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theory - it's people energy 'fighting' you and your emotional energetic state

I feel like people who do it are using a higher spiritual plane , using energy and coughing to focus that energy made of focus and people's energetic emotional states- to have an energy fight with us. You know that emotional push and pull drain on our emotional state we experience? That's the focus of energy.

It's an energy fight ... The aim is to feel better about themselves and use energy slams and knocks upon you, as you begin to feel more emotional,  nervous, changing your emotional or nervous state - just like a real fight the aim is as deadly as wanting you to hate yourself or do worse.  But you've experienced this feeling.

The type of person who does this is not sure of themselves , is insecure and nervous and wanting to be dominant (dominance behavior is weakness in energy terms, as opposed to being calm, happy go lucky and strong. Dominance behavior is different to a dominant STATE.) Some people are so down on themselves, they'd try to 'energy fight' with anyone
It's on a different higher plane and they're trying to energetically interact with your emotional energy state.

Of course the aim of any fight is not to be dominant or aggressive or nervous
But to be deadly calm, confident and 'peaceful' (peaceful meaning, riding the waves,  living in the moment, non chalant and quiet  -  NOT asking them to like you energetically or saying sorry to them as this is weak and will make them more aggressive)

I advise anyone with this to LEARN YOUR ENERGY  and control that of other people..
dominant energy, assertive energy, aware energy, states of calm... use energy KNOWLEDGE to essentially quiet, move the person trying to energy fight with you to STOP what they're doing

Essentially it s like becoming a 'people whisperer' and embracing human godhood and a state of inner rock..
The dog whisperer whispers  the state he wants a dog to be in using his energy and the dogs emotional staye.. he uses a calm, assertive energy.  And of course, with this he can silence any dog.
Same with a horse whisperer,  we can use this same energy around us as animals have, to our benefit.. making moves and using our emotional state to control and move energy around us.
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Personal power gone or taken is vital energy gone.
It's soemtimes about getting power back.
The feel good waves that seem to come in and go out while we're comfortable with ourselves and then suddenly confronted by psychic attack like coughing, are essential to our health and well being.

We need to feel good and sometimes that means STOPPING  people what they're doing with our happiness and calmly asserting what's around the energy field to be ours, into us, so all the good- feeling, comes back into your vibe.

Remember don't get offended by the act of someone coughing and faking the 'it's nothing' - the snideness,  the evilness, the "how could they be so sly' nonplussed state we respond with has to be no more.

Simply don't care.. train your brain to  be ENERGETICALLY KNOWING BUT NOT BE, OFFENDED. Be Calm and don't think anything of it while being completel knowing.  Remain assertive , and give assertive signals.

Gone is their running streak of smug

You can even take your power back by energetically vibrating that YOU are smug about something instead

DON'T  do the butthurt  -  no.1 rule is to be hard as nails and understanding. Do the smug, knowing, but totally unoffended vibe! And watch their faces
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The main types of energy to shift out from

Egotistical. . Come from the soul, be present
Butthurt/ victim energy .. Be on par with them or unoffended or 'ok' by what they do
Over excitable energy or over happy - be as deadly calm as you possibly can emit this 'I'm not that excited' energy
Obviously being too nervous isn't good either
The energy of liking your attacker in spite of - they get more aggressive

Shift to other energetic states of mind

After a bad experience, use your power to make yourself 'unoffended' and as large a part of the whole consciousness as possible. Ride the waves and get back with life. Use crystal, candles scented with lavender preferably
Remember why you love your life again and get lost in a passion or a conversation.

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Also..  get good at spotting nervous, excitable situations/ areas.. *Avoid* (long queues , wrong times, bad atmospheres).

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If thus theory is correct then AVOID nervous excitable types

And make yourself the BOLDEST version of yourself and have your CALM ASSERTIVE game down
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