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Quit smoking aids.

I have been looking at things to help me quit smoking. Smoking aid sites have given me the first feeling of calm I have had all week from the panic of  just THINKING about quitting. I buy cheap smokes and my aid can't cost very much more than my habit. I will starve lol
I smoke 1 carton-1 1/2 cartons a week for 20-30 dollars Canadian.

I do not have many dollars more than 30 a week to help me quit, but to go cold turkey means I will go insane. I am not kidding. I am not even a specific type of smoker because I smoke for everything. I smoke because I put out a smoke. I have light nagging cravings almost constantly and they turn into craving screams real fast.

So I can afford, a box of the patch a week IF I penny pinch.
A box of 42 inhaler cartridges every 1 1/2 weeks.
There is a confusing web side called e-cig that sells cheap inhaler like products. But I am so confused. Model types, liquid, cartridges, inhalers, USB cords ?!?!, stuff you plug into the wall?!?!
Maybe something I can get from my doctor in Canada that is equal or less then I can afford? Not even necessarily FOR smoking but works anyway. Like elephant tranquilizers :P
Something else lol

If you have chosen one of these, did it work? Which in your professional opinion (:P) would work best. Or for my type of smoker? Guessing is ok, that's all I am doing too lol. I am so confused.
If you tried any of these products can you describe the difference in withdrawal, how it's better than cold turkey?
40 Responses
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242912 tn?1660619837
Erin, Hi!!  Wow, congrats on over 3yrs smoke free!  Thank you so much for posting your success because as Opus said, it does inspire.  Take care!
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874521 tn?1424116797
wow...good for you hon, over 3 years...I just read thru you post and thats where I am right NOW...day #3. and just wanted to say it really does help to read of someones long term success.
what did that lump in your neck turn out to be? I'm so glad your still with us...and for the update, thx♥
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If you can go 9 days, you can go a life time!.. If you tell yourself you will never have another drag your addiction can't try to make deals with you. Like 'after this pack' or "i wonder if I can have just 1 smoke".. That's the biggest tip I can give. Make smoking not an option.
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2030769 tn?1343647674
That is awesome!!!!  I just quit cold turkey 9 days ago.  Its not easy, but it is still better than being a smoker.  
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I know this is an old post but I want to let anyone who comes across this and the internet know that I did quit. I kept it up and never took another drag since that day. It was hard, I went crazy but I did it cold turkey and I stuck to it.

I have been told I would fail, I cried for weeks, I have gotten drunk, I have watched people smoke and was never tempted in a real way. I know I will never smoke again. Failure is not an option for me.

That being said I do have a craving here and there and I still smoke in dreams. It is a process. But I am much happier and have more money to spend on the stuff I want and need.

I recommend quitting, cold turkey, right now with no excuses to anyone. My and my friend both did and we both are still not smoking! And never will.

I quit Sept 28 2009 9:32am. I never took another puff.
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326505 tn?1304169225
Almost missed your post as you had it linked to an old thread!

I certainly understand the reference to not a happy camper, I think those of us who have quit felt that way : )
Now a days, when surgery is involved, they don't want to take the risk of performing an operation on a smoker and I can't blame them. I had surgery in 2000, a thyroidectomy, and I had to wear this heavy elastic body suit, like spanx but full body, because all smokers have issues with their circulatory system. After awakening from the surgery, in pain an with a drain sticking out of my neck and the catheter attached (had to be intubated) I tried to get out of bed to have a smoke! My throat was SO hoarse and yet, all I could think about was smoking! I stayed overnight and left the next morning and what was the first thing I did upon leaving the hospital, still with the drain (2 weeks with the drain), I smoked. Boy was I ever faithful to my true love, my best friend, my cigarette.

Now none of this helps you but I had to share and try to paint a picture of the addict I once was, 40 years a smoker.

When I quit, it was because I had been on an inhaler for 5 years and I needed more then the 2 puffs that I was allotted. I had joined a gym and was having difficulty with stamina. My doc suggested Chantix and, to me, it was the best thing that could have ever happened.
I stumbled upon this board when I was frantically looking for someone who knew what I was going through. That was almost 2 years ago and I have found strength and comfort ever since : ) I have also found whyquit.com which is a website that supports a cold turkey quit, but anyone can read their articles. I suggest that you read them all. There is an article for every feeling you will have or have had. Anytime you get a craving, read an article : )

We are going to be here for you, whatever your problems. Good luck to you : )
start a new thread so your post doesn't get lost
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I just went cold turkey and am going nuts..I have to quit to have surgury , so it wasn't my choice.I am not a happy camper..Any suggestions would be helpful..
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242912 tn?1660619837
You're welcome.

Good luck!
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What? I didn't understand that. Anyway, I'm done here.
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326505 tn?1304169225
Sorry, but I don't know of any board like medhelp.
I would suggest keeping a journal and if you belong to more than just the smoking addiction board, then I'm sure you will get more responses.
It's difficult for me to converse with anything off topic as I'm uncomfortable with it, sorry.

I will always support your quit if and when you need it.
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Do you know of any other ACTIVE quit smoking communities? I am feeling mostly back to my old self, yep I am still cool :P.. Anyway, I filed to join Freedom like hours ago and they wont respond. so I sent this:

"What could I have done wrong? I am still just three days in, time isn't fast you know. And I waited and waited to get in here because I have been lonely and scared!!
You can track my whole quit the last three days in a different forum if you don't "believe" me.
Why did I even wait?  I went by the rules now I don't even get a prompt reply. I think you can hurt people more than help them.
... I'll go back to reading articles and be completely alone.  And you guys go back to editing peoples "Freedom" of speech in their forum posts. I may be  totally alone but at least I don't have a god complex. There should be a warning on this site "As you quit, don't get your hopes up about getting in here. Hell we wont even reply to you for hours and hours."

And that's what smoker me would have said heheheh. Yep I didn't turn nerdy like I feared. But guys, is there anywhere more active than this?
(Although I love how they haven't given me trouble for asking about quit aids then quitting cold turkey outload lol)
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Did anyone else hallucinate?  I still am. I have been crying,  and I looked in the mirror just now and I JUMPED lol. My nose and eyes were bright red and my skin was paper white!!
Egads! Then after half a second and a few blinks my eyes I adjusted.
And the first day my teeth looked green. Not so yellow that.. but like dark green, until I blinked a couple times.

I wonder why I never read of anyone else hallucinating but I get the fine pleasure? Good thing I did a lot of weird drugs lol. The one and only upside is knowing when you are hallucinating and not actually vampire-ish with green teeth OR losing your mind lol.

I am going nuts a bit, with my hypochondriac attacks and dark thoughts. But we KNEW I'd go nuts, I told us in the first post :P.. Somehow knowing it was coming made it possible to manage. I didn't kid myself.

I had a hypochondriac fit when I had a baby in my tube. I quit the opiates cold and cut down the smokes. I didn't know any better!  Even the opposite would have made me less sick and nuts!! Anyway, during that fit, the guy was with came across like the splitting image of that story lol. I know it's about a cigarette, but in my heart, that was that guy, every word of it..

Still not sure if it was true, it doesn't matter because for SURE he wasn't a great guy.
Like he burnt me with cigarettes "by accident" and didn't apologize. I ain't reliving it again, I just did with that smoke story, but the moral is, true or just perceived, I still RAN FROM HIM AS FAST AS MY STAINED PANTS WOULD CARRY ME lol (cold turkey opiate withdrawal is nasty)..
Smoking is the same. That's why I got the creeps. It is amplified from withdrawal but it is not inaccurate in the least.

Smoke free for 3 Days, 41 minutes and 35 seconds
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326505 tn?1304169225
Make an appointment ASAP so you can stop torturing yourself. Make an appointment with a dermatologist for the lump on your neck. If your GP wasn't worried about it, I wouldn't either, but you seem to be, so get it checked out.
You are doing great, keep it up.
OH, here was my mantra for a long time. You may have stumbled on it but it certainly worth posting it:

"My Cigarette, My Friend?"
by Joel Spitzer
How do you feel about a friend who has to go everywhere with you? Not only does he tag along all the time, but since he is so offensive and vulgar, you become unwelcome when with him. He has a peculiar odor that sticks to you wherever you go. Others think both of you stink.

He controls you totally. When he says jump, you jump. Sometimes in the middle of a blizzard or storm, he wants you to come to the store and pick him up. You would give your spouse hell if he or she did that to you all the time, but you can't argue with your friend. Sometimes, when you are out at a movie or play he says he wants you to go stand in the lobby with him and miss important scenes. Since he calls all the shots in your life, you go. Your friend doesn't like your choice of clothing either. Instead of politely telling you that you have lousy taste, he burns little holes in these items so you will want to throw them out. Sometimes, he tires of the furniture and gets rid of it too. Occasionally, he gets really nasty and decides the whole house must go.

He gets pretty expensive to support. Not only is his knack of property destruction costly, but you must pay to keep him with you. In fact, he will cost you thousands of dollars over your lifetime. And you can count on one thing, he will never pay you a penny in return.

Often at picnics you watch others playing vigorous activities and having lots of fun doing them. But your friend won't let you. He doesn't believe in physical activity. In his opinion, you are too old to have that kind of fun. So he kind of sits on your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. Now you don't want to go off and play with other people when you can't breathe, do you?

Your friend does not believe in being healthy. He is really repulsed by the thought of you living a long and productive life. So every chance he gets he makes you sick. He helps you catch colds and flu. Not just by running out in the middle of the lousy weather to pick him up at the store. He is more creative than that. He carries thousands of poisons with him which he constantly blows in your face. When you inhale some of them, they wipe out cilia in your lungs which would have helped you prevent these diseases.

But colds and flu are just his form of child's play. He especially likes diseases that slowly cripple you—like emphysema. He considers this disease great. Once he gets you to have this, you will give up all your other friends, family, career goals, activities—everything. You will just sit home and caress him, telling him what a great friend he is while you desperately gasp for air.

But eventually your friend tires of you. He decides he no longer wishes to have your company. Instead of letting you go your separate ways, he decides to kill you. He has a wonderful arsenal of weapons behind him. In fact, he has been plotting your death since the day you met him. He picked all the top killers in society and did everything in his power to ensure you would get one of them. He overworked your heart and lungs. He clogged up the arteries to your heart, brain, and every other part of your body. In case you were too strong to succumb to this, he constantly exposed you to cancer causing agents. He knew he would get you sooner or later.

Well, this is the story of your "friend," your cigarette. No real friend would do all this to you. Cigarettes are the worst possible enemies you ever had. They are expensive, addictive, socially unacceptable, and deadly. Consider all this and NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

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Today my stomach has finally relaxed and unclenched..  I am barely craving even though I haven't allowed myself to think of anything else but smoking for days. I can't afford to stop thinking about it. I was a habit chain smoker. Paralyzed by fear so I told myself all sorts of lies. Now they are unraveling and I am mourning them. There were A LOT of lies. I am crying a lot and forcing myself to face them.

The biggest one is also the deadliest. Ignore the lung pain, ignore the lump in your neck, ignore that thing in your leg that moves up slowly. Over months it has traveled about 18 inches. I realize that I am probably being paranoid about some of it. But all? I haven't let the doctor check for anything and he hasn't asked. He touched my neck briefly, not good enough!..
Then the same fear stems to my sexual health as well, I guess my brain figures there is enough fear to go around, why not ignore some symptoms of STD's too. Smoking didn't cause that terrible itch but this lie blanket is big enough to cover those lies too.

Guys I suffered with a yeast infection.. the entire duration, hiding the fact because I thought it was something "worse", right under the blanket smoking gave me. Months later I realized it was just a normal feminine problem and felt stupid. But without that blanket I would have got some Vagisil or something DAM it!, that's how powerful and dangerous it is. It makes me "ignore things until they go away"..
Got panic and anxiety, suicidal and weird thoughts? Don't ask for help, have a smoke, the blanket is big enough for whatever ails you!
Why not cover up an opiate addiction too, they can help each other survive! Afraid of liver damage? Ignore that fear until it goes away for now.

Maybe it doesn't work that way for everyone but once I ignored my first chest pain and lung cancer warning, it was applied knowledge I used for everything serious and semi serious until I was SURE I was going to die, then I'd try to get help but everything I hid for years/months came out too and no one took me seriously...

The chemicals are not the most dangerous part. The DENIAL is deadly!
Now I am going to call and make a doctors appointment. And try not to cry when they wont make it soon enough. And I am going to MAKE him look into the lump on my neck! Because ignoring neck lumps are how people die at 30.

It is like 500000 lies died at once. I feel like a person died and am mourning and crying. Because every lie I knew was a lie, most times not so deep down ..and now I must face them and never tell them to myself again. It is scary and fascinating.

My opiates are Tylenol ones, down from 7 at a time :/ .. to 2 and they are next.

My doctor is in a different town and always makes me wait weeks, could I go to the hospital?

Smoke free for 2 Days, 23 hours, 23 minutes and 44 seconds
I have saved $11.89 by not smoking 118 cigarettes.
I have saved 9 hours and 50 minutes of my life. (hopefully)
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242912 tn?1660619837

I just read something about you forgetting to take your opiates?  How they have caffeine in them?  If you don't mind me asking, do you take Fiorinal/Fioricet?  What brought me to this site 2yrs ago was looking up the interaction of nicotine and meds.  Nicotine reacts with this drug.  When I quit smoking on 07, I felt so good I was forgetting to take my meds on time which put me into w/d which led to SEVERE anxiety and panic attacks.  I didn't realize all this at the time :(

It's important you keep your med regimen exactly the same as before you quit smoking...at least for now :)

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Countin down the hours! Not long now and then you can join whyquit! Yay!  I had gained a little weight because my new love is jellybeans!  I was contemplating a diet now that it has been about a month off smokes.  I went to the dentist today, he pulled three teeth and I cannot eat a thing!  The Lord works in mysterious ways!  LOL

I am soooo proud of you!  The way to success is to Never Take another Puff! No Not One! The secret to our success is out!
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi and congrats on nearly 3days!  You're going to begin to see a bit of a difference in how you feel by the fourth day :)  I haven't been able to post due to a shoulder problem, but have been following your thread :)

Listen now, try not to let the fact that your friend is still smoking have anything to do with you.  If he stops, great, if not, you just take care of yourself.  I am having a similar problem with my husband.  He smokes pot.  I do to, but only 'cause he does.  He told me he would stop when I quit the cigs again.  Well I quit last Apil, but he didn't and my disappointment and anger with him was something else.  Sooo angry and I let those emotions affect my quit and I failed because I was too worried about what HE was doing.  I am now 16days into my quit and leaving him behind.  I have to focus on myself. Be prepared.  Your friend will most likely lie to you just to get you off his back as he's clearly not ready.  If he really did quit you'd be hearing ALL ABOUT IT!   My husband smokes every night, but thinks he can lie to me.  I am ON to him.  If your friend quit he wouldn't say  "I'm not smoking" all quiet like, he'd be Yelling it to you and complaining about w/d's, etc.  

I haven't been completely successful with the weed 'cause it's always here, but I haven't smoked cigs.  This is the LAST quit for me!

You are doing great and I love how you're using this forum to write down your every thought :)  I used to do that, but feel a little embarassed since this is my third time LOL!
2w 1d 18:34 smoke-free, 156 cigs not smoked, $42.90 saved, 13:00 life saved
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I  know, I have read it several times.  The difference between then and now is cute and very noticeable :P  You should be proud of your strength!.. What is COPD?

I always think it can happen to me. I don't think I am getting off free. I have a lump in my neck. My lungs have never been checked. I have a lump in my neck.. I said it twice, but it's a lump..in my neck... And not smoking hasn't made it go away or feel different.  My cheek and neck on that side still have that toxin, chain smoke tingle as well.

I told my doctor about it and he passed it over really quickly. But I stopped thinking that means something good. Doctors are usually good only in certain areas. He is more my nut doctor :P

I am level headed right now, thank GOD or my resolve or my quickly mending body, something!.. Wow nonsmoking thoughts and smokers daily lies are so different and when they came to a cross roads, logic v.s. fear exploded from every pore.

My friend said he went 24 hours without smoking. I want to believe him but he was on mic and he said "I'm not smoking" out of nowhere guilty like. And I kept hearing lighter sounds. I am not being "paranoid" with loved ones,  in fact I'd love to be proud of him! But he is making it hard to believe him. If he ain't still nuts tomorrow, I will know and he better not lie. That's all I ever asked from him! Don't lie to me or yourself, just be there!

Smoke free for 2 Days, 9 hours, 1 minute and 30 seconds
I have saved $9.49 by not smoking 95 cigarettes.
I have saved 7 hours and 55 minutes of my life.

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Kathyjo, I did not know about you and COPD. What did the doc say?

Awesome Erin! Hang in there! Wow! your doing great! Spend your time getting the smell off your clothes and outta your car!  My hubby came in the front door the other day and bent down to give me a kiss and it gagged me!  OH NO! Thats a new one!  Now he is thinking about quitting, but his habit is like 2 or three a day!  Me it had to be 2 or three packs a day!
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326505 tn?1304169225
In the "related discussion" above the "post comment" box is a thread called "help!"
That was me back in Nov. of 2007.
Here is the link:

What a long, strange trip it's been : )
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326505 tn?1304169225
I live in NYC and for the past 3 years they have been running commercials, about 3 an hour, that are so disturbing and they all happen to be from smoking related diseases. They have interviewed countless people who were diagnosed with lung, throat, tongue cancer and at the end of the commercial, they show the day they died.
A guy with a trach, people minus limbs, fingers, toes....all of them are aired during the morn., afternoon & night...CBS, ABC, Fox, NBC, all of the major stations, all in an effort to make people stop smoking. NYC offers free patches, lozenges, gum and their constant barrage of anti smoking detterents have worked (me) and are working. Never mind that you can't smoke anywhere in NYC.
When I was smoking, I freaked everytime one of those commercials ran. I got up and did something to take me out of earshot or sometimes, I turned it off. It is was it is, in all it's ugliness.......people who smoke and some that have quit will get sick. Thats a fact, like it or not. What you can do is exactly what you are doing now....quit and hope with a healthy lifestyle that you will be one of those to escape the consequences.
I went to the doctor a few weeks back and found that I had COPD. Okay, 40 years of smoking and I had to expect that I wouldn't come away unscathed. That's not going to make me stop fighting and I will protect my quit every minute of every day because my quality of life is SO much better now then it has ever been : )
You can handle it, stay strong : )
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I am freaking the heck out. I read something that would mess me up even with all my vices met. I don't know why I read that in my fragile state, and looked at the pictures too. I'd NEVER read something like that because I know it gives me the creeps but I did anyway. I have a "talent" of getting in peoples heads, feeling their pain.. So I avoid violence and disturbing stuff.

Ever read that one where the guy smoked and got his leg amputated? Smoked again, there goes the other leg? And what the heck, now that he's sure a few smokes makes him lose limbs, why not smoke again and lose a couple fingers from each hand next???

I am SO creeped. Women crying in horror movies ain't got nothing on how I sound. All day, I can't get it out of my mind and it is making me crave a cigarette, which is extra disturbing. I could get in his head. Where I have BEEN. Where I thought not having a smoke was a fate worse than death and any consequence would do. I was SICK.
I would have lost a limb too. How many no one can say.

And now thinking like a nonsmoker is making me really freaked out by smokers. One emailed me a minute ago and said "20th smoke of the day mmmm" and I instantly seen him in my mind with a few purposely amputated limbs. And then I got a crave :/

Great. I am like the rest of the sane world now (sorta), by why does that sick sick limb guy make me WANT a smoke? When it pops into my head I want to crawl into myself and hide.. WITH a smoke and make some limbs fall off. I think it touches on how far I have been gone too. How much I would have been through because in my mind quitting was a worse fate than death.

My new mind and my old mind are clashing bad.. I need someone to call but I have no one to call. So I have cried horrified all day.
I guess that means I am on the right crazy track then. Which is a relief, I was thinking it was ME that going nuts. I am disturbed though. But having a smoke and imagining my limbs are falling off, will do the opposite of help. Obviously.

Smoke free for 2 Days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 19 seconds I have saved $8.49 by not smoking 85 cigarettes. I have saved 7 hours and 5 minutes of my life.
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Think of the money you are saving, and keep it for yourself. I am up to 250.00. That is my money! I am rewarding myself for not smoking and as long as I dont, I get to keep the money!  I got it in a sock! It be mine!

You asked me what happened after six months. Well, I did no longer crave smoking so that was not it.  I was so irritable and shaky inside that I just wanted to feel normal. I smoked for 35 years and did it out of stress. So, I wan ill prepared for that possibility. I picked em up deliberately and within a week I stunk again, worse habit then ever, and oh the guilt and shame I felt was horrible and then it took me a year to get the nerve to try again!  So here I am! 29 days and counting, cold turkey.

You are coming up on your 72 hrs, how do you feel this am?  At this point start looking at the time you got in and what you would lose if you fail and have to start over! You are at a critical point so hang on.  Hugs...
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326505 tn?1304169225
At this point in my quit, I was locked away in my room and I don't think I had ONE rational thought. I used Chantix for my quit and was on the pill for 6 weeks. Even though you are supposed to quit after the first week on it, it took me a little longer....maybe 5 weeks.
For the first 4 months I was sick. Sinus infections, bronchitis and pleurisy and I remember writing tot his board about how ill I was and if my quit was going to affect me so adversely, why bother
Thankfully I got through it but I have to say it was the HARDEST thing I have ever done. The emotional attachment to it and how I had somehow given it "best friend" status.
My friends here, teko included, well they were so supportive and saw me through the worst : )
I posted for the first time in November 2007, teko and Jade were here already.

Have a nice day and remember that you are now a non-smoker so you have time and money to do things for yourself, reward yourself.....you deserve it : )
BTW, love the meter, flash it often and make sure you have it on your computer desktop. It greets me every morning when I turn mine on : )
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