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CYCLE DAY?DPO?TWW?(a cycle or 2 b4 2010)p2

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CYCLE DAY?DPO?TWW?(a cycle or 2 b4 2010)p3
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1090903 tn?1300673930
That would be nice. Im having alot of cramps though. I have left and right cramping and its alot but definately not as much as i should get on my period. Im so confused. My cervix is high and really soft also (TMI!!) my vagina seems to be a little tighter than usual lol, i know it sounds weird but is that unusual? it normally takes about 3 days after sex to go back to the same size. ANYWAYS, my back is killing me.

Lol, its all i got right now too. Im just confused on when i ovulated .My period is supposed to come in about 4 or 5 days so i dont know why im cramping. I usually get cramps the day of. That would be nice to BFPs and everything on the same day.

...Im glad there's no men on here because i know they would be wondering why females talk about this kind of stuff to each other. lol
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1026926 tn?1292113815
So it's lookin good for us so far. No AF today.....not really any cramps either. If by chance yesterday was implantation.....how many days on average does it take for a test to come up positive after the implant?? This whole waiting thing is horrible. So maybe 8dpo for us tomorrow!!! We should both have an answer soon. It would be cool if we both got our BFP the same day!! lol Probly way too much wishful thinking here but hey its all I got right now lol
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676912 tn?1332812551
Thanks Trice and Amanda. I'll get over it, and I'm sure if he's feeling ok we'll BD tonight. It's just so frustrating. I have irregular cycles, so there's 12 days EVERY cycle that could possibly be my O day, and we all know how important that one day of the month is and how little time we have to get our egg fertilized. I the chances to conceive on any given month, but the chances aren't there if you're not BDing.
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505857 tn?1329681517
Thanks Amanda, i'm just at a loss as to what to do next, i've tried bedding everyday for a week, bedding every other day and nothing is working, i'm usually never off this site but i was diagnosed with swine flu at the beginning of the week so have been on a major downer for a while.  Best of luck to all in the 2WW and i hope we all get our BFP's!!!
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1026090 tn?1256074608
I understand your fustration..but try to calm down and see if tonight is still a good night to bd...I know sometimes our men can drive us batty!  (lol) but he loves you and I am sure he is feeling the wrath of his drinking everytime he hugs the porceline god!  (lol)... I know you are upset with him .. but check to see if tonight would be a good night and go for it .. if you can get over being mad at him...(cheer up sweetie)  I'm sorry and I am sure he is too!  Good luck and SSBD to you!!!
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676912 tn?1332812551
I asked him a few minutes ago before he went back to bed, and he said he drank a lot. He apologized for us not BDing last night and said he felt bad, but he knew how much he was drinking. At any point he could have stopped or at least only drank a few. I don't know how much anyone else drank, but just because they drank a lot possibly doesn't mean he has to.
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1090903 tn?1300673930
I hope you get your BFP. We're all in the sameposition as you one way or another. And i know that if you try hard enough, you will have your baby :-) GOOD LUCK. Hope you talk to us during your 2WW and let us know you progress or whats on your mind.....
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1090903 tn?1300673930
Please dont do anything out of anger because you know how men are. Men can be irresponsible and forgetful or just tired especially after they drink. He probbaly didnt plan on drinking much but if he was out with his guys, he probably got easily influenced to drink more just like every other man in America. Im sure he didnt mean to upset you or anything so dont be too drastic or pissed. You should let him know that you are pissed off and the reason and hear what his MO was for not waking you or drinking too much. But im sure he didnt mean it. Try to calm down.
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505857 tn?1329681517
I'm on CD14 and got my +OPK this morning my partner and i have been bedding since wednesday and will continue to do so until Monday of next week.  I am not letting this month slip through my fingers the same way every other month has, we are so desperate for a child of our own now we will try ANYTHING.  Best of luck to everyone in the 2WW
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676912 tn?1332812551
OMG!!! AAAAAARRRRHHHHHH!!!! So last night DH decided to go out and was supposed to wake me up for some BD time when he got home...I barely started dozing off when he got in around 1 something and woke up at 134 exactly to see him sleeping next to me. I'm completely PI$$ED!!! He knew it was a BD day last night and said he would come home and wake me up. He's not a big drinker, and it takes a LOT to get him drunk...so apparently last night he decided to drink a lot, and "didn't realize how drunk he was until he got home". BS!!! He obviously drank more last night than I've ever seen him drink because this morning he's been in and out of the bathroom getting rid of everything in his stomach. UGH! I'm so mad!!! If we missed O because he decided to be irresponsible and get $H!TFACED last night...I don't know what I'm gonna do, but he's not gonna like it!
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1090903 tn?1300673930
OMG... this is crazy. my CP is high, soft and closed. I definately have nausea and way more breast tenderness then i ever had before.  And my CM is less thick and more on the watery/milky side. Its way more CM then im suppose to have after ovulation.

Im not sure if the dollar tree test are that good. Because i know someone that took 3 that said positive and 3 that said negative and turned out was pregnant. And my friend bought some really good test and 2 said positive and 1 was negative and it turned out that she really wasnt pregnant so its hard to go by urine test.
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1026926 tn?1292113815
I used to not get cramps until the day AF arrived but lately I have been getting them up to a week before so I cant go by that.

The pain I was experiencing yesterday could only be one of 2 things......implantation or I ovulated a month from the first day of my last period. Hopefully its the first one. So far today is CD 28 and no signs of AF. I some more of those twinges on my left side this morning then nothing. Like I said before.....with my last pregnancy I had that same pain on the same side for one day and found out I was preggo a few days later. So I am a little hopeful but trying not to get too excited and have another let down.

Also my cm has changed a little. It is now more milky white.....and my cervix is high, closed I think, and very, very soft. Usually it stays kinda low and somewhat firm after ovulation until. So maybe I am just now ovulating (although it is usually low during ovulation).....who knows. But this is the first time I have had this pain on my left side......(It's usually on the right from my cyst) and this time it was a little different type of pain and it was also accompanied by AF type cramps and some nausea. So I guess we will all find out soon. Not testing again until tomorrow AM.....I needed a day off lol

I will keep you all posted *****SSBD***** ladies!!!!!
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1090903 tn?1300673930
I was wondering that too. Everybody keep telling me that im having the CM because i am ovulating which i know im not ovulating this late and i've had this CM for about 6-7 days now. Im also having cramping on my left, then right, then bith sides and my lower back.

I dont know whats going on. I dont think its from AF because i started with the cramping and 4 DPO and i think i am now 8DPO (if i ovulated when i think i did). Im so confused. Atleast its good to know that someone else is going through the exact same thing i am. Its kind of weird that we're having these symptoms at the same time and no one else is.

How many days before AF come before period cramps show up?
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924332 tn?1284573918
Sarah, yay, so happy you convinced you DH!! Let me know as soon as i you have it and use it!!!

Not sure about your temp, but i would suggest to bed every other day just in case.

AS for 14 days after ovulation , that is a myth, not everyone is the same the luteal phase has to be atleast 10 for conception, but some women have a shorter or longer it all depends.
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688845 tn?1325182236
I am at a loss as to what is happening this cycle. I am on CD19 and I don't think I ovulated yet. I had a temp dip on CD16 which I though for sure I would be ovulating that day but my temps have not risen above my baseline yet.

This is how the last 4 days of temperatures have been: (Baseline is 97.0) CD15- 96.9, CD16- 96.5 (thought ovulation) CD17- 96.8, CD18- 96.9, CD19-97.0

So as you can see they did rise but not above my baseline. Last month (you can look at my chart) my temps spiked to the high 97's.

Temps have to rise above your baseline for 3 consecutive days in order to assume ovulation has occurred correct?

I also have not experienced ANY cramping like I always do each month during ovulation.

What the heck??!!!

Oh one last question: Does AF always come 14 days after ovulation? Should I expect a late cycle this month since I'm on CD19 and I don't think I ovulated yet?
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924332 tn?1284573918
Sprarah, i wish i could tell you but My last period was 9/25/09 and when i finished i started to opk cd12 and got my positive on cd16. Got my bfp the first month i did opk.
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1026926 tn?1292113815
Went to the dollar tree last night and boght 10 tests.....guess I am just going to test every day since I dont know when AF should come. It should come today if it was going to be a normal 28 day cycle.....no sign of her yet but tested neg again last night on dollar tree test. Not testing today going to wait until tomorrow morning. Was feeling sad when I was thinking about the pain I was having yesterday and thinking it was ovulation pain and knowing if it was we missed it.....no BD for like 5 days now :(

This may be a stupid question but if all this discharge I have been having is really from ovulation then why have I been having it for more than a week?? How long does EWCM last when you ovulate? I dont think it could be from pregnancy since if I go by my longest cycle I may only be 7dpo. The thought did occur to me that maybe....just maybe the pain and cramping I had yesterday was implantation???? :) Just maybe.....lol

If you actually have symptoms of implantation how long do they last??
Sorry so many questions.....guess I should have asked them all before lol
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1026926 tn?1292113815
With your long cycles when did you ovulate? Was it always 14 (or close) days before AF came? Or could it be longer than that?
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395769 tn?1318449682
I talked DH into getting the $35.00 one it still has 2 mhz. I had a dream last night that I used it and found the heartbeat! lol I can't wait to get it I hope it comes before my birthday next wednesday
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924332 tn?1284573918
Trice37 - Start using them in the afternoon between 4-6pm try to do it everyday around the same time and make sure you haven't peed for alteast 2 hrs. U will start on cd12 till you get your positive. My cycles were anywhere from 29-32 days regularly. I got my positive the month i got my bfp on cd16. Good luck hun. Your test are easy. The day you get your smiley face that is your positive and that means bed, bed bed. I also need to tell you to make sure you put all this on your ovulation chart. IT is so important. So you can see what your cycles are like and if their is some kind of pattern. Just put in the info it does all the work for you.

Sprarah. My cycles like i said to trice are normally 29-32 but i had a couple of long ones' here and there. I really think you should consider OPK's. I think without it i would not be pregnant today. I had a cylce that was 37 or 38 days , then 31, then another that was 36, and it was making me crazy.
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1026926 tn?1292113815
First day of my last period was oct 24th......the longest my cycle has been is 41 days shortest 28. It used to consistently be 28 days until we started TTC (go figure) So it is possible I am just now going to ovulate and my AF is still 2 wks away. I hope not but possible. Last month my cycle was 34 days it was just the month before that that it was 41 days so since last month went down I was hoping this month would go down again and get more close to regular for me.

Thanks for the info Amanda853........I hope it is good for us both!!!

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1090903 tn?1300673930
I just read about the Cm on line. Its called Leukorrhea. It could mean many things but it is deffinately a early pregnancy sign. They say that leukorrhea is milky,white, yellow, clear, and can come out thin, thick, watery, stringy, and in clumps. Women can experience it before ovulation, and during early pregnancy. During pregnancy, it gets worse (meaning, more milky, and increases in amount). Not all women experience it but if you do have it and also have pregnancy symptoms then it is surely a possible chance that conception has occured.

You should look it up for additional info but i am starting to think there's a chance of a BFP. Not trying to get mine or anybody elses hopes up though. Ill try to keep my cool until i know for sure lol
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395769 tn?1318449682
I might freak out lol. ugh I wish I could just enjoy but I'm scared to. every cramp or if I don't feel nauseas I'm like omg I'm losing symptoms.. :( plus the internet is torture all of these horror stories of women seeing the heartbeat and then miscarrying. I really need to Stop GOOGLING! this is why DH hates the internet. lol but then I find other things that say less then 2% chance after seeing the heartbeat. I'm mostly terrified of another silent miscarriage me losing and not bleeding or anything. I still haven't told friends. I know you guys have heard me say all this a million times and Thanks for being there and listening <3 hugs <3
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