568873 tn?1216830993

How many here have silver fillings?

How many have "silver" amalgam (i.e. mercury) fillings?  Anyone ever wonder what poisoned their bodies so bad to damage an organ to the point that it does not work properly?  Look at Chernobol, many people there did not escape without thyroid cancer or thyroid disease.  It was radiation that caused theirs.  We have mercury that sits inches above our thyroid, it's no wonder that we have a thyroid disease.

Thre are many other symptoms of mercury poisoning that people have and that perhaps some here have that are directly related to the mercury that the ADA claims is so safe.  Look it up for yourselves.  Consumers for Dental Choice is an organization that has tons of info on the dangers of mercury poisoning, try googling them.
41 Responses
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I have silver fillings too and would love to get them taken out!
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213044 tn?1236527460
There are two camps in this debate, and I have read a lot from both perspectives.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have never read anything that ties silver amalagam fillings to thyroid disease, and the people who poo-poo it have a lot of statistics on their side.

I have a hobby that exposes me to lead and mercury in much higher levels than the fillings in my teeth. I smoke a pack a day, take LOTS of pharmaceudicals, eat foods that are mostly devoid of nutrients and then try to feed my body chemicals called vitamins and supplements in an effort to fool it into thinking it is receiving nurishment.

The amount of mercury in silver amalgam fillings that is released daily is miniscule. It may be a cause for concern for some people, but when you put it in perspective, I think you'll find living in a population center over 10,000 exposes you to more contaminants just opening your windows than the whole mercury issue.

That is my opinion. I thank you for bringing it up, and I look forward to seeing what others have to say. I hope my attitude does not strike you as argumentative. I am not trying to "win", or shout you down. Just expressing my opinion.
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458072 tn?1291415186
Good point AR, there are so many things that are popping up for us to get on the bandwagon and they can make a body weary from all the warnings out there.

I also heard that the removal of said fillings is very dangerous, so whats a body to do? Who are we to listen to?
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168348 tn?1379357075
I read alot a few yrs ago .. I have a mouthful.  My metals levels were normal.  Many have been replaced.  Two that needed replacement ended up with root canal.  So w/o real proof I've opted to keep the others!

Good ?

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499534 tn?1328704178
I have had all of mine replaced....you would not believe the decay that was found underneath every one of them....I had a bunch!  I did all the protocols to hopefully remove any moving mercury. After my first one was replaced i tested positive for mercury, so I think everyones body and the way they react is different. Unfortunately mine was burnt out and I didn't want to take anymore chances. Regardless.....I am glad i did it because of all the decay that was found. Amalgam fillings don't have a forever shelf life...lol
Anywho....better safe than sorry to me!
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560822 tn?1216089904
I have 12 amalgams all old from over 25 to 30 years ago it was even common practice to put them on top of our molars to protect them now they are all falling to bits. I would love to have them all out but cant afford too....yikkks....
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568873 tn?1216830993
It is interesting to hear someone say that the amount of the third most toxic substance known to man, is miniscule.  So just alittle bit of a poison that is a neurotoxin is okay.  All people react to mercury, some have thyroid difficulities, some have heart disease, cancer, autism, ms, and the list goes on and on.  Many countries overseas have banned the use of these fillings.  Ask a dentist what he has to do with your filling that he takes out of your mouth, ask if he can just throw it into the garbage. It has to be treated as hazardous waste.  The only place that amalgam is not considered toxic waste is  in  your mouth.  I have read that having 1 filling is equivilent to  having 1 mercury thermometer in your mouth.
Christy, I had over 12 amalgams myself, but last year I had them all removed.  I can not tell you howe much better I feel.  The day my last filling was taken out was the last day of my hot flashes.  My legs don't fall asleep anymore. I could go on and on, but it was a very drastic change.  I had mine removed by a mercury free dentist to ensure that it was removed safely and I took things to detox myself.
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I had a lot of silver fillings but I have had all of them replaced with caps or crowns or bridges except 1 of them. I may have to go and get that last one removed.  I had about 10 of them. So that's why we have thyroid problems? Well my daughter doesn't have any cavities or fillings and she has thyroid problems so I don't know. Anyway, thanks for the info. I will let my dentist know this the next appt I have and get this filling removed and replaced.
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213044 tn?1236527460
I trust this source.


You'll have to put the http://www. in front of it, but it's worth the effort. Extra links and everything. You can read half the day.

I think it is a lot of hysteria foisted on us by people who use analogies like "one mercury thermometer in your mouth".

Do you seriously believe one amalgam filling is the same as breaking a thermometer and drinking the mercury?
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213044 tn?1236527460

I urge you to use this link (unless it gets erased) and do a little reading.
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568873 tn?1216830993
Mercury passes through the placenta, there have been several studies in rats, sheep, and monkeys to show this.  The  mercury you have in your fillings is passed onto your babies.  It is accumulative.  There is mecury in the flu shot and tetnus shots, plus various others.  

IAOMT.org is a fabulous site.  Boyd Haley is a wonderful scientist who has studied mercury and its relationship to autism and altzeimers (I know I spelled it wrong). Consumers for Dental Choice has a web site that is also loaded with alot of information.    
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Honestly, I'll tell you what I think right up front:  It sounds like you're making claims and suggesting others take leaps that might not be in their best interest.

Interesting that you say a mercury free dentist removed your fillings.  Of course that kind of dentist is going to go for taking money to do that.  Did you consult with any other dentists to see what he/she said?  Also, since you took things to detox too, it seems you will never really know what caused the positive affect.

When the fillings come out, what do they get replaced with?  Something synthetic?

Speaking of synthetic…  I see you live in NY, home to GE – birthplace of the synthesis of every heavy metal and every scary material known to man.  The experimentation, production and corporate waste dumping coming from there would be scarier to me than anything going on in my mouth.  I mean…talk about ‘just opening your windows.’ (AR-10!!!!)

I’ve read things on this subject too but never found a good argument one way of the other.

I think if someone wants remove his or her fillings and feels good about it, that’s what counts.  But I too have read negative things about doing that.

While the ADA, like anything else, is capable of having faults, our country does have better oral and overall health than most others.

The link between the levels of mercury in fillings and cancer is not proven to the same level as the link between radiation and cancer.  That is a fact.

It is my understanding that, sadly, it was the thyroids of the very young in Chernobyl that took the brunt of that disaster.  Whether it was just after or years later. The vulnerability of their young bodies made them more susceptible than the adults.


Does anyone know of a good book on that subject – Chernobyl and thyroid disease?  I’ve never found one.
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213044 tn?1236527460
Boyd Haley is also listed on the Quackwatch site.
You can search the site and see he is not looked upon favorably.

Quackwatch is a site dedicated to debunking junk medical science and outing quacks and frauds, as well as fraudulant claims in the medical realm.

The IAOMT is also listed on this site as a questionable organization. So is the Consumers for Dental Choice.

Got any credible medical text you can quote that comes from mainstream sources? You know, like the New England Journal of Medicine?
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568873 tn?1216830993
You haven't put down where you are from so tahat makes it  easy for you to mock the place where I live?  Is it my fault that various companies reside here without my permission?
To get to the crux of the matter.  I do NOT care what readers of my comments think of what I write.  I  have written about my personal experience and how my health has improved.  If that is so offensive to anyone then I don't know why it would be , then it is apparently their problem.. I would think that people here would appreciate an exchange of ideas and stories of things that has helped other people.

I like how it is insuated that I will never really know why my health improved after amalgam removal.  Yes infact I do.  Last May I had a tooth with amalgam extracted.  During the course of the extraction the amalgam was drilled onto releasing mercury vapors into the air, which I breathed into my lungs.  Of course all of this was unknown to me at the time.  I felt extremely tired immediately.  I felt lethargic and could barely go to work to do my job. I kept forgetting everything, including to make dinner for my husband and I .  I had to frequently go to the bathroom (kidneys are very often affected by mercury). I felt horrible. I could not sleep a whole night.  I kept getting up to urinate 4 to 5 times a night. This has never happened to me before. It was during that time that I saw a movie about amalgam and  the dangers of mercury. Up until this point I did not even know about amalgam and mercury.  I sat down and cried.  I at that time knew why I felt as I was feeling. Now of course there will be skeptics here who say so where is the proof?  A few weeks later I had my physical, my bloodwork had drastic changes, my RBC were actually out of range LOW.  This has never happened to me.  I have the results of the last 10 years and my rbc were always within the normal range.  My hct dropped very low and there were various other changes.  Last July and August I had my amalgams removed.  I detoxed.  In November of last year 5 months since I had the bloodwork with my RBC's out of range, they were now normal and my blood looked so much better.  I no longer  have sleep problems, I no longer have to get up to urinate more than once a night.I have more energy and I am not lethargic with so many memory problems. So, I do know what caused my health improvements. Nothing else in my life changes except for the fact that I took the poison out of my body. I was fortunate enough to have had  my physical when I did.

Sweden and Norway both banned amalgam use in Jan 1 of this year.  Denmark is planning on phasing out amalgam.  In California Prop 65 was passed in 1986.  Prop 65 requires a state to publish a list of chemicals known to CAUSE CANCER, birth defects, or cause reproductive harm.  The ADA fought hard to not be included in this measure.  In 1990 they lost the fight and it is the law that a sign be posted.  

Boyd Haley had once stated that he felt like he was having a conversion with the town drunk about people making claims that mercury does no harm to us or our children.  He is certainly correct. We are being poisoned.
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213044 tn?1236527460
It would help if you didn't make totally false stements like "third most toxic substance known to man".

That is complete hogwash.

Google it. It is not even in the top ten. Sensational statements like that which have no scientific truth whatsoever do not help your cause.

You have a lot invested in your believe. You are compelled to defend them. I have shown you links galore that say it is a crock of cow dung.

This is a thyroid forum. You are implying that mercury poisoning is responsible for thyroid disease, again without a shred of proof.

Get over your indignation and provide proof.

The whole bit about sheep and placentas is discounted in the link I left, which you never bothered to read.

If you want to come here and shout OMG! Your teeth are killing you!!!, please bring some proof with you.
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568873 tn?1216830993
60 minutes did a story in the early 1990's about dental amlgam and how it poisons us.  There weer remarkable stories from people with MS  who could not walk who after amalgam removal and detox could walk again and function normally. Other people with other diseases then just went away after amalgam removal.  A doctor spoke of how he was utterly amazed at the health improvemnets of his pateints after amalgam removal.
This show was never reaired because the ADA put alot of pressure on 60 minutes not to reair this piece. I have this episode and it is absolutely amazing to see and hear. People are still saying the same things today, nothing has changed.  
Because a sotry may be anedoctal does not mean that it is not proof of the truth.  My story is   100% true and I will tell anyone who is willing to listen.  If it helps 1 person then it was not done in vain.
To have people try to shut me down is outrageous. To have people try to make me out to be a bad guy is totally outrageous and lacking in human compassion.
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568873 tn?1216830993
Sounds like you are very close to the ADA.
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213044 tn?1236527460
Sounds like you are too stubborn to read the link I left you.
Afraid you may be wrong? The whole sixty minutes bit is covered in the link.

The more you press this the more uninformed you sound.
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568873 tn?1216830993
Oh, are you trying to say that mercury is good for you?  That a spoonful of mercury will help the sugar go down?

Do NOT presume anything Mr. AR-10.  I have read your links, but you see your links are no proof for what I have already learned.  Your links are ADA links used to put propaganda out there so people will not sue them when they find out what is really the root cause of their health problems.  You have feel for it hook line and sinker.

I wish you would stop making this personal.
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213044 tn?1236527460
Proof! Links! Show me something other than outrage.

Just be careful what links you provide, because I will shred any quackery presented.
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213044 tn?1236527460
"Oh, are you trying to say that mercury is good for you?  That a spoonful of mercury will help the sugar go down?"

You do not win a debate by putting foolish statements in my mouth. You have not said much other than sensational false statements and claptrap that has been debunked by a neutral third party.

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213044 tn?1236527460
Here's one opinion of your precious 60 minutes program.

Toxic Television

The "60 Minutes" segment on dental amalgam, which was considerably longer than most of its reports, was called "Poison In Your Mouth." It interspersed remarks from an American Dental Association representative with statements by three amalgam critics and four patients who claimed to have made a remarkable recovery from arthritis or multiple sclerosis after their amalgam fillings were removed. The most powerful segment featured a woman who said that her symptoms of multiple sclerosis had disappeared overnight. The fact that arthritis and multiple sclerosis normally have ups and downs was not mentioned during the program. Neither was the fact that removal of fillings temporarily raises body mercury load, so that no "overnight cure" could possibly be caused by mercury removal [21,22].

The American Dental Association's representative was interviewed by Morley Safer at ADA headquarters. It was obvious from Safer's questions that the program would be a hatchet job. After American Dental News published a lengthy article about the interview, a sharp-eyed dentist noted that an accompanying photograph showed Safer smoking a cigarette despite the fact that ADA headquarters has an obvious no-smoking policy.

After the program was aired, I wrote to Don Hewitt, executive producer of 60 Minutes, explaining why "the overnight cure" was a hoax. My letter also asked whether Morley Safer had mercury fillings and, if so, whether he followed his own advice and had them removed. CBS's director of audience services replied:

Our aim was not to condemn dentists or their use of silver amalgam fillings. . . . Rather, the 60 MINUTES staff made every effort to ensure that our report was balanced in presenting arguments from both sides of the issue.

Not surprisingly, the broadcast triggered an avalanche of queries to dentists and induced many viewers seek replacement of their fillings with other materials. Consumer Reports, American Health, Prevention, and many health newsletters reassured their readers that amalgam is safe. But the program's damage cannot be undone. In August, Consumer Reports published the following letter:

"My mother, who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease more than two years ago, had her mercury fillings removed immediately after the show aired. After she had spent $10,000 and endured more than 18 hours of dental work so painful she once fainted in the waiting room, her condition did not improve. The pain was outweighed only by the monumental disappointment she and the whole family experienced as we lived through one false hope."

In 1990, Consumer Reports Books published Health Schemes, Scams, and Frauds, a book on quackery that I helped to write. The book concluded:

In CU's view, dentists who purport to treat health problems by ripping out fillings are putting their own economic interests ahead of their patients' welfare. The false diagnosis of mercury-amalgam toxicity has such harmful potential and shows such poor judgment on the part of the practitioner that CU believes dentists who engage in this practice should have their license revoked [23].

You want me to go on?
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568873 tn?1216830993
You will shred quackery?  Yet that is all you present as fact.  Where is the proof that amalgam is safe?  Where are the studies?  Give me links to studies that show it is safe and that mercury does no harm?  The burden is not on me because I gave my story and because I have read countless others similar to mine. I can give you studies but you won't consider them because mother ship quackwatch says not believe it. Be careful of the man behind the curtain AR.  You show me proof that mercury amalgam is safe and that it supports  the thryoid function.
Tell me why Congressman Dan Burton and Congressman Diane Watson have held Congressional hearings with the FDA to classify amalgam because it has NEVER been done.  These were held on Nov 13, 2007. How come they feel so strongly about it. How come very other mercury product has been pulled off the shelf except for amalgam because of the danger.  Mercurochrome is a great example. Perhaps because there is a lack of proof?I would think that Congressman can get their hands on just about any info they need.  As you calling them ignorant as well?  I understand, only people who look on the "quackwatch" site are the enlightened few, the rest of us are bumbling idiots who have to defend ourselves because quackwatch said it ain't so!  Well I will laugh my way all the way home since my health has improved drastically.
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213044 tn?1236527460
That would be nice. Laugh all the way home.

Why is it my job to to prove amalgam is safe? You are the one shrilling insisting otherwise.

I googled

mercury thyroid

and all I came up with was anti-amalgam scams.

Perhaps you should try the alternative medicines forum.
There may be some gullible people there you can work into a frenzy.

YOU provide some real proof.
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