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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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My 15 year old daughter has had a fish smell since she was 7 years old. I have taken her to 3 gynocologist, hospital testing which was 2 thousand dollars and to this day I still have not one answer. It horrifies me that Not one of these doctors have yet to mention anything about the FMO3 Gene and that this could be the reason.  My daughter has been made fun of for years to the point where I have thought about homeschooling more than once.  Now looking back into the family I thought about another wierd thing that some of my family members get and its this HORRIBLE HORRIBLE FOUL SMELLING BURPS after eating eggs and other certain types of food.  I was wondering if this is associated with the FMO3 problem?
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I have had this odor for quite a while now. I was so caught up in everyone elses reaction to the odor that I never noticed allergic reactions.  Oh, my odor is accompanied by periodic pain in my lower right rib cage. I woke up several times in the middle of the night with searing pain here. Anyhow, on June 21st of this year, I stopped using SPLENDA. Its 27 August and I notice it tapering off so now there is this faint odor but very seldom. I used to smell it after eating chocolate really bad. Get rid of all of the artificial sweeteners and all of that fake junk! I used it for the past 9 years so it will probably be a while before it is completely gone but I am better and not like all of the other experiments that I went throough. God know that I was at my witts end and he came through. To him be the glory!
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every1 try chlorophyll pills..u can find them at ur local health store herb store....its cleans out ur disgestive tracts..does every1 expirience bad breath?
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add me on the list. i got this when i was in 1st year college. i'm in 5th year now..

it has its pros but the cons are greater. hope we'll all find a cure ^^,

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I have the same issue, except a lil different symptoms. I've noticed people sneeze around me, as well as cough, wierd stares as If I smell. I asked people repeatedly if they smell anything and they always say no. Then I read that if you bathe with lemon and baking soda with soap in the shower it will help your skin's surface from the issue. I've begin to notice after I take a shower, my skin somehow has a very funny dusty smell to it. My rectum also produces a very strong dusty smell to it. It all started after I had this cyst on my right buttock, and when the problem grew bigger, I've noticed the wierd systems. A leakage in my butt, and as well as the funny stares. I've also noticed that it attacks people who are smokers or who have weak immune systems. Has anyone else had a legion of some sort on their skin before their symptoms occured?
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I too have recently noticed this reaction to my presence. I myself suffer from chronic sinusitis...almost always one nostril is closed up, and the doctors found a nasal polyp. I do not believe the polyp is the cause...I think it is the result from long exposure. I also don't think it's coming through our pores. This is what I think it is....Either bacteria or Fungus!! I think that we all have it in our lungs! and we are breathing it out. I have medical insurance so I cannot afford a battery of tests. Please if anyone can confirm my theory please post it.
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