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1311640 tn?1274027612

What do spiders in dreams mean?

I have recently been having dreams of spiders crawling on my bed. I dream that I open my eyes and see the spider and then jump up screaming until my husband wakes me up. We recently moved to a new home and have both been seeing strange things moving in the house. Could the dreams be related to the "spirit?" How do I stop the dreams from happening. I've had 4-5 dreams in the past 3 weeks.
18 Responses
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Hey there are scientific facts and evidence that prove the existence of something supernatural. Just because you don't know about them doesnt mean you ramble on about what other people are saying on here. Thats just rude. This post is about spiders in dreams and people can express their views and dreams however they come. Who died and made you Captain  America, dream catcher and speaker of freedom of speech. Stay off pages unless you are speaking of your own experience. I almost went back to sleep reading your post. Im trying to figure why I keep having the same dream not fall asleep searching for reason.

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Iam I'll at the moment have been for six months I have always had visions etc. About a year ago I had loads.I even wrote my dreams down on paper to compare to reality.  A lot of it come true....mynlast vision before i got ill was myself dieing.......  this was a while ago, I have feeling my soul is dieing. I feel weak vulnerable. I literally feel like I am dieing. I had a dream last nite I was in my bed as normal. I saw spiders crawling over me I hate spiders usually any  other time I would of killed them but for some reason I just kept on watching them walk all over me on my bed. I feel a undescribeable feeling that my end is near, and I am sort of worrying if this vision comes true but at the same time I will accept It
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I dreamt that I was going to take a shower, but the tub was filling up with water and there was a big red/ orange looking spider in it. I just stood watching until the tub was almost full. Once it got almost filled the spider jumped out onto me, I screamed and woke up.
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9707584 tn?1405407049
Wow! I have this exact same experience nearly every night. Of dreaming of waking up in my bed with a giant spider crawling at me with immense speed or dangling down at me from the ceiling. I usually am woken up by myself jumping out of my bed trying to run away from it. I'm already very afraid of spiders in real life so it kind of makes sense for me. I also have agoraphobia so the whole feelings of being trapped theory makes a lot of sense. My dreams like this didn't start until I began taking lamotrogine I'm not sure if it's directly linked but I'm guessing so.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this. It's so crazy to read about someone having the exact thing happen to them. I even also just moved into a new house. But I've been having the dreams for a long time and I still am not used to them.Maybe some nigt
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To all of those seeing spiders, I think it is a spiritual warning. I don't understand it completely, but the first time I did this, waking to actually see a spider, scream, tell my boyfriend, jump out of bed, then be unsure of what happened, was about 10 years ago. He is a very clairvoyant, clairaudient atheist, if that makes any sense to you, and he finally told me, "...I think your spiders are me". I'm still not sure what he knew, but sure enough, it only happened when he was around, and once we broke up, they went away. I broke up with him because he was depressive and negative.

Just now, the reason I found myself on this site, I woke up to another. I screamed and jumped out of bed and turned on the light. it took me a while to regain myself. I then looked at my phone, ringer on silent. A toxic person, who I would consider a rapist and unstable, whom I was barely dating before I realized this, had texted to say he was coming over to bring me my necklace that he conveniently put in his pocket when I told him to leave my house and never return. He had called me several times, just minutes before I woke up, at 145am. surely he was at the door, or snooping around...ugh...so scary. Everything is locked. There have been other occurrences in between that I don't remember as clearly what I was going through, but that ay the time also convinced me that this type of spider represents a toxic person, or possibly spirit. stay away.

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Ive had issues for a few years dealing with a man who has passed over, he is very controlling and abusive. Ive learned its my rules and he has no control over me.  I know this is going to sound insane but our weakest time is when we sleep, we do not have the same control as we do when awake to let those who have passed know what our boundries are. So when this "man" enters my dream he has only become a spider, before i would have horrible nightmares of him and even knew his name, somehow I have learned to protect myself even when I dream. I believe its because I pray every night before I go to bed, also I know when I see the spiders in my dream to not pay attention and just keep dreaming.
If you dont pay attention and you state your rules and you control your emotions on how dealing with the unexplained you should be alright. Yep Im gonna get crap for this but oh well its my truth.
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4937679 tn?1361322454
I just had a dream like yours a while ago and it felt as if it were happening to me on the very same position i am in.  Which is laying on my bed. It felt sooo real and I'm terrified of spiders so idk what this means for me.
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Last night I was up late and I kept hearing creepy things, the house heater turned on which ours we have to do manually unless someone changed the settings, and I was up late on the computer and kept hearing creeky noises from our wood floors. I could've just been imagining it, but last night I had a dream that I was walking on the street going towards my home and two big plum sized round light yellow spiders with tiny legs were hanging on a string. I thought I felt one snatch onto my back, thought i could feel the web, so I was trying to get it off and I went inside and there were a bunch of these water filled bubble/ballon type things sticking to the wall and one of the spiders was caught in one of them. I asked "what are these for" and someone said, to catch pests, and I replyed that there was a spider in this one and they came to look and said "wow, and it looks like its thriving and still moving and living just fine" i dont know if our paranoia is whats causing these large round spider dreams or what!
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I am having the same experiences after moving into a new house. This house is a dream house for us, but i felt like there was a spirit living here.

I decided to make peace with him and ignore him. In my past i have had "visits" from deceased family members and friends. So i felt he was here.

So right now, I am uncertain if i should stay in this house or not. There seems to be one problem after the next, one of which are way toooo many spiders in the house, and in my dreams.

One night a spider fell down in front of my face and got my attention, then i noticed the smell of gas. Sure enough, the gas company said i had a pretty big leak right outside my bedroom window! At night i would leave the windows open to hear the frogs and crickets.

Next time, i was on the phone making a decision to travel to an event, the spider caught my attention. The next week, there was a huge fire up at the same event.

Spiders for me, are a protector spirit. They come in "real life" and in dreams to guide me.

I am being "scared into" creating new art as well. The message is GET Creative or Else!

So, I do feel you have a spirit that was following you around, you need to get creative with some type of art work or creative project and you might have some things in your house that are harmful and need fixing/attention.

On the MEDICAL side, look up hypnagogia. I have had these since i was a child. Back then, they terrified me, now i know it is something for my own good. Sometimes still scares me, but then i remember and go back to sleep.

So, understand that a spirit is just energy, like you and me. Do what feels right for you. Whether making friends or getting him/her to leave you alone.

I wish you the best...

Sissy J
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I have had dreams of spiders crawling in my ears and snakes going down my throat! It's horrible, scares me to death. What does this mean?
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Hey, I am from Brazil and I have the same spider dreams. Actually, I dont think it is a dream, but a vision. I dont think it is the devil, I think its a kind of guard angel that is allways coming to check if everything is ok with you. I am not sure about it, but many experiences had told me that. Hope so.
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Check out Dr. Sherr's belief on spider dreams and Lyme. May have my daughter tested to see if her dreams are related to this.
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ok, this is Medhelp.org and we're talking about the supernatural?!  Seriously!  Look, it is perfectly fine to believe in those types of things, but please keep them to non-medical sites so that people actually looking for answers to what are generally just normal anxiety based occurances don't have their condition made worse by talk of the supernatural, when it is far more likely a projection of the brain/mind caused by your specific condition/environment/situation/emotional state.  Even shared experiences can be shown to be simply a similar interpretation of a very normal/boring phenomenon.

I'm not saying that there is no possibility of the supernatural, but there are sites for that.  This one really should be more scientific and evidence based so that it can be helpful to people who have waded through about 100 dream-interpretation sites to try to find some real answers.

Saying this, I really agree with Dazon50's first comment.  Spiders can represent many things, but often anxiety because they are things we generally don't like in our private spaces (whether we fear them or not) that can get in no matter how tighly we secure that space.  He is right that you really do need to identify things in your life that might be making you anxious and see if dealing with those things makes the dreams go away.  Also, becoming anxious about the dreams themselves increases the problem (common component of insomnia). If you can, it may be a good idea to talk to a professional for a few sessions.  They can be good at identifying sources of anxiety and giving you tools to deal with either the problem or the anxiety.  Anxiety is very powerful and causes lots of mental and even physical outcomes. It can bring us into a state of hyper-alertness (which may already be common for a person with specific and very common emotional conditions) which causes us to see something we are trying to avoid in every shadow and corner.  

Just imagine how people felt when there was no electric light!  I currently live in a country where we lose electricity for about 5 hours each day/evening, and so I spend quite a lot of time living by candlelight.  I hate spiders and tend to see them absolutely everywhere simply because the lack of light, constant flickering shadows, and fact that there are quite a few spiders around (although not really in my apartment) makes me hyper-alert and a little anxious.  All done by my mind and even though I know this, I still see them simply because our brain/mind controls our senses and it is nearly impossible to fully control your mind.

So the best thing to do is not to worry about ghosts and simply deal with your anxiety in healthy ways.
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Thank you for letting us know how it is going.  When the supernatural comes into our lives, there are so many ways to interpret it.  

I don't believe there is a one-size fits all manual for it...lol.

You seem to have a good attitude about it.  That is great to see :-)))
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1311640 tn?1274027612
Thank you for your response. I have actually been to that website and read all the dream interpretations. None of them really fit my scenario. There are so many sites that give different information. It's really nice just to share my experience with others and to get some feedback. I thank you very much for responding.
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1311640 tn?1274027612
I've seen, out of the corner of my eye, shadows moving in the hallway. About a month ago, something fell in the kitchen. I told my husband that it was the magnet on the fridge and he said "or it's the ghost." When I looked at him and said, "what do you mean?" he could tell I knew something. He started to tell me that he's been seeing a shadowy figure walking in the same part of the hallway that I do. Neither of us felt threatened by this being and we shared our stories and laughed about it. That night, the spider dreams started. I dream that I'm opening my eyes, in my bed, my blankets, everything is very real, and seeing a big, softball sized, spider crawling in my bed towards me. One night my husband woke me as I was using my blanket to try to smash the spider. It's not as if I'm dreaming of being somewhere else. It's happening in the very place that I wake up, making it hard to separate dream from reality. My husband has to tell me that there are no spiders. I often sleep with a mask over my eyes. My husband likes to watch tv and I need it dark to sleep. I stopped using that and haven't had the dream since. It's been a whole week now and I'm starting to feel comfortable again. We love the house and have no desire to move.

I have never had scary dreams like this before. I am a mortician and have NEVER been scared of ghosts, dead people, etc...

Thanks for responding. Always nice to talk to someone that has similar experiences.
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1275375 tn?1273089745

I use the dream dictionary search at www.dreammoods.com to try and help decipher the meanings of my dreams, particularly recurrent one's. Sometimes the insight is useful and other times not so, like Dazon said it's mostly about personal interpretation and figuring out what the symbols mean to you.
I like using the online dream dictionary because it gets me thinking at times when i just don't have a clue what the meaning of my dreams might be, and hell, sometimes it's even correct.

Here's what the site throws back when you type in 'Spiders'
To see a spider in your dream, indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or that you may want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power. Alternatively, a spider may refer to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider, it symbolizes misfortune and general bad luck.

To see a spider spinning a web in your dream, signifies that you will be rewarded for your hard work. You will soon find yourself promoted in your job or recognized for your achievement in a difficult task. Spiders are a symbol of creativity due to the intricate webs they spin. On a negative note, spiders may indicate a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship.�It represents some ensnaring and controlling force. You may feel that someone or some situation is sucking the life right out of you. Alternatively, if a spider is spinning a web in your dream, then it could be a metaphor for the world wide web and global communication.

To see a spider climbing up a wall in your dream, denotes that your desires will be soon be realized.

To dream that you are bitten by a spider, represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship.

Well, as much as i doubt that you found the above interpretation useful i hope it as least got you thinking and that you resolve the spider dreams soon,

Kind regards

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Thank you for posting this.  Without googling the meaning of "spiders in dreams", I am going to write from my experience.  I have a lot of dreams with spiders.  Many years ago I was into reading some dream interpretation books but realized quickly that they didn't all agree...lol!

The big thing is ....what do they mean to you?  If you were to think about your experiences with them, what do they make you think of?  In other words, what connotations do you associate with them?  Do you like your new home?

There are many possibilities....oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive, feeling trapped or fear of being trapped, feeling overwhelmed by the fears/anxiety's in one's life......there are so many ways to go with this.  On the other hand, someone else may like spiders and the way they make such intricate webs...therefore symbolizing creativity.

What kinds of strange things have you been seeing?  The dreams may be a way of getting your attention for some reason which it is up to you to figure out.  

Have you had dreams before in the past that scared you?  Is the spider a big one, black/brown, a specific type?  Sometimes dreams run a course and then ease up.  Example....I have frequent tornados are coming dreams where I am on the run.  I might have a few week period where I have a number of  variations then not have any for months.

I think bringing it out into the open is a good way to cope with it.  Dreams can bring warnings and by bringing some awareness to the surface re-direct you to think about things you might have blown off before....therefore facing it to do something needing to be done.
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