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Any thoughts on taking turpentine?

So last week someone had mentioned taking turpentine and I decided to do some research on it. At first I was extremely hesitant on taking it but after watching a few YouTube videos and reading some peoples testimonials, (and I’m honestly getting so desperate that I’m willing to try anything) that now I’m reconsidering it. But my goal is to take it around the full moon (which will be on June 28). You will yield the best results when you do a cleanse 3 days before or 3 days after the full moon because that’s when you will get the most parasites. (More creatures come out during the full moon). Apparently back in the day parents would give turpentine to their newborns to deworm them. They wouldn’t have them ingest it but they would put a small amount around their navel. I read you can take a teaspoon of turpentine with castor oil.  Apparently a lot of people swear by it. I would like to hear people’s input on turpentine. Any thoughts ?
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