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280369 tn?1316702041

I am upset at the moment!!!!!

Okay, so I am suppose to go for my 3d/4d U/S on wed....all I needed my midwife to do was a sign a paper saying that yes I am a patient of hers and everything so far is going well with my pregnancy. Well she won't!!! Why? Because she doesn't agree with 4d U/S. She sent me this site that states all this stuff about these kinds of U/S. I know there is always a slight risk when having an U/S done. They are saying that some of these places could be breaking the law. She also said that if I want a medical U/S, she will refer me to someone. I don't understand! What's the difference between a medical U/S and a 4d one?  Am being close-minded about this? Please be honest with me. I never heard of anything bad happening. I know that if you are getting too many U/S during your pregnancy it's not a wonderful thing unless you need to be monitored, but I have only had one and that was at 8 weeks. I think I have done pretty good. I just don't understand and I am getting upset with my midwife now....I need to calm down..............I usually don't get this upset over things!
28 Responses
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thank you all for your input and advice. For the moment I am cancelling my u/s for tomorrow. I just hate for there to be tension and I guess I want to make everyone happy. I am disappointed, but I'm sure I will get over it. My hormones have been ALL over the place lately. I can't seem to get out of bed without crying anymore. My husband told me last night that he is not for it, but not completely against it. I love my husband and want to honor him, and he is the last person I want to cause problems with. He said he really wants to be able to tell me when I give birth whether it's a boy or a girl and he doesn't want me to accidentally see it on the screen during the scan because usually those u/s are clear as day. As for the midwife, I do not agree with her 100% and have just decided to stay with her, but for my next child, I will find someone else. Oh man, I feel so horrible now. I told some people that I was having the u/s done and now for the part I hate, is having to tell them I am not now! I am already an indecisive person, this does not help me. lol. Oh well!! Maybe next time I can do it. Also, a friend of mine told me she had to have multiple 3d scans done with previous child because they had to monitor her, and her little boy had a sleeping disorder for the first year of his life. She said that everytime he would go to sleep it looked as if he was having a seizure. She said that the doctor told her that in boys more so than girls, and especially when you have multiple u/s at the end of you third trimester, can cause this problem. Once again not proven 100%, but a possibility. She is not having one done with her pregnancy now because of that. Why chance it I guess? Anyway....on a happier note I only have about 10 more weeks here...I think I will be okay. I just want to meet this little bugger!! =) Thank you all once again. I do appreciate all the support. I just feel terrible now!
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thank you all for your input and advice. For the moment I am cancelling my u/s for tomorrow. I just hate for there to be tension and I guess I want to make everyone happy. I am disappointed, but I'm sure I will get over it. My hormones have been ALL over the place lately. I can't seem to get out of bed without crying anymore. My husband told me last night that he is not for it, but not completely against it. I love my husband and want to honor him, and he is the last person I want to cause problems with. He said he really wants to be able to tell me when I give birth whether it's a boy or a girl and he doesn't want me to accidentally see it on the screen during the scan because usually those u/s are clear as day. As for the midwife, I do not agree with her 100% and have just decided to stay with her, but for my next child, I will find someone else. Oh man, I feel so horrible now. I told some people that I was having the u/s done and now for the part I hate, is having to tell them I am not now! I am already an indecisive person, this does not help me. lol. Oh well!! Maybe next time I can do it. Also, a friend of mine told me she had to have multiple 3d scans done with previous child because they had to monitor her, and her little boy had a sleeping disorder for the first year of his life. She said that everytime he would go to sleep it looked as if he was having a seizure. She said that the doctor told her that in boys more so than girls, and especially when you have multiple u/s at the end of you third trimester, can cause this problem. Once again not proven 100%, but a possibility. She is not having one done with her pregnancy now because of that. Why chance it I guess? Anyway....on a happier note I only have about 10 more weeks here...I think I will be okay. I just want to meet this little bugger!! =) Thank you all once again. I do appreciate all the support. I just feel terrible now!
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Midwives are more into "natural" things than doctors. I loved my 3D ultrasounds of my girls and if you can get it done, go! Tell her you'll pay someone else to do their job if she won't.
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355049 tn?1272256388
I had the 3/d 4/d ultrasounds done with both of my children, and they are both healthy, smart, beautiful children. And neither have speech problems. Also with my son I had 9 u/s total. He talks up a storm at 20 months!  I think you should be upfront with her and let her know that you value her opinion but its your baby your body. The decision is yours and she should give you the respect you need and deserve! Best wishes to you and your baby!
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I had a million U/S and my DD is fine.  Can you just go to one of those U/S places that most people go to?  You can probably find one in your area. Does a midwife have a medical degree?  You have been waiting for this and that sucks!  can you tell her you will look for a new midwife?
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195145 tn?1255636447
With our DD I had U/S every two weeks up until 16 weeks... So about 6 altogether, just because I was higher risk... DD is 18mo and too smart for her own good!  Maybe your midwife is against it because she isn't the one profiting off of it...
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280369 tn?1316702041
I don't it's terrible that you have had 4 ultrasounds since you needed them done. My mother had an ultrasound with my little sister almost every other week. My lil sis is very bright and VERY intelligent. Have to brag on her! lol. If you need them then you need them. I don't really think anything is proven 100%. You should be fine getting a 3D/4D done. I can have mine with no problem, it's just my midwife is against them.
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280369 tn?1316702041
I know.... I am thinking about switching but I dunno....I am almost there and although I do know another midwife that I trust, just not sure since I already starting making payments and whatnot. My midiwife and I do agree on having a natural child birth, so I guess that is very important to agree on. =) Everything else I guess is just personal opinions. For my next child I will definitely switch. It was really confusing because I had a midwife before her but she was in a terrible car accident and was forced to retire. She is still going to allow me to give birth at her office since I don't want a homebirth. I'm not sure I will be able to use her office in the future. So I guess I can deal with it for a few more weeks here. I will just listen to her side and do what I think is right. I have decided to not get stressed about it since I know it does nothing good for the baby.

Miko....Actually the place I am going to just needs my U/S pic from when I was 8 weeks just to prove that I am indeed under a doctor's care. I just wanted her to sign the paper in case I needed it if the writing on the photo is not clear enough. But I am sure it will be fine. She never said that she won't sign it, but she said never yes to it either. She is VERY against it, so I doubt she would give her consent anyway. They say that the waves are the same as a regular ultrasound. They are usually concerned because it's longer than a "normal" u/s. My appt is only going to be 20 min. long. Actually the one I had at 8 weeks was longer than that!! don't get me started again...LOL But I do appreciate all of your support and advice!!! =)
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219836 tn?1213543852
Hmmm I thought you could just go get it done and period. I hope my doctor is ok with it I really want one. I have had so far four ultrasounds. Is that bad??? At first they were checking me often because of my two misscariages so I had two extra done.
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303706 tn?1296876149
Ohhh...man, I'll be pissed off. Does the 4D place require a doctor's signanture?? The place I'm going to isn't asking for one, but you know what lemme just call and double check because I will be MAD if I can't without one.  Shouldn't it be your personal choice as to what you want to do.  I dunno an ultrasound is an ultrasound to me, it's a big old thing with a little thing going on your stomach (lol) so I don't see what the big difference is of course besides the view, but still.  I mean, How is it a higher risk...
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i say get a new midwife...

to me you know the person you wanna marry and you can't explain how you know..
same thing with the person who is going to deliver your baby,
if it doesn't feel right, it's not.
do you really wanna to have someone who is not on the same page as you in the delivery room?  what if you decide you want pain relief and she is against it?

i know it's late in your pregnancy, but it's never too late to switch.  i switched and i am so glad i did! i stopped being angry and frustrated after leaving the office and started being happy and calm, that alone is worth it.
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280369 tn?1316702041
That's true...I guess if it came down to that, that's what I will do. Thanks
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202436 tn?1326474333
Another option (if they can do it in time) is to request copies of the records from your last ob appt.  That would show recent care and also state there are no complications.  Then the midwife can't say squat becuase you are legally allowed to get copies of whatever is in your record.
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280369 tn?1316702041
Exactly, long term effects of repeated exposure....not what I am doing. Also, I would NEVER go to a mall to have this done. The physician at this office had to go to school and be trained to do this. they also told me that if they were to see anything abnormal, they would call my midwife and tell her so my midwife could talk to me about it. so they are not doing it strictly for entertainment purposes. But so far, everything is normal and I would like to have it done to determine the sex of baby (still up in the air, but we'll see) and also to have a memory of this and see what my baby looks like how the baby has developed and whatnot.
I just got off the phone with my mom and I am contemplating whether or not to stay with my midwife. I don't want to fire her because of one little incident, but I do feel as though she is pressuring me in certain areas. She in entitled to her opinion as am I. but I don't want to act too hasty and regret it. I mean, I am almost at the end here, would it even be worth it at this point?
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362249 tn?1441315018
This page also says these places are popping up in strip malls and stuff i dont think anybody is stupid enough to go just anywhere to get them done. i would not go to a mall to get one done but i would make sure the place is safe and if u wanna do that u can google the place and search them. we dont have one in our mall so i dont what they mean i live in a fairly big place and the closest place to get one of those done is 2hrs from here!! It seems like a nice place too nice office and definetly not located in a mall.
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362249 tn?1441315018
this page say LONG TERM EFFECTS OF REPEATED EXPOSURE. I dont think thats what youre doing like u said ur just getting this ONE ultrasound and that u havent had one since u were 8wks and now ur almost ready to give birth u did say u just had 79days left. I would go for it if i ever get prego im definetly gonna try to get one of those done b4 the baby comes.
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280369 tn?1316702041
I agree with you 100%. Once is fine, and I would not recommend it all the time. I am going to make a few phone calls here and see what I can find out and then make my final decision...but I think I am still going to have it done, even if she won't sign the paper. Hopefully the U/S pic is all they need.
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331213 tn?1217164831
That was quite interesting to read. I personally don't see the harm in it if there is no proof of ANY damage. Delayed speach? Seriously? Surely they'd have more than that to throw at someone who wanted to have one done. I'd say go ahead and have it done. I have another u/s in 3 weeks and I'm not worried. I still feel my baby moving and on Friday, I'll get to hear his heartbeat again. I don't reccommend getting a 3D done every other day, but once during your entire pregnancy is fine, in my opinion. I say go for it, hun.  
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280369 tn?1316702041
Yea I know...I just didn't think she was THAT extreme....but I guess she is. I was dealing with another midwife before her (when I had my 2 miscarriages) and they had no problem sending me for an u/s. They were a little more lax about things, but yet midwives. I knew I should have stuck with them. Oh well. You live and you learn!
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Well chantal. I think thats the differents from dr. to midwife they dont like to do anything if not needed.....You know
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280369 tn?1316702041
As long as my u/s pic has the info written on it i will be fine and don't need her to sign anything. She is mostly concerned because it's not done for medical purposes. She does not think it's right to have it done for entertainment purposes and it is dangerous to do so. I am lost right now...............................
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178590 tn?1294176767
yeah I get them every 2 weeks and my babies are fine so far and am getting my 3D scan at 24 weeks...
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280369 tn?1316702041
Here is the link she just sent me. I read most of it. She is saying that the FDA has strongly warned against such places.....
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But the dr. does not have to sign it. If she doesnt think its Ok. you could find a new place that doesnt need it sign by your Ob.
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