435139 tn?1255460391

What item did you buy or receive for your baby that was the BIGGEST waste of money?

I just read another post about what you need for your registry...and it made me think, I'd like to know what other people have bought or received as a gift that they thought they needed or wanted but it ended up just being a big waste of money either because the item was a piece of c r a p or because baby just didn't use it.

Save another new mom some money and some grief over an item she doesn't need =)

ALSO...if you want to add your BEST buy for baby, that would be great too!
15 Responses
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756023 tn?1338520435
For me, a carrying sling was a waste.  My dtr was squirmy and it didn't work.  Front carrier and backpack worked like a charm.  I loved the Bumbo as well.  Oh and I loved the fleece car seat cover thing. I can't remember the name of it but with it you don't need a snowsuit or a million blankets.  nice and warm and cozy.  bought it at toys r us.  The vibrating chair was also very useful.  She only used the swing for maybe 2 weeks and never used the jumperoo.  preferred to walk around hand in hand with one of us.  
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There were too many comments for me to sift through. So I might be repeating.

But someone gave me a WIPE WARMER. What a waste! Just warm the wipes up in your hand. By the time you get the wipe out of the warmer, the air in the room turns it cold quick. Never used it, don't need it!
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764300 tn?1235203257
I have wasted thousands of dollars on stuff for my girls  I'll listed as many things as I can think of that makes life a lot easier with bub

1) a baby sling or carrier is great for the first 3 to 4 months then you don't have to worry about carrying the baby and pushing the pram through the shops  which I found out was always the case when I put my daughter in the pram ,so definitely can't live with a baby carrier plus it saves room in the car for the shopping.

2)buy a smaller pram rather than the big bulky one as the bigger prams a really heavy and take up a lot of room in the car not to mention a nightmare going through shopping isles,oh and don't get a pram with  inflatable wheels you'll regret it!!!

3)car bottle warmers a waste of money, your better off taking a bag with  boiled hot water bottles  in them and  have a few cooled bottles in there so it will warm up with just perfectly with the hot bottles .

4) if you formula feed your baby they have this great little container which  has3 to 4 sections in them so you can put just the right amount of formula in them ,it ensure your baby for a fresh feed every time or even a Tupperware container with a necessary amount of formula will work just as well .

5) you can get these little scented plastic bags that work wonders on dirty nappies  and if you can't find them just get a bin with a lid and have a ambi pure scent spray that sprays a little bit of scent every so often which kills the smell

6)bouncers a okay but they don't really last more than 9 months and the swings a pretty small too,probably best sticking to a high chair that reclines

7)clothing :well I know it's cute to dress bub up in the latest fashions but grow suits makes life a lot easier for the first  9 months probably better off getting a few good outfits for special occasions rather than  dressing bub up in a million clothes that roll up or fall down  all the time.

8)socks and shoes;buy the same color and make socks as loosing them is inevitable  and shoes well personally I think it's silly people putting shoes on a baby they pretty much lay down most of the time,you would sleep in your shoes  plus it's better for baby's feet to grow without restrictions,plus shoes a expensive and there never gonna walk in them when there babies .

9) toys:some people go over the top with toys  push away the soft fluffy toys and get toys that a educational and stimulating for bub  it's okay a few fluffy toys but  know when too much is enough regardless how cute they are.

10)bedding:avoid bumpers there dangerous it cuts off the air flow plus it's not advised by  the SIDS counsel and NO toys in the bubs bed either ,also a cot is better than a bassinette or cradle as bub grows out then within 4 months

11)nipple protectors (for you )I found that it doesn't make much differences just another thing to wash up

12)car seats that pull out a okay but the baby grows out of them pretty fast so try to go for one that last up to 2 to 3 years

13) I don't know if you heard of these  there called snug as bug there like a baby wrap don't use them the baby swims in them there huge and too much of the wrap  can cover the baby's face

14)if you get cloth nappies and aren't planning to use them there great to use as a chuck towel or even putting under the highchair avoids getting food every where.

15) you can't live out a night light the ones that plug into wall it's just enough to check on bub

16)teething: Gummy dummy and bonjella great for easing the pain of teething .

17) avoid putting baby powder on bubs bottom it causes nappy rash and chafing ,if bub gets nappy rash you can't live without this stuff it's gold it's called Sudocrem Nappy Rash Cream it's amazing stuff

18)don't buy a nail set doctors don't advise cutting baby's nails you can gently peel them after a bath

19)back to clothing I forgot to mention don't buy too many 000 clothing bub will grow out of them fast than they can wear it get a few 00 clothing  bub will fit in them in no time

20)buy only cloth type nappy covers the plastic ones a uncomfortable and a pain to wash

21) mattress protectors have at least 2 mattress  protectors that way if ones in the wash you a spare  one oh and make sure it's the fitted mattress protector  the rope ones a  dangerous and annoying to use

I hope this has helped if you need any more advise I'm happy to help
take care

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581359 tn?1454006442
We got way to many blankets and clothes!! So as hard as it is, try not to buy to many!  The baby won't wear them all, LOL!  I really didn't use that many receving blankets either, I have way to many and you only use them for the first couple of weeks.  Also, don't get to much bath stuff, the baby won't use most of it until he's a little bit older, and one bottle goes a really long way.  I never used the baby oil or the powder, I know some do, but the Dr.s tell you to try not to put to much stuff on there skin for a couple of weeks.  I would have to say, maybe a glider rocker.  Don't get me wrong, I got a really REALLY nice one.  But it was put in the baby's room and I didn't really feed her in her room that much.  I have a recliner/rocker in the living room and that's what I'll probably use the most.  Maybe get a glider for the baby's room, just get a less expensive one, or don't get one at all.  You might be able to get away without buying a baby bath.  We got one and only used it a handful of times.  The thing that worked the best was putting a towel in the sink so it wasn't cold for her and bathing her in the sink.  Now with the diaper genie, I liked the II.  But that's because we have a two story house, it's nice to have it in her room so I don't have to run down and put her diaper in the trash.  Also, it worked well when she was little, when our daughter got older and started eating real food it didn't work all that well.

Things that I used the most and will buy more of this time, Gerber cloth diapers make the BEST burp rags.  The ones that have a little bit of padding, but not to much.  I would buy 10 or more.  We also loved our bouncy seat or papasan.  We traveled alot so a pack-n-play was a must for us.  I don't think well use it as much this time, but for our first it was the best!

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YES!  Definitely love our video monitor!  Don't know how I ever managed without it!  (We didn't get it until DD was 13 months old).  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!  
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171768 tn?1324230099
worriedbabe reminded me that i LOVE our video monitor. Worth every penny. Ever since DD has been in her own room, it also has saved me so many unnecessary trips out of bed. DD tends to cry out in her sleep. Most of the time she doesn't get up, but when she does I have to get in there asap to settle her back down before she gets too alert. actually seeing her tells me whether or not i have to get up.
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461781 tn?1285609481
you guys just confirmed my belief that the diaper geanie s*cks!  i'm not putting it on my registry!
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719902 tn?1334165183
I agree with the Diaper Genie, it stinks!  (lol)

One of my favorites with my firstborn was a Moses basket, borrowed from a friend.  She LOVED to sleep in this thing and we could carry her easily from room to room without disturbing her.  I sometimes felt bad about carrying her in the basket and setting her at the foot of our bed for the night (like a dog, or something), but she was colicky and that is where she slept best.
I am thinking of buying a Moses basket for our baby due in August.  They are very resaonably priced.
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689265 tn?1251130087
can't think of a worst buy but my best is definitely a monitor that also checks for breathing movements and sounds an alarm if there aren't any after so many seconds. i'm terrified of cot death and this monitor brought me so much peace of mind. it doubled as a normal monitor andonly cost around £50 from argos.
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503882 tn?1288843037
you can never have enough burp rags! We go through them so fast I reccommend having at least 7.

I didn't really use the receiving blankets either.. they were nice for swaddling when he was tiny but now they just sit in a drawer and are never used (i also got about 50 of them.)  I figure once spring rolls around they might be nice to cover him in his car seat or stroller but at the moment over half of them haven't even been unfolded.

he loves his bumbo.. i set him in it and hand him a toy and he will be entertained for about 10 minutes.. then when that gets old he tries his jumber.. we have the rainforest jumperoo and he loves that.. hes easily entertained in there for 20 minutes or more.  we also have the rainforest bouncer which he enjoys too but something got messed up with it and i have to figure out whats going on.. the seat wont viberate and play the music at the same time.  his swing we used alot when he was newborn.  He will sit in it and play and listen to music on good days but usually gets bored with it fast.
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562884 tn?1279632334
I also disliked my diaper genie, even though it has been YEARS since I used and thought about trying the #2 with this one, I ended up just avoiding it.

With my last I LOVED my bouncy seat, so it was somthing I got right away with this one. It is the next best thing, ( other than the swing) you can put it on the table to feed, put it on the counter while doing dishes, pretty much anywhere you need it to be. VERY conveinent!
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171768 tn?1324230099
definitely avoid the genie I- the refills are expensive, and it's tragic to see soooooo much plastic added to landfills. i also had the genie 2- i preferred it to the genie 1 but it also had expensive refills. I ended up modifying it by using regular tall kitchen trash bags in it.

big ticket item i regret- the graco travel system. I do/did LOVE having an infant carrier seat, and the $50 lightweight frame is definitely worth the money. What isn't worth the money is the huge bulky matching stroller (and i got the smaller, lighter system). Get the infant seat and lightweight frame, but then get a good light-weight regular stroller that fits your needs. The gracos that come with the travel systems are heavy and bulky and take up most of the trunk.

Favorite Big Item- I think it was the bassinet. I got a lot more sleep because of it. It was the First Years 5 in 1 arms reach. features i LOVED- vibrates (put baby right to sleep if she stirred in the night), built-in night light, and the height- i didn't even have to sit up all the way to get the baby out. the canopy shielded baby from the lights of the TV (i was up pumping in the middle of the night often). I also liked that the top detached from the frame- that came in handy a few times.

Favorite smaller Item- the JJ Cole Bundle Me. HUGE time saver, very convenient, etc... Didn't have to squeeze baby in to a snowsuit, then jam her in to the carseat. If the baby fell asleep in the carrier, i didn't have to worry about her overheating when i brought her inside. I could let her sleep and open up the bundle me. On really, really cold days i just tucked a small blanket inside the bundle me for extra warmth.
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First off, The Diaper Genie!!! That thing is evil and it also doesn't lock away the smell. I'd rather use a trash can and save a few bucks a week then see one of those things again. Also, I had so many recieving blankets it was just ridiculous. I had over 50 and yes babies spit up and use them... but not 50 of them by the next time you do laundry! lol
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304970 tn?1331425994
I think Jaxson's bouncy seat and swing are his favorite things!! I also use his changing table A LOT!! Oh, and I know you are planning on breastfeeding.. That was my plan too.. However, I didnt produce ANY milk, so I would recommend having a couple bottles and a small can of formula just in case.. We were sooo thankful we had a free sample of formula and had bought a couple Avent bottles.. The night we realized that Jaxson was starving.. literally,,,, It was 3 am and that formula and bottle were a life saver.. And on that note, the first years bottle warmer is JUNK!!! I hate it! It is so unpredictable with its warming.. BUT the Avent steam sterilizer is AWESOME!! Anyhoo, good luck!!

Ohhhh.. AND....Most disappointing item was the diaper genie 1.. I guess the diaper genie 2 is better. so we may buy that so our house isn't sooooo stinky! (baby poo... ewww) That's all I can think of right now..

Oh, I also have too many clothes and blankets.. Jaxson probably already has 20 baby blankets!!
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After I had Sarah, a student's mom gave birth and I wanted to give them some of my leftovers to help them out.  I was able to put together FIVE walmart bags worth of brand new stuff that Sarah never used.  Most of it was TOO MUCH CLOTHES and TOO MANY BLANKETS!  I still have a problem with buying her too much clothes...but especially in combination with shower gifts, etc...I had a TON!  

If I can think of any bigger ticket items that were a waste I'll let you know...

Best buy...changing table, swing, doorway jumper (Sarah STILL loves to jump everywhere!)  OHHH...Medela makes a steam bag to clean all of your pump parts.  You add water and put it in the microwave for a little bit. Those bags ($5 a box) came in HANDY when I was cleaning pump parts, bottle parts, and medicine syringes.  Of course now they say that heating plastic can leak BPA...but they were SO handy!  
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