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I'm 9 week & 2 day pregnant, No heart beat found in vaginal ultrasound, No bleeding / cramps yet - Should I have any hope?

This happened to me yesterday. Yes, it is a very fresh wound and I need help....

I went for my routine vaginal ultrasound check up yetsreday and the doctor said she could not find a heart beat. It was very unexpected. She suggested me 3 options for passing out the miscairrage -

1. Wait for a week from yesterday for the body to pass out the baby by itself.
2. Take medecine, with which I will have heavy crampings and baby will pass out in 24 hours from
    my body.
3. D& C - surgery.

I have my next appointment with the doctor in a weeks time to choose one of the above option and let them proceed.I am having no signs of miscairrage yet , No bleeding, no cramps ...no nothing...

All I want to know - Is there any hope ???- where the baby's heart beat can come back? Any other advice on to know for sure that the pregnancy is not progressing....? I am still continuing to take prenatals per my doctor's advice...

Any advice will be appreciated.... Please pray fro me..I believe in prayers ...

Thank you for all your help.

25 Responses
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1285850 tn?1291776435
The medicine they give you is Mifepristone and Misoprostol (AKA abortion pill) I chose this method once and trust me IT *****. I got crazy contraction-like cramps, I bled through all my underwere and I cried for hours. IT ***** REALLY BAD!! Honestly had I known how terrible that was I would have done a D&C instead.

I also m/c in Jan and that time I hadn't had an ultrasound and it came out naturally, there was heavier blood then my period, but I had no cramps which is pretty rare it seems. From what I read usually there are cramps.

Either way, whatever you chose, it is very hard to deal with and a loss of a child is a loss no matter what the age is. Im so sorry you have to go through it. I know it's hard emotionally, but just remember, this isn't your fault, there just may have had something genetically wrong and it's natures way of ensuring you don't have a defective baby. Eventually the body corrects itself and you WILL have a beautiful, healthy baby. Don't give up on life!! It happens to many of us!!

Good luck!
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I'm so sorry, with this pregnancy at around 8 weeks I went to the hospital and they told me that there isn't a heartbeat and it was a possible ectopic pregnancy but when I went to the doctors they said that you won't be able to hear a heartbeat but they could see blood pumping in the ultrasound. Not everyone is as lucky, see if you could try another ultrasound if you continue to have no signs of miscarriage.
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Woops didn't even look at the date. Lol
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Am presently 8weeks pregnant but doctor told they was no heartbeat and ultrascan was showing 6w 4d.doctor asking to have d&c.please suggest i need to wait or dnc.also i don't have any bleeding nothing
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Route: Transvaginal

Single intrauterine Gestation

Bladder - overdistended
Both ovaries could not be imaged

Fetus Survey
Twin gestational sac seen
Large yolk sac seen
Two fetal pole visualized
CRL - I measures 5.2 MM(6weeks 5 days)
CRL - II measures 4.0MM(6 weeks 4 days)
Cardiac activity not yet visualized
Sub-chorionic haemorrhage seen measuring 1.2 X 0.6 cm

Early Intrauterine twin gestation
LMP Date:14/09/2014
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Omg girls im so so sorry about what all of you are and have gone thru I also think you should get a second opinion doctors and machines also mess up and have mistakes its only god eho diesnt ill keep you in my prayers and leave everything to god he would never let u go thru something if you cannot bear it.
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I am so very sorry for your situation. I had the SAME thing happen to me three yrs ago. Unfortunately I do not think the heart beat will return. I waited 2 weeks after not hearing the heart b4 I made my decision in hopes it wld come back.  I had another sono and nothing changed.  It only upset me more :( so I went ahead and got a D&C since my body wasnt expelling it. Very hard time for me. I hope everything works out.
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I'm experiencing the same thing as the rest of you.  Using the last date of my menstral cycle, I should be at 9 weeks.  My doctor measured the fetus yesterday to be 9.5 weeks but couldn't find the heart beat in the ultrasound.  He was just as surprised as we were, and even ordered a more detailed U/S for later today.  If the diagnosis is confirmed to be a m/c, then we'll be doing a D&C and a biopsy after to determine the cause - that way we can see if there is anything we can do in the future to ensure this doesn't happen again.

My husband and I were estatic for our new baby, and it's the worst feeling to lose (or potentially lose) a child - even if it is only an inch big.  I am so sorry this happened to you - all of you.
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Hello I am 9 weeks 3 days I had an appointment on Wednesday I was 8 weeks 6 days my baby was measuring 9 weeks 1 day but they could not see the heartbeat anymore but it was seen at 5 weeks 6 days I am scheduled to have a d&c this following Wednesday but I still feel pregnant and am scared I could be killing my baby because the baby was measuring around the time it should.... Any suggestions???
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I to had the samething I just lost my baby at 9 and half weeks, but thing is I heard the heart beat at 8 weeks and went back and they could find one. The heat beat 176 beats per min and then 2 weeks later lost the heart beat. I feel very empty inside. I had to carry it around for 2 week without a heart beat. I know what you all are going though
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I am 44yrs old and I was told as a teen that I could not have children because of servere poly cyctic ovaries. Well needless to say here I am 9wks pregnant, but I also went to the doctors and had a utra sound and no heartbeat is detected. So he sent me to the lab to have an second opinion and to just confirm that there is no heart beat.
I opted for a D & C to just get it over with. Everything has happen in one week before I can even process the first of all that I can have children after all. Not for sure if I wanted to have one at 44, but I sure didn't want anything to be wrong with it now that it exisit. Double Whammy for me!
I have a lot of mixed emotions going on right now, but I will keep everyone of you in my prayers.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
I had the same experience but I as 12 weeks when I found out.. blighted ovum though.  I ended up having a d&c, it turned out good and I had no complications but I hope to not have to make the decision again but I would wait it out  for a natural miscarriage if you can because its better for the body and allows you to ttc again alot sooner..  a natural miscarriage will be more painful and probably traumatic than a d&c (if you haven o complications - i was in and out in 15 mins) but its the nature way of doing it and its the less risky.. But always get follow up care
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Hi there this is my first time posting. Just wanted to let all of you know what happened to me. I went in for my first doc appointment (Monday) and they did blood work. My hcg levels where at about 8000 then I had to go back to see if my levels went up or down on Wednesday. I then went back the next Monday only to find out that my levels went down about 1000. The resident doctor prescribed me with pills to start the "abortion" process because he said there was no heart beat and that i was having a miscarriage. I went home and thought about it and decided that it made no sens how could he make a decision based on two blood works and no ultrasound. So I went to the ER at another hospital I told them that I had been spotting which I was for about a week and that I wanted to make sure my baby was fine.  Well guess what Ladys My baby was alive, had a heart beat and my cervix was closed. My HCG levels where at 31,000.  I was so mad that I could have killed my baby due to negligence. This is why I ask that you all make sure you are comfortable and have actual visual proof that there is no heart beat and an actual miscarriage.
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I'm really sorry, the same exact thing happened to me only at 11 weeks...I got the exact same 3 options listed off to me, before I even had a chance to register what had happened....I had decided to go w/ the D&C...i had horrible complications....2 days later I ended up in the trauma room of my hospital, w/ contractions, a clamped shut cervix, and my uterus was swelling/I was hemmorhaging....I had to have another emergency surgery, it was horrible, and I don't remember much of the next 24 hrs..those complications happen in less than 3 percent of cases but looking back on it, I wish I had given my body some time to see if it would lose my baby naturally....its up to you of course, the D&C is usually very safe and is a good way to just get it over with! But after what I went through, I'll never do that ever again.....
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1310809 tn?1273617031
I had my last period March 11 2010. I should be 9 weeks now. I got my first ultrasound nd nothing could be seen. My second one they saw the gestational sac & the next one a fetal pole. I dont have any cramping but my doctor hasnt found a heartbeat & its says im measuring at 6 weeks 2 days. I still feel pregnant and Im scared to go back to see if it is there. Is there any hope that I could just have the dates wrong and it's still too small to see? Id really appreciate the help.
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i am going through the same fustration , today i had no  heart beat but you can see the baby the doctor gave the options. i dont know what to do , baby has not grown since 6 weeks .. iam now 9 weeks and 4 days...and still feel pregnant.. i could wait or take misoprostol  to pass it out..
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354373 tn?1299184526
I had the same situation back in Dec.  I was carrying twins at the time.  9 week U/S showed that both had stopped growing at 7 1/2 weeks.  They gave me the D&C or wait options.  I chose to have Hcg levels drawn to make sure that the levels were dropping before going ahead with the D&C......The levels did drop, and I waited over the weekend and nothing happened...So I went ahead with the D&C on that Monday.

It's hard to believe that something is wrong when you still 'feel' pregnant....that was why I had the Hcg levels drawn......B/c I've heard so many stories that have turned out for the best......So there is always hope......But I would ask to have Hcg drawn.  

I wish you the best...I'll cross my fingers for you that they made a mistake......
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363110 tn?1340920419
and to Vian also~ (vian this is if your currently pregnant and goint thru this) Honestly, I'd suggest getting a second opinion. Seriously. Because doctors can be off on the date of conception.

Are they going on the size of the fetus based on the ultrasound OR your last menstrual period?

Because I've seen women who thought they were 8-9weeks pregnant on here who turned out to only be 4-5w and had missed they're period for a month due to wacky hormones.

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581750 tn?1218086952
Hi linny.. yes were the same situation.. im 7 weeks pregnant too accdg to the doctor.. cannot hear any heartbeat and worst no baby found on my u/s.. Doctor said that need to D&C.. but i refused but i can feel that im pregnant too.. although got some spotting.. i refused.. i want to wait for a week and make another u/s.. IF you still feel pregnant.. and dont feel any pain.. Do an u/s and check if theres a baby.. its not easy to decide.. but hate of waiting game..

on my 2nd baby got m/c.. theres a baby but weak and small no heartbeat too.. and they decided that i will undergo D&C.. its so easy.. but frustrating.. because i lose the baby..

just pray dear..take care
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588143 tn?1218597894
I think I am going through the same thing as you, had my last period on May 15, 2008 and went to the doc's the other day and they couldn't hear the baby's heart beat. I don;t have any pain or bleeding, I still feel pregnant and everything but the doc said that they want me to get the D&C as well. I don't know what to do because from what the doctor said the baby hasn't been living since week 7 or earlier, I am almost 13 weeks now... I don't know what to do and I don't want to make the wrong choice because I still fell preg. Please help me too, how did yours go?
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306389 tn?1213487696
I was around the same time you were when I got my m/c news.  I had all the u/s and they were all normal until I started to bleed alittle and I do mean very little, but they wanted to be sure and sent me in for a u/s and while I was there everyone told me it was normal for bleeding and they were sure it would be fine.  Well it wasnt, I opted to wait to see if it would pass, well one week later, I couldnt take it anymore.  To think I couldnt start the greiving process until I knew it was over, and it could take weeks to a month to pass.  I didnt want the medicine process, only because I knew some people who went threw this and it was terrible, painful, alot of bleeding.  to tramatic to me.  So I did the d/c, and let me tell you.. It was quick and really really easy, the bleeding stopped within days, barely any cramping, and I could start to greive my loss really.  also, I could start trying again, and sooner than later.  well, now I am 27 weeks, only three months after my d/c I got pg again. and this one has been worrisome, but we are fine.. so I am soo sorry for your loss, and know you are not alone at all in this, that is one thing I realized going threw it.  So cry, hug, let people be with you, and hold on to the fact that you did get pg, and you will again.. good luck..
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414635 tn?1272217693
there are more risk to having a d&c which can do damage and make it harder to concieve in the future. when i found out at 18 weeks the my pregnancy wasn't viable ( 0% chance of making it to term ) i was given 3 options- d&c (baby was on;y measuring 15 week so it could still be done) be induced and deliver baby (i was admitted) or wait for the baby to die and then deliver) my dr was against D&c although when we found out  4 hrs after waiting at hospital to be admitted that we had to go home till the next day because of storm, he did offer but was relived when i said no. there was no way i could just wait for it to happen naturally though becuase they said it could be 2 weeks or 2 months
my thoughts and prayers are with you
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143123 tn?1274300825
I am sorry you are going through this.  If you have the choice, I would go for the D&C.  I had a D&C with my first m/c.  I too had no signs of a m/c, but I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum.  I am going natural with this m/c and I wish I could have had a D&C.  It's heartbreaking waiting to pass your baby and like JoyRenee said, many want to get it over with so you can start the healing process, emotionally and physically.
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Well you could wait it out but a lot of women just want to "get it over with" intead of carrying the baby around.

I do not know anything about the pills given for this. And a lot of women have a D&C which is where they will dilate your cervix and take everything out (not your organs, just the fetal tissue and placenta, etc.).

I am so sorry you are going through this!!! I found www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com to be helpful to a lot of women. Maybe someone will have more insight on D&C procedure and the medication taken to help the miscarriage along.

Please know we're here for you!
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187316 tn?1386356682
How big was the baby measuring on the ultrasound?
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