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How do I tell my doctor I think I'm depressed without my parents knowing???

How can I tell my doctor I think I am depressed??? The only time I go to the doctor is when my mum takes me to get more medication for ADD and I dint feel comfortable asking the doctor infront of my Mum. And if I were to book an appointment with out telling my Mum she might not even me go out the day of the appointment!!! I dont see my doctor for at least another 4 months!!! I really want to tell my doctor because I want to knownof I am depressed! I am pritty much positive that I am but I can't be sure until I ask a doctor!!! What am I supposto do??? I don't want my Mum to know because every other time I have told her about somthing seriouse she just ignores it. Like I told her I had a really bad head ace the night befor and that it felt like my face was asleep amd that my right side of my throat was being sqeezed shut she said oh well it dosent now so. I told her it Burt to breath she just told me to take a tylanol and wait to see in the morning. I tell her I stood up to fast and that I think I fainted because I don't remember falling she was more concerned about the towl pole thingy that I tore out of the wall when I fell!!! So I don't want to tell her plus if I did she would probably just be mad and if my step dad knew he would say there's that poor me syndrome again so I can't go to the doctors with my parents so how am I supposto to tell my doctor??? With out my parents knowing and like I said if I book an appointment on my own that my Mum dosent know about theres a big chance that my Mum won't even let me go out that day!!! So how do intell my doctor???
35 Responses
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I'm not sure if I'm going to see a doctor I want to and relize I need to but I just don't have a way

I dident see my youth pastor today =( she is camping with her daughters becuase it's her last chance to have qality time with them befor they go back to university.

So I'm going to have to wait tell next Sunday to see when we can talk

even though indident get to see her I'm glad she got to go camping with her daughters she really deserve it
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It's unfortunate that your family is verbally abusive and insensitive.  That certainly plays a part in your low self-esteem.  Focus on what the loving people in your life have said, especially the people at your Church.  Love builds up, rather than tears down.  In councelling, they can definitely help you with building up your self-esteem and give help with how to deal with the abuse in your family.

I was praying for you through Church, today, and hoping you are doing better.

Please let us know that you've made it to your doctor and let us know how the treatment is helping.
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Thank you Soooo much Relayagain you comment is the first thin saw when I woke up this mourning. Well except co my celing lol. But thank you your words are so encouraging. And it nice to bear someone say I'm smart.

So are you saying that doctor would tell my Mum even if I asked him not to??? Is it not supposto be confedentail???

And yes I have a frein who is a year older than I that is deppressed though when I'm around her I just feel even more down because she lies non stop you can't trust a word she says and she is always practicly yelling at me. It's not yelling more lecturing. But the thing is I don't need her lectures. They just taree down!!! And she discards everything is say and will be like oh that's not true or that's nothing. So I just get the vibe that she dosent care!

And yes religion and building a relationship with god is extremly important to me!!!!
I dident know that my persanalyity and love for helping is rare!!!!

Actualy me wanting to help people is one of the main reasons I want to sing for a career
I want to sing because for obvisly it's fun and I love to sing and it's somthing Im good at but more importantly I want to help people. I want to be a role model and I know how much lyrics to song can really help someone threw a hard time heck Lucy by Skillet saved my life!!!! The song talks about people missing a lost friend and I listioned to it in the prespectve of people around me!!!!
Plus I think people need a role model to look up to that isent perfect. That has had their share of problems. If I were to make it into the music bussiness people who may also be going threw depression could mabey learn from me how to deal with it!!!! Or even someone who has body image issues they might be able to learn from me because I have my issues with my body to. (wanting a flat stumic and not caring of I have to be under weigh to have it) though I'm a healthy weight now!!! But anyways I just really want to help people and I can really express myself threw lyrics and I think songs that actualy mean somthing are the best!!!

Thanks for your comment it has me in a great mood hopfuly it lasts!!!! Though it's kinda declining because my parents are yelling down stairs. But I'll just re read over your comment and hopfuly that will boost my mood again!!!! Thanks

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Hey I saw your posts and to me you honestly sound like a remarkable person in a great way. You volunteer and try to build a relationship with god. It's rare to find teens who are as caring and considerate as that. Your step father and possibly other surroundings have brought you negative energy from there words. When negative energy is over come by postivity it can lead you to only being able to absorbed the negativity. Depression is an imbalance and is commonly related partly to genetics. You are not alone in the fight to over come it. There are support groups that are available for kids and teens suffering from depression. The fact that your around people your age who get it can really help you in feeling like your fighting this with others by your side. It's also a good way to make friends. You also seem really smart, you admit that you want and need help and you deserve it wether or not you realize that. Asking your youth pastor is a great idea!! Getting help as soon as you can will make recovery quicker and allow you to start relaxing knowing you are seeking help. Also if you call your doctor will be a good option as well. What is discussed will be confidential and once hearing what you have to say the doctor will either talk with your mom or with you and your mom. She will have to listen and your doctor won't take a no for an answer. He or she will be able to provide the resources available and prescribe medicine you may need. Also taking your youth pastor is smart because once the doctor listens to your story and you are provided with resources, her or/and the doctor can talk to your parents and they will have to come to terms on what you are dealing with. Hearing it from a profesional will make them believe what your saying. As far as you step dad saying the "poor me sydrome" is like ignoring the fact that you have low blood sugar when you have diabetes and dismissing it as weak when its not! Its an illness. Depression and diabetes are both illnesses that require treatment to help recover. Your step dad sounds like he may be depressed and when he hears you talk about it he thinks well I feel that way and I don't talk about it like you do. He could be in denial because if your depressed that means he might be depressed because he has the same symptoms as you do. His angry words show that he has trouble with a filter. What he says isn't true and he doesn't mean to hurt you, its like when your fighting with your sister and she says she can't drive you somewhere cause she's going out with friends and you call her the worst sister in the world. You don't mean it but in the heat of the moment you let your words flow freely. I am not saying by any means that this is an exscuse for your step dad's behavior but I am just trying to let you know that he is not aware of the harm is words cause. It could have something to do with the way he was raised, seems like there's some denial about illness between your mom and step dad. Your parents loves you and your family loves you, you can't see this because you don't know how to love yourself as much as you once could. Finding the roots to the depression is something counseling will help to provide you with. Therapy is a journey that helps you discover things and aspects about yourself that you don't even know yet. Depression can fog up your views and only let you see the bad instead of the good. Your sole is beautiful inside and out and you deserve to be happy. Your on the right path in recongnizing you need help.
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Oh and you said in your firs post that I mabey I could talk to my Dad my. My Dad lives Over half way across the country with me and don't really want to talk over the phone about it and I just don't feel comfortable talking to him about it! My Auntie Mummy (stepmother) I would feel comfortable talking to it about but when I call they put it on speaker so my Dad would here to and like I said it would be better in person. And I can't and won't tell my stepdad he'll just say there's that poor me syndrome again!!! And I just don't feel he cares! He always well not for a month or so but always calls me and my one sister stupid usless b***he's. Even though he hasent said it for a month or so it sunk in when ever he said it I just thought way to point out the obvious!!!

So I can't really tell any of my parents!!!! =(
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Once again sorry but iPod won't let me copy and paste it only let's me copy and paste when I'm typing somthing what are the names of the video???
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