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341240 tn?1203117851

Controversial- upsetting posts- am I crazy?

I know this sounds horrid, it just seems that recently there have been quite a few posts from young girls who think or know they are pregnant because of unprotected sex, and here we all are trying desperately to get pregnant. I almost wonder if these posts are even real, awful but true. Is anyone having a hard time with this or am I just super hormonal and sensitive. Please any thoughts, am I crazy?
35 Responses
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You are alot more mature than most 16 year olds.  Honestly, I have seen you post, and I have never taken the time to look at your profile... I was shocked to see that you are only 16!  

You are a brave girl.  I think you will be an excellent mother.
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The young girls that post need guidance as well.  If you don't want to answer their questions then skip them, some other MATURE women will be MORE THAN HAPPY to offer guidance from their life experience.  Can you imagine a board of teenagers asking questions to EACH OTHER knowing they no absolutely NOTHING about being pregnant and what to expect.  I think you guys need to show a little compassion!
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394503 tn?1315009083
i have reread my original post several times and i still have failed to see where I said teenagers make bad parents. i never said that. i couldn't say that...then i would be saying my own mother was a bad mom and she was not. she was great!!! i couldn't have asked for a better mom.

please make sure you read an entire post before commenting back. when you don't, words get put in people's mouths and somehow get twisted and turned around. good luck to all that are ttc and to those already pregnant. i wish you the best of luck!!!
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Hi i totally agree with you... parents are so caught up on telling their kids.. "don't get pregnant".. that is all they are worried about.. i dont' why.. cuz they don't want the responsibility.. or they are worried what others are going to think or what i don't know.. but that is the wrong approach to helping your child i think... sex education from parents is definitely a good thing.. why not encourage to wait to your married?  what harm would that do?? i'm not saying scaring them to death.. so they do want to do it behind your back.. but tell them the reasons behind your thinking.. a little old fashioned advice wouldn't hurt.. and stop harping on "dont' get pregnant".. wrong way to go about it...

and this is coming from a 26 year old... okay guess i'm not that young... felt young until i just typed 26 year old.. hahha..
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ok now i agree with you saying about tricking boyfriends and all of that..yea that is just wrong.and with you i do believe a baby should be brought up in a not only loving environment but also financiallly stable..and by the way i was not offended at all by your post.because i knew what you were trying to say,just the way you said.lol
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394503 tn?1315009083
let me rephrase what i previously wrote, "i don't think a lot of these younger girls realize how much work one has to put in to raising a child. you don't necessarily have to be married but it's a big help if you are. you have to have a full time jobto raise a child. most 20 and younger girls do not have full time jobs. if you do, then great, this post is not about you. you are capable of taking care of yourself and a child."

i was referring to th egirls that PURPOSELY get pregnant knowing they do not have a job or any means to support a child other than depending on their parents. not every teen gets pregnant on purpose, i realize this and i didn't mean to offend you. i just get annoyed at teens who trick their boyfriends b/c they want a baby now. in my opinion i do not think they have thought the whole process through. if you have someone to help you then that's great and i'm ecstatic for you. i was not trying to say anyone was going to be a bad mother b/c they didn't have a job to support their child. i can't judge anyone's parenting skills. i wish you the best of luck and I pray that everything works out according to plan.
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and daisy i wasnt referring to you i just making knowledge i agree with you ..but i was talking in general with all of the ladies on here
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hi this is scared1988.i have a new name now.but anyways i totally agree with you..i too am 19 and will be 20 in less than two weeks and im engaged and will be married in june...and there are a lot of mature girls who are having babies.not all teens are irresponsible and not all teen pregnancies end up going bad..not saying they dont.i know of some myself..i understand both sides.yes, a lot of ppl look down on young girls with babies.that's just society.its wrong in society but there is no age limit on pregnancy.yes i agree the girl/woman should be responsible and take care of the baby and pay the consequenses..right now at my point in life.im going to school, have a great job that i enjoy,my fiance is graduating from college this year and he has a great job and we have a house.we have all our finance set aside if we do have a baby.it's what we want right now and we are ready and responible..but i dont think it is right to just try and exclude yourself from everything.we need advice too.the thing about it is, most of us are pregnant or ttc,we are all women, Yes some are immature and ignorant with their post,but just ignore it..it's not fair to us that are mature about this and really looking for advice and we get the run a round because other girls are on here that are immature.im not taking sides at all.im just stating my opinion like everyone else.but for the sake of us who really need advice from other women just get alone.ignore the ignorant immature posts and move on.
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327383 tn?1203977728
I know there is deffinately a baby boom happening in my town. The sad thing is, I'm only 19 and I'm one of the oldest girls I know who is having a baby. I'm atleast grateful that I somewhat have my S**t together. Most these girls around here are still in highschool, there boyfriends leave them when they find out they're prego (or they were never even with the baby's daddy), & they still live at home with their parents. I think alot of young girls don't worry about protection cus they think it'd be "cool" to get pregnant. I even have had young girls send me messages on myspace asking for advice cus they are trying to have a baby.
It's just sad cus most these babies end up at home with the grandparents while there mommies are out partying and hanging out with friends. I think something needs to be done about this little epidemic of teen moms. Most these girls don't understand what they are getting into and need a reality check.
I know I am technically a teen myself, but I'm glad I at least am out of highschool, Have a good guy as my child's father who I have been with for awhile && is actually taking responsibility and doing everything it takes to provide for our family, and we have our own place and don't need to rely on our parents. It's still gonna be hard, but I'm glad my child will be brought into a loving family with both his mother and father there everyday taking care of him. I think every child deserves that.
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I see your point, but I'm not one of those girls. I know what a baby means, and a child. A life-time responsibility. I'm not going to get on the defensive here, but in my situation, it was an ill-thought-out impulsive action that lead to this, and now I have to face the consequencs of it and take responsbilitiy. and in the process, try to help the father of my child to grow up as well. Because he's done some really stupid things and kind of went the wrong direction with his life for a while.. I know what kind of hardships, and responsibility a child is. I helped raise my autistic brother who is only 4 years younger than I. My youngest brother, of my remarried father is only 5 now. I had two little boys [family friends] who were 2 and 3, either living with us, and if not, staying with us a LOT, all the way up to when they became 5 and 6. I know what it all entails.
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293420 tn?1243142938
I am just surprised at the number of teenagers on here trying to get pregnant. I'm really not trying to be rude or put anyone down, as I know that there are many teenage mothers who really do a great job (my MIL, in fact, had my husband and his two siblings before she hit 19, and they all turned out great!).

I just wasn't thinking about getting pregnant at 17, 18, or 19. I know there are some girls that get pregnant on accident, and hey, it happens, but there is a really high number of girls on here actually trying to get pregnant. It blows my mind! I have a feeling that they want a baby, but not a 1 year or 2 year old. Maybe they're not thinking ahead that far.

I don't know, just a thought. I'm not trying to tick anyone off, but I bet I just did anyhow. If you're going to yell at me, just remember that I did not say that teenagers make bad parents!
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326590 tn?1296062449
The only problem with that is that there would be no personal experiences for them to pull from. It would be just a bunch of poor teenage girls not getting the answers or advise they need or BAD info. Some of these young ladies have ligitimate questions/concerns and to be honest, I have seen some silly and repetative questions coming from the older generation. Myself included in that I'm sure.
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279473 tn?1222140763
I completely agree with you sck008. You really make an excellent point. It's hard for me to even comprehend that a 16 year old pregnant little girl has ANYTHING in common with a 30 year old woman who is having a baby. While I sympathize with the young girls who have gotten pregnant, I feel exactly as you do that they should have their own forum to post on because, let's face it, teenage pregnancy is a whole different ball game.
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You know what I hate is that I dont even get on here that much anymore because of all the ridiculous posts.  I think they should break up the pregnancy by age more.  34 and under covers a LOT of age groups!  I have lurked over on the 35+ pregnancy board and they are much more mature over there...I am 30 and find that some teenagers/young 20's on here are annoying!  (Ok, I know some of you are offended by that if your 20 but I am NOT talking about you!-I'm talking about the ridiculous posts)

They should have a teenage pregnancy board, 20's board, 30's board, 40's board, know what I mean????  Then we wouldnt have to read so much B*llshit!
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you said "you have to have a full time jobto raise a child. most 20 and younger girls do not have full time jobs. if you do, then great, this post is not about you. you are capable of taking care of yourself and a child."

i take it your saying im not capable of taking care of myself and my child. i have an income comming in for a few more months. i still live at home. im 18 and due soon. i finished up my high school credits early. ive been done since december and im just waiting to walk in june. i want a job. but i live under my moms roof and am supposed to adhear to her rules. shes doesnt want me to have a job. she wants me to raise my son. and go to college in the fall. and i want to go to college and am supposed to get a full scholarship too. my mom values EDUCATION over a JOB. i she wants me, and always has wanted me to concentrated on my education. always. and maybe to you that makes me not ready to raise my child. but im going to. just because i dont have a job right now doesnt mean im not ready. when my son gets old enough i plan on going to college, have a job, and raise my son. but i dont think its right for you to basically say young girls/women are not capable of raising their children if they dont have jobs. my moms old school. and stresses the IMPORTANCE of getting and following through with their education. especially if they are getting a scholarship.
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326590 tn?1296062449
I seem to have offended some of the younger generation, but lets not forget, I was there too. My intintion was not to do so and as I posted before, it was not directed at ALL parents. Just those that dont' give a poot.
Through my personal experience and that of my freinds, I found that many of our parents didn't care where we were, who we were with or they just didn't care to ask. Now I'm watching my two teenagers freinds go through the same thing. My kids and I have an open relationship. They know they can talk to me and they DO, but I don't let them get into situation that are not in the best interest of their future. I know their freinds and their parents. My kids know that if they choose to have sex, they can come to me and we will talk about it and if they still desire, I will help them get the protection they need. Many parents DONT offer that nor do they even talk to them about sex. I think teenage pregnancies would be down to a minimal if parents were more concerned with their childs future. Again, it's just one Moms opinion among several.
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394503 tn?1315009083
not trying to step on anyone's toes, but i've read many posts on here about girls who are 20 and younger who are not married and are trying to have babies. i know some of you already are pregnant and it may not even be your first...congrats, i'm very happy for you. having a baby is a joyous event and should be celebrated. i come from a mom who was only 15 when she got pregnant with me and 16 when she gave birth to me. she and my dad married but it didn't last. my mom had a very difficult time trying to raise me ( not to mention by the time she was 18 she had already had my little sis). we struggled...and had it not been for my grand parents it probably would have been a lot worse. my point is, i don't think a lot of these younger girls realize how much work one has to put in to raising a child. you don't necessarily have to be married but it's a big help if you are. you have to have a full time jobto raise a child. most 20 and younger girls do not have full time jobs. if you do, then great, this post is not about you. you are capable of taking care of yourself and a child.
i just don't think it's fair to a child for a girl that does not have a full time joband capable of taking care of herself has any business trying to get pregnant. accidents happen and turn into beautiful blessings, but doing it on purpose? it is my opinion that anyone who does not have a full time job, health insurance, and are capable of taking care of themselves have any business whatsoever trying to concieve a baby purposely. it is a tough responsibility and should not be taken lightly. it is a very selfish thing to do especially if you are one of those girls who gets pregnant on purpose but in the process you tricked the guy b/c he was/is not ready.  some of these girls need to grow up and read up on the costs of caring for a child. a baby is more than just something that's cute and precious and nice to look at. i hope i didn't hurt anyone's feelings. that was not my intention. i've been wanting to write this for a while. e-mail me personally if i have offended you.
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in response to babyhardiman's reply, which i found interesting to take into account.. I do somewhat agree, that the parents should be more involved... i don't blame my mother one single bit for what has happened in my life.. but had she showed a little more interest in the fact that she cared that she didn't want me being wreckless [she did not encourage it, by no means however.] i probably would have cared a little more myself to think about what i was doing. relationships with your children is extremely important in what they choose to do. however, some teenage girls/guys are just so stupid and stubborn that they don't give a cra p what their parents say, they will do it anyawys.. but i think structure and discipline are very important roles in what a lot of teenagers  become and face in today's world.
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Okay...  i didn't read all replies.. just about the first 4 or so..
So let me first say, that i really do feel for those of the women who are desperately ttc and wanting a baby so bad. I would appologize for me being one of those girls, but i can't.. i can't be sorry for something so beautiful [sorry if it seems like i'm being cheeky..]  but i do know what you mean, and i agree.. it may be kind of like an oxymoron with me saying this, but there are a LOT of young and 'stupid' girls out there... okay, maybe not stupid, but uninformed.... who it just happens to, and they are scared and act like "woops, how did this happen? i had no idea unprotected sex would give me a baby... someone help".... but, i wasn't one of those girls.  firstly, i try to educate myself about anything and everything that is useful to me and what's going on in my life, or people around me.. so i knew pleny about it once i found out i was pregnant.. i read something like 8 books within the first month or 2 of my pregnancy... not out of fear, but out of curiosity and intrigue.  i am only 16, and i am 24 weeks pregnant... it wasn't exactly an accident, and you can take that however you want to, but i can't regret it, to be honest with you. as hard as the road leading up to now has been for me [accepting it, along with my family, and major boyfriend troubles] i do not regret Riley David one bit. I love him with everything I am. I think about him all the time.... i wish that these uninformed girls would realize how precious life is, and creating a life as well.. and how lucky they are. for not all of us [all of the women trying anyway] are so lucky. they are spared the frustration, and become sometimes irresponsible with the already irresponsible decisions they have already made. it makes me mad..... does Sex Ed mean nothing to you???! high school is for learning, if no one ever realized this.

And speaking from my own point of view, being who i am, i read scared1988's response just now, i think it's such a stupid and irresponsible thing for someone to blame it on the girl/guy's parents.. they have their own working minds and should be mature about things!!! if they are old enough to use their sex organs and make a baby, they damn sure should be old enough to use their brains!
young people confuse me sometimes. naive and vain..and irresponsible.  [i'm sorry i know how stupid this sounds.... i'm only 16. i talk this way with my mother a lot when we get into conversations. i don't get along with just about anybody my age.. surprised? haha]
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i agree it is not the parents fault..as much as parents would like to shelter their children,it  doesnt always work.you cant be with your child 24  hours a day, all that is going to do is make them want to rebel even more. A teen is going to do what he or she pleases despite what parents do or say.for example just like babies, you tell them dont touch the stove and what do they do?Touch it. it doesnt matter how many times  you talk or yell at your kids about not doing something they are still going to want to find out what will happen if they do.It's human nature.out of curiosity.So bottom line, as cindy said you can only teach your kids so much and inform them but they still will do what they please..and yes most parents dont know but it happens.i lost my virginity when i was 16 also,yea i wish i didnt now but i did.it was a choice i made..i got pregnant when i was 18 and lost it.again i dealt with it because it was My decision to have sex.You cant shelter kids their whole life and say its the parents fault because that's just a bunch of bull..sorry for my words.but that upsets me alot.
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Shamefully I was 13 when I lost my virginity.  Though I DID know what a condom was, and we DID use a condom.  Not because my mom told me what condoms were, because we learned about sexual protection in school.  I remember my sex ed teacher VERY WELL.  If we laughed when she said "Penis" or "Vagina" or if we laughed PERIOD we would have to walk 3 laps around the football field repeating the word that we laughed at over, and over, and over.  It was a hoot.  Girls were separate from the boys in our classes.

I think the parents should get more involved in what kids are doing with their bodies these days.  My Fiance has a 14 year old niece who already has her belly button pierced, and she is planning on getting a tattoo.  She has a myspace account that her mom KNOWS about where she CLAIMS to be 18.  I know, I have little room to talk.  I had that sexual experience once at 13 (with a 17 year old) then I did not have another encounter until I was 18.  To this day I wish I could take that one time back.
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363110 tn?1340920419
Knowledge IS power.. And boy I bet some parents wish they'd have shared their knowledge early on w/their children.

BTW... Not to be contradictory.. I think I was lucky, but My DH practiced the P/O method for 8 mo. w/me and we never conceived. not only was I lucky, but he knew his body enough to know when to do it. (I had 1 or 2 scares and yes it was dumb and no I wasn't on BCP.) BUT the majority of the time it doesn't work, esp. for younger teens!

I actually got on Depo Provera shot @ 17 1/2 because I got on a high risk medicine for my skin problem. (its genetic, my mom and gma have it and this baby has a %50/50 of having it.) It's called EHK. it was a godsend to me, and my mom knew we were having sex by then, but still didn't want me on BCP.

Anywayse, I had bad side effects w/depo I gained 50 lbs!!! BUT I didn't get pregnant, and it kept us protected.  I do think when a girl reaches her period she should be on BCP, and when a boy starts talking about girls alot he should be taught about condoms.

I just recently saw a show where a 12 y/o boy got a 13 y/o girl pregnant. what a heartbreak that would be.

Some parents try to teach that sex is bad and shameful, BUT I think you should wait til you know you love that person. I plan on teaching my children that Sex is ok between 2 ppl who love eachother and even better when it's saved for marriage.(I'm a christian.. and obviously i didn't wait. But I did marry the guy.)
I'm gonna teach them about BC and protection and the FACTS. I won't speak babytalk to them or use cute words (of course when theyre younger I'll make it simpler) BUT my kids will be informed and I will continue to discuss sex w/them thru their teenage years. My rules will be NO sex at my house, esp. when I'm home, and no boys/girls over when I'm not home. No boys/girls in their rooms w/the door shut either. The most I can do is try to discourage it, but I can't tell them that its evil, naughty, or shameful. It'll only make it more appealing to them. No parent has the perfect style, and mistakes do happen. We all will just have to try our best and learn to listen to advice.. (as my mom tells me)
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285848 tn?1219092313
I know Im 18 and i may have sounded a bit hypocritical but Ive finished school, have a full time job, stable relationship and I kind of wanna get pregnant again. So I was preventing which is why I may be pregnant again...FYI lol
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285848 tn?1219092313
I lost my virginity two months before I was 17 and Im still with the same guy I lost it to. Im almost 19 now and possibly pregnant. I was on birth control at 13 for a messed up cycle and went off of it a few years later. When I got with my boyfriend and became sexually active I told my mom that I needed to go back on birth control so she knew we were active. I did go back on it and was on it until august of last year. We always used the withdrawl method even with birth control. And when I ran out of refills in august we were broken up so I didnt really care as much. But we got back together just in time for ovulation! and bam I was pregnant. We both took responsibility and decided to keep it though. THen I miscarried and now Im in the same situation. Ran out of refills so I may be pregnant again, but this time I dont mind.

I agree with the lots of underage posts though, but I dont think its the parents fault the kids have sex..theres really no control over it..but I agree that the parents can take more action to prevent pregnancy with providing contraceptives. I hate condoms personally, but the birth control pill has always been a friend! I dont know what I would do if I found out my 13 year old daughter was pregnant but I know I would definately have thought about that when she got her period! I would talk to her about the chance of becomming pregnant and the whole cycle and how it works...so when she became sexually active she may be a bit more open with me so that I can take necassary precautions to keep her save and save her childhood. I had a wonderful childhood and my mom always told me about that kind of stuff. I dont think we should be mad/or hurtful towards the youngins that come on here but try to guide them as Lois said...its easier to prevent then you think!
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