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I am a 17 year old girl. I recently just had sex with my fiance and everything was normal but the second time hurt really really bad. About an hour after I started bleeding. Now everything seems sort of swolen. What is this mean? I always get my 6 month obgyn checkups and everything is normal but this just recently started. Please help?
33 Responses
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296076 tn?1371334474
see you changed your name... good choice...
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wow dear melimeli that was really low.. I think this time you went to far when you had the guts to mentioned my lost. If I have the money or not to do another IVF is NONE of your business. This shows again the person you are that knowing how important its to get pregnant to all the ladies in this forum, you decided to add your rude and sarcastic comment... hopefully you dont have to experience what I experienced today.. but ok.. I guess  you must be satisfied... . I am sure you are not Sorry at all about my lost... so dont go there... if you were sorry or at least respectful to my situation you will never mentioned what you did... about the girl.. I read every single posting and she never said anything about pregancy and yes, when I posted my first message you decided to  send one to me... in which you even attacked the 34 and older forum... you must have nothing better to do than being rude.thank you for the correction in the begining of your message..but just to let you know I think is : blastocyst transfer.. or embryo transfer  not "Transfere" but again I can be wrong,, English is not my first language but I am sure its yours...Its not what you say but how...and I agree in waiting until a better age to start having  an adult behavior and adult decisions but I will never attack anybody the way you did. But again, I think that is just part of your personality
Again, Good luck ladies  and to Brown Eyed:Hope you have a beautiful pregnancy and healthy babies... You should be proud of yourself and your Honesty.. that is a great quality..
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Again Melimeli you are missing the picture and not only you are rude but very unsensitive.  If you were a teacher I really feel sorry for your students because if you are not sensitive to other people feelings how can you be sensitive to students needs. Because you are so away from the picture and from the purpose of this forum which is to help and to support other people, I can tell you I am 35 years old ,mother of 2, graduated in 1994 with a bachelor degree in biology, teacher for 4 years of high school students (1997-2001) and recently graduated from Palmer college of chiropractic in december 14,2007. Hope this answer your questions related to my education. About your RUDE comment about why am I looking for answers in a forum like this I can tell you the reason is because I am human, and I wanted support from people that are doing the same thing I am doing.. Yes I am a Chiropractor but this is the first time doing IVF... its not the same learning this from books that from your own experiences.. so call me ignorant if you want for not knowing about IVF but at least I am not rude and sarcastic like you are.   go back and read the first and ONLY message from the girl and you tell me  where in there the girl said she is planning to get pregnant, or even thinking to get pregnant, se is reporting and sharing with us her symptoms after having sex.Like I said before : Advice?? yes, of course.. let me give you an example!. 1) go seek medical help to make sure your health is ok 2) make sure you protect yourself against pregnancy, HIV, STD'S..if you decide to have sex. Things like that.. but no you decide to offend her and not only her but many other people in this forum including myself. About me getting into a forum like this looking for support I can tell you this might be the last time I write because today was my appointment for the pregancy test and came back negative. So... not much to do anymore. I hope and I will pray tha all the babies wishes from all the people that are looking for the miracle of life come true... good luck to all of you.  
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281219 tn?1219114914
I thinkt he bottom line is this poor girl jumped on to the 35+ forum to ask advice, maybe unknowingly, from a bunch of moms, many with kids her age. I'm sorry, but what can anyone expect when many of us have kids that age and picture our kids in her shoes. My oldest is 9, but "those days" are fast approaching and I dread having the "talk" with her but know it's got to be sooner rather than later.

I really don't think anyone means / meant to condemn this gal, but my analogy is this: what reply would you expect if you asked a panel of doctors how to smoke and not get lung cancer. You're going to get an honest brutal answer. If you want a more fluffy sugar coated answer ask that question to a bunch of young, immortal-feeling, high-school and college age smokers who haven't witnessed the perils that bad choices can reap in life.

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178590 tn?1294176767
yeah 15 not saying it's right but it's true more and more teens are having sex at a young age.  Do I think it's right?  Hell no but I don't think it's right to condeem them when maybe they weren't taught any better.  I personally was taughter better but at 15 thought I knew it all......I probably am 1 in 1,000 that actually ended marrying the guy I had sex with but I just don't think it's right to just get all over a young girl when maybe she was wanting advice and needed a mother figure too....  That's all I got to say on the point.
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304653 tn?1217001302
15? isnt that special !!...over 60% are drug users too.. you going to join them!? look the crime rate is up!!!!

I dont get it...I can only just shake my head and say ummm-ummmm-ummm. any young girl having sex that young?! ..I fill for them, because they are looking for a father figure that they never had. and that is sad!  NOW thats the FACTS...
yea... **** is a bad name to call!! I didnt call anyone that.. That is what I tolld my daughter what happend s to girls that give in so easy at school.your welcome to go back up and re-read. anyway Im sure there is a better forum  for her to choose.
I just know it is a mothers worse thought to think her daughter is having sex at such a young age. and at a 35+ pregancy forum I think it was a joke. atleast thats how I see it...
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296076 tn?1371334474
hmmmm teacher and then dr... sooo how have you managed that in your ummm I don{t kow 40 at best years... go to college for a teaching degree then teach a while then go back to school for god knows how long and become a dr.  and now your are a dr?  Wow and you still get on here to ask medical question about IVF... hard to believe that you or one of your dr. colleges can´t answer those for you... or hmmmm  that you  come on a forum with people who are patients to ask them what you should do... or think that is a little wierd DR....
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I am a doctor for the same reason  if you dont feel you can give a medical advice to a medical question like the one she had leave this to somebody with experience.I was also a teacher and now I am a doctor and sometimes its  better to listen, and to give somebody a forum to express themself when they cant talk to their parents without being judged. Advice??? sure why not.. but good ones. Advice that she can use to become a better person and to make her grow. I dont think we should worry anymore, I think the girl got scared and will never write back.. I am very sorry for that.  
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148691 tn?1260194903

i know quite a few ones that are close to 30......

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254689 tn?1251180040
i'm an old lady on this forum - in fact older than most of you here and I have three daughters - two who made the mistake of having sex in high school.  I would never call them sluts - just human beings who made mistakes.  I would want them to come to me if anything happened to them (i.e. the symptoms of the o.p.).  Maybe the op felt like she couldn't go to her own mother and turned to older women who are old enough to be her mom to get advice.  I'm not defending her decision to have sex - far from it but it's really rude to automatically classify a girl who has sex in high school as a ****.  I didn't have sex in high school but believe me there are lots of girls who are doing so & to deny that fact would be insane.
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178590 tn?1294176767
well slap me silly and call me a **** because it's a proven fact over 60% of high school girls have sex.....now I'm not saying it was right but I was one who lost my virginity at the tender age of 15 yeah 15....I'm sorry you all don't appreciate younger people coming to you older ladies for advice and well I guess I'm not welcome either.  The fact is wrong or right that's what society is saying is ok.....do I believe it no I think it's wrong too and I wish I'd have waited.  But I didn't and I don't think it's right for everyone to ambush a poor girl coming to you older ladies for advice......she's scared and figured she could probably get some support.....instead she got called a **** and stupid and all of other mean things....I'm really ashamed of some of the women on here.  And that's just my opinion!!!
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178590 tn?1294176767
I'm feeling pretty good and awaiting my next appt Monday so I can get out of the high risk category  Thank God.....I wasn't getting upset thinking you all were talking about my situation but I was just wanting everyone to not be so hard on the poor girl.  SHe might have a good head on her shoulders and was just saying they were engaged and they don't plan on getting married for a few years.....just felt like everyone was ganging up on the poor girl.  But no I don't think anyone is ready to be a mother or wife at 17.
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304653 tn?1217001302
momma must of walked in... smile... had to end quick... I think she was talking about you vsentz? or was it me?

to SALLY15.. omg... is that your age? If saying your having sex at such an early time in your life and saying your easy and stupid... being rude well? welcome to the real world.
MOST People would agree. I tell my Daughter the only girls that do such a thing so young are called  sluts. and once a girl gets that reputation it will stay with her all thru high school and perhaps college. what are you expecting? oh poor baby, Im so sorry he hurt you. heres a band aid and I will kiss your booboo for you. or yea.. maybe thats too sweet. perhaps.. oh.. Im sorry, dude must of got carried away and did what he wanted without checking to see if your enjoying it  next time dear, ask him to slow down or something like that. is that better???
GROW UP!! Its not being rude its telling it like it is. one thing about growing up and becoming an aldult is that there is no more sugar coatings. you make your bed...you get to Lay down!!!

Im glad to hear your not sexually active at 17. if she is a friend of yours or perhaps she is reading this...
My advice is to go and talk with a guidance councler at school.. they will be more knowledgeble in handling such an issue with a child. here again... this is pregancy 35+ forum... that means                                                                                                  Forum is for women 35 years and older. This is where you can communicate with other women who share your interest in pregnancy and childbirth issues.
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We were all 17 one time & probably  thaught we knew it all,Please don't be so rude,the girl just ask a question.I'm sure not everyone @ 17 is not sexually active ,I wasn't but a lot of people.
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333535 tn?1227018609
All I want to say to you is that if you are going to be sexually active please use protection!!!!!! One bad decision could ruin your life forever!!!!!!!!!! Ever hear of AIDS, or any of the other stds? Go to the doctor and get checked out but remember the pill cannot protect you against stds. Personally I was still playing with dolls at 14 and didn't even think about sex until I was 20 and I pray that my daughters all 4 of them wil be sensible and wait. I guess all we can do as moms are to keep the lines of communication open and let them know we are always here for them!!
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148691 tn?1260194903
sweetie, don't feel offended please, i don't think no one was talking about your case.... to me, that is a one in 10 million that goes on successful... but then again... you certainly weren't PLANING for a baby at that age....!!! one thing is to be engaged in a relationship and another is to take it the next 5 steps all at once!!

=) how are you feeling?
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178590 tn?1294176767
I surely wasn't saying it was smart but I was engaged at 17 after being with the same guy since I was 13 and have been married to him for a year now....but definatly 17 is to young to get married but I waited til I was 21 but was engaged at 17 so I guess I should have clairfied....I don't think anyone should get married at 17 or have a baby....but your problem could be to much friction.
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304653 tn?1217001302
Is it me or am I the only one that keeps looking to see if Im at the right forum? Pregnancy 35+ yes... ok!!  
Just seems that there are more and more younger ones getting on. geez.... now a 16 year old?  she needs a good pop on the *** and sent on her way!! has no excuse to be even having sex with anyone!!  I have a 16 year old and I know she might be capable of trying. that is why me, momma!!.... is on guard at any giving moment. I get affended when I read such stuff at her defence. like I said earlyer... I think she was out of school and playing on the net! I wouldnt even emagin that she is for real!! maybe that is why she needs to get her check ups every 6 months? wow... she must be very active. There is No way a young man at that age is thinking with the right head!! nobody can convence me of such a boy Hell.. ask your husbands if a boy that age, what is going thur his mind. I bet you .... he just smiles..

If you are for real? my advice is for you to stop being so EASY and start to understand boys only want one thing dear.... and if you are going to be that stupid your mother needs to take you to the drs office and fix you up. or send you to bootcamp...
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296076 tn?1371334474
haha... always like your posts...
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148691 tn?1260194903
well dear Roxxy, this will happen over and over again.
On my defense, I didn't offend this teen girl. Do I shut my mouth when i hear someone is just about to take the STUPIDEST desicion in her life?? HELL NO....
This forum is opened to everyone. Good or bad, advise will always be offered (or opinions if you want) when someone posts in a public forum.
Neither do I want my child at 17 to be this twisted minded (for whatever reason) and would sincerely appreciate if someone would open her eyes to REALITY.

Don't like it? ..... ehh.... better get used to it..... it'll keep happening dear. ;)
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304653 tn?1217001302
I confused.. says she is 16 from ca... and also intrest is pregancy.... Im sorry but she needs to be thinking about college and her education. Today kids are tought to be independant and in control of them selves. I think she was out of school yesterday and playing on the net!!!!  thats just my thought.
I agree... 16 or 17 in this day of age is way too young.
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304653 tn?1217001302
I confused.. says she is 16 from ca... and also intrest is pregancy.... Im sorry but she needs to be thinking about college and her education. Today kids are tought to be independant and in control of them selves. I think she was out of school yesterday and playing on the net!!!!  thats just my thought.
I agree... 16 or 17 in this day of age is way too young.
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296076 tn?1371334474
if you don't want advice on all aspects of your post you have to post on the under 34 forum... us ehhmmm older gals love to give life advice... I pray someone will give my child real advice is she posts about an idiot decision on a board someday in her life... We are giving her the advice her mom would hopefully give her if she went to her about her situation.  I think that is the responsible thing to do.  The under 34 forum if for women who want to make everyone happy and accept everything and be happy for 17 year olds who are trying to conceive no matter the consequence to the poor baby.  I am a teacher and I for one am hope that one less child will be born to a teen because of this forum... So lets get real and if she only wants medical advice she is on the wrong board as none of us are doctors...   :)
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281219 tn?1219114914
My Lord if I would have married who I dated at 17, or even 21, my life would be a messy shamble!!!! I thought I knew everything at that time. Turns out that my 17-year old "crush" ended up getting into drugs, dropping out of school and is probably now in jail somewhere. My 21-year old crush was "better", was on an Olympic sports team, very talented, smart and is now very, very successful, but had I married even him I wouldn't have a husband, but a roommate who was more in love w/ outside life than home life. After waiting and passing on those first two loves I found my DREAM hubby at 26, got married at 29, first kid at 30, second at 33, 3rd on the way at 40 and I can say, 14 years after meeting him, I am more in love with him today than then.

I also have a friend who met who would be her husband at 13. They are now both 42 but dated for a LONG time thru college before ever getting married. When they finally did get married in their early to mid 20's they'd already known eachother forever and still loved eachother. This is not the norm though!!!

17 is too young!!! Grow up first and then get married.
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