940391 tn?1255755376

Lung Nodules?

I had 10 noncalcified pulmonary nodules from 3-7mm show on a CT scan for something unrelated in Nov 08 when these were found. Since, CT scans revealed 2 more nodules in June 09 and now a whopping 15 nodules 3-7mm in size on my recent scan a week ago. Anyone have a take on what could be causing these? I am 32, non-smoker as of 6-09 and smoked for 23 yrs, since I was 9. the 3 newest nodules have come after I quit smoking. Drs tell me not to worry, yet cannot tell me the cause of these nodules or even what they are......Any suggestions? Im going crazy wondering.....

Thanks in advance!
645 Responses
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I'll be heading in tomorrow for my three year follow up scan.  My nodule is part solid, which means it needs to be followed longer given increased risk.  As always, I'm extremely nervous.  Good luck to everyone out there.
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Bad news, after doc said no change, the radiology report says it grew. Nice.
Supposed to keep watching.
Hi brad how are u doing and how is the test? What does part solid mean? I also have a 1mm nodule on the upper left lobe
Still monitoring.  I have my annual scan this week!
Hello BradR.  We definitely appreciate your following back up with us with an update!  We wish you the very best at your scan this week.  
I'm happy to follow up.  Too often people don't and it leaves the rest of us wondering.

My update - We did an x-ray (less radiation) and the Dr. can't say it hasn't changed, but can say it hasn't changed materially.  We will continue to monitor via x-ray in a year.  It has been five years of monitoring now.
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Hi im new this the group . Im 21 and I found out about a month ago I have two nodules in my right lung 3-4mm and 7-8mm .I have bad anxiety And I also have like swollen glands I dont know if its from my nodules or not . But im very scared and I also have a son . Comments would help
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Hello I know this comment has been a few years now.i wanted to know how u doing and did u have the check up please update us here thank u.
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Guidelines for Management of Incidental Pulmonary Nodules Detected on CT Images: From the Fleischner Society 2017:

NOTE: These guidelines are not intended for use in patients with known primary cancers who are at risk for metastases, nor are they intended for use in immunocompromised patients who are at risk for infection; in these patients, treatment should be based on the specific clinical situation. Also, because lung cancer is rare in children and adults younger than 35 years, these guidelines are not appropriate for such patients. When incidental nodules are encountered in young patients, management decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, and the physician should recognize that infectious causes are more likely than cancer and that use of serial CT should be minimized.
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Just found this forum.  I had Pneumonia in my upper left lobe in January 2017 and had several xrays showing spots then started having Asthma attacks in my left lung 6 this year the most recent was on October 4th, and I had a reaction to high mold count from Mid July to Mid October this year,  I was put on Breo by my family doctor after an asthma attack in august.  It helped keep my windpipe from having spasms but I had alot of pain in my left lung which lasted for 7 days.  I had a CT scan which found several pulmonary nodules with no consultative infiltrate.  I was referred to a pulmonologist for further tests had a bronchoscopy which really didn't show anything.  So I had a PET scan which showed several nodules some being calcified with alot of metabolic activity, several are also large and very active(Note I came down with the 24 hour flu on Saturday evening 11-16)a subpleural  index node in my right upper lobe was 1cm with a max SUV of 3.6 and and multiple non enlarged nodes several of which are partially calcified in my mediastinum and an index node of  of 1.6cm with a max SUV of 3.5.  I knew of someone who had the same problem with nodules that were hyperactive from an immune condition and went into remission for approximately 9 months then the hyperactivity resumed and he passed from fibrosis in 2-2.5 years.  that scared me I'm too young for fibrosis. But I'm having another CT scan in January and see the Pulmonologist again.  Mine are more than likely immune related too, a timebomb, I'm prepared for the worse.  I hope they calm down.  I also have Thombocytopenia, low blood platelets, autoimmune.  I'm going ask my pulmonologist how many there are and what sizes they are.  It keeps me awake nights.
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Just found this forum.  I had Pneumonia in my upper left lobe in January 2017 and had several xrays showing spots then started having Asthma attacks in my left lung 6 this year the most recent was on October 4th, and I had a reaction to high mold count from Mid July to Mid October this year,  I was put on Breo by my family doctor after an asthma attack in august.  It helped keep my windpipe from having spasms but I had alot of pain in my left lung which lasted for 7 days.  I had a CT scan which found several pulmonary nodules with no consultative infiltrate.  I was referred to a pulmonologist for further tests had a bronchoscopy which really didn't show anything.  So I had a PET scan which showed several nodules some being calcified with alot of metabolic activity, several are also large and very active(Note I came down with the 24 hour flu on Saturday evening 11-16)a subpleural  index node in my right upper lobe was 1cm with a max SUV of 3.6 and and multiple non enlarged nodes several of which are partially calcified in my mediastinum and an index node of  of 1.6cm with a max SUV of 3.5.  I knew of someone who had the same problem with nodules that were hyperactive from an immune condition and went into remission for approximately 9 months then the hyperactivity resumed and he passed from fibrosis in 2-2.5 years.  that scared me I'm too young for fibrosis. But I'm having another CT scan in January and see the Pulmonologist again.  Mine are more than likely immune related too, a timebomb, I'm prepared for the worse.  I hope they calm down.  I also have Thombocytopenia, low blood platelets, autoimmune.  I'm going ask my pulmonologist how many there are and what sizes they are.  It keeps me awake nights.
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Update I have an appointment on Nov. 26th for my Vocal Cord inflammation.  The 24 hour flu I came down with Saturday probably started in San Francisco at the airport waiting to fly back to Michigan, on September 23rd. I have been coming down with this for. 2 months on top of allergies and an asthma attack on the 4th of October.   I turned this over to God, I suspect it’s immune related waiting until January 24th for confirmation from the Pulmonologist after a CT scan the same morning.  Please keep saying prayers. Thanks

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Do you live in AZ, desert regions?  Coccycidiomycosis, a fungus in the soil/sand is what I developed; major surgery (thoracotomy) as docs thought for sure it was cancer nodules.  A pill a day for 30 days cleared up this "mystery".  I over-winter in AZ for the past 8 years, worked in the yard, etc.
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Plus:  I never smoked.  The physicians in my area (MD) were so sure it was cancer, even after a lung biopsy was "inconclusive for cancer" which is why they recommended that horrible thoracotomy.   And to think, no one considered an AZ fungus as the culprit...except for me and I suggested this to them and they "blew off" my suggestion.   What did I know!
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I went to the ER last year for back pain. All was fine except they found one 5 mm left lower lung nodule. The report said ‘no follow up required’ unless there is a history of malignancy or patient is a smoker. I smoked very lightly when I was younger. In my early 50s now. I saw a pulmonologist who literally told me the chance of this being anything was almost zero. He recommended a follow up CT scan in 1 year, which is coming up. My primary also looked at the scan and he said it looked benign.
All of these posts confirm much of what I have been reading and also mirror what the new guidelines are which came out in March/April of 2017.
Vast majority of small nodules are harmless from a physical standpoint. I can totally relate to everyone hear when they mention worry/anxiety. So from that standpoint they are not harmless. Waiting for follow up scans is horrible. The internet is not helpful, in fact it makes your worry even more.
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone here. Not only for physical health but also for the ability to put these worries aside and be present in our lives.
Deep down I do believe that the nodule they incidentally found is harmless. However I have lost sleep/work/been distant etc..just thinking ‘what if’ scenarios.
Stay strong everyone.
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Hi All,

I know this is a very old forum, but I was wondering if there are still any active members here. I am very concerned about my mother's lung nodule.

She was diagnosed with stage 3 COPD and diastolic heart failure a few months back. That's when her 16mm lung nodule was discovered in her upper left lung.

She experiences shortness of breath, wheezing, a dry cough, occasionally coughs up clear to phlegmcolored phlegm, and occasionally her voice goes hoarse.

All her symptoms could be from COPD along with diastolic heaet failure....but lung cancer shares the same symptoms.

Has anybody been diagnosed with a larger lung nodule?

Thanks to all who respond.

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Clear to white colored phlegm***
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I need some help/advice... When i was in the hospital for multiple PE's last June they found two nodules 1 in each lung. I went in for a follow up CT yesterday now that the PE's are all gone and they called me today telling me i have a 13mm granuloma in my right upper lobe. 1.) what the heck does that mean!? everything says 8 and smaller are the ones that are least likely to be Cancer so what does 13mm mean? 2.) They couldnt tell me anything about the one in my left lobe that we have been watching for the last 3 CT's are they trying to tell me that it magically disappeared?.. i dont know who to ask or what questions to ask.. .anyone?... Any
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Hello, I'm new to this forum. Please update me on your situation.
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It's been about 15 months for me and I'm now going back for my second follow up scan tomorrow.  I hope everyone is doing well here.  I'm obviously very nervous for tomorrow and am hoping for no more nodules and a stable/smaller nodule that we've been monitoring.
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Doctor said it looks stable.  Another follow up in a year.  That will likely be final follow up if stable as it will be three years.  Typically, two years is stable, but mine is ground glass which need to be monitored longer.
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There used to be so many people on this thread but it appears to have dried up. I wish some of those who posted earlier would come back and tell us their outcomes because they usually are comforting! And even those who get news of a carcinoma tell us much about what patients face when told they have pulmonary nodules.

From this thread, I have learned that nearly everyone has anxiety as a result of receiving news they have nodules and the waiting for the next CT is the worst.

I am a non-smoker with multiple nodules, the largest being a 1.5 cm nodule with some ground glass and irregular margins who was treated for non-invasive BC last year.   It's going to be a long three months....
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I was diagnose of Emphysema and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 2 years ago, my family doctor told me there is no cure but it can only be controled. Ever since then i have been running heather scepter looking for a solution to my problem because i was going to lose my Job if i dont get better, until i ran into this online testimony of Mrs Stacey who have been cured of COPD by this herbal Doctor in Africa (Doctor okosun spiritual temple), i immediately contacted him via his email, to God be thy glory Doctor okosun prepare the herb and send it down to me through couriel and i was cured within 10 days of usage, at last this is a break through for all COPD patients contact this herbal Doctor via his email ***@**** or call/whatsapp him on +2349107584479.
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I'm new here, I just had a ct scan on my abdomin and they saw a 3mm calcified nodule in my lower left lung. They also found a 5mm non calcified nodule in my lower right lung. I'm reading a lot and see that it is a moderate risk for cancer is this true?
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I am 31 .I am having a cough from long times.Lastday i did CT scan and got 3mm calcified nodule in right lower lube.And also i am having back pain,neck pain,solder pain and some times also bone pain.so i am very scared for thing .
Can you please any one help me on the same ?
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I am also facing the same as you.but the only difference between you and me  is you are/were smoking but i never but i have more cough and asthma   .

Can please tell me how is your heath now and what doctor told you finally .
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I went in for a cough that has been going on for almost a month. Before moving to Texas I would get a cold every year and it would turn into a sinus infection and the cough would linger for a month. So, the doctor says I have upper respiratory infection.  Prescribed Doxycycline. Then he calls back the next day to say he say a 4mm spot middle lobe and wants me to have a CT scan with contrast to see if it is from the infection. Does anyone know if this contrast is injected or if I have to drink something. And, is all the coughing coming from the infection or the spot he saw.
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Hi group - I also looking for advice and a listing ear - I'm 46 and have asthma . In 2002 I became very ill . This went on for we over a month with fevers - chills , weight loss . I kept being placed on different meds as I was told I had Pneumonia . Finally as I became more ill they put me in the hospital and gave me Iv meds they were not helping . After a bronchoscope they biopsy came back with a lipid pneumonia - who knows how I got it or why . I was good for a while and over the year have had several bouts of pneumonia . I finally went to a better pulmonary dr who did all kinds if scans And told me I could have MAC and I had mild Brocheestisis sp. and lung nodules - he was very you showing that these nodules were nothing to really worry about that every year we would do scans they were part of my lungs due to the asthma , the bronch issues  etc ... I switched dr because he was far and I was doing ok . My last scan was over 2 years ago but recently I was sick 2 times in
May and my chest and asthma were really in a uproar . I dud get better after 2 rounds if meds - about 2 or 3 weeks ago my asthma was really so bad was using my nebulizer 3 to 4 times a day with no relief- I made an appointment to see the pulmonologist and he immediately did an x-ray. He told me there was a nodule seen in my lung that had not ever been in the lung before and sent me for car scan . Reported back that the nodules is 6 mm I think I got so nervous I'm sure he did not say centimeters ( correct) and protocol says anything over six not 5 mm you need to follow up with the pet scan in six months.  Needless  to say I immediately went on Google and found myself already dead of lung cancer. Not funny because I'm panicking ! Can anyone just lend a ear give me advice - similar situation - after reading some message boards people are like get it out no matter how small it is others are like they should go in and do a biopsy right now! Why Waite . I'm so confused :( no this was a really long post but again just looking for someone to talk to and share, I feel so alone . I have two kids 11/16 and trying to be ok for them  
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hi i am late to you so im sorry about that but im listening-i had anal cancer and pet scan post treatment was clear then i suddenly have lung nodules-anxiety and desperation  take ahold-i just want you to know there are some of us having this same bad dream-god bless you and me
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Hello I am 44 yr old female (non smoker) and had random ct scan for stomache issue (which is fine), and found a 3x5 nodule on my lower right lung along major fissure.  Asked friend who is Pulmo and going to see one next wk.  These are common etc. and look again in 12 months earliest 3-6. I am of the mind that I want it removed yesterday.  Gone.  Or at least biopsied.  Can anyone give me 2 cents on this who has been there?  THank you.
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I had a CT scan done almost a week ago and have to go for another one in 3 months time.  I am very worried!  I have smoked for about 40 years.  (started young).  I have dull constant chest pain, pain in the back, very short of breath, almost constant cough.  Only answer I got from my CT scan was...."nonspecific changes" and return for scan in 3 months!  Very very scared at this point.
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Hi. I had a chest x-ray in 2007 whch showed a few small pulmonary nodules. I then followed up with CT scans every 6 months for 2 years and thankfully they were considered stable.
So I just had another chest x-ray done last week for a completely unrelated event and they spotted a 3mm nodule in my right lung... having CT scan today to start the follow-up process yet again.
From all that I've read, it appears that these nodules can come and go so I want to assume that this may be a new one, and the dr. only mentioned one whereas last time there were a few within both lungs.
This is such a common finding and the vast majority of them are benign... always want to remain positive!
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my father found out he had a tumor on kidney in Feb. Doc saw a few places on lymph nodes and lower lung. Lymph nodes checked out fine. Yesterday he got results from CT scan done last friday. The spots on lungs have gotten much smaller, but they found another spot. He had no type of treatment other than removal of kidney. I am just sick to my stomach and I know he is scared out of his mind, just not showing it. They have referred him to lung Dr. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone???
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Hi there,  i hope you have calmed down  some. My husband had an abdominal CT scan that caught 2 small lung micronodules. We had to follow them for 18 months. They remained stable. What size ate yours? Ate they following them?,
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I just found out durning a ct of my kidney that I have 2 nodules in my lung and i am freaking out and crying
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I have three nodules in the right middle and lower lobe. Had three scan over last year. Two are stable but the third is new. Largest nodule is 10mm with ground glass opacity. I'm nervous.
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Hi not sure what to think I am a chronic pancreatitis patient have had numerous ct scans  this past oct14  I had a ct that showed a 12mm irregular density nodule   The report said to have a follow up ct in 3-6 months well it's been 6 months and I havent had a follow up done yet.  My family thinks I'm just fine and no need to worry   I went to the doctor today for shoulder pain and the doc never saw the past ct but he read the report from the ct  done in October   By a differnt doc.  The doc said this could likely be malignant.   Is this to soon to be worried or should I wait for the follow up ct before jumping to the malignant possibility
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