1330182 tn?1279815900

Could this be a thyroid disorder?

I am confused and scared as to what is happening to me :(   I am going to be getting health insurance soon ( thanks to my wonderful fiance!) but I am hoping that I can find some immediate answers to my fears about what is happening to me :(
Here is a short description of what has been going on..
First off, I have suffered from Anxiety since childhood.. I also was very thin even though I ate normal size portions of food.. My insides have always felt like they were in overdrive.. At age 22, my Mom died and the anxiety became chronic.. I finally decided to go on antidepressants for help, but they never seemed to work.I felt tired all the time and basically didn't give a crap about anything.. I also gained 20lbs!!
Since 2005 I have been having problems with my menstrual cycles. From 2006- now my periods have gradually ceased to exist :(
Coincidentally, I switched from Zoloft to Prozac in January of 2006 which may have been a factor in messing up my hormones. Then, things got really crazy when my pdoc added Strattera to the Prozac.. I had to stop taking the strattera because it was making me nauseous. After stopping Strattera, I began having hot flashes.. In fact, I had 30 hot flashes in one day! They hot flashes began to subside... Then I started missing periods.. I have not had a period since Sept 9th of 2008. I had a pap smear on Aug 18 2008 which was normal. I did think it was odd that I had a period shortly after the pap smear.. Up to that point, I wasn't having any periods at all.. The last one I had was Nov of 2007. Since my last period ( Sept 2008) I had only one slight period, which was in October of 2009.
The other symptoms that I have had started up in the spring/summer of 2008.. In the summer of 2008, the hot flashes returned along with heart palpitations.. I could be sitting on the couch watching tv, and my heart would start having palpitations.. I was on Prozac so I decided to taper down to see if it helped stop the heart issues.. I also gained 20 pounds ( most likely from the prozac, I was 20lbs lighter when I started the meds in Jan of 06) I started to do some walking and mild exercise which seemed to stop the heart issues but not the hot flashes. My final dose of Prozac was in November of 2008.
Unfortunately I had to go back on Prozac last fall of 2009 because my anxiety came back  But when I went back on the prozac, things got worse. I started having chest pains, fatigue, and my eyes felt like they were being squeezed! I also had weird pains in my pelvic area. I had my blood pressure checked and it was normal.
I finally had to stop taking the prozac because the angina was getting worse. I have now been off prozac since March and all the heart palpitations and chest pain is finally gone. The weird pelvic pains have stopped as well. I was going to my doctor the whole time so he was informed of what was going on. He said that the Prozac may have been too stimulating for me..
The symptoms I am worried about now is: lack of a period, insomnia, anxiety,hair loss, can't stand the cold, sensitive, sticky eyes, puffiness under eyes (especially around my left eye) hot flashes ( I can be freezing and have a hot flash) , bouts of loose stools, and fatigue. I also have had milky discharge for years since being on SSRI's ( had a mammogram when this first occurred 8 years ago and they found nothing )
I did have my TSH tested in Nov of 09 and it was 2.24 However, my FSH was 153.5 mIU/ml and my LH was 57.7 mIU/ml
Sorry for the long post, I am just terrified of what is happening to me and I hope that when I go to see the endocrinologist , they can tell me what is going on!
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You have mostly hyperthyroid symptoms mixed with a few hypo symptoms, so I suggest getting a thyroid ultrasound to determine if you have thyroid nodules leaking and causing you to go hyper. If I had to pick a thyroid disease that this resembles, I would lean toward Hashimoto's, especially since your TSH is above a 2.0. Please be advised that current TSH standards are outdated. I have Hashimoto's and my TSH never went above a 2.74. BTW, TSH is a pituitary hormone, so PLEASE don't let a doc diagnose you on that number alone. Why not ask the thyroid what's going on?

The tests for Hashimoto's are the TGab and the TPOab. These will tell us if you have thyroid antibodies attacking you. The measurement of the thyroid hormone are the FreeT3 and FreeT4 tests. TSH, again, is a pituitary hormone and not always reliable.

Finally, because you do have several hyper symptoms, get the TSI for Graves just to be sure.

I did have several hyper symptoms early on in my disease, so don't be fooled if your endo says Hashimoto's is strictly a hypothyroid disease. We swing back and forth early on in the disease as our thyroids swell and leak more hormone and as our nodules leak hormone as well.

I am now on a gluten-free, healthy diet and doing WAY better. Read my journal. I'm finally healthy again with just some minor problems that are slowly being resolved. Yes, our periods and ALL of our hormones will go out of wack if our thyroid is not working properly.

Below were my symptoms prior to treatment.
Hypo problems:
Mild weight gain even while dieting
Extreme fatigue in the morning and throughout the day/napping
GERD/Heartburn/chest pain
constipation Abdomen swells for no apparent reason
forgetfulness/brain fog
Neck/jaw pain/swelling/pressure
Scratchy voice
Very cold feet and hands and sometimes a feeling like ants are biting my feet
Endometriosis (2 years ago – cured after one year of birth control)
Irregular/heavy periods and menstrual-like cramping in between periods
Voice is sometimes hoarse
Knee/joint pains – finger swelling and pain
Rash or scaly skin on neck, hands, chest, chin, nose, right armpit down to waist
Dry, gritty eyes
Muscles in legs sometimes go wobbly and weak when I am standing
Body temp ranges 97-97.5
Hair clumps in shower
Decreased sex drive
Aches all over body like the flu
Enlarged lymphnodes in neck and armpit
Legs feel heavy and swollen at times
Pain in the soles of my feet like muscle cramps
Toe nails feel painful and brittle

Hyper Problems:
Weight loss when not dieting
GERD/Heartburn/chest pain
Abdomen swells for no apparent reason
Neck/jaw pain/swelling/pressure
Scratchy voice
Migraines, dizziness and back of neck/head pain
Ear pressure/pain
Rash on back of head
Voice is sometimes hoarse
Sore eyes
Hot flashes
Night throbbing/pounding in ears that wakes me
Tingling feet/hands/lips
Shaky hands
Stabbing pain below right ribcage
Pain in kidney and lower back area
Increased thirst, urination and a feeling like I have a bladder infection
Blood pressure changing
Feeling like heart is beating fast
Enlarged lymphnodes in neck and armpit
Legs feel heavy and swollen at times
Pain in the soles of my feet like muscle cramps
Increased sex drive

Take care...
:) Tamra
20 Responses
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i think it would help if you keep exercising every day also and find a method for stress management. yoga helps me and deep breath .    i don t really understand how our symptoms cross over but they do i know because i have experienced it too.  glad you got off the antidepressents.  try and find a way to calm yourself it will help your stomach.  deep breath.you will be ok.
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i have the increased urination urgency in the afternoon from about 12 to 3  ONLY   what on earth is that?    i know its some mysterious thyroid thing !!!!!  am also cold then and only then.   now i just laugh at my crazy symptoms i don t cry any longer
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I agree with TamraW.......
You can get crossover symptoms of Hyper and Hypo and both can 'mimic' each other.
Cranberry capsules cured my urination problems and also havent had a UTI since being on them (2 years).
I swear by them...I take one at night.
Let us know how you go :o)
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1330182 tn?1279815900
Thank you SO much for all your posts! I have felt so scared and alone dealing with these health issues.. I try to explain them to my Fiance, but he really doesn't get how I feel physically.. I am blessed that he is supportive though :)
! I am checking references to see a reproductive endocronologist and a family doc who specalizes in thyroid disorders.. If anyone knows of a good thyroid doc in the Metro Detroit area I would love to hear from you :)  Again, I can;t even begin to express my gratitude! I will be documenting my progress on this site :)
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Check your email.  Sent PM.
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1330182 tn?1279815900
I forgot to mention that I have a constant low blood pressure.. My blood pressure usually averages around 90/60 When it dips lower, I feel like a sloth!!  I am very active at home and at work but for the past 8 years, my fatigue has slowed me down considerably.. I blame part of it on the SSRI's.... Those meds (zoloft, prozac) made me turn into a zombie!! That wasn't very helpful when I was working as a landscaper! lol!!
I feel so much better mentally without them! But now I have to deal with the physical changes that comes with post ssri use GRRR!! I am stubborn gal so I know I will get to the bottom of what is causing my health issues :)  Also, having all you wonderful people to chat with is a TREMENDOUS help!!
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1330182 tn?1279815900
Thanks for the info, Gimel :D
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1330182 tn?1279815900
Tamra, I have had the muscle weakness in the legs as well.. I will be standing then all of a sudden it feels like someone came up behind me and pushed the back of my knees.. Very odd feeling!!
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I have had that too when borderline Hypo....and also an ache in the left knee and leg.
It is all to do with the thyroid Michelle.
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1330182 tn?1279815900
I hope so, Deb! I have been feeling horrible for a long time now :(  Some days it takes all my strength to get out of bed!! What is really frustrating is that I used to mow 14 lawns a day at the landscaping company I worked at a couple years ago.. Now if I can get the house cleaned without collapsing is an accomplishment! LOL!
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1330182 tn?1279815900
Sorry for all the questions, but if I am diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, will the thyroid treatment get rid of the anxiety? Or am I going to have to go back on SSRI's  I really am hoping to avoid SSRI's! Thanks <3
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Once the levels are stabilised, the anxiety goes.
As for the energy level..this depends on the thyroid levels and your diet.
Stick to everything fresh, no packaged foods and no soy.
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938326 tn?1300878804
I just wanted to post this, I am struggling with all these symptoms, I have had thyroid test done a couple years ago...nothing showed. I heard that you cant just depend on the test...was it hard for a diagnoses with anyone? I was never asked my symptoms, other than sudden weight gain and tiredness
What tests should be done?

I also wanted to say that my exes wife was diagnosed wih schitzophrenia(SP?) alteast 10 years ago....she was seeing a new phsyciatrist as her normal one was out of town..he had looked at her charts and then did a check list with her to see if it was her thyroid. To make a long story short she had been misdiagnosed and everything was because her thyroid was off. She is normal, happy, healthy and doesnt suffer from any of the symptoms that they thought was schitzophrenia!
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Since you are in London, if you had a thyroid test done a couple of years ago, chances are it was only for TSH.  There are a couple of problems with that.  First TSH is a pituitary hormone that is affected by so many variables that it is totally inadequate as a diagnostic by which to determine thyroid status and medication.  Second, I'd bet my last dollar that the reference range was at least .5 - 5.0, or maybe an even higher upper limit.  Over 8 years the Amer. Assn. of Clinical Endocrinologists recognized that old range needed to be corrected.  Since then they have recommended a range of .3 - 3.0.

Beyond all that,  TSH should be nothing more than an indicator, to be considered along with more important indicators such as symptoms, as well as levels of the actual, biologically active thyroid hormones, free T3 and free T4.  FT3 is the most important because it is four times as active as FT4, plus studies have shown that FT4 correlates best with hypo symptoms.  TSH did not correlate at all with hypo symptoms.

I don't know how difficult it is for you to get adequate thyroid testing done in the UK.  If possible, then I would insist and make sure they are testing for FT3 and FT4 (Not total T3 and total T4), along with TSH.  If there is a thyroid problem, it likely would be due to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which can be detected by testing for thyroid antibodies, with TPO ab and TG ab.  

Based on my own experience and what I have learned here, I firmly believe that the very best way for a doctor to treat a thyroid patient is to test and adjust levels of FT3 and FT4 with whatever type of meds required to relieve symptoms, without being constrained by resultant TSH levels.  Symptom relief should be all important, not TSH level.  Here is a link that I think might be beneficial to you.

Do you think you can push your doctor to do the above testing?  If so, then please do so and get a copy of the actual lab report and post here, along with reference ranges, and members will be glad to help interpret.  

Along with that I think you need to find out if your doctor is going to be willing to treat your symptoms in the manner I described above,  If not, then you will need to start looking for a good thyroid doctor that will do so.  From the experience of Forum members who live in the UK, that may be very difficult, so I would start the search right away.
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Some of the anxiety/shaking could also be due to adrenal issues, which commonly go with hypo/Hashi.

Sadly, most doctors do not  test or treat adrenals properly. I highly recommend you join the adrenal community and ask for any references for where you live. The most accurate test is the 24 hour saliva. A blood cortisol only measures once during the day. I had that and it came back 'normal'. My 24 hour saliva (NOT URINE) came back that I was low in the am and early afternoon (tired) and high (shaky/difficulty sleeping) at night.

You sound like a Hashimoto's patient, but just to be sure get ALL of the tests: TGab, TPOab, FT4, FT3 and TSH.

Yes, it took a long time for many of us to get diagnosed. My first three endos went solely by TSH, a pituitary hormone. My TSH was never above the magic number  (2.69 and 2.74). My TPOab was a 221 last summer, well above the acceptable 35. This was how I got the diagnosis of Hashimoto's, AFTER I asked my old endo who'd been seeing me for four months, and who also noted I had a goiter and nodules.  

I have found wellness now through a holistic doctor and I also go to an endo just for my thyroid meds and ultrasounds. Read my journal to note my progress. :) Tamra
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938326 tn?1300878804
Hi guys...I wanted to post the results of all the tests he did and hope that someone had some insight. I picked up copies but am unable to see my doctor until the 20th.
I will post all the test and see what you can tell me, if anything.
RIA TSH=1.40
T4 FREE 12.6
Those are the only thyroid related tests he did,  but he did run a sleugh of other test aswell. I will try and scan them and post the pages on here for you all to see.

My doctor is pretty much useless, I think he needs to retire.
I've had other issues that I ended up being treated for in the E.R. because he just subsided me and told me there was nothing wrong. Over 5 months, until the pain was to much to bare. I dont think I will get anywhere with him. I am looking for a new doctor that actually listens to my symptoms without looking at me like I am a fool!
Anyhow, sorry for the vent.
As soon as I find another doctr I will request more tests.
Also I am in London, Ontario. If you guys know of a good doctor or endo and could pass it on thta would be truly wonderful!
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190559 tn?1280612367
HI--if possible, try to post the ranges that go with TSH and T4 free test.  Do you know if you had a free T3 test done?

It might be helpful if you copied and pasted the most important info from your posts and started a new thread.  This would allow other member to better answer your questons.

Good luck finding a doc!  Maybe someone who lives in your area can private message you about someone.
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938326 tn?1300878804
No I didnt have the free t3 test done...
Thanks I will do that.
RIA TSH was 1.40 the ref range was 0.30-4.70 Units was MU/L  FN LOC 70
t4 free 12.6 and the ref range 9.1-23.8  Units was PMOL/L
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If you suspect Hashimoto's thyroid disease, then get the TGab and TPOab along with a repeat FT4 and FT3. Your TSH and FT4 look normal, but if you truly are experiencing many of the symptoms (please refer above to my symptoms) then  you should be tested further.

Remember, TSH and the frees can fluctuate in Hashi as we swing hypo to hyper, so our labs can be deceptively 'normal' one week and off the next. If you are unlucky enough to get your labs drawn on a 'normal' week, and you have a clueless endo (big shocker there) then your doctor may say nothing's wrong and send you on your miserable way.

Happened to me. I was misdiagnosed by many docs. I only ended up with an endo because my parathyroid hormone was a little high. By the third clueless endo, I took matters into my own hands and demanded the antibody tests. That's how I got my Hashi diagnosis.
:) Tamra
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