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worst mistake of my life

Dear doctor, i'm a 30yr old male , and yesterday i had unprotected fellatio[ 10 secs ] with a prostitute and followed by protected vaginal intercourse . Im married and been with only my wife all my life . This is the biggest mistake in my life and cannot believe i did this and it hurts me to think of the risk i am putting my wife into. Please advice

1, i want to get checked for all stds as i do not want to pass anything to my wife . She will be back in 2 weeks ...I understand different stds have different cycles of incubation , but it will be great if i have a checklist of all stds and the time frame in which i should get each one tested as per appropriate testing period . Ie. Eg. If syphillis can be tested for in 1 week after exposure , hiv 2 weeks..

2, I know its impossible to pinpoint a risk number to contracting a disease , but i am extremely anxious and want to know how bad my situation is for each type of std .

The anxiety is killing me i cannot work sleep eat or drink anything since this happened yesterday ..

3, i noticed a small lump on my scrotum [not on the skin, but a layer immediately below and not on the testis] today morning . This is worrying me even more .. Between the sexual contact and me noticing this lump its been only 12 hours. Should i be worried ?

Any advice to help me will appreciated for the rest of my life . This incident has changed my life in less than 24 hours , please help , i anxiously look forward to your reply , thank you
14 Responses
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Just to add more information they collected blood and urine samples
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Hello grace and vance , i went to the doctor . He looked at the patch and said it could be syphilis and i asked for all tests for stds from a list he showed me. (hiv,hepatitis, herpes, gonorhea,syphilis,and few others) ..just my luck ill get results for all of the stds by tomorrow afternoon except for  conclusive reports for syphilis and herpes ( which will take another three days ). Now ive got another question , 1, he mentioned all results will be conclusive .. But doesnt hiv , hepatitis , herpes , syphilis need more time to get correct results ? Since exposure it is now 35 days only.
2, any idea what are the tests he is doing? , especially why syphilis and herpes takes 3 days ?
I didnt ask him because  i was in a broken state as soon he mentioned it could be syphilis..

Please help ,

Thank you so much for all your effort and help
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101028 tn?1419603004
your symptoms do not sound at all like syphilis. don't raise your anxiety level by googling all day long - be seen and get a proper exam and answers so you don't worry needlessly!!
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Hi vance , could you please post a link of what it may look like , anxiety is killing me thank you
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Every picture I see is very visible and looks very nasty
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Thank you vance , i tried google and the most pictures were not clear .Only picture which looked similar was one which stated healing chancre . Most pictures looked like the flesh can be seen.
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Google syphilis sores and you will see what they look like. Yes 21 days is the average time.
This is more guilt talking then anything else.
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To add on ..I read that syphilis chancres show up around 21 days after exposure which is around the same time i got this. Is this true ?? and i cant seem to find a description of chancre. Is it like a wound with no skin ? Rash i have is also painless but its not like a wound and is dry scaly but round, thank you
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Hello grace,
Could you please explain what a chancre/blister/sore in the case of syphilis will be like.

I have a round dry skin rash patch around  a hair follicle on my penis. Could this be a chancre or syphilis sore ?
The hair follicle was ingrown 1 week back .

Thank you for all your help
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101028 tn?1419603004
probably was there long before this and you just never noticed it.

no std shows up that quickly!!
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thank you daniel..i'll look out for what you mentioned... i do have pimple or lump kind of thing on my scrotum which i noticed 12 hours after exposure .. which is worrying..its been almost 2 days now and its still there
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There are plenty of resources online that will detail the symptoms of each STD. Just google each one and you'll have a huge amount of information. A good place to start is here:

Briefly though, look out for any discharge from the urethra or pain/burning sensation whilst urinating for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea. Syphilis starts with a chancre (sore/blister) at the point of exposure in most cases, Herpes you will get an outbreak of very uncomfortable blisters. HIV you are unlikely to get any symptoms before you get tested.

But as Grace said, you are at an extremely low risk of having caught anything. My personal advice would be to not worry about STDs in this case. I think what's happening is that your emotional guilt is fixating itself on the risk of STDs. The real issue here is to address the emotional fall-out of your actions. I suggest you talk to trusted friends about how you feel and get support from them.
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Thank you very much for the advice grace,.. I will not have any peace of mind and will get everything checked as per the time periods you mentioned . Sorry i didnt ask this in the previous question, But could you please tell me what symptoms for each std should i be looking for even before i hit the testing period , so that i can visit the doctor immediately if i see something .. Thank again very much

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101028 tn?1419603004
this is not the doctor's forum - you have to pay to post there.

this was protected sex which is very low risk for std's. oral sex in general is even lower risk for std's. It's not likely you contracted a std from this encounter at all. we don't even recommend testing unless you develop symptoms.

you can get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia anytime after 1 week post encounter. syphilis after 6 weeks. herpes, hiv and hepatitis after 3 months if you need the peace of mind.

no a lump on your scrotum isn't worrisome as a std. no std shows up that quickly either. odds are it's been there and you just never took notice to it.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.