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Molluscum Contagiosum and Fever/Fatigue

Dear Doctor,

One day, I came down with a horrible fever for about 3 days. I've been fatigued for over 3 weeks. I had a outbreak of bumps in my lower abdomen above my genitals during the outbreak. When I first went to a doctor, they thought it was herpes. When I went to another doctor they thought it was genital warts. I've been to two doctors since then and they said it was Molluscum Contagiosum. I'm about 3.5 weeks in from my outbreak. Had flu like symptoms about the 3 week mark, which I think is from imiquimod. Also did 2 sessions to try to freeze the bumps.  I did some STD tests, one during the first outbreak and came out negative for HIV, HSV-2, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia. Just did another one yesterday (3.5 weeks) to ensure against false negatives. So now that you know my background my questions are:

1) Do you think Molluscum Contagiosum can cause me to have bad chronic fatigue for 3.5 weeks straight? If this normal? When should it go away, 4-5 weeks?

2) Do you think Molluscum Contagiosum can cause the several bouts of fever? I’m scared it is something worse than Molluscum Contagiosum but don’t know.

I also notice my partner is starting to get flu symptoms and I’m scared I have passed it to them.

Thanks for your input!
25 Responses
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Update on my report. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and using the related medication has considerably decreased the fever and fatigue that I had before. Thought of posting this as it would be helpful for those who face these traumatic symptoms.
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Hi Confusedperson1234,

Please update on what had caused these symptoms for you, I am having exactly the same issues as you had.

Thank You.
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No scientifically reliable data show any benefit of lysine for herpes or any other infection. If you're convinced it's helping, it won't do any harm, but any benefit probably is due to placebo effect.  Herpes is not a plausible explanation for any symptoms you have had and I see no need for another blood test for HSV at 16 weeks or any other time.  But maybe a negative result at that time will bring still more placebo benefit!
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Just a small update. My biopsy came out as MC as expected. I'm still having the other symptoms daily but controlling them well with L-Lysine. I guess the next step is another blood test at 16 week? That or get better...
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Yeah, it's important to have the right doctors by your side. I've been spinning for weeks with no real diagnosis except MC, and that might be overturned when i get back the biopsy results. I can tell you that from day one of the outbreak, this has been traumatic for me. One day you are healthy, the next you are not. I'm naturally scared that this could be long term. A couple of things I have done to monitor the situation:

- Kept a log of my daily ailments including taking temperatures when I was feeling hot. The first doctors office thought i was being over dramatic, the next said that was a good idea. The data is the data.

- When I had any weird rashes break out, I've been taking photos of them. A lot of them haven't been sticking around. So at least I can show my health care provider what they look like and how often it's happening.

- Just trying to stay healthy, eat better and get more rest. Seems like no one can refute that is good medicine.

Keep healthy and try to enjoy your day.
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my latest cbc was normal accept mchc was just a sliver high
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i went to the infectious disease  specialist in my physicians office .i asked about  mg and asked her if i had staph infection for fluid filled bumps on forehead she said she didnt see them .she asked me if i had lesions i said yes on my chest she said that she thinks she remembers seeing them in a previous visit.so i asked her if she could look at my throat for strep she looked at it and made no comment .then said do you want me to test for strep ?i said you are the doctor and she sluffed it off basically disregarded it.then she pulled the psych card and asked me if i thought  about hurting myself and i said no she suggested i talk to someone anyway.i told her that if anything you minimizing my symptoms dosent instill alot of faith.so i went to urgent care and they said it wasnt strep it looked more viral .at least i got an honest answer .but i think i need to find another doctor like you did .going to ent on tuesday maybe he will be straight with me.i know something is going on just need a doctor that will help find it .ps use ivory soap for your rashes it helps with itching soaps with adittives can make itching worse.
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Hi Jocko, Happy to hear you are negative. I definitely encourage you to find a doctor you feel comfortable with and will check out all the possibilities with you. I've been bouncing around a lot of doctors and think I found a group that I feel comfortable with and willing to dig in with me. I'm going crazy because I'm just getting out of the window period.

To answer your question, I tested negative for a whole slew of things.
This was taken 11 weeks after possible exposure:

- CBC - normal
- Blood Glucose, electrolytes, liver, kidney, thyroid - normal
- Mono and Hep B - negative
- HIV - negative
- Herpes - negative
- Syphilis - negative
- Chlamydia - negative
- Gonorrhea - negative
- Urine analysis - normal
- Sedimentation rate - normal

Sound great? It does. So why don't I feel great?

I've been experiencing still:
- Tingling
- Coughing
- Itchiness around groin
- Anxiousness
- Sneezing
- Fatigue
- Run down feeling

I also had that painful red sore that appeared and dissappeared during the week.

My partner has been having similar symptoms the whole time. She had an ear infection, bad coughing, sneezing etc..

So my provider did a biopsy of one of my bumps (wish they would have done that 3 weeks ago).

I'll know more by wed-fri of next week. I'll update then. I think it's herpies given everything I have read. Need to wait to retest at the 16 week mark to get a more accurate reading on that particular ailment.

Hope you're feeling better. Let us know how you are doing.
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how are you any answers yet?
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just tested for cmv and hiv  5 months neg going to doctor thursday to ask about staph aerus infection im wondering if that coulds be causing the fluid filled rashes on head ie. boils.popping in the ears eyesight worsening.good luck stay negative.
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And when I take the blood test tomorrow, it will be 11 weeks (basically I can have a way better sense at this point). I have to get blood drawn anyway as the doctor wanted to test high neutrophils so I want to get an update. I will ask about CMV. Just want to know what is going on!
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Thanks jockojohnson. The tingling and warm temperatures are going crazy. I felt perfectly normal today then it hit me all of a sudden. I'm going to see the nurse tomorrow. I hope you feel better!
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my nose also itches like crazy i have three red dots.iu use my sinus niel-med  sinus wash yo irrigate my nasal passages takes irritants out and swelling down.allows for better sleep and less itching . it uses a salt solution wich also kills bacteria wich helps with colds and sinus infections.zyrtec seems to help me with some of my symptoms.just a suggestion but its not economical to stress if you test often and early you will spend a lot of money.better to test at 3 months. most people produce antibodies by that time .so most likley something would show by then.early testing is freqeuntly negative.read upo on window periods or ask your doctor t advise you when to test.cdc says 3 months and 6 months.
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Another werid thing, I have a little red sore that wants to come up around my nose. It's itching like crazy.
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Thank you everyone for your concern. It's 5.5 weeks now since the outbreak (about 11 since infection). Almost everyday, I have quick spikes in temperatures, sweating, tingling, which usually go away with ibuprofen. I'm also taking Zinc, L-Lysine, Echinacea which seem to help manage symptoms. Fatigue is a constant unfortunately. I read that a lot of the symptoms I have overlaps with HIV which freaks me out. But given my test status and timeline, I'm only about 5% at risk at this point.

This is the first time I have heard of CMV, I will ask my doctor about it.

My partner has been much more sick than I and at the exact same time frame. They are going to the doctor this week.

Again, really appreciate talking to someone about this. I'll send an update this week after my next round of testing which should hopefully close some doors.

Thank you jockojohnson and HowardH!
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moluscum cmv mono or epstein barr are all usually taken care of by your immune system try eating a strict healthy diet .things like zinc. i have read some miracle like claims almost unbelievable about coconut oil.but it seems the health benifits to your immune system from eating a certain amount of coconut oil 3 times a day.gives your  immune system a huge boost.lots of fruits , veggies,and protein.maybe its wishful thinking but if your immune system takes care of some of the issues maybe some symptoms will go away.hope this is helpful.
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i also have burning type tingling in my toes-no real trouble with fever-warm feeling in the area where tingling occurs.i have read that cmv can cause tingling sensations in the feet usually cmv does not cause symptoms but if your immune system was on the wak side it could cause some problems.i dont know if having molluscum and cmv would allow cmv to be exxaggerated?could be a question for your gp .good luck any solutions you find would be appreciated if they were shared.
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None this is suggestive of any STD. Your next round of HIV and HSV testing will also be negative. It is unrelated to your molluscum contagiosum. Most doctors would not give the impression that they "just think I'm crazy" unless they suspected an emotional basis for your symptoms. I suggest you discsuss that possibility with them. In any case, this is a nonprofessional community forum, and these issues are way above our pay grade. Sorry we can't be of any more help than we have.
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To give people an update, I'm on week 5 since outbreak (11 since the encounter). I still don't feel better. I've developed the following symptoms along with the MC.

- Tingling throughout my body including toes
- Rapid rise in temperature
- Sores developing around my nose (I have never had cold sores in my life)
- Slight cough
- Fevery and uncomfortable with the tingling starts

I went for a follow up with my doctor and they just think I'm crazy. They say I have MC and maybe the flu and that is it. I've never heard of MC or Flu causing some symptoms. So I'm just suffering here, waiting patiently for the 16 week mark for the HIV, HSV-2 and 1 retest. If I don't have those, I have no idea what I have but I can tell you I don't feel week and it's been 5 weeks straight.
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read up on window periods give it time between tests may be more cost effective.most hsay 3 months is conclusive
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Hi there,

My second lab results came back and it says I'm negative of the STDs (HIV, HSV-1 & 2). I'm 3.5 weeks in. BUT, it says I have a high white blood cell account, specifically neutrophils. I'm still battling on and off high temperatures, any thoughts or correlations?
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Mono is unlikely at your age; it's almost entirely in people under 20.

But the age of you (and your partner) also is favorable in regard to STDs in general (despite the molluscum). I doubt your fever, fatigue etc are related in any way to any sexual exposure. In any case, this is something that should be professionally evaluated. See your doctor.
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To also add more information, when I got sick, everything happened at once like a tidal wave. So when my outbreak of molluscum contagiosum hit, that's also when the fatigue and fever hit. Fever has been on and off. Fatigue has been consistent since 3.5 weeks ago.  
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Thank you SO Much for your reply. To answer your question, I'm 35. My current partner is 28. It's been on and off again for the past few years. I have had previous experiences in the early summer with other partners. I had protected intercourse but oral was not protected. This happened two times around mid june and July and I consider them hi-risk scenarios.

I'm really intrigued about the possibility of mono. Anything else you could possibly see happening to my and my current partner?

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.