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can we go back to sex

My wife went to this healer who helped her tremendously with her shut down sexuality. We had heard about him, he is a therapist sex therapist but not registered. Before she went she called and asked this nurse what she could do safely. She told her they could touch each others genitals, avoid cross touching that is don't touch him and then you etc. She also told her that they could "dry hump" she should just keep on her panties. They talked for hours, did some touching etc. She was being extra careful. Then to be extra careful she double checked with a nurse at the same clinic afterwords and this nurse said very different things. She said since his penis touched her past the boxer short zone, not the panties, and he didn't orgasm or whatever, there was no HIV risk but risk of genital warts and herpes and it might be necessary to wait 3 months before we have sex again and also come in and get checked for genital warts. We are in a real tough call situation. One nurse says do it is completely fine, the other says it is a retesting low risk zone but not safe without test etc. Because he had his pants off and moved on her with his penis and she had her panties on, and he touched her vagina.  What to do? Wait 3 months or say she was helped tremendously, came out completely with the healing around men and sex she needed, and now we can enjoy our sex life for the next many years without anxiety or waiting etc. Hard when such different info given. Is there a physician who can put this in perspective with their knowledge, experience, case histories? Would we need to wait for 3 months and retest for touching each others genitals and dry humping his penis against her underwear?  We did what we were told was safe in the zone of less than lightning strike risk.  I hope I did this right, first time submitting and don't want any personal identifying info posted
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Wow. Ok I am just go into answer your main concern and will not say anything else about the other stuff. Ok the way warts and herpes are spread is by having the infected area massaged into the other person's area. So a man "doing it"/massaging his penis into the woman will get warts or herpes.  If the area was covered, she is probably safe, but you will never be 100% sure. You really should report this dude to law enforcement. But whatever.
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as for your other comments i can say either way. i doubt tho that she has caught anything but then again one thing for sure is that he will be giving the same "treatment" to other ladies, i dont think that warts is your only concern here do you? stds of any sort, and i bet you paid the guy too? unbelievable!!!
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erm and you where ok with this pervert? "therapist he certainly wasnt!!!!! no professional person would ever do such a thing thats for sure!!!! believe me i have been to a few of them and all work was done at home regarding sex

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Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a germ barrier.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.