912322 tn?1243528988

Complete Natural Delivery

Who has given birth without any drugs? and who has used the epidural? im debating on whether or not i should use the epidural. I really dont want to, but im a baby when it comes to pain, so experiences and stories may help. Thanks
28 Responses
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912322 tn?1243528988
oh, and i do understand that either way there will be pain :)
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461781 tn?1285609481
My suggestion is that you don't have any expectations until you are in labor.  If you are in too much pain then you can ask for medication, however try this.  If you think you can bare it then wait another hour, if the next hour you still think that you can do it, then wait another hour and so on.  If you get to the point that you can't do it anymore then ask for the epi.
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912322 tn?1243528988
Thats a really good idea, i think i will try that, is there a point when its too late to ask for the epi?
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251790 tn?1317312867
I gave birth to my first with an epidural....I was not educated at all.   With the rest I have gone natural.   I read so many helpful books and learned alot about the womans body.  We are made to have babies.   My natural births by far have been quicker and easier.  I had NO pain naturally and was able to get up immediately after birth.   I am a huge on natural when you are healthy enough to do so.   I didn't have pain because I learned how to focus on what was going on with my body.   I did have discomfort but the actual delivery had no pain.  If you want to know about the books and articles I have read message me and I will get you more info.  
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218701 tn?1248226255
I'm going in with the mindset Mumita suggested. There's nothing wrong with giving it your best shot and if you need help getting it. Yes, our bodies are meant to do this but no one ever said you have to suffer in the process. Don't get me wrong, I plan to go as far as I possibly can naturally, hopefully all the way. But if it gets to be too much, I wont feel like a failure for asking for help. :)
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251790 tn?1317312867
I agree with you completely as well.   I just know that when I was not educated about the possibilities I gave in too quickly.   Modern medicine is a wonderful thing also.  Everyone is different.....just some suggestions.
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218701 tn?1248226255
Oh I hope you didn't think my post was intended to offend you in any way. I am 100% for educating ourselves before the big event and I think it's great that you figured out a way to do it pain-free and naturally. My thoughts stemmed from my SIL telling me on a daily basis that I shouldn't ask for an epidural because women had been doing it all along until epis came along and that women take the easy way out now and blah blah blah. This is the woman who slapped her mother while in labor, go figure. LOL. I'm just not anti-medication and *some* of the people who are tend to want to make you feel guilty or like a failure if you do anything they don't approve of. If you don't mind, I'd really like to know what books you read. I'm days away and that would both help keep me occupied and learn new ways to cope with whatever comes my way. :)
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Oh my, I said the same thing before giving birth to my daughter.  I wanted to go all natural with no pain meds.  And I can handle pain pretty good (no pain meds after c-section).  But............when I was in labor and hit 4 cm I was crying for an epi.  When I got one I felt sooooooo good.  It went real quick with the whole procedure.  I felt a pinch then cold stuff running down my spine.  No biggy.  Just looks scary.  A few hours later though I could start to feel pain, bad pain.  But I was also VERY close to 10 cm.  I pushed and pushed and pushed, but eventually had to have a c-section.  I know some women who have had natural births.  You could probably do it if you had a great coach or a doula with you durning birth.  Someone to keep you focused on anything but your pain.  Good Luck!
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I agree with what the others are saying.  Its important to  keep an open mind when it comes to labor (like you are doing).  If you would prefer pain medication-free labor try it naturally and certainly be open about getting help if you need it.  There are lots of options to help w/ pain management besides an epidural to consider too.  I got an epidural, it didnt hurt, and I felt NOTHING once it kicked in.  

There will be a point when the epidural wont be effective - if you dilate very quickly or are too far advanced in labor it wont be effective (because it has a "lag" time).
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514428 tn?1287598456
I've had 3 totally different delivery/labor stories.  

With my son, I asked for an epidural but ended up getting Stadol because the floor was too busy and couldn't get to me in time.  That drug was ok, but caused hotflashes, tiredness, sleepiness....could still feel everything.

With my middle pregnancy it was twins.  I was induced at 38W2d and had to have the epidural.  It only worked on my right side which was SO confusing to a woman in labor.  That feeling was the worse!!  

With my last pregnancy which was this past February, I wanted to try the epidural again but totally chickened out because I didn't want to go through the same thing.  So I went natural.  BEST CHOICE EVER!!  No lie~9 hours of HARD labor and still the best thing I think I've ever done!!  

So whatever you decide.  =)  Good luck
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251790 tn?1317312867
The book that helped me the very most was the Hypnobirthing book.  I also read everything I could gets my hands on about the Bradley Method which is husband coached birthing.  My partner now is so much more in tune with me that all I felt like I needed was for him to look into my eyes.  It's almost like making love...sounds weird I know but that's definitely where my strength came from.  I also looked into the actual process of the uterine muscles and how the are supposed to help in labor not just cause pain.  You're breathing and relaxation is a huge factor in staying comfortable.  

nsrchofbaby...I didn't take it personal at all.   I just wanted to clear up that I hope I'm not coming across as one of those pushy types also!  I just hope I can help educate women and help them with the best birth possible.
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118884 tn?1270474779
My first son I got 100 mg demeral and numbing shots!

My second son got a epidoral I hated it I would take the 100mg demeral any day and numbing shots!

My mom had for kids natrual no pain meds she is one tough cookie!
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I went into labor with the mindset of not ruling out the epidural but trying to do my best not to get one.  Now I was induced, which may or may not have made my contractions worse - I really don't know because it was my first.  Anyways, after the doctor broke my water and I was 3-4cm, I could barely sit still the contractions hurt so bad.  I gave in to getting the epidural but also got some IV pain medication while waiting for the epidural.  That I do NOT recommend getting, becaues it made me very drowsy, to the point where I was almost completely out of it.  To each his own, so whatever you choose don't feel bad about the decision.  I know that in the future I will definitly get the epidural as soon as it's available :)  I just have to say I admire the women who can do it with no meds at all!
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525485 tn?1314361301
KM604 (Kristin)....sounds like you and I were in the same boat........I went through the same thing.......pain meds through iv until epi kicked in....however....12 hours later.....not past 4 cm...i had to have a dam* c-section!!!

I would keep your mind open girl...i wasnt against it....the epi....but wasnt going to ask for it from the start....I am a big baby..and let me tell you..epi or not..it still hurts.....and I didnt even give birth naturally...my contractions had me still trying to breath through the pain..and in the end..had to have a c-section anyways.
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461781 tn?1285609481
I don't think that the epi is so much of a problem I think that the demerol or the IV meds are worst because it slows the whole process down, the baby is all drugged up in there and doesn't know what to do so many times it ends up delaying labor AND some women end up having c-sections because of it.
An epidural done at the right time (not too early but not too late) works best but it still has side effects, like not necessarily being able to control the pushing not feeling anything down there etc.

The best way is to try to labor at  home as much as possible and then when you feel like you can't be at  home anymore then go to the hospital, but try walking, rocking, birthing ball, laying in different positions, hot shower, anything to relieve pain before asking for pain meds.  
If you are screaming in pain and can't bare it any more then by all means go with the epi, but as long as you can hang on, avoid pain meds.  Also pitocin makes contractions harder and more painful so many women end up having the epi or pain meds because of it.  Thats why its good to labor at home as much as possible to avoid having an induction.
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341551 tn?1266980730
I delivered with no epidural or any kind of pain medication and I agree with some of the other girls...take it hour by hour! I was educated...but I went in wanting to have a completely natural birth and I did...but there were moments I almost got the epidural. It was by far the most PAINFUL experience ever. It didn't help that I was induced, in labor for 17 hours and had a 9 pound 4 ounce baby. I'm sure all of those things added to my pain and agony.
I've heard there is a "point of no return" where its too late to get an epidural. But all I know is I was 8 in a half cm and was asked by my doctor if I wanted an epidural. So I was close to delivering and was still allowed one. So dunno about that, maybe its different everywhere or depending on the circumstance.

I'm not sure what I'll do for my next baby...my labor was very traumatizing for myself and my son...(took over 100 stitches to stitch me up). As much as I am SO happy that I went natural as I do think it is better...I was in so much pain 5 weeks afterwards. So I'm still on the fence on what I'll do next time. But for you, I would take it hour by hour, just remember you always have options! Good Luck to you!
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883151 tn?1245514509
Hey I've had two kids and there wasn't even a question of natural birth for me. With my first I had problems with the labor and delivery and had to be on pitosin (which is horrible, causes contractions to be ten times worse) and had an epidural by the time I was dilated to three. I was in labor with him for 50 hours. With my second I was almost too late. I kept ignoring the contractions because I started contracting and dilating a month before he was due and nothing would happen but then the day I had him when I got to the hospital I was at a six and moving fast and it was the most painful thing in the world. I was in so much pain I just kept yelling at everyoen who dared talk to me or even look at me. Made one nurse leave and yelled at my husband. That epidural was the greatest thing I did at that time. It's nice you would like to have your baby naturally but I'm telling you it will be painful you will need to find a way to focus on something other than pain. I will let you know that the spot where I had my epidurals is real tender now. It's squishy and hurts when it's touched. I have always had back problems though. So I can't say if it's possible for everyone or just happened to me because of my back problems but I have heard epidural can cause back problems.  One more thing, you actually get to control how much of it you get. They put a catheter in your back and give you a button to push whenever you need it. So you could get it and if you really think you can go without it, don't push the button, but it'll be there just incase.
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883151 tn?1245514509
One more thing. Just saw your last question. Yes there is a point when it's too late. I do not know what that point is because I never even tried to get to that point but there is a point of no return. I think it's when you're dilated to an eight or nine. I'm not sure you will have to ask your OB.
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280369 tn?1316702041
I had my son nautral after 13 hours of labor. I honestly wasn't in much pain until I hit 9cm. Then the last few hours were tough, but I stuck it out. I gave birth at a birthing center, so I didn't have a choice for meds unless I went to the hospital. My mom gave birth to 4 kids naturally but she is much better at tolerating pain. I am a chicken when I get a papercut, but somehow got through labor with a great team of midwives and my wonderful hubby by my side. Without them, I would have given up for sure. But if you are a hospital, you always have that option available if the pain gets to be too much. And don't feel like a failure if you choose that route, but like others have said, take it hour by hour and see what happens. I am terrified of needles, so I was hoping I didn't need anything like that. But whatever is best for baby is what needs to be as well. I had a small tear as well but my midwife said to let it heal naturally and I never had any problems. It was all worth it in the end once I was holding my precious son. I plan on doing the same thing this time around. I had a great experience and hope this one goes the same way. =)
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363110 tn?1340920419
I had a spinal and csection... :) The recovery wasn't fun.. I felt pain after 4 hrs. and the idiot dr.s told me since there was morphine in the spinal they couldn't give me anything... well the resident didn't know that and gave me demerol... NICE Stuff... It worked and I was pain free. My son was in the NICU so less than 18 hrs after my Csection I WALKED 3 long hallways down thru loma linda hospital to the NICU wing to see him... I was at a pain level of 8 out of 10 for those first 3 days.. I had to get a 100mg shot of Demerol on 2 occasions.. I've got a high pain tolerance, but ALSO a medication tolerance. It runs in my family somehow genetically... so It's not from taking them so much I've got a tolerance. lol

The nurse SWORE that it would put me right out... 30 min later I was still watching TV and talking to my mother. lol

if I get the option I'll try a VBAC but I'm going for an epidural definitely... I dont think I can handle that sort of pain.
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Shoo, reading all these posts makes me so confused...LOL Needless to say that I am going to try an All Natural Birth.  I am really a scary cat, but I am praying that I will be able to stick things out.  I certainly am not going to consider an Epidural because my Granny mother had an epidural before her hip op and this in turn made things worse for her.  She suffered severe back pains thereafter and had to walk with a cane.  I know its not going to happen to me since my grandmother was old.  But here in SA many people have reiterated Epidurals with back problems.  

The nurse at the hospital also told me, babies from women who had epidurals will more than likely to be vacummed or forceped out of their moms.  

There are other options such and gas and air, TENS Machine, water birth and like someone mentioned up above a doula or hypnobirthing.  

My younger sister, had no pain meds, no stitches and apparently didn't even sweat in labour.  Gosh, I hope we can all give birth as easy as she did.  She did admit that the worse pain was the actual stretching...LOL
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oops I meant to say grandmother and not "granny mother"...LOL Porridge brain and typing syndrome!
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461781 tn?1285609481
I think that labor is painful, but I also think that people in general try to scare us to death of it.  As I see it, one intervention leads to more interventions.  So just take it hour by hour, I think that we are all designed to do this but as anything else, anything can happen.  So just hope for the best, don't get scared that it will be painful because that's obvious, but if you think about the pain, then you will deffinitely feel the pain.  Just have your birth partner try to distract you, do anything to distract you from the pain and soon enough you will be giving birth to a beautiful baby.

I am going to try to avoid any interventions as much as possible, but if I can't take it, I know that there is help available.
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287246 tn?1318570063
I didn't read all of the posts because there were just too many :)  But there are other medications besides the eip.  With my first baby, I had Demerol very early on.  This can cause the baby to be groggy, but mine wasn't really because I got it so early.  That is the only one I have gotten that with though.

Keep in mind that if you decide too late that you want the epi, they won't give it to you past a certain point.  So, just something to keep in mind.  That has happened to me on more than one occasion.

I have 5 kids and another on the way so I have had several past experiences, but with my 3rd child, I knew I was in labor.  Not hard labor.  But I was having regular contractions that were strong enough to keep me awake.  Oh, but it was the weekend and my doc was not on call that weekend :(  So they told me to come in (it was early on a Sunday morning).  I went to the hospital and didn't dialate any further for an hour so they sent me home.  Now, I knew I would be back because this was my 3rd baby and it was only 1 day before my due date (I never go past my due dates) so I was mad they sent me home, but they did.  So, I went home and suffered all day.  When I finally went back to the hospital that night, I was almost 8 cm dialated.  It was too late for the epi and by the time the anistesiologist got there, I was at a full 10.  But I wanted something anyway.  My doc tried to kind of talk me out of it, but I said I wanted something.  Keep in mind that I had been having contractions for about 20 hours or so.  So, they gave me a local to get me through the pushing.  It only took me a few pushes to get her out (but I had no way of knowing it would be so quick), so I could have gone ahead without it, but as soon as she was born, they cleaned me up and I got up and went to the bathroom.  So, can I do it without pain meds???  Sure I can.  But I don't want to.  I just don't enjoy being in pain.

So just go in open minded and see what happens is my advice to you.  You may also want to just have a conversation w/ your doctor about ALL of your options for pain meds if you decide you need any.

Good luck!
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