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Natural child Birth?

Okay so i know this probally sounds silly... BUT! Is it safer to deliver a baby naturaly or with pain meds..
Like weighing out all the risks and what not which would be the SAFER way to go for both mother and child.
I am extreemly paronoid when it comes to meds that numb me up or make me feel ditzy i allways have a panic attack even when taking sore throat spray that numbs my throat because ill think my throat will close because i caint feel it. Ridiculouse i know hahaa but thats just how a person gets who had panic disorder for a few years! Thanxx in advance!
Also to the mothers that did do it w.o meds Was the pain to much to handle? Did you regret it in the process?
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Well its all in the head i guess.. Like freakout when things are painful n i m highly depending on epidural for my 1st pregnancy.. I have discussed the goods n bads of epidural n med free labor..some said natural way was better n some said epidural was devine..some even went for epidural but it was a disaster..the conclusion was that its how ur labor is destined..n its all abt ur luck..i m due in jan.. I pray to God that my epidural works n i get painless n smooth delivery :) .. Hope u get smooth delivery as well..
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689528 tn?1364135841
The best thing you can do is educate yourself on how to handle the contractions. I read up on so many methods and the Bradley Method is what worked for me and made the most sense.
I did it all natural...not a drop of anything and I am not very good with pain. I'm stubborn though. I'm not a fan of the sounds of the epidural...a long needle in my back terrifies me and I've heard many people have back problems even a few years later. Anything you take will pass on to your baby. No baby is more alert then one that was given birth to without meds.
Pain medication also hinders the labour process at times, and the chances of c-section are greater.
Watch "The Business of Being Born"....it's excellent.
Our bodies are made for this and it is possible. I think the only way I would have gotten something was if I was induced because then my body isn't naturally going into labour but being forced.
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This is my first but my goal is to have a completely natural birth. I don't want an epidural because I want to have the option of getting up and walking when I feel like it and I don't want to be loopy for the first couple hours of my child's life. I know it's going to hurt but I am going to try to stay away from pain meds.
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1794093 tn?1357930759
When i got my epideral i didnt even notice i was numb (it was the best thing ever! my baby was in a posterior position and never came down, i was induced-it was horrible!...as the back of her head pushed on my spine every contraction) ...with the epideral i was still able to walk to the bathroom... but unable to pee (lol) on that note but when they froze me for the C section that was a freaky feeling... it at first made me feel yucky and nauseous then it stopped and i was okay...

For those who go natural, i notice that lots really explore their options for alternative birthing postitions and ways of counteracting the pain... im not gonna lie it hurts and its very intense but women get thru it everyday... if you want to try natural.... go for it! research your options maybe youll find a way that sounds right for you :)

Either route you take... keep an open mind, sometimes plans change... you just gotta go with it... Good luck and Congrats!!
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1194973 tn?1385503904
Definitely take the time to educate yourself on everything. I had planned all natural, but due to extreme pain (I had back labour) I got the epidural. For me it worked out well---I was in labour 24+ hours, and during the birthing process she was facing up and turned to the side, so I pushed for quite sometime as well. Without the epidural I would not have had the ability to push her out or rest, and I'm 100% confident I would have had a c-section. My daughter was extremely alert (I have pictures of her wide awake and active moments after birth) and was able to walk immediately. It didn't cause me to be tired, it didn't cause any lingering pain and I could still feel my legs and everything else down there--just not the pain.
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1794093 tn?1357930759
I just want to add the epideral doesnt make you feel loopy... i was completely aware of everything around me... other pain meds given can mak you loopy tho... my sister was pretty loopy from fentanyl...they gave it to her just before they gave her her epideral and she said she wishes they wouldnt have as she was seriously right looped!
And i didnt get the c section from the epideral... my labor was doomed rom the start... i was 12 days over when i had her and she NEVER came down... her head was too big and like i said in the posterior position with her head arched... wasnt ever gonna happen... thats where you gotta keep your options open...sometimes things are just out of your control..
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I have 6 kids and one on the way. I had decided with my their i was going to do it all natural. The pain was excrutiating and asked for an epidural. While in that hour waiting i was screaming in pain, no breathing or changing position would help. Felt like a bowling ball dropped inside me and started yelling for nurse. Babys head was already out. Nurse grabbed gloves and caught the baby. There was my natural birth to my 9lb baby boy. epidural for me thank you. On the other hand they have improved the epidural, four mos ago i gave birth and even though i felt every move inside, every Kick, and every movement on the way out no pain at all. Going on my 7th birth i would love to have a repeat of the last one. Its my story you don't have to follow if you want. Just trying to give you an idea.
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1806883 tn?1458321004
I've had 10 babys and they have all been without bpain relief, keeping active is the key and OFF the bed, its the worst possible place to be to give birth unless there are complications, you can use a variety of things to help with the pain, including massage, hot water, rocking movements etc, if you want to go that way I suggest a good antenatal class that specialises in active labours would be a good place to start so they can inform you and give you techniques to deal with the pain, I had a waterbirth with my last, and all others I used hot water (shower) for pain relief :)
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1905116 tn?1444425264
I had 1 induced labour which was excruciating and i did eventually (after 3 canisters of gas and air) give in and take pain relief, it only helped a little though, they eventually had to give me am emergency spinal anaesthetic (i still suffer from nerve damage) the whole experience was awful and i wish that no-one ever has to have such a bad story to tell....my second child was born naturally, 4hrs start to finish, just a little gas and air, must admit, although i know it must have hurt at the time, i have nothing but good memories, my recovery was much quicker amd i had a much happier and more content baby. Each to their own in terms of pain relief, but when a natural labour happens its strange how natural it feels and how your body takes over from your mind.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I've had 2 babies and I'm pregnant with #3. With my first baby, my daughter, they gave me the epidural early. They give you a button you can push for more pain relief..but I never pushed it. by the time I delivered, the epidural had worn off...I coped with the pain just fine. I tore really badly, and was wheeled into the OR for 1 1/2 hours of stitching, and luckily I had the epidural because the anesthesiologist was able to ramp up the pain and numb me again very quickly so the doctor could piece me back together (i was so shredded they had to use medical mesh to put me back together, lol)...so in that case I was very relieved to have the epidural, even if I didn't use it for the painful part of labor.

Even with the epidural working, my labor was only about 4/5 hours and I only pushed for about 20mins.

With my 2nd baby, my first son, I got the epidural but I had so much calcification in my spine that the anesthesiologist had a hard time placing the needle...and he eventually told me that if he couldn't plaace it on the next try, I wouldn't be getting an epi. So he got it in, it worked for about 10 minutes, then it stopped working. So again I pushed without any relief....and I had awful back labor. Excruciating pain that makes you feel like you're being ripped apart by the pelvis. But I did it! only 3/4 hours of labor and 6 pushes. I was up right away and the recovery was instant - i literally felt no ill effects from the birth at all. a little swollen, but that's normal. I was even having sex again 2wks later, lol. (not a good idea, btw!).

so with baby #3 I won't even bother with the epidural. If I have a long labor (unlikely with my history) I'll ask for some IV pain meds, but the epidurals haven't had the best luck with me..so I'm just skipping it. After delivering 2 babies with essentially no pain relief, I can say that it's totally doable and it IS better for the baby not to have any drugs in his/her system...BUT..the epidural has it's place and if you're struggling with the pain or you have a particularly long labor, it's a good option to keep in mind.
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689528 tn?1364135841
This one's just gonna pop out of you!! LOL I'm hoping for this one that I will stay strong enough again to not get anything. I had the back labour too and you're right it feels like it's just tearing you up!! I was lucky enough to have a short labour as well.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I know right? LOL. I already told my OB no epidural and I'm going to put a sign in the delivery room "Thou Shalt Not Utter The Word 'Epidural' In This Room. (Or Suffer The Wrath Of Mama)"
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Wow you guys were lucky. My natural labour lasted from Friday morning till Monday morning. Baby was too big for me to give birth to. Even though i did it, it took that long and it ripped me apart. I went from 11hmg to 8 1/2hmg. Borderline blood transfusion. Sorry not doing that again. Lol.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Girl my iron was at a 4 after I delivered! I tore in so many directions that not only did they take 1 1/2 hours to piece me back together WITH medical mesh, but my blood pressure was something like 55/30 when I came out of the OR because I had lost so much blood.

I received TWO blood transfusions and it only brought my iron up to an 8..LOW is 11!

Even with all of that...I will always have vaginal deliveries when I can, and avoiding the epidural actually reduces your risk to tear because you can feel your body and respond if you feel the tear starting. I wanted an epidural with my 2nd because I was so scared of tearing again...but it turns out that the epidural not working was a blessing because I was able to feel myself begin to tear and stop pushing long enough for my body to catch up..so with my 2nd delivery I didn't have a single tear.

trust me I understand how terrifying tearing is..and how much it makes you fear doing it again..nearly bleeding to death will do that to you, as you know, LOL. but after a lot of research I discovered that epidurals actually slightly raise your risk for a tear, as well as delivering on your back. the thing I'm most excited about with delivering #3 will be getting up and walking, and switching positions to help make delivery easy.
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1915549 tn?1322358324
I have an eight year old and one on the way.. With my first I was convinced I could deliver naturally however, after about 28 hours of labor I decided I needed some pain relief.. I had heard that an epidural could impact the baby, causing her to be loopy or not engaged after she was born.. That did not happen I have never seen a baby more engaged and observant.. She was looking around and had a look on her face that showed she was taking everything in.  With this second one I have decided that I want to enjoy labor and I am going to get an epidural as soon as its allowed!  Of course its completely your decision, good luck!
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My last delivery was just amazing. I got the epidural. Could still move my legs and feel everything! Just no pain at all. Could feel exactly where baby was at, when to push and when to not. Didn't rip, probably cause it was my 6th and my body is kinda used to this by now. Can't wait to go through that again with this one.
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I have had epidurals with 2 my labor with both lasted 5 hrs. It was great felt no pain but knew exactly what was going on and felt fine afterwards. My last delivery on the other had lol... my water broke at home got stuck at a train on the way 2 the hospital and my sons head was coming out on my way up in the elevator. No epidural no pain medicine and I ain't gonna lie it hurt but it was a beautiful experience. For me not my bf he was in the corner freaking out cause I was screaming lol but when ur baby gets there and ur holding it 4 the first time it is wonderful either way. Something words can't explain. I think it is up 2 the person and every person and experience is different. Wish u the best and good luck
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Well i was induced n in labor for monday till thursday morning so i had to get tha epidural because it was unbearable i started pitocin at 8 n had to wait 12 hr for that n i only dilated to 2 so i had to do cervadil and that is painful i only dilated to 4 so they had to break ma water n it took another day for me to dilate it was outrageous so if ur gettn induced i would go for it but with me it wared off!!!
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640548 tn?1340553355
My first labor was induced with pitocin.  After 3 hours and the Dr. telling me no progress, probably wouldn't give birth until the next day, I opted for an epidural.  It was the best thing ever, instant relief.  My daughter was born 1/2 hour later.  My problem was AFTER the epidural.  I couldn't pee.  At all.  The nurse finally inserted a catheter and I filled the whole bag, the pain was excruciating.  I ended up going home with it, I couldn't pee on my own for over a week.

My second was induced, but we never needed the pitocin.  I had already decided I didn't want an epidural, and while I was in labor a little longer, it was 9 hours, only 1 hour of really bad pain, I gave birth to another daughter with no pain medication.  I had considered IV meds, but decided against them. 1/2 hour later I was up and walking around with absolutely no issues.  My recovery was sooo much faster not having a giant needle and catheter stuck into my spinal cavity.  

I am due next June with my 3rd, and my plan is once again no meds...I was so happy to have such a fast recovery that was way better than the first.

The safest for you is to do it however you are comfortable.  You can always change your mind if you feel a different approach will work better for you.  There are many techniques for pain relief, research and come up with a plan with your partner and your Dr. that will work for you.

Good luck!
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Thank you guys for all of your stories and veiws and advice, Its much apreciated! I think i will explore my options and get much more educated maybe take some classes like some of you mentioned! I think im going to try it natural because in my opinion its the best way to go and I think i wanna feel all the pain to bring my child into the world but if i caint handle it then i'll seek some meds. My sister did it naturally with both her kids first one premature by 3 and a half months so it didnt hurt her barely at all but the second (the one i watched) was full term and she deff was in excruciating pain but pulled through and i wanna do it like her like prove im just as strong as silly as that sounds lol.. But again thank you SO VERY VERY much!
Much love to the mothers and mommies to be!
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I've had 2 natural births so far & pregnant w/my 3rd now. Im not fond w/meds during labor and plan on doing same when i have this baby. At the end its well worth it. 37.2 & Im ready when my unborn bby girl is!!!! :)
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