointerologist in about 2 weeks and maybe he will show some interest. My wife is coming with me and she is on board with my symptom, hopefully we will have a fruitful discussion which will hopefully lead to more investigation.
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