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Flutter in throat

Please can someone help me. This is slowly driving me mad.

A few months ago I started to get a flutter in my throat right where the thyroid gland is. It went away as quick as it started however it made me cough and sort of lose my breath for a second. It wasn't that often that it happened.

However for the past 2 weeks it started to happen more and more until finally it became a constant flutter in my throat. I went to hospital and had blood tests, chast x ray and ecg all came back fine and they said it could be down to reflux.

Tried to get over Christmas as best as I could but its gradually getting stronger in my throat so I saw an out of hours doctor who said my Thyroid gland looks a bit swollen so I have to see my GP today to see if he will send me for tests.
I know there is nothing in the thyroid gland to flutter but could it be that if it is swelled this flutter is just my heart beat becoming more noticable in my throat? It feels like a hollow rush of air coming up my throat or a quiver that makes me cough. Its worrying me so much.

Other symptoms have been hair loss, tiredness, nausea, palpitations, constant fast pulse, dizziness, anxiety, feeling of adrenalin in my stomach, metallic taste in mouth. The list is endless.

Please can someone put my mind at rest. I just want it to go away its ruining my life so much that my partner left me 3 days ago and I just can't cope with the fluttering any longer. I have 2 children and I'm finding it hard to cope with everything.
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It will help if you will name a few nearby towns/cities.
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Your TSH was above range, and your TPO ab was way over range.  Taken together that is an indication of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  You said your Free T4 was within range, but we need to know the range, since position in range is important.   In addition you have lots of hypo symptoms.  I don't know what your doctor has told you but you are not going to be able to avoid taking thyroid medication.  It is not that big of a deal, if you have, or can find a good thyroid doctor.  

A good thyroid doctor will treat a hypothyroid patient clinically by testing and adjusting Free T4 and Free T3 levels as needed to relieve symptoms, without being influenced by resultant TSH levels.  In addition, your thyroid status is not just related to thyroid hormone levels, as most doctors think.  The correct definition of hypothyroidism is "insufficient tissue T3 effect due to inadequate supply of, or response to, thyroid hormone".
There are several processes and variables that affect transport of thyroid hormone into tissue, and also the response at the cellular level. So there are additional tests that should be done, including a Free T3 and a Reverse T3 and cortisol.  Also, Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin are frequently deficient in hypo patients, so those need to be tested and supplemented to optimize.  You can read about all this in the following link.  I highly recommend reading at least the first two pages, and more, if you want to get into the discussion and scientific evidence for all that is recommended.


After doing some reading, if you think you need help locating a good thyroid doctor, let us know and perhaps we can suggest some candidates that have been recommended by other thyroid patients.
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I was taking 100 mcgs Of Levothyroxine until recently when my t3 & t4 were normal but tsh was 19.6.  Now I’m taking 150 mcgs but am still getting flutters...they have reduced since the increase.  I have kaiser, new to it, and would love suggestions for a good dr.  I’m in the Central Valley in California.
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My 'free T4' was 1.1, within expected limits.
My TSH levels were at 6.37, then 6.55 uIU/ml (first test, second test one month later), ref range 0.40-4.20
My TPO AB was 269 IU/ml only tested once, ref range </= 35 IU

Other symptoms included irregular feeling heart rate, hair loss, dark circles under eyes with swollen eyelids, joint pain in fingers, water retention (haven't been able to wear my wedding band in over a year) in hands, swollen face, fatigue!, and some weight gain that doesn't make any sense. I have always been active. I also started sleeping/needing 10 hours of sleep a night and still felt tired, which was abnormal. I do feel better than I did since I began doing everything I absolutely could to be the healthiest I can be. I made these changes after getting my results and do feel better overall. I have not had my numbers updated in six months. Not sure I want to know if it is worse or not since I feel better. I do not want to take medication if I can help it.

No other tests re: thyroid were conducted, and I'm sorry the other items you mentioned were not tested.

Why do you mention vitamin D, B12, and ferritin?
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I have the fluttering, it is very real, and after this along with other symptoms, I got blood tests done and was diagnosed with Hashimoto&#39;s, which I now realize is pretty common in women. I have even researched further that it is common in women who have had children, and frequently symptoms begin about three years post child birth, which was true for me. I also have  thyroid disease running in my family, which added to getting this. Symptoms are worse when I am stressed, am not exercising, and am eating packaged food. When I am working out, eating only healthy fresh food, and making an effort to let the little things go, I notice that most of my symptoms go away. The fluttering is right where the thyroid is located, and I am convinced that this is part of my antibodies being so high (hashimoto's), and I am also convinced that when I am not taking well enough care of myself, that the symptoms are their worst. Really good self-care seems to make a huge different with thyroid diseases. Today I had a major flutter that took my breath away, and I realized it could be due to the fact that I had a stressful day yesterday. I don't think it is anxiety. I think it is stress, which adversely affects the thyroid and increases symptoms. These are just my observations, and what has worked for me, hope it might help someone.  Best of luck to everyone.
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What are your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report?  Also, if tested for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, please post those as well.  Even more important, please tell us about all the symptoms you have.  
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There is a lot to discuss, but first please post your test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.
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Can't say that I have heard of a symptom like that, but since you mentioned hypothyroidism and an Endo, I think we need to assess your thyroid status.  So please tell us about any other symptoms you have.  Also, please post your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.  What thyroid med are you taking and what is the daily dose?
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I’ve been having the same symptoms.  I keep getting a fluttering, feathery like feeling where my thyroid gland is. Sometimes it feels like a flip/flopping feeling. I’ve had an echo and I’ve also worn a heart monitor which the doctor says came back good. My blood work for my thyroid has came back fine but I did have a nuclear test and ultrasound of my thyroid about 5 years ago and they said my thyroid was a little enlarged then. This feeling is driving me crazy!! I also have anxiety which makes it worse. I have GERD and other stomach problems too but my Gastro doctor has said that wouldn’t be a cause of it...
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Hello.. Have been experiencing also a fluttering to throat that lasts like for a sec to 3 seconds.. But it makes me gasp for a little bit of air or to stoo whatever Im doing.. Have gotten a stress test.. Ekg aonogram everything... I do have hypothyroidism.. But my endocronologist states that thyroid doesbt cause that.. So Im with no answers.. And yet scared when it happens it puts me down, sad, scared.. Before it was once every month or so...then every week..now i get it several times in a day.. Dont know if i actually feel it on my stomach or its just the sensation i get and get scared...
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I have an interactive thyroid and have recently started having a jumping pulsating feeling in my throat. So annoying only stops when I rest or sleep. Going for heart checks but its my throat its coming from
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If you have a primary doctor you see, insistent on more tests. A nuclear heart scar, stress test, ultra sound of the heart, echo cardiogram.  Also the complete tests for Hashimotos Autoimune Disease, and yes an ENT might be a good idea. But the heart and thyroid tests need to be done.  Just insist. Tell him if he can say for certain that this is no other problem than reflux then you want the test now.
Martha Lennon
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Wow, Cleveland Clinic never heard of a flutter in the throat. Could be a heart problem or a thyroid problem.
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And an antibody test and reverse 3 test.
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That's right about the doctors.  You should join a Hashemoto group. You need extended testing to find out your problem, not just the ones you mentioned.  I get the fluttering. Only it's very fast and strong. As you said, goes as quick as it comes. Insist on all the test you need . Research the autoimmune disease mentioned above.
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I have this too, I see you just posted this yesterday actually. I have this happen to me alot. More lately. I just found out I have chronic lyme. This is a lyme symptom from what I've read. I would look into the other symptoms you have, if you do have any lyme symptoms. Back pain, neck pain, weak knees, etc.
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I described my sensation as a butterfly in my throat as well doctors think Im probably crazy they say in fine to relax and it's probably acid relux but it's been going on for 9 months now. I do suffer from generalized anxiety but it's not all anxiety. It takes my breath away when it happens only happens momentarily a few times a week. It feels like i need to cough but as soon as I think to cough it's gone and im feeling OK again. Its the weirdest thing ever. You're not alone. Going to get a checked out by an ENT finally can't take it anymore. Oh and when I feel anxious or stressed it seems like it's worse but no pattern to it I don't think.  
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I described my sensation as a butterfly in my throat as well doctors think Im probably crazy they say in fine to relax and it's probably acid relux but it's been going on for 9 months now. I do suffer from generalized anxiety but it's not all anxiety. It takes my breath away when it happens only happens momentarily a few times a week. It feels like i need to cough but as soon as I think to cough it's gone and im feeling OK again. Its the weirdest thing ever. You're not alone. Going to get a checked out by an ENT finally can't take it anymore. Oh and when I feel anxious or stressed it seems like it's worse but no pattern to it I don't think.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
flubber123 has not posted on the forum since the post in November of 2014, so it's unlikely you will get a response.  We don't know how any of the previous posters turned out, as they did not return to let us know.

If you have current lab results to post, we can try to help you determine the cause of your symptoms.  
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Yes I have been having these same symptoms. Did you ever find out the cause of yours?
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Hello.  I have had this sensation in my throat for several years.  I describe it like a butterfly in my throat.  IT WILL NOT GO AWAY UNLESS I cough, like to clear my throat.  Sometimes I can cough/clear just once but sometimes it takes several times for it to stop.  I have tried to continue to breathe through the feeling but it won't go away without coughing.  No doctor I have ever mentioned this to seems to have ever heard of this before.  The only thing I see here in my symptoms and those of others posting here is Thyroid.  I take meds for diabetes II and thyroid (armour thyroid).  

I think this is just the strangest thing that women are having this sensation and doctors tell us they have never heard of this.......
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hey i know this is a long shot as this post is really old but im having what i can only describe as flutter/tug in throat feeling its hard to explain it happens randomly throughout the day and im freaking out iv had it for over a month i cant concentrate on anything hospital said anxiety my doctor only person who seems concerned did it make you feel like you was holding your breath/couldt breath for the second it did the flutter ?
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Hi sorry it took so long for me to post back. 4 years in fact! I had an endoscopy shortly after my symptoms started and it showed a bit of inflammation in my esophagus. The fluttering lasted about 3 weeks and then disappeared on their own.

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You have mentioned a number of things that i have little/no knowledge about.  I would like to help in any way possible and perhaps there are other members who can provide some insight.  At this point I wondered why you chose to post on the thyroid Forum.  Have you been told you might have a thyroid problem?  If you have had any thyroid related tests done, please post those results, along with reference ranges shown on the lab report.

Where are you located that you have to wait so long to be tested?
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hi gimel ,I am replying to you as you seem to have a bit of knowledge, I to have been getting some pressure feeling and flutters in the back of my throat for about 8 months  and It seems to be getting worse, my so many symptom's started about 8 years ago when I started to get pain in my throat (between my chest  bone) and consistent sore throats I went to my doctors over a 9 month period complaining about it  even suggesting that it could be some sort of a bacterial infection as this is what the pain felt like  the doctors reply was it was impossible and sent me away with gavaston for acid reflux eventually the doctor referred me onto the hospital after I started bleeding from my back passage. In the hospital I had a scope  put down my throat and up my back passage were they found I had hellibactar in my throat  and ulcerative colitis in my back passage which I was treaded for and then discharge from the hospital. After complaining to the same doctor for a further 3 years that I was still bleeding from my back passage I then change doctors and  after a further 2 years with my new doctor I was referred  back to the hospital in 2010 which they then found that  I still had the ulcerative colitis and also 2 polips. I have return to the hospital every 6 month since 2010 as I have pre assistant ulcerative colitis, over the last 3 years I have been complaining with pain in my upper stomach which stared to bring on pain in my chest, the chest pain got so bad that it when through  into my shoulder blade so my doctor sent me for an ECG  which showed something wrong with my heart beat and the doctor then told me  i may have had a previse heart attack after being referred to the chest hospital and having  a Echocardiogram and a calcium scoring test done they have ruled out the heart attack and referred me back to the Gastroenterology clinic. The doctor at the hospital have tried me on a double dose of Lansoprazole and nexium 40mg, which didn't work for me so they have sent me for ph test and told me there is a 9 month waiting list for this test, i have waited nearly 12 months now and still haven't had a appointment, in the meantime i have started to get a pressure feeling and flutters in the back of my throat it started off like Lamkay were it caught my breath and made me cough and now a have a continues flutter especially after having something to eat  
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That is pitiful. Are you in the United States?
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It has been 7 months since I posted about my flutter being gone, just want to let you know it remains gone ever since I stopped the Amlodipin (spelling?) I am still on Lisinopril and take Losartan Potassium also but have never had a recurrence of the fluttering since stopping the one med. I also have low thyroid medicated with Levothyroxin.
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What thyroid med and dosage?  Also, please post your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.  Do you have any other symptoms going on?
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