1549204 tn?1353361673

Genital Wart or Skin Tag?

I haven't been sexually active for two years.  I've always have normal pap tests.
The last pap was in September and it was normal.  This past year, I've been having tons of skin tags on my neck, one under my eye, and one by my anus ( a dermatologist confirmed it was a skin tag).  I was taking a shower about a week ago and while cleaning myself I felt a skin tag.  I thought it was a weird place to have a skin tag, so I've been researching it and now on websites, the research has me scared to death that I have genital warts. It is above my clit area.  It is the coor of my skin and doesn't hurt or itch.  I would have never known I had it until I felt it.  
I've been freaking out over this, so I decided to make an appointment with Planned Parenthood and I'm still waiting for an appointment from their online system.  What are your thoughts about this? Thank you!
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I have to agree, it doesn't guard against all stains but it does a few, and if it helps with even a few then the shots are well worth it. I have three daughters, my husband and I encouraged all three to get the shots. The two younger ones did and the oldest didn't. A year later, she was drugged and raped by a couple men at a party she had been too, and ended up barely responsive and having HPV. She now has genital warts and  cervical cancer and feels like a piece of trash. She has tried to maintain a relationship with men but after dating them for a while and when she feels it is time to tell them the truth about what she has, they call her nasty names and treat her like she is a piece of trash. She has come to the point of being so depressed that she feels that she will never have a man. She doesn't tell anyone this secret because it makes her feel dirty because that is how society has judged them and made most of them feel. I breaks my heart seeing what she goes through every day because of ignorant people.
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You have characterized Guardasil incorrectly. I do agree with part of your sentance "be in the know and do some research ... the rest seems a bit slanted. My apologies if that offends you. Guardasil is a vaccine against select strains of HPV. It is very effective in preventing the acquisition of these strains. HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 are what the vaccine prevents. HPV 6 and 11 cause visible genital warts but are not linked to cancer. HPV 16 and 18 are linked to cervical cancer and by preventing the acquisition of these strains the vaccine can prevent a large percentage of cervical cancer. It has enormous potential to reduce cervical cancer that occurs through this virus. It does not prevent all cervical cancer only that which arises from the HPV strains I mentioned. I know there are those people who don't want to trust science but the FDA has a high bar for making medical claims of efficacy. Talk to your physician. Despite the internet you are NOT more qualified than they to make a recommendation. I am a not a physician (I do not practice medicine). I am a doctor and medical researcher but this is not my area of research.
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Ladies,  please do your research on Gardasil. The creators of the vaccine admitted that is DOES NOT prevent cancer only "prevents abnormal pap tests."  And the science behind Garasil is highly flawed, not to mentioned furthered along by strong political agendas.There have been many women and girls adversely affected by this dangerous vaccine which also contains harmful elements such as aluminum and trace elements of mercury (even though it is said to be mercury free.....)

Dr.Diane Harper, lead researcher in the development of two human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines and director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri, told an audience of medical professionals on October 25, 2009. “Gardasil is largely unnecessary, and that it has never been fully tested on females under the age of 15". This, despite strong marketing efforts to make the drug MANDATORY for girls, and product literature and advertising that state the product can be used by girls as young as age 9.

Be in the know, and do some research on the dangers of it before you go injecting your self or especially your children with this so-called "wonder vaccine."

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in your own opinion do you think Gardasil help you from not getting recurrent episode of warts?
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2110271 tn?1342253902
I just came across this and wanted to tell you my experience.  I was 19 when I was pregnant with my first son and I found skin tag looking lumps on my vagina.  I immediately thought it was genital warts, since I didn't even know there was such a thing as skin tags.  I literally went into a major depression. I was 19 and immature but I knew that as a teen I had been promiscuous so I figured for sure this is what is wrong.  I didn't want to tell the Doctor since my son's Dad went to every app. with me and I didn't want to tell him.  I let this go on for 2 months until I started to worry that I needed a C-section so I don't get it on my baby.  Then I found out it was only a skin tag.  All that panic and it was something that I couldn't help and something that can easily be fixed.  I know the fear you went through.  I know how hard that kind of Not knowing can be on you mentally.  Glad to hear your alright.  I am pregnant with my second son, it's been 9 years since my last pregnancy and so far no skin tags.  I am crossing my fingers I will  not have them this time.  I didn't ever have another one except when I was pregnant with my first son.  It's weird how that works out.  Anyway, best of luck to you
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Good news! :)
Grace, thanks for the site I plan to check it out too!
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1549204 tn?1353361673
Update:  Not Genital Warts and HIV Negative.  
I decided to take all the tests to make sure I'm clean.  2 weeks to know if I'm Chlamydia and Gonorrhea + syphilis free.  I know I'm negative, but I wanted to get everything updated from 2008 since my last relationship.

Thank you Grace for all your help.  You are great at understanding everyone's posts and helping us.

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101028 tn?1419603004
usually if your hpv hasn't reoccurred in 2 years, it's considered gone from your body. When talking about it with a potential partner, it's ok to say something along the lines of - I had hpv years ago but it's gone now they tell me.  The odds of it reoccurring after being gone for 2 years is incredibly low. If we can't detect it, it's not likely to be transmitted to a partner either.  really good hpv info on the ashastd website if you've never read the info there. It's up to date and some of the best std researchers in the country approve it before it's posted :)  

I believe it runs about $350 or so for the 3 shot series of gardasil, not including any doctors office fees if you are paying out of pocket. they tried getting approval for it over the age of 29 but the FDA wouldn't back it. It's been shown to reduce other non - genital cancers too but the problem is the older you get, the more likely you are to be infected with hpv as well as the less your body is able to mount an effective and long lasting immune response.  It's really best given to younger people in general.  

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1549204 tn?1353361673
Nobody seems to be aware of HPV. I bet if I went back to any guy I've slept with, they wouldn't know.  In my mid 20's HPV was beginning to be talked about, but I believe women know about it more than men.  I have been thinking of how I would say something if I had a wart, but then again, if its taken off I don't have to worry about anything. First, I'm not in any relationship. And second I don't even talk to any of the guys I've been with, so why would I just call them up saying something. I don't want the entire CITY to know about this. And I bet that would happen with their loud mouths.  Yes it is wrong not to say anything, but guys go around not caring anyways.  For one, when I was on a break with my ex I was with another guy.  That same night, I told that boyfriend (Yet we were on a break) about it and HE slept with me knowing this.  That means he didn't care if I was just with another guy.  That is crazy!  Also some guys I've been with before have children now.  And if I have anything, I have no clue where I could have gotten it. I was with one guy 2 years ago for 4 years. Before that I had a lot of partners, but I knew them well.  Basically HPV could be from any of my partners and none of them has any symptoms, IF I have HPV.  But anyways, I don't want to full-fill a self prophecy, so I'm going to stop talking about it until Thursday when I update everyone.
And that guy you are with isn't educated about HPV because it will always be an issue.  I hope things go well.
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Well, I liked to have fallen of the deep end when I was told I had hpv and a genital wart in 04. My doc freaked too...I had very severe cell abnormalities. I thought life was done. I got married and got pregnant right away. I was terrified that I would never be able to have kids...that cancer was lurking in my near future. Looking back I completely overreacted(which I do). My pregnancy went fine. HPV did not show back up.
I am dealing with educating someone again(which brings all that anxiety that I had years ago)...I am with the guy I dated prior to me getting hpv. It's tough bc this is a guy that I have had sex with before...not like it's a new relationship. But now I have a std that I would very possibly give to him...the genital wart thing bothers me the most. I mean that has to be tough to accept. Things got heated for us a few weeks ago...I got very uncomfortable bc I have not had the conversation yet...but knew it had to happen. He knew I had been diagnosed years ago...but apparently did not know it could still be an issue...time to pull out the hpv detailer. My concern was that he would catch it from the oral sex that I performed or brief contact...even though I have had no signs since 04. I want him to get the Gardasil vac before we have sex even though it may not help. We tried. I just want him to know everything about it...I care enough for him to know all about it. Same thing I did with all of my girlfriends. HPV is so damn hush, hush....yet out of control!!!
From what I have read here--low risk usually causes the warts, high risk causes the skin cell abnormalities. I have both apparently. I get my paps regularly.
Best of luck at your visit Thursday. I pray it's just a skin tag. Good for you to ask about Gardasil!
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1549204 tn?1353361673
When you are in a relationship or dating, how do you talk about your HPV?  
My sister has HPV cervical cancer for years.  I asked her if she had warts and she told me no.  I will ask about Gardasil when I'm at my visit on Thursday.  Thanks!
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I was diagnosed with high risk hpv(severe cell abnormalities) and a genital wart in 2004. My "bump" was very small...and it itched. Most docs will do an in office procedure to check the spot.
Weeks after my hpv diagnosis, the Gardasil shot was released. Just my luck. I am now 30. I paid cash for the injections. I asked the doc about getting it for years...finally she just agreed. They were not cheap(insurance would not cover at my age)...It may never protect me, as I probably already have the strains in my DNA...but I did it for peace of mind knowing that I did everything I could. So ask about Gardasil!  I am very PRO-Gardasil!
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1549204 tn?1353361673
I'm too old for Gardasil shots. I'll be 30 this year.
My appointment is on Thursday and I explained the situation to the administrator.
I just can't wait to be checked so I can stop thinking about it.  I hope everything is okay.
I need prayers!
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101028 tn?1419603004
sometimes the best thing you can do is to put away the mirror and flashlight and turn off the computer!! both warts and skin tags won't change much regardless of how often you look at them.  

have you had your gardasil shots?

when is your appointment?
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1549204 tn?1353361673
Doing research on genital warts vs. skin tags can become confusing because of all the information out there.  Some articles sometimes are a bit different from others.  I think that is why I've been stressing out about this. For instance, some articles will say that genital warts form in clusters.  Well, mine is only 1 that looks like a skin tag and nothing of what the photos of genital warts look like.  Then I read other articles that say that a skin tag could be a genital wart because sometimes it can look different without pain and it doesn't have to form in clusters.  So, I wanted to research exactly the stages of genital warts to see if I have it before going to the doctor.  Still, all the information is confusing me.  I must stop reading this stuff or I'm going to drive myself crazy.  For one, the size of my tag hasn't changed from last week. It doesn't hurt.  So, I'm going to believe its a skin tag until the nurse says other wise for my appointment.
Sorry about all this, I have been frustrated figuring out what I have when I am not able to just reach down to look at myself and the mirror doesn't help cause I need a microscope. LOL
Have a great night!
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1549204 tn?1353361673
  I will for sure xoxo

Thanks for your support!
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101028 tn?1419603004
going for a proper exam is the best thing you can do.

stop back and let us know how the appointment went!

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