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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hey guys, hope you guys are all doing well !

Have a quick question.

Earlier I was on this thing on this public chatroom called tinychant. I basically did experiment. Before streaming, I noticed all of the people that were streaming to see if any of them were rubbing their noses or anything weird. Everyone in the chat room was fine and just being normal..

Once I started to stream (showed my face in this chat room) i swear on my life multiple people started rubbing their noses and faces and giving me weird looks.


Is it possible that there's actually something strange about my face?

Because I know i'm not hallucinating this I noticed 100% people started to rub their noses only after I came on. Like 5-6 different people were having reactions profusely.

Does anyone (hopefully) have an explanation for this?

GOd I just want to get rid of this thing but honestly I'm starting to think I have something wrong with my face because what else can be the explanation..?
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Hello freeland1924,

I to believe my problems started with using antibiotics to combat H-pylori. I still think I have some kind of off-shoot of the H-pylori bacteria. This stuff can hide in the small/large intestines as well. I'm going to see a gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks and see if we can determine what the next course of action would be.

Keep up the great job freeland1924 and please report anything of value to the PATM community.
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so excited about my recent knowledge of :

RESISTANT STARCH , which appears to act as a prebiotic in our gut

resistant starch PRESERVES the good gut bacteria yaaay !

so i now have added to my daily food choices : unmodified potato starch either in  cold water or my smoothie

google for more helpful info !

stay healthy and God Bless !
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Thanks hopeful12345, that is great information.

I had the same beginning, antibiotics as the possible source, but I have only patm... I have no odor at all. It's very strange how we're all different.

The strange part is, strong antibiotics will take it away too.

Only a VOCs profile will tell us what they are.

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Hey there,

Answers to your questions:

- I haven't been tested but I have the distinct smell associated with the condition.  I think testing is kind of a waste of money as it can be unreliable; I'd rather use that cash to buy supplements to control and possibly cure the condition.

- Yes, some friends and family informed me about the odor

- Don't have a primary care doctor right now as I am a contractor, but my last one didn't smell the odor

- I'm not aware of any other family members who have the odor/condition

- People usually smell the fishy smell, although a few said rotten eggs previously

- I was not born with TMAU; I developed shortly after developing PATM, which I got shortly after being given an antibiotic (about 3 years ago)

If you or anyone else has questions for me, please private message me as I honestly do not hang out in this forum much anymore.

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Sorry the question.
Does your family have any odor?
should be:
Does your family sense any odor coming from you?
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