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I few months ago i was having unprotected sex with some ive been having unprotected sex with for a couple of years and during sex i felt an irration on my penis below the head but above the shaft. The irration went away with in a couple day but the next time i had sex if reappeared. I then went to the doctor for test and during the doctors visit i noticed some small sores on the shart of my penis aswell, the doctors ran std test and they came back neg. the sores went away in a week or so and the test were neg so I thought i was ok but then the sores came back on the shaft two different times. note that the sores had not happen before and they only appeared after the first irration happen below the head but above the shaft. any idea of what it my be?
7 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
no pain and no redness isn't likely to be herpes.

go and be seen and get a proper exam done and go from there.
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Also the sores started as small bumps and each time it happen there were less sores. the last time it happen there was just one sore and there is no pain no redness by the sore and they don't itch  
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101028 tn?1419603004
have you and your partner discussed std testing?   odds are that neither of you have ever been tested for herpes to know who has what so it's well worth talking about and looking into prior testing for.  If this is a newly acquired herpes infection genitally, it might come, go and then come back again like this. No idea what testing you originally had but this is well worth returning to your provider for as well as you and your partner both getting type specific herpes igg blood testing done. also ask about a lesion culture for bacteria too. You can get MRSA infections in the genital area that can present like this too as well as many other things.

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HSV will not develop leave and redevelop a week later. Advice is to see a Dr when he has the sores. Bumps can be many things often not a STD, but without a exam it is too tough to say what it could be.

On this forum we don't want to assume the partner was cheating or whatever because if we start to get into that area then everything is a STD and the majority of questions I see have no relation to a STD.
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Vance you have somehat a point I think that you are pointing into the direction of negative results okay irritaion is not likely to be an std but he started developing sores which me something happen and he's having unprotected sex with someone he was with for some time he/she could of cheating. The person didn't develop the sores until after the irritaion and the next time they had sex it happened. Then the sores on the shaft of the penis. Then the sores came back a week later in different areas. What else could this be it sounds like an STD Vance.
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I have to disargee, this does not sound like HSV2. Not sure what it is but does not sound like a STD.
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It sounds like HSV2 genital herpes from my understanding. You said that the sores never came but you saw redness and irritation and then the sores developed. I would get testes for HSV2. It sounds like you contracted it from someone that you were having sex with it could be your original partner or someone else. However it takes a while for HSV2 detection because you body has to build up antibodies to fight the virus. On the other hand it would be accurate if you have a culture done by the dicrtor while the sore is present. But to be on the safe side I would get tested and refrain from intimacy until I get my results and follow up with treatment.Good Luck I hope you feel better.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.