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New to PATM, my story

Hello all,

I have been checking the forum for the past few months and decided I wanted get active on here and share my PATM story.

29 year old male. This all started for me in early February. I first noticed it while visiting a friend. At first, I thought it may have been cat dander that had traveled with me in my suitcase as my friend is highly allergic to cats and would always react when he was at my home. Sniffles all weekend, which I figured would end once I got home. But then I started noticing more and more reactions among friends, co-workers and family. So I started the Google search, and quickly stumbled on PATM. I was still convinced it was cat related, so I began to purchase allergen reducing products, new clothes, etc. No change. Back to the Google search drawing board. Next up: maybe dust mites. Purchase a dehumidifier, vacuum like crazy, buy air purifier. No change. Share my situation with GF and Dad only. Both understanding but neither truly believe me. But the reactions aren't going away. So at this point I'm figuring it has to be the candida/leaky gut angle. But no white spots on tongue. However, I do have a fairly unhealthy diet. I try to eat healthy as often as I can, but I do drink a lot of beer, and order a fair share of pizzas and burgers, etc. But I'm not really overweight and try to exercise as much as I can. So I'm thinking a change in diet will be helpful but I know it will be difficult for me to give up bread and dairy and craft beer. All the good stuff basically! And I decided to follow helpful's advice and ordered the brown rice protein stuff and the probiotic but decided to hold off on the oxygen pills for now since they are quite expensive and the reviews indicate that they are quite the laxative. So that's pretty much where I'm at. I also wanted to include some of my general observations of this annoying situation:

- No TMAU in my case, just PATM.

- Rubbing the nose is the main thing I notice. But I do get sniffles and coughing and the eye rubbing as well.

-Coughing seems to be more predominant with older people, and nose rubbing/sniffles more common with younger people

-I tend to notice coughing from further distances, and the nose rubbing/ sniffles when I'm in closer

-Definitely seems worse later in the day at work, and if it get busy at work and I'm sweating more or elevated body temp

-Pretty high variance in reactions. Some people have noticeably violent reactions and others just minor nose rubbing or throat clearing. People who I already knew to be allergic to cats seem to react more harshly. But pretty much everyone will react at least a little bit eventually with prolonged exposure.

-People close in my life have seemed to develop a semi-tolerance. One co-worker had really bad reactions for first month and now they are reduced but still noticeable. GF rarely reacts (thank god), mom and dad less and less now although dad still does but won't admit it lol.

-I think it seems worse when I drink coffee or beer but I'm not for sure on that

-I figured being outdoors would make it better since it wouldn't be as confined air space. Like a windy date outside golfing or something. But I've actually found I notice it more so in those contexts. Almost like the wind carries it around or something idk lol. Strange.

All in all, this really ***** and makes me want to do less socially :( BUT, I have already started to adjust mentally and say Eff it; it's just something I'll have to deal with. Could be worse. Try to keep in perspective all the good things in life that I still have. Most frustrating is probably that I can't really share it with anyone who will believe me besides you all online (but I am so thankful for that!) It has made me more open minded to not dismiss things that sound impossible, and in that regard has even rekindled my faith a little as I was more or less an atheist these days (raised Catholic).  

Taking the diet plunge is going to be the hardest part. On one hand, eating healthy and getting more exercise have long been things I've wanted to do prior to PATM. But on the other hand, those indulgences are part of what makes life worth living for me! I love a great meal and great beer and gathering with my friends so it ***** to have to choose. I suppose everything in moderation. We shall see. Sorry for the lengthy post, but a lot of these thoughts have been bottled up for months and just wanted to get it all out there and share my experience thus far. I will keep you all posted on this annoying journey and see if I can find any success!
9 Responses
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Thanks for your post. Good luck to you.  Please keep us informed.   I also have patm and not tmau.  Outside patm travels fast as you may have noticed.   It has to be a clue as not to many explainable things can travel the way patm does.    
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thanks buddy fore your post i thought i was alone whos mom dad do so but really thanku when mom dad also give reaction this  is horrifling really
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Sorry I didn't see your last few comments - I don't visit this forum very often.  Glad you saw some improvements!!  Stay strong and disciplined, and wishing you all the best on your journey!

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Seeing some major improvement so far! Still getting some reactions but on the whole it's been much better after only a couple weeks. Diet is going pretty well. I focus on Monday- Thursday with the strictness and then let go a bit on weekends. Brown rice protein powder, sach boull, candida cleanse daily. Try to exercise nearly everyday. Still haven't gone for the oxy yet, so maybe that is the last step I need to get reaction free eventually. Still a couple co-workers who react but not nearly as bad as pre-treatment phase. Thanks so much hopeful, these recommendations have truly been making a difference in a short time. And added bonus I've lost 9 pounds! Keeping up the diet will be hard but seeing results this quickly has kept me motivated.
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Hi Hopeful,

I have not been taking the anti-fungals. I thought I had read on the candida diet website that they actually didn't recommend them? But I am certainly willing to give them a try and will check out the candida cleanse pills you suggested. I did pick up some virgin coconut oil in the mean time. Switching to the diet hasn't been as bad I thought so far. Although I picked a crappy time to start cutting out booze with it being Memorial Day weekend. Having a hard time giving up my morning coffee, although I did at least cut out the cream and sugar. Picked up some chicory but haven't tried it yet. Worried the lack of caffeine cold turkey may cause some problems. Plus, with giving up so much so quickly it's nice to still have a few indulgences.

Thanks for the added suggestion!
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Hey FPATM, good to hear from you. Like the others said, welcome.  I'm glad you are trying the brown rice powder and sacch boull.  Just one question -- are you taking any antifungals yet (coconut oil capsules, oregano oil capsules, etc.)?  I didn't include an antifungal in my top three supplements, but I think it is a necessary addition.  It is best if you take a supplement that combines multiple antifungals as that is more powerful than taking individual ones.  If I were you, I would go with Candida Cleanse on Amazon.com, by Purely Holistic.  It's only $20 for 120 capsules, so not too pricey.  I would try 4 per day.  Wishing you all the best!
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Funny patmhelp.  Yeah, welcome to the club.   Each member makes us stronger so glad u joined.  And totally agree with you that changing diet is so so hard.
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As a fellow patm'er i welcome you to the club that nobody want's to be apart of.
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Hey my PATM also started in February. At first I thought I smelled bad or something. I honestly don't ;t think it has anything to do with what you eat. I have tried eating only veggies and even not eating at all and I still get reactions. Coffee makes it way worse for me.
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*Hopeful's suggestions. Not helpful's. Although I'm HOPING it's HELPFUL  ;)
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