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Is there a link PATM and ejaculation

I found someting that When the spermatorrhea or after ejaculation patm dramatically worse,Too much serious.  I come from China,There are about three thousand patmer in China. I and many Patmer communicated,and I see a message that People around you cough more severe after sex.Regardless of sex and masturbation or spermatorrhea. A lot of people have this kind of situation.This clue may help patmer.
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I feel that we brought a power force shield around us and we can't control it, that's how I feel its weird how some people are affected and there are others not effective. Like this beautiful women that walked up to me and just started talking to me I fell in love but I knew to reject her after I got her number and to never call her when I see her I act like I never meet her this life ***** when you know what's going on.
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This post is definately misleading!!

If patm is caused by ejaculation. How come there is a small portion of people with patm. AND According to The Penguin Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior Sex occurs 120 million times a day.

AND How come i'm a girl that has never done any sexual intercourses have patm? Now please explain?

Seriously, there are so many of us here misleading others, PLEASE gather evidence before you propose a theory.

As a result patm has nothing to do with ejaculation.

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Yes I do believe there is a relation. Not "ejaculation" specifically, but I think people react to elevated levels of our hormones after masturbation or sex. Also, this isn't necessarily male specific; remember the story of the man who was allergic to his girlfriend when she had her period.


In the back of my mind, I always thought that what triggered PATM might have been repressed sexual desires: it's difficult to say though. Most people have success targeting candida related symptoms, but there may be something greater going on internally.
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Thank you for your support.  Some patmer focus on candida ,it may be useful.But I think the most important thing is pay attention to inside our bodies.Especially the sex.I hope more patmer can realize this.
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I don't notice any improvements if I don't ejaculate for a few days even a week +.
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Keep a long time,about two weeks.No sex, no spermatorrhea, no masturbation. and than you make love sereval times a day. You will find a huge difference.it's a very useful information for patm.
I spent a whole year without ejaculation, last year. I can say that the reactions were less, but did not disappear, than when I physically masturbated. But I found that when I thought about sexual matters the reactions manifested especially some time after the thoughts. And when I didn't think about sexual things, there were practically no reactions. Also during that time I did not watch pornography. My conclusion is that physical or mental masturbation increases reactions, especially if the masturbation is physical.
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And I have a lot of patmer communicating,Many patmer have a similar situation. This is not my a person's view. Men can try abstinence for a period of time.  About two to three weeks. No sex, no spermatorrhea, no masturbation.  You will find that things will get better.  But if you make love every day it will be very bad.  You can use some time to do an experiment, it's without any cost. please!
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You guys that are ejaculating are just weakening your immune system in trying to fight off PATM. Do you realize how much you nutrients you lose Every time you ejaculate, you lose the following nutrients: Vitamins B6, B12, and E; Calcium; Magnesium; Selenium; and Zinc. These are all vital nutrients and vitamins when fighting off PATM, that's why PATM gets worse. If you ejaculate on a frequent basis then you could also fatigue your adrenal glands. Think about it, do your research!
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I'm a girl with no experience with sexual inetractions. I've had patm since a child so I'm not too sure how it links in with your proposed theory.
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Hi guys. I think it is more to our hormones. Like myself; when I get so excited about something and talking to others eagerly. They will react after that. They suddenly feel itchy throat and nose and feel hot. They don’t know it is you that cause the reaction. But it just happen. Not just for sexual things.
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No my puppy has his shots
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Your puppy might have Canine parvovirus.
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I've had patm for 3 years I've recently got a puppy 4 months ago its weird he doesn't get any reactions from me, just normal things a dog would do. When he itches I tell him no no itch he barely sneezes I barely catch him sneezing the only time he chokes is when he's not suppose to chew on things like grass and such. He had diarreah that's the only thing that worries me once I start the bone broth I hope it helps him too.
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I'm sorry, I didn't say clearly.This kind of situation is only suitable for men.Women's situation is more complicated, I just don't say.next,I am referring to are male.
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I personally think qingmeng is right, and that ejaculation/genitalia are the biggest piece missing from this discussion. I definitely get worse reactions in the days following ejaculation, and I can almost predict coughs/reactions coming immediately following certain itching/moving feelings in the genitals.
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It's like we are releasing some sort of gas/matter from our genitals following ejaculation, but also when thinking of sex/ejaculation.
If we are releasing gas.. how come people react to us on live stream, skype, and over telephones?

trust me guys its nothing to do with the release of gas, think about what travel through walls, and windows.
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