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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Woooow, i never get sick, never
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I also have back problems and nerve issues . My back always hurts for no reason, and terribly if i go for a walk. I was just reading a book at barns relating back pain to poop and intestines. Ny main symptoms are terribly bad breath sewagy, constipation issues, severely coated tongue, bloated, gasy, developed tonsil stones and a few swollen lymph nodes. Fat in poop after stool analysis. Maybe candida and parasites after colon hydrotherapy. I think im inaly going to be tested for sibo
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I write you from Algeria. I have had the same experience as you are describing, and I understand what you are feeling and what you are suffering. I believe that no one can understand this Patm other than the patemers themself.

My personal experience about that is that my patm appear and disappear without any reason I can understand.  
I keep following you guys and try some of your suggestions.

Knowing that you people live the same story  as me make it very different since, at least, we know other people in the same situation, and as such, is a very good new.

Keep calm and battle this disease with energy.  
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4274626 tn?1487889732
This is a mixture of talking to Mr. Feelbetter and anyone else interested in responding.  

I am a nutrition student in college.  Have always had gut issues and believe PATM is linked to gut.  People on the PATM board are starting to talk about things that I believe contribute to PATM (gut micro-biome issues, that have multiple causes, however similar -not always quick- resolutions).

The theory I've had for over a year (and gets stronger as I learn more about it) is the link between SIBO and PATM.  I have not had the hydrogen breath test yet but the SIBO diet has been improving my digestion (9 months now).  This takes time.  I eventually am going to do a full treatment of SIBO with antibiotics (when I am not inundated with school work because healing reactions make me exhausted and I want to have the time to let my immune system do it's job, aka "get sick").  My concern is slow motility causing a recurrence of SIBO.  I may wait to treat SIBO under the care of a professional all together, which may be a year.  Until then, the SIBO diet really helps.    

You mentioned back problems and neurological issues....SIBO's primary cause is motility (peristalsis) issues in the GI tract, which is linked neurologically I believe so it would make sense that you have gut motility issues, causing SIBO.

I'd encourage PATMers who are really serious about tackling this to:

1. learn everything Dr. Seibecker teaches (she has a site & blog on SIBO--cured her own SIBO)
2. Find a doctor or naturopath who can guide you through the SIBO diagnosis and healing process (antibiotics, specific diet).  
3. You have to retest for the eradication of SIBO after the antibiotics.
4. After antibiotics they will put you on a drug that causes the gut to move again, thus preventing relapse.  (They are researching ways to stimulate peristalsis without the use of drugs, for now its drugs that help prevent relapse.)  They say that after about 6 months your own peristalsis will kick back in and drugs can be tapered down.  

Another clue to throw out there (because someone asked something like "does anyone else ever get sick?"): Today in my immune and allergy class we learned that people who never get sick are actually extremely sick because their immune system isn't strong enough to create a response.  It makes sense, I do not get sick.  I assume most other PATMers do not either.  Don't get me wrong, I know that I have an immune issue because I get tired half way through the day and I am more sensitive than other people, but I do not get the cold, flu, sniffles, or anything like that.  

In 3 weeks I will be graduating and will be working in nutrition, from what I have learned from all of this school is that.
1. we are all bio-individuals (this means that we are not the same. we may have the same symptoms however they are not always from the same cause).
2.  Always address the nutritional foundations to support the whole (there is not a way of putting what you need to do in a nut shell here, if you want some nutritional advice we can set up a phone talk sometime where you can take notes, or perhaps email)
3.  Modern society has had a long history of malnutrition, which can cascade to worsen down the generations (Example: the experiments that Francis Pottenger did on cats proves the generational degeneration due to nutrition --- and that it can be reversed!!!---slowly).  We have gone wrong in so many ways, nutrition being one of them.  
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I don't quite understand what VOCs profile  is! Can you please explain in a way that I can understand? What kind of specific courses in  college do you think will help us figure out on what is going on with us? Thanks
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It’s a hypothesis.. meaning it’s a supposition by someone. They need tons of research to prove whether it’s true or false.

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