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Some type of Fungus? Candida?

My PATM started after trying to fix a what I truly believe was a vaginal fungal infection that kept reoccurring so I would take boric acid suppositories. After I took the prescribed vaginal suppository the doctor gave me for it my body has been itching all over. I was coughing, sneezing ears were hurting, I have tinnitus and random body aches. Now I have some type of cold/sinus infection I cant seem to get rid of of top of it. I do not have allergies so Im not sure why Im like this now. I didn’t put it together until now. The itching started when I took the suppository from the doctor. I was having terrible reactions at first i would have my windows down and people outside would cough like crazy even in their cars. I was to the point where I was only drinking chicken broth and eating broccoli. I have been eating lamb and coconut yogurt. Sometimes I dont eat at all. My reactions for the past two weeks have just been itching and minor sneezing. Maybe a throat clearning here and there. Some days I didnt get reactions at all. Today I woke up super itchy and I knew my reactions would be worse. The only thing I did was irrigate my nose with salt yesterday. Everything else I ate or did Ive been doing. I think I have a systemic resistant fungus or something. This is making me so depressed . I don't understand why this is happening. Im thinking whatever fungus was in my vaginal tract has dispersed into my body. Im currently in the car with a sore throat dreading going into this walmart. I have barely been around family and friends. I dont know how much more I can take of this. Is there anyone with a similiar experience? I also think the fungus is back in the vaginal tract because I am experiencing discomfort and rectal itching the last two days.
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Hello. I only have mild runny nose rarely. If you are visiting the doctor and the same recipes cause you symptoms, it would be best to get it checked out and tell the same doctor what is happening to you and ask for explanations. I have PATM and I don't have any other disease other than the one already mentioned, nothing serious, what's more, I'm too active, I don't catch colds......
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Can you tell me what the doctor prescribed?
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same thing here vaginal infection had medications then the patm hapenned… I had fungus infection on my skin already I think the medication made it worse and worse and I didnt care about my health at this time so….only getting worse
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Your situation is actually identical to mine except for one thing: I am male. You can find my story under the headline "Fusarium infection in lower abdomen".

So I agree that we are dealing with a fungus but I don't believe it's candida. Candida is so common fungus that I suspect every single one of us have that in our body. If so common fungus would be behind these problems all people would already know it and we would have been cured long ago.

I'm on a constant semi-keto diet to keep the situation bearable, so now only the most sensitive people get symptoms (sneezing and coughing) on longer exposure. Going to grocery store is no longer a problem but I remember very well how bad it was before this diet. If I increase the amount of carbohydrates my skin also gets itchy and my throat gets worse alhtough it's dry all the time.

There seem to be two major categories of patients here: some smell bad and some don't. I don't smell bad and I assume nor do you. If you are suffering from same problem as I, keto diet will improve your situation significantly. It will take a week or a few days longer, so you could try that. Keto diet will require self dicipline and you will become acquainted with hunger but if it works it's worth it.

I hope this helps.

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