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electromagnetic field candida liver DETOX

the tickle / cough rubbing nose of
people etc is a reaction of our electromagnetic field,  its a symptom of the proliferation of candida albican / heavy metals stocked in our body that make us more electric sensitive, it is also amplify by stress / anxiety / negative thoughs.. liver intestines and kindneys are full of toxins it is necessary to detox all of these organs and first of all the liver that is the #1 organ of detoxification and blood filtration and then detox the intestines and kindneys , by detox i mean : vegetables and fruits (bio) juices and supplement to clean the liver first that you can find everywhere on internet and a 'fasting' when you can, you have to clean your body from the toxins and give it some space not eating too much and have a better digestion in general , the detox can make bad symptomes because toxins have to go out by intestines/ kindneys and skin , thats what i heard by a nutritionnist, i have this problem and i had electric static all over my hair and have a lot of anxiety and i did detox my kindneys and intestines because i have candida in my intestines and had a lot on my skin before but me and people around still cough and rubbed nose etc so its not resolve but i didnt detox my liver and ive been vomit bile some times when i was younger, maybe there is a problem here but i will detox my liver and I take anxiety pill and the PATM is better now but not resolve, some have took supplement to detox and cure it and thats one of the solution but not everyone have to detox the whole body and you dont have to pay 100$ of supplement to cure it and some its just stress but toxins in human body alao cause stress anxiety and other symptoms so you have to start by inside your body with all the chemicals in food and the radiation in our cellphone television computer it is almost a normal thing to by electric sensitive theses days
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