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after effects of a TIA

A week ago I had a Tia. I was unable to speak and could not move my left arm or leg. This went on for about an hour and 15 mins. After a night in the hospital, and an Mri and other scans. I was released. I was told I should have no side effects. But  now I have bad head aches on my left temple and I get a stabbing pain on my temple and neck, that last that last just several seconds.
    Also my speach has been effected slightly. Often I will be talking and a word will pop in a sentence where it doesnt belong, and I forget just what I want to say.
   Could you tell me how long these symptons last?
     Thank you
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i had 3 TIAs just over a week ago, same symptems as most ppl have described. was a truly scary experience  all the tests at A+E came up normal blooods, ecg and ct scan. i still feel very weak with less control of my left side slurred speech and cordination problems. its getting very hsrd to deal with as i have only just returned home after being away from home for 2 years studying as a mature student at uni, the 1st TIA happened while being back at work for only 2 days. i work in an operating theatre and im worried this could impact on my new career . just wondered if theses effects will go away in time or will i never revert to how i used to be
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How did you make out after 3 years?
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You went through the same thing as me. I'm now on Lipitor to get my cholesterol in check. I had mine in August of 2014, I see a neurologist and just finished speech and cognitive therapy. I was also 48.
How are you doing now?
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You went through the same thing as me. I'm now on Lipitor to get my cholesterol in check. I had mine in August of 2014, I see a neurologist and just finished speech and cognitive therapy. I was also 48.
How are you doing now?
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6669309 tn?1462648142
  Maddie So so sorry about your stroke! You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers for enough of that! I think that with a lot of speech therapy, you will regain some, most, of all of your speech again. It is a long road back and it's very tough terrain but you are strong, you can do it. You have been through (your brain) a lot and it will take time. You will have a love/hate relationship with your speech coaches but they are there only to help you get back. Dear sweet Maddie, I imagine it is very hard to type too, but if you want to talk I am hear and rooting for you!! Are you back at home? I hope your husband and other family are helping too. A family member that has worked with their loved one could help too. I am sending you positive hope and energy for a full recovery. I hope your doctor has you on meds that will protect against a future stroke too honey. God Bless You Maddie! Darla
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1110049 tn?1409402144
\I have lost my speech
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1110049 tn?1409402144
IHad depression before my stroke and it is  lot worse since
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My husband had a left hemisphere stroke 3 months ago and is suffering with speech difficulties including aphasia. The worst problem is that whenever he speaks loads of words rush into his head and it takes all his energy to just use the ones he needs. Speech therapist has not come across this problem before ... Anyone out there experienced it or know anything about it, he says it is driving him mad!!
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My grandmother is experiencing this at the moment after a TIA. Dr also says they have not heard of this happening. So frustrating for my grandmother
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I'm not sure if most of you are having TIA's if your MRI's are coming back normal.  I have TIA symptoms every month for the last 2.5 years.  First one was way worse, 3 days in the hospital.  Afterwards, they last from 5 - 10 minutes.  I have three lesions on my brain (seen on all three MRI's).  Had every test possible.  Been to Mayo Clinic (They Assigned a team of doctors to your case).  Result, They don't know.  Possible vasculitis.

I have left side numbness attacks in left arm and leg as if you hit your funny bone.  Lose control of each.  Wait five minutes and I'm fine.  I hiked a very rigorous trail recently (rated 10 of 10 on difficulty) and had two TIA like episodes during the hike.  Point is, TIA symptoms aren't always TIA's.

I'm beginning to believe high intensity exercise of maybe heat exhaustion (I'm 48) caused all of this.   The only self diagnosis I have is sometimes straining, stress, dehydration with heat seems to trigger these episodes (which seem like only left side arm and leg five minute seizures).  Who knows what the future holds?
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Have you had a checkup for MS?
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Thank you for this site!  I have had TIAs for years when having migraines but this last one was worse!  Went to the doc today and he said I may have a blocked carotid artery.  They are ordering an MRI for this coming week.  Still have a bruised head from that migraine, where the pain was!  Never had this before!  Has anyone else?  I feel like someone punched me in the head!
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I suffered a TIA last year however I am experiencing residual effects like swelling in my hands and leg and foot on the stroke side. All other symptoms have disappeared while the swelling seems to be worse, Is this normal? I'm not a heart patient. I have very controlled high blood pressure. Not sure what to make of this.
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hi i myself have had a stroke 30 years ago.then last night i felt great and my wife asked me a question and i found i could not speak and my left arm got weak.doctors told me 30 years ago that i would get mini strokes.
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I am 52 yrs old and was in good health.  Last weekend beginning Friday evening I could not stay awake.  If I tried walking around I was uncoordinated and had a slight slur with speech.  If I sat down, I would fall asleep within minutes.  Finally on Sunday my mother convinced me to go to Urgent care center and they ran cat scan and blood work. It appears I've had a mild stroke.  I am supposed to get MRI done in a few days and see a Neurologist.  I now feel fine.  No problem with speech or movement.  My family is forcing me to lie around most of the day until we get more info.  I feel like I can do things I normally do (light cleaning, taking my daughter to school, working on my computer etc..)  Has anyone else recovered this quickly?  I am really hoping the Neurologist has some other diagnosis because I haven't experienced any other symptoms (paralysis, headaches etc..)   Thanks for any comments!
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I am so relieved to read some of your posts. I was in ICU for 4 days, then a regular room for 2 days. The doctors would come in and say that I had a heart attack that "threw a clot" and caused a "stroke". Then they would come in and say that I didn't have a heart attack. Then they said I didn't have a stroke, that it was possibly a TIA. I was told that since it was a TIA, that my left side weakness wouldn't last. It was constantly a different story!! I am still a little weak on the left side, but I have done well physically.  Now the thing that is bothering me more than anything is the HORRIBLE headaches, the vertigo and the way my eyes play tricks on me. I have short term memory loss, the fact that I can't pay attention to anything makes me feel dumb, etc. I have had to resign from my job because I am a bookkeeper and I absolutely can't do any math! I have the attention span of a gnat. It is so frustrating and very, very humiliating! I was such a positive person and now I am filled with anxiety and fear.
I realize that my scans are clear on my MRI's and I know that my dr is probably thinks that I am just complaining. I feel as if he sometimes thinks I have gone a little crazy or something because I am so EMOTIONAL over EVERYTHING!! I cry and cry and cry!
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and making me feel at least a little more "normal". I don't understand what is going on...but I at least feel a little less crazy!
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Thanks for the help all. Had a non proven TIA last week. Short instance of hand movement loss. Two days in hospital MRI MRA neck sonogram heart Echo all normal. Blood work good except 230 cloresterol so on Lipitor and aspirin now, as I don't drink or smoke and low risk. Effects after seem the worst.  Arm weakness and numb face on opposite side now. Very tired and type wrong words. Went back to ER told it wasn't stroke just lingering effects. Good to know others have the same. I'm sure anxiety isn't helping because they can't find a good cause just have to wait and hope not again. Hopefully will feel better soon the excersize and lose a few pounds. I'm sure the arthritis in my back and the pressure on the nerves areng helping the symptoms?  Good luck all.  Very frustrating though not knowing if a stroke or just my own mind!
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12053107 tn?1423162017
Hello I am Jackie & I have had several TIAs over the last three years.
I have had ultra light scans on my neck & I have had a Brain Scan.
My Consultant informed me 18months ago that I have had plenty of strokes over a period of a few years without myself even realising it.
Firsly Balance, I stumbled , fell, walked into things, this was put down to a back problem. Secondly  Blurred vision, nothing wrong at eye test, Third  
slurred speech, put down to medication for back problem. Fourth loss of use of right hand & arm, RESULT  Oh you have damaged nerves in your arm. Plenty of test taken  RESULTS NOTHING WRONG.
Fifth   My own Doctor after three years of everything going wrong with me told me.
(  YOU HAVE HAD A STROKE OR STROKES)   RESULTS  I have had loads of Strokes without anybody recognising that I had any. So they the Doctors do not really know a lot about Strokes or the symptoms  of Strokes. The symptoms apart from stutter, wrong words , is drooling , headaches, feeling faint in very warm places, dry mouth, sore throat, choking, sleepy, fatigue, feeling heavy like cement, loud noises. My last Stroke was 18months ago & what does my consultant say, I will get worse as time goes by, NO I will not because I am getting better. But, I will never be the same as I used to be before my Strokes.
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I was just reading your post about the heaviness you feel in your legs...this could very well be caused by the liptor!  None of my family can take statin medications due to the same side effect.  My doc has placed me on fenofibrate 145mg tablet....NO side effects!  You might want to ask your doctor about it!  Hope you are feeling well.

Brenda LPN
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Hi, my partner had a T I A on Friday and is suffering with exactly the same symptoms.
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Hi everyone!

I am sincerely hoping you are able to help me. Or at the least guidance and support.

I am 35 and just was discharged from the hospital. I was admitted for TIA but discharged with Complicated Migraine with facial weakness. All of my tests came back normal. I am still experiencing headache, left side weakness, slurred/delayed speech, right side facial droop and now vision problems. I really feel as if this is not migraine related. My doctor won't listen to me. I have three children and a husband who all need me. While my stay at the hospital I had two Neuro Alerts called on me.

I can't even talk without an "episode" popping in. I am really annoyed and frustrated.

Thanks for reading my rant. Any help would be appreciated.


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The next time you wake up experiencing hardly able to move and  your mouth was dropping again, you should call 911 so that they can give you the medication in time to stop the problems. And those around you should know the signs of stroke so that they can call 911.  I did not have the judgment to get help when I had a major stroke until hours later and I am VERY tuned in to my body.  The night before I experienced tiny red lines in my peripheral vision.  I  immediately went online to see if I should go to the ER.  It showed nothing.  But the next day when I woke up initially paralyzed and couldn't speak properly, I didn't know that anything was wrong with me.  Maybe that's what happened to you the last time you experienced it.  Try to drill it in your head that you need to call 911 if you experience any of the stroke symptoms.  I don't know if it will help, but that's what I've tried to instill in my brain--LOL.  
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I am so sorry to hear about all your trips to the ER.  Have you looked at the risk factors for a major stroke, including keeping a good blood pressure, high cholesterol and no smoking?  I would be worried too. I quizzed my doctor in detail about my chance of having another major stroke.  

I sincerely hope that they figure out what is going on with you.  Good luck.
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I am 54yrs old & I suffered my 1st TIA 4yrs ago at that time I was told I had suffered a stroke.  It took me a year to be able to walk on my own and still suffer from slight left-sided weakness.  After all that I was told I didnot have a stroke and they could not explain to me what happened.  K was forced to medically retire from a job I loved. I went to see the neurologist from my HMO who told me to go see a psychiatrist! I was so mad I called my insurance & requested to go out of network thankfully they approved it. The neurologist I see now is so compassionate and has done quite a bit of different test in the meantime I still continued to have TIA's. He found I had a PFO I had it closed on Aug. 2013 thinking yes no more problems. Well that was short-lived because 2wks after surgery I had another one. I have gotten to the point where I don't want to go to the hospital when it happens: left side droops, confusion, left side weakness can't lift my leg or arm then comes the headache.  It is SO FRUSTRATING each time I end up in the hospital cat scan, mri all come back normal. Even the hospitals seem to be tired of me I just got released once again 2days ago. I didn't want to go so I waited until the next day and I was getting worse the headache kicked in and I could hardly see out of my left eye. After prescribing two more medications added to the 8 I already take (I haven't gotten them) I was sent home @12:00 midnight.  I am soooo tired of this roller coaster but I have no other choice it sounds horrible but if they claim it's leading up to a major stroke then get it over with but to be honest I don't even think the doctors know what is going on. God bless you all and I pray that someday they can actually tell us what is happening.  
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9621059 tn?1404881321
I am 57yrs old and had my 3rd TIA on Saturday, now 4 days ago. I woke up and tried walking and fell down. Got up and fell down again. I also have Multiple Sclerosis and called my 35 year old daughter that I live with, to come help me. I told her I also had a very bad headache. She gave me medicine for my headache and I went back to sleep while she sleep in my recliner. When I woke up 3 hours later, and could still not stand up or walk, my daughter also noticed my mouth was drooping on the left side and I was slurring my words. She begged me to go the hospital, which we did. They took me in immediately and did a CT of my brain and said they found a spot that had not been on previous CTs, and were going to diagnose me with at Stroke. When I gave them my history over the past 16 hours, they said they felt my Stroke had started about 8pm the night before and the actual stroke happened sometime while I slept between 10:00pm and 7:00am.  This was way past the 4 hour window for medication to be given to help the side effects of a stroke. All we could do was wait and see if the symptoms started going away, which would mean it was a TIA and not a full Stroke.

The symptoms did get better, but did not go away. They released me to go home on Sunday evening. I really thought I was feeling much better, then I woke up Monday morning and could hardly move, my mouth was dropping again, but not as bad as originally. I can barely walk with my walker, and all I want to do is sleep. I pray and hope these symptoms will gradually continue to decrease. Anyone with similar situations?
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I was thinking about when I had my first TIA and I remembered having the worst headache of my life at 13yrs old, this was in 1993/1994  I was taking a French test as school and lost use of my right arm and my vision got blurry.  From then until Feb 2009 I have suffered many terrible headaches.  I have seen many doctors had a CAT Scan and was always told that I have migraines.  Over the years I was taking large amounts of medication to dull the pain of the headaches and I would just wait until the numbness and blurred vision went away.  The pain got so bad over the years that I was taking 3 extra strength pain killers at a time.  I had a headache in 2009 that lasted the 31 days I finally could not take the pain and my stomach could not take the excessive amounts of medication so I went to an emergency room.  I was given pay painkillers via IV and this helped. Until 2 days later when the pain returned, but I also had loss of memory and numbness.  During Feb 2009 I went to 6 different doctors and when I was finished I had a large Ziploc bag filled with medication which did not work.  I had at least 4 TIA and then a permanent headache.  The last doctor I saw finally realized what was happening and sent me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera. I was given asprin and this took away the pain and I had no more TIAs.  I was put on hydroxyurea and that has kept me TIA free.

I have noticed that I have been depressed a lot over the years, my memory comes and goes and I have gotten extremely clumsy with my worse accident required a trip to the ER, stitches and X-ray scans.  My doctor does not think that I have any long term effects of my TIAs but I have to wonder if I do not have long term damage after suffering for so long with this problem.  Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions that could help?
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Thanks for your reply.  I hope that if the new place and opportunities will help her. But if not, I hope that you will consider taking her to a doctor about her dizziness and another anti-depressant that she could take.  If she has clinical depression, no amount of great opportunities can make a difference.  Yes, she has a lot of life left.  I had my stroke at 56 years, but due to my disabilities from the stroke, I have very little of a life.  But I am not depressed and have made peace with it.  Your mother is very fortunate to have such a caring daughter as you are.
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