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I wanted to ask anyone out there if they are having trouble with being too hot or too cold.  Let me back up a bit. I was diagnosed with cancer in the left lobe of my thyroid and insisted that they take the right lobe out as well. I am glad I insisted because when the biopsy was done on my right lobe, cancer was detected in that lobe too (the scan missed the cancer). Cancer usually hits things that are bilateral (unfortunately). I read this several times when I was researching information about thyroid CA. This all happened 2 years ago. My surgeon up north told me to get a total body scan annually due to the cancer being in both lobes. I moved to a southern state and my endocrinologist told me that was "old school" and not really indicated anymore. I keep telling him I am not feeling well and he takes all kinds of strange tests but everything comes out normal. I don't think I am doing well on my Synthroid. I take 137 MCG every day along with 5 MCG of Cytomel everyday.  My body aches, my joints ache and I get so tired sometimes I sleep for weeks at a time, then I snap out of it and feel slightly better. I also lose my hair (alot of it) when I go through this "spell". I have also gained 20lbs in two years. Here is the big problem (as if the others aren't enough,) I can't seem to take the heat. I mean its to the point that I will be sitting in airconditioning and start sweating profusely. Also, my face gets so red that people ask me if I am OK ( I have no other diseases). The heat effects me so bad, I get dizzy and sweat really bad as soon as I walk outside. I have also found I can't take extreme coldness either.  I am 40 and exercise 3x a week.  Should I insist on the total body scan and change my meds?  Is anybody out there experiencing the same problems with temperature differences? My husband tells me I am crazy and he can't take me anymore (22 years of marriage). I have never experienced any of this stuff until my thyroid was removed.
11 Responses
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369861 tn?1306275686
I;m sorry, that should have been Pawcats
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369861 tn?1306275686
Hi Peggy,

I have been having the hot/cold issue as well.  I am forever asking people around me if they are hot/cold.  The funny thing is that everyone I ask, is the opposite of me.  

Since I have been on synthroid, I have had two bout of bronchitis and I have only been on the synthroid for 2 1/2 months.  I'm not sure if they go hand in hand, but I had not had a bronchial attack in over a year.  

So far, I have not had any issues with my cholesterol,  however I have had the joint pain, the weight gain and the hair loss.

BTW, I wonder if most people think of thyroid as a disease.  hhhhhhhmmmmmm?
When I mention whats going on with me, people tend to think this is something made up and can't be happening.    Well, I'm here to tell them otherwise.

If I may suggust.  Tell your husband to read up on what you are dealing with.  I made my family do it, so they can understand somewhat how I feel.  Now they don't have to just hear me "b" and moaning.  Now they know "why".

You are on a great site with a lot of supportive people.
Just don't give up.

Take care.

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556640 tn?1218856133
I am on Synthroid, my doctor doubled my dose and in 3 weeks cholesterol down to 240 so he made a small increase in synthroid and check again Tuesday.
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A cholesterol level of 548. What meds are you on? I am glad to hear that some of the symptoms are going away. Thanks for responding. I need to hear from other people because I feel isolated. Hope all goes well. Take care.

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My situation was Pap carcinoma too. This hot/cold thing really got bad after the I-131 treatment. Is that what you were treated with? If so, what dosage? Thanks again for responding. I NEED to hear from others because I feel like I am going crazy. My endo keeps asking me, "Have you contacted your PCP? "Call your PCP". I correlate this craziness to not having a thyroid. I guess he doesn't. The hair loss is crazy, my friends tell me I might go bald one day.............THANKS!!!!!

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I get the same looks about the eating thing. I eat 1-2 meals a day with average portions. I think if a person is overweight, doctors do not take complaints serious enough because they attribute the complaints to the weight issue. I have been going nuts since this whole thing happened 2 years ago. I haven't felt right in a long time. Anyway, thanks for responding. I will keep plugging along.

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Thanks for responding. I feel so isolated because my family doesn't even bother to do research on my condition. I have had my female hormones checked and all comes out well. No blood pressure problems or anything like that. I keep the air conditioning on 78 degrees and feel good but my dad and husband tell me I am being selfish because everybody else in the house is COLD! I feel like I am going crazy. I am overweight (about 60 lbs) and everyone tells me what I am going through is because of the weight issue.
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458072 tn?1291415186
Have they checked your female hormones? I know when the thyroid gland goes, the others sometimes follow suit. Not to mention the addition of thyroid hormone.

I have also read some other posts about people having hot flashes with thyroid problems.
Hope you get some relief soon, in the meantime,

research what you can, but don't do like I do, get obsessive over it. ha ha

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561964 tn?1283798616
You are not alone. Just yesterday, I told my husband I was hot. We were in the house with the thermo set at 76F.  He has been great with me having to deal with all my physical and emotional stuff.  I have also gained weight (almost 50 lbs over last 3 yrs), but both my PCP and Endo look at me like I need to slow down on my eating. I honestly don't eat alot. Just normal amounts. It's very frustrating.
About the full body scan, I don't know.  Maybe you should see a couple other doctors.

Maybe we are experiencing "hot flashes" as we all seem to be in the 40 yr old range.
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158939 tn?1274915197
Exact same problems here!

You do need to have your thyroglobulin measured at least every 6 months and a full body scan if the thyroglobulin is above .2

Please find another doctor.  There are those out there who are much, much more attentive.   If you post the general area you are in there may be someone on here who can give you the name of a good one.

Hang in there (and yes, I have tons of blankets then I throw them off and turn on the fan all night long.)  :-)

papillary carcinoma
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556640 tn?1218856133
I have the same problems with the heat and cold, my face also gets red, I have joint pain,a loss of hair especially eyebrowsand I can sleep for days too. I was diagnosed with hypo 2 years ago and hashi's 2 weeks ago after cholesterol went to 548. I have noticed alot of the symptoms disapeara couple of weeks after a dosage change.When was the last time your thyroid levels were checked?
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