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African-American Women with PCOS and Hirsutism

Hello  everyone, I hope all is well. I was just diagnosed with PCOS although I've had symptoms of it since I was 12 (hirsutism) and I am now 36. My hirsutism was diagnosed as idiopathic because the testing I had did not indicate an elevated testosterone level. I don't know if the testing is more sophisticated now but I had new testing done and it did indicate that my free weak testosterone was elevated.

Anyway, I have a few hairs under my chin, a lot on my neck, chest, stomach, and inner thighs. I know...it's not attractive and very depressing. I pluck (which is not good for you and causes hyperpigmentation) and I shave. I've become very skilled at covering the hyperpigmentation up with concealer but I'm so tired of it. The plucking on my neck has caused so much hyperpigmentation that I have to conceal it or people would look at me and ask me, "What's wrong with your neck?" The skin on my chest also has hyperpigmentation and I only shave this area. I feel like a freak every time I shave my chest because I'm a woman and I'm a woman who loves makeup, clothes, fashion, shoes, etc. It just seems so wrong! If I wear low cut blouses I have to try to conceal the hyperpigmentation but it's difficult because the skin is not completely smooth and it looks like I've shaved so I'm always on the search for really nice big necklaces that would cover this part of my chest. It's difficult being me!!

If anyone can relate to me send me a message and let me know your struggle or what you've done to help this problem. It was difficult for me to share this because although I know it has to do with having PCOS and I did not cause this to happen, it still is embarrassing.

Also, I don't want to seem superficial or extremely vain because I do have other health concerns that are potentially much more damaging than the aesthetic ramifications of hirsutism but I just want to know if other African-American women are experiencing this because our skin is slightly different.

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1893513 tn?1321226006
Hi ladies, I know what you guys go thru. Im 33 and although I have not been diagnosed with pcos I suffer from unwanted hairs around my chin n neck. Im self concious about it and make it difficult for me to date. Ive tried electrolysis twice but its expensive so I continue to pluck n shave which is not good but such a bad habit. My gyno n pcp discuss weight loss which will help with my high blood.pressure and the unwanted hair, easy said than done. I will try hard. Im in the atlanta area so if you guys know some im the area pls let me know. Thanks ladies.
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I just discovered this forum today. I am a black woman and was diagnosed with PCOS probably 4 or 5 years ago. My symptoms are acne, heavy periods, painful cramps, problems conceiving, and until recently excessive hair growth on chin. I tried laser treatment in May of 2011. It removed the hair, for around 6 weeks. I noticed that when the hair grew back, it was thinner, but more hair grew back. The hair is thin, but black and noticeable. I went back for another treatment in July(hopeful that the second treatment would be better), again the hair removal lasted around 6 weeks.

I noticed that upon hair regrowth, hair is still thinner, but I am actually growing more hair towards my neck. The hairs isn't thick, but it is noticeable. The doctor said that this could be due to him using a lower level on the laser machine , which can stimulate hair growth.  Has anyone experienced this? I am not going back for more treatments. They are too expensive($500-600) and for that price I would like to see only positive results. I am going to try a gluten and sugar free diet, exercise and meditation( to relieve stress). Hoepfully this will help with not only my excessive hair probloem, but my acne and infertility.

It is so comforting to share my story with individuals who understand. Will update my story. Thanks!
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Hi everyone,

I'm 26 years old and middle eastern/ Indian. I was never diagnosed with PCOS but have always had extra hair. From primary school I was teased for having side burns and started bleaching it, making myself look a lion! It progressively got worse and University was the boiling point. I was so self conscious of the hair that speaking to friends and being in sunlight was a nightmare. Not even my closest female friends knew. I started shaving and thus began the worse thing I could do. From having only hair on my side burns it spread up to my cheeks, down my neck and on my chin. I then started plucking my chest hair and shaving the hair on my lower back. It seems that the more I shaved, the more hair got activated and more hair grew.

I am less than a hundred pounds, have normal hormone levels and have been told it's genetic and hereditary and that I have over active hair follicles. But I am hirsute. That almost leads me nowhere. The funny thing is that women on both my mom and dads side are almost hairless! My mom has no hair on her body or face.

I started laser 6 years ago but because I travel and work frequently in 3rd world countries, I didn't always have access to laser treatments. Maybe that's why it hasn't really worked for me. My chin and neck on my face is the worse and I shave sometimes twice a day. I permanently have 5 o clock shadow.  It is absolutely frustrating. I would love to wear a low cut top or backless dress but would never dare. The scars left behind are awful. When I think that as a women I have to pluck the hair of my breasts I just cry. I have had many intimate relationships but it's always carefulIy planned. I have done a lot of research and I think the best would be to go on medication (even if I have to force a doctor to give me a prescription). Birth control pills (Dianne 35 is recommended) and anti androgens.

I hope that whatever each women is going through that they can find some way to find peace. It's not about what it looks like to other people, but it's about what we see when we look in the mirror.

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Hello Ladies,
I am in tears right now and my heart is soo heavy! I didnt think their were other women with the same issues i have with my skin. I am a 28 year old african american woman. I have had facial hair since middle school. It started off as 1 strand on my chin and as I got older it grew more and thicker and spreaded to my face, chin, kneck, chest, breast, stomach, inner thighs. It is soooo embarrasing! I spend soo much money on over the counter products, ordering products online, and makeup to cover up the dark spots ive caused from plucking and shaving. Everyone tells me im pretty all the time, but if they only knew i dont feel that way and if they could see me without makeup Im sure they would think differently. My self esteem is very low and i am depressed. This horrible, embarrassing disease effects my daily life and personal relationships. When im intimate with a man I make sure that all lights are off and I have shaved every hairy part of my body afraid that he will see the dark spots or feel the stuble. I recently decided to see a dermatologist. My derm sent me to an endoncronoligst(spelling) and she placed me on hormone pills. She advised me the pills wont completely stop the hair, but will decrease it. I do not have PCOS, but I have very high testostorone levels. Im just praying that the pills work because I also saved up a few thousands to have laser treatment. I also have damaged my skin sooo badly so even when the hair is decreased or gone....im left with my spotty skin. If anyone has any other suggestions that have worked for them plleasse let me know! I will also keep you all posted on the hormone pills! Take care everyone and God Bless you!

PS lele1287..what is your doctors name and where are they located? Im willing to travel!!
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Hello I can relate to all the comments, I to was ashamed of my face neck and chin area mostly, my friend gave me a number of a  doctor who dealt with african american skin... Dermatologist who specializes in African American skin, I did the laser once a month for 5 months, it stop all the hair growth and for the pigmentation on my skin it also help remove that along with his cream he makes himself…he did tell me that all dermatologist are not familiar with African American skin, you have to find a doctor who knows and understands what you’re dealing with…all I can say “ I saw results 4 days after my 1st treatment. my skin has cleared up Good luck
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I am actually crying after reading all your post
here is my witness
I have also too much hair on my belly and on my breast is it the worst
I did some tests 6 years ago and I had a high level of testosterone but nothing so bad the doctor said to me and gave me a medicine Androcure
I took it during 4 months ,it was awful always nauseous, dizzy I stopped it
Then the situation got worse , hair on my chin, on my side and I started plucking (bad idea now i have to do it very carefully if I don't want to get black heads)
And i've got an hyper-pigmentation where I am doing that so if I have one advice try not to touch your hair on the face even if it is really embarrassing
I keep on with my story, three months ago I had my first laser hair removal with laser YAG it was painful but not that much because I was so happy
Now I am using Vaniqa for my face and I am thinking about going to the doctor to find what is wrong with me after reading all your posts I am not ashamed anymore ,I want to fight back this hisurtism which is running my life ,I am never wearing bikini, I do not have any boyfriend I was freaking out about anyone knowing that I have got this problem
I will let you know when I will see the doctor what he gave me and how it works.
Bless you sistas and you know what I had one my aunt, when I was crying my mum used to tell me you've got nothing she was worst with bread and hair everywhere even worst than a man and now after the laser hair and the medicine she is fine!!!!
Don't be depressed even if it is hard , I know this feeling u feel so bad like you're not a woman anymore ,u even hate yourself sometimes but we have to fight it back and WE WILL!!!!!
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