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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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I also agree with deathgod its a gift that we have that effects others by our mental and thought process. Its to the point i say "IT" as if what we have is being referred a person or thing . . if we give IT more energy by being in a paranoid state or mind thinking we smell bad or its going to happen than guess what . . we make it happen . everyone who has the same symptoms needs to come together and really come to a conclusion because its not fair for people to commit suicide for their own insecurrities especially when they have no idea why they are being inseccure  
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stop masturbating for 3-6 months and see the result! ill guarantee you just do it,and you will see..
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Nobody is mentioning the ejecting wiggly Fibers..glitter? People actually getn symptoms over the phone..you video call a friend and everyone around them is itching coughing and they could be 800 miles away **** sounds demonic we gotta have faith
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This comment is for everyone here. What if what you're experiencing is not a medical condition and has nothing to do with modern medicine? I'm a firm believer that energy plays a big role in our lives and that without realizing it you guys are putting off an energy that causes this. One thing we as humans do is speak about things only on the surface so we focus on the logical and what is tangible. But let's think about other things like are you angry often, depressed, harboring guilt or some ill feelings about someone or something that effects your thoughts everyday like something that happened in your childhood. You may be feeling such strong emotions and your attempts to try and hide it actually comes through your energy. People can feel that you are not real or authentic. These are places that demonic presences like to hide. They become a part of you and effect those around you. I suggest a few things, clean the energy around you. You do this by keeping your home and your car clean. Then use sage by lighting it and making sure it flows into every crevice of your home and car to include closets and under couches. Then open every window and door in your home to allow the negative energy to escape. I even open the front door. Then you should meditate daily before entering the world and make yoga a regular part of your life. Last, if you are harboring some ill will seek counseling so you don't have to pretend to be ok.
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so im not alone just started search google today smh.. ive been suffering this  4 years now its started when i reach 18 years old now im  22 and no life becaue of this ********
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I too have PATM and have been living with it for years. No one really coughs but most people sneeze, get itchy eyes, nose and blow their noses. When I have been on a plane for hours people have violent sneezing attacks throughout the whole flight.I think stress adds to it as I drink a lot in social situations and then I either don't care as much or I get relaxed enough that it does not happen but it sounds as if Sugar adds to this and alcohol has a lot of sugar in it. I am going to try avoiding all sugar and taking 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day.
I too have had thoughts of ending it all from PATM,drinking every day and living such an isolated life as I cannot even have a relationship.
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wow, same story here
wow, same story here
I really hope that you are doing better. I’ve had the airplane experience. It was total torture. One time it happened to my sister in law. She didn’t know that I was the problem. But I did. She didn’t get on a plane for years after that.
Anyway, the good news is that I figured out what the problem is. I have complete control of it now. I can’t eat any gluten or dairy. It is very difficult to get used to. And you have to be very diligent. But if you are, you can live a normal life again. Warning, most alcohol contains gluten and I get the worst reaction from it. Especially rey, scotch, whisky, béer.
I started the process with a mid cleanse and an elimination diet. And never reintroduced gluten or dairy. Please give it a try. It will take a while before you see a result. But it is totally worth it. You will know for sure within a month that you could live a normal life again. I wish you all the best. Life will get better.
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Possibly human dander? Just like pets we shed skin cells. In the hair it is dandruff. I noticed the same reaction sometimes. Made the connection to possible human dander (deadskin cells) when in the hospital after major surgery lacking a regular shower, my legs were itchy and I used a hair brush to scratch my leg like crazy! It looked like I had almost 1/2 inch of foamy loose skin on my leg with some looking like dust in the air. Now I am back to taking a shower 2 or 3 times a day and use lotion. This seems to be working for me. Hoe this helps.
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im suffering to the same problem. how did you overcome it. please help, im nearly about to commit suicide coz of this.
Have u ever seen small wiggly fibers?
Yes I get those wiggly fibers. Do u know the cause yet?
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