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Welcome to the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Forum!

I am so thrilled and honored to be the new Community Leader (CL) of this forum!

My name is Niki and I welcome all new and old members of this forum. This forum was created for women like us who suffer from the symptoms of having PCOS. Together we can share our experiences and knowledge of what we already know and we can also learn a few things from other members as well.

I too have been a long time suffer of PCOS and I know a lot about this concern. I encourage everybody on here to be respectful of others and have open minds on our own personal experiences with this. This forum is not to judge or make fun of anybody, we are all here suffering the same thing and we all need to be supportive of one another. I encourage you all to ask questions, post your knowledge and feel free to contact myself or any other member for more information.

Again, I welcome all new and old members of this Forum!!!

-Niki (msniki412) (CL)
37 Responses
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I have PCOS and I am on birth control pills, alesse, to help control it.

Now my issue is, that my period doesn't stop after the seven days, I start my new pack of pills and about four or five days later my period finally stops. I had this issue with my last kind a birth control pills, tri cycling low, and Alesse is what they switched me too.

I am just wondering if I should ask for different birth control pills or just give these ones more time?

Thank you in advance.
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1744419 tn?1312675282
I've just joined the community too! *waves*

Follow my PCOS Treatment study at http://mypcostreatment.blogspot.com

They are still looking for more women to participate. I live in FL but they paid to fly me to Chicago for the testing.

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1027330 tn?1361910228
Im mandy i have been trying to get prego for over 2 years now  and found out a few days ago that i have pcso i have been al over the web trying to find some info on what to do now i want a baby so bad
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HI all! Im just a new member in this site. My condition made me the urge to seek help through others' advices and experiences. Im just 31 and already underwent D and C because of PCOS. At first it was only ruled out as hormonal imbalance that's why I was having heaving bleeding but later on it was found out from my 2nd transvaginal ultrsound that I already have polyps. I went D and C last May 24, 2011 but right now Im already having menstruation like my normal cycle 2 weeks post op. And at the moment, im feeling some pain where the operation was performed. I dont know if this is normal or what. It is indeed scaring me because Im really having thoughts that if things will continue this way, I might undergo hysterectomy. i just hope Im wrong ith that, otherwise, it will surely make me depress because Im still young and still wanting to have my second born.
Please enlighten me with the things Im going through right now. Im just so bothered that its making me depress.

Thanks alot and God bless!
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I was diagnosed 2 weeks before my 20th birthday last month. i am now dieting and feeling alot better. Hed consults with the dietitian and she put me onto a low gi diet. Went back to the gyne after losing 5.5kgs/12lbs in 2 weeks and he refused to give me the glucopage because i am driven to lose the weight. I evercise an hour a night every night. Eat alot healthier. Am going for my next weigh-in in 2 days. hoping for another big loss. but i will be happy with whatever i get. Anyone got tips etc?
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1630137 tn?1300122193
Hey congratulations, I'm a newbie and have been diagnosed with pcos since 2005 :) x
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1583546 tn?1296671467
I was on the pill for 13 years and went off the pill 8 months ago & still haven't started my period.  I went to the gyno & he said this is common, he took blood & tested for thyroid issues & came back normal.  He perscribed Provera for me to take by everyone says that made their acne horrible and just made them start but didn't help them to cycle regularly.  I have hated all the side effects of being off the pill.  Dropped weight (I am 120 as is) so losing wasn't what I needed, by boobs got smaller, I am breaking out and even on my back which I never did before.  I have heard that some people get really bad acne after a year of being off the pill, has this happened to anyone?  My mother had sever PCOS and I am afraid I have it but the Dr. didn't seem to think I did.  I am lost and frustated! Please share any input or your thoughts, I am just curious what other peoples experiences are.  
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just want to get ur opinion.

let me get straight.

I have poly-cystic PCOS?
I just went to OB last night.

The last time I went to my OB is Dec 17 (in Philippines) she found out that I have PCOS. And she gave me a medicine name metformin. And the second time i visit her is Jan 3 and I am 6weeks delay because my last period is November 18. And she found out that I have 1 big egg and my period will come after 3days. But then, when I came back to UAE til now I don't have my period. I do a preg test and it is negative :( So to find a solution I went to med center last-night to check what's happening to me. And the doctor found out the same thing "I have PCOS" and Im not pregnant. And she give me medicine which im taking from dec 20 til now (Metformin). So my question is why im delay for 8weeks and 4 days now?

Then why my OB in philippines told me I have 1 big egg and i have my period after 3days but till i dont have it? So it means metformin don't work for me?

why does my OB in Phil told me that my blood will come after 3days?
then why till now i dont have it. and i take HPT its negative.

I dont understand. do i need to get a new Ob/gyn?
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Hello ladies....

Firstly, I want to say that it's great to find a forum like this and read about all of the mirraculous pregancies as well as others who are suffering too.

I was diagnosed with PCOS just before my 8th birthday - which is when I first got my period.

I was a fat kid with an obviously oversized belly, I wasn't overly hairy (I have arab blood) but did suffer extremely heavy periods (with clotting).

When diagnosed, I had excess testosterone and between 30-40 follicle cysts on each ovary.

I have always had regular periods (although I gained weight when given Diane at age 12),

I tried metformin at 14 but found the diarrohea intolerable.

I tried to have them lasered off at 18, but they only came back.

I have always suffered from obesity (PCOS doesnt help) so had a gastric band in 2005. I lost about 25kg but still had the potruding PCOS belly so decided to have lipo/tummy tuck late last year. This was also complicated by heavy heavy bleeds, so much so that it needed to be repeated after several hematomas were found.

At 20, upon having unprotected sex for the first time in my life, I fell pregnant.

Unfortunately though, I began having heavy hemmorage episodes from 12 weeks (apparently because of a low lying placenta)- I carried on through though but at 27 weeks, after 15 weeks of weekly HEAVY (looked like i'd been shot in the vagina) bleeds, I went into labor and my daughter died almost instantly. I have had my case (pregnancy) looked at my 5 different ob/gn docs as well as blood doctors and endocronoligists and no body can tell me why i bled so much and HOW I was still alive after I lost so much blood (2xthe amount of blood in my body over 15 weeks).

Now I am told that I have free fluid in my pelvis. I am seeing a new GP as I have moved states but she isnt helping. She says that the fluid is normal and that I may have chlamidiya. I dont know if I have pelvic pain or tenderness as I simply dont feel pain down there anymore (I've lived with PCOS for 16 years).

Not sure if I want to start a new forum about this. I just thought I'd share my story.

In the 16 years Ive been suffering, I feel that the worst symptom is obesity. It's a vicous cycle, you can only cure PCOS with weight loss but you can't lose weight with PCOS.... I hate it !!

I don't know if excess blood in the body is a symptom of PCOS or if Im just abnormal in anything (and everything) to do with hormones.

To those who have just been diagnosed, my only advice to you is to keep your weight down. Number 1 PCOS rule.... as my endocronologist said to me 16 years ago, you will be dieting FOREVER and EVER (just to maintain your weight)... My advice is to change your lifestyle... YOU MUST!!! I walk 30 mins 5 times a week, dont eat dinner, eat loads of fruit and vegies and drink loads of water and I only JUST maintain my weight (88kg @ 169cm @ 24yrs old)....

Good luck ladies....

Sydney, Australia
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1462119 tn?1286227171
Hello, Im 23 and new to this as of today =) I'm so happy (I guess you could say) to find out that I'm not alone in this. I was just diagnosed with PCOS yesterday but I've had a feeling and reasearched things for a year now and thought I had PCOS.
My Dr. ordered a blood test and talked about starting me on Metformin and see how that works and maybe a few moths after adding clomid.
My husband and I have been ttc for 1 1/2 years and l look forward to any helpful tips and encouragement.  Thank you =) !
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Hi.  I am 26. i just joined the site today.  I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 months ago because I was having periods lasting three weeks or having two periods a month.  I was blessed to have a baby girl 16 months ago and i think it was the pregnancy that through the PCOS into overdrive.  I never had the symptoms before getting pregnant.  My dr has me on seasonique right now she doesn't want to do surgery until we have exhausted the pills that don't seem to be working.  I'm tired of bleeding and i am just looking for female support that have an idea of what it feels like to deal with this.  My husband is awesome, but he is a guy and can only help so much.  i'm looking forward to this group and getting support.  Thanks in advance.  
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1450509 tn?1284906320
Hi, I was diagnosed two years ago with PCOS. My doctor put me on the pill and 100mg spirnolactone (spelling?) a day to help clear up the acne and extra hair. I was curious as if anyone else had any info on different types of medications they may have been put on. Being on 2 different kind of testoterone reducing medications I am losing my sex drive. I feel I am too young to lose my sex drive and was just wondering if anyone was on anything different that still has the same benefits as above, but not such a self-esteem crushing side effect.

Thanks. :)
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Welcome to the forum! Ask as many questions you have and we will all try to help!
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I have not be officially diagnosed with PCOS. I was tested a long time ago for a study. It was inconclusive. I have a lot of the symptoms but no one could say for sure back then. And I have not had the opportunity to be tested again due to not having insurance for quite some time.
I hope to be able to learn more from this group. I hope to someday find out for sure. Because I need answers for what is going on with my body and what I can do to at least help ease the confusion and low self esteem from the problems.
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Hello everyone, have just joined the community and am really hoping to fight the PCOS... and remain positive :) with all your help.. Thx all!
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1256672 tn?1308690198
Hello everyone.  I was just diagnosed with PCOS last week (even though I knew I had it for decades).  Finally an answer to all the odd things going on with my body!  Explaination for the extra hair, weight gain, difficulty lossing weight, irregular periods and horrid acne.  It is so refreshing.  Down side is, we are trying to get pregnant.  I am so glad to have found research on the internet and proactive OB-GYN and Internist who address it right away, and have short time lines on if there is no pregnancy, we aren't waiting a year on something not working to try something new.  I am only 30, but the 6 month rule applies and even less now (1-3 months) that I am on Metformin (500mg daily).  

On a comment to Mom600-the point of Clomid IS to stimulate the ovaries.  How else are they to get to where they need to be for baby making?  Isn't that the point?  Yes, there can be multiples, but when you want one of your own more naturally and cheaper than IVF or other methods out there, that is the way to go.  Just have to be prepared for less sleep than with one.  
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according to my specialist clomid is NOT suitable for PCOS, it can over stimulate the ovaries!!
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Hi Ladies, im 29 years old, mom of 2. my babies are 13 months apart. well my story: PCOS and fertility treatment. very hard and initially told to have surgery to fall pregnant. not always true. most ladies need to get to an endocrinologist to regulate the PCOS, most drs tell you theres nothing wrong with the blood work, which i was. my ovaries wouldnt budge with injections to stimulate follicle growth. 1 year later, lots of tears and perserverance, i fell pregnant with a son!! pregnancy ended with an emergency c section and HELLP syndrome, 4 months later i was back for number 2, difficult pregnancy with hospital as well as a premmie at the end of 35 weeks, but DO NOT GIVE UP!! anyone who wants advise can email me at c a l v i n k l e i n @ m w e b . c . o . z a. btw, usually pregnancy resets the body and things work all on their own the 2nd time round :)
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hi everyone i suffer with pcos and have done for 6 years now probably longer but diagnosed 6 years ago anyway i would just like to say to all those trying for a baby dont give up i was trying with my daughter for a year and was just about to be given clomid from doc when i found out i was pregnant all by my self and 4 years later i now have 3 children i still have pcos excess facial hair over weight and very irregular periods but it happened for me and it can happen for anyone else too never give up x
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As I have stated before, please do not post your concerns or questions to this thread. This is not a thread for new questions. Please post a new topic by clicking the button located on the top of the page in this forum. Not everybody will read this thread, therefor your question will go unanswered. I am more then happy to try and answer new questions or concerns in a new post.

Thank you for your understanding.
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i am a pcos sufferer i am on metformin and clomid i have been for our a year now and i have not fallen pregnant yet. my husband has to give a specimen evry 3 months.i keep blaming myself as i not able to produce a child yet and its gettin me down every now and then have pains in my lower back/ovary area but goes after i put a hot water bottle on it and rest for about 2hrs. i really want to have a baby but feel like giving up. i only had 1 scan when i was diagnosed and that was back in aug 2008 when i first was told i had it. they said i prob had it all my life but only just decided to diagnose me now after 7 miscarriages ive got to have my autoimmune checked and my antibody check and chromosomes im not sure why ?? i be greatful for any advice xx
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1108141 tn?1443269387
Hello everyone, I joined Medhelp in November by chance when I was researching IUI's. My husband and I were given a dismal prognosis at least on his end b/c he has double varicoceles two years ago. My OB was not helpful and had not given me definitives on my issues. I should have been diagnosed with PCOS many years ago b/c I have always had irregular periods since I was 11 years old. I remember my doctor telling my mom I would grow out of it. I went on BCP when I was 19 and then did not really go off until I was ready to have a baby which was 2 years ago so I was 33 years old. I also have the pearl like cysts surrounding my ovaries, I have had issues with cystic acne and weight gain, but my OB told me that the bloodwork showed I did not have PCOS.

I finally was referred to an RE in November 2009 and I am so glad I was. She looked at all my bloodwork and said why did they not refer you sooner. I was wondering the same thing. So my lesson learned is always get a second opinion and be your own advocate. The RE said that sometimes the bloodwork test they do to determine if a woman has PCOS is not read correctly by OB's. She said that if a woman is elevated on the testerone scale that the scale was set for males so if a woman is at 60-70 that would be elevated for a woman, but not for a man. She said she gets frustrated that OB's try to do the job of an endocrynologist. So if your insurance allows it get to an RE as soon as possible. I really wish I would have two years ago. My husband and I had a failed IUI in November and are taking December off to get all of our testing taken care of. We will be back to IUI in January.

I am sending all of you lots of super sticky baby dust if you are TTC! Take care everyone!
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Welcome aboard! We are all in the same struggle as you and all need to come together and help one another out. Glad you found the site!
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Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site. I've had PCOS for about 2 years now I seen this group and thought it would be interesting to join.
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