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A recent post that's now gone (?).

I’m not sure why that occurred but hope everything is okay.  It was about seeking a different route of treatment than what the dr recommended.
21 Responses
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280485 tn?1249013844
So, NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!  Now I see a twinkle of someone who's thinking about life, rather than death.  I have sent several emails to hospitals and DCHS about pointing me (you) in the right direction.  One thing that I don't remember is what county you're located in.  Here's a website for the state of Washington that deals in county by county help.  You need only to put in your zip code or county.  I'll keep you updated as to what I hear back on the emails.  But I'm with Medicmommy it that it is New Year's Eve and it may take a couple of days to get some answerbacks.  She probably has some GREAT connections.  She deserves a big hug in advance, for her help to on this.

http ://www. adsa.dshs.wa.gov/pubinfo/benefits/

And, btw, the thyroid replacment drugs will never become "so expensive" that you would have to stop taking them.  As I see it, more and more people (for whatever the reason, maybe it's soley enviromental, perhaps it's our use of nuclear power and the radioactive waste that's becoming so abundant, or maybe it's just genetic...) are suffering from thyroid disorders.  So the medicine will only become more prevelant and cheeper.  Look at Zantac and say UTI treatments as well as other meds of this sort.  As the diseases became more prevelant, the drug companies (I'm sure to make more profits) make these drugs more widely available at a lesser cost to boost their profits.  I'm not saying that you'll ever be able to go to a drug store and purchase 100 mcg's of Synthroid on the shelf.  But as more people require it, it will become cheeper to produce and less expensive as more pharmaceutical companies get involved to get their slice of the pie and drive competition amongst themselves.

And as far as the options you've gotten from your doctor, all I can say is that I feel for you.  It may be the depression from the thryoid issue that planted the seeds of self-destruction, but it wasn't helped any by your doc being an unfeeling, hypocratic oath ignoring, jerk.  

We'll come up with something for you.
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393685 tn?1425812522
It was cowardly -- if you knew the whole story...........
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168348 tn?1379357075
I know the fear of giving up your useless organ for drug companies to make a profit but if you go to the synthroid site I do believe there are plans out there to help you get your meds and Walmart and Target have generics for very low co-pays .. like $4.00 I think!

Yeah, I think about the what if's when I travel.  I take my meds and split the containers and keep one in my pocket and one in my room.  I keep extra pills when my script changes to be certain I have extras around.  I think AR or somebody suggested keeping a one month supply on hand "just in case"

I was fearful Synthroid would change me and was scared to death to take it.  And, keep in mind I was not supposed to end up on it .. I had a partial and was not told that 20% end up on it after the surgery.  And then the cancer findings.  The choice was not mine cause the other side never started to work again.

Then six months later a mole changed and looked odd so I went to have it checked.  

Oh I had another growth removed 6 weeks thyroid post op .. they thought it was a cancerous growth but turned out to be an infected cyst and granuloma .. another scar .. another ugly scar that I have finally accepted vs. the alternatives.

I am so glad you came here; didn't listen to doc #1 who doesn't want to do the scan.  

Get the scan.  See that your thyroid cancer is probably only in the thyroid.  It isn't like breast cancer .. it doesn't metastisize when opened up as far as I know.  It is different and I've been told "it's the best type of cancer to get if you have to have cancer" .. I resent that statement but I share it with you.

Also, I do believe the longer it stays inside your thyroid the more likely you will have thyroid TSH issues and I'd rather give my $ to the drug company than deal with thyroid swings all over the place and or HYPO HELL.  That will come, too if the thyroid cancer is left untreated.

Stella, thanks for sharing your personal story .. really means a lot to all of here.

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694885 tn?1232649948
I am very sorry to hear about your experience with your father. Now I understand your point of view much better and why my postings upset you. I am certain that your father would not want you to be feeling any hurt or anger about his choice. If I were to look at it from a man's point of view, the thought of turning complete control of my life over to others whould not be a choice that I would intertain. For some men that is not the life they want to live nor how they would want to be remembered. I know that I have no right to input here but I would hate to think that my son would go through what you have and are still going through. I would want my son to spend his time remebering all of the good times...all of the love and be thankful for what time we did have together. Those are the memories worth holding on to. Your father did not take the cowardly road....he took the road, that to him, made sense. I would be very sadden if my son thought the same way about me. Just because one does not take the easy road or the road most traveled does not mean they took the wrong road.
I say these things only to help and what you have said will help me consider my son's thoughts and feelings.
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694885 tn?1232649948
sorry.....that was for chitchatnine.
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393685 tn?1425812522
Ummmmm -

I don't have a cancerous mole. I have a tumor in my neck.

As for cervical cancer I have had my scare with that too.
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694885 tn?1232649948
I was giving up because my doctor would not offer any other testing...he would not even talk to me about it..so I felt like he was pushing me up agianst a wall and my only choice was to do what he said which for some unknown reason I know in my heart that I need to really think about this. This might sound stupid....but has anyone else thought about how much control of your body (life) you are giving up after surgery. I mean..your body requires life long medication....what happens if you cannot get the medication..what happens if the cost of the medication goes up so high you can not afford it....It just seems like a lot of power to turn over to the drug companies. A lot of things can be helped with homeapathic(sp) methods..but once your thyroid is gone you are at the mercy of the doctors and the drug companies for the rest of your life. This is a decision that I think needs to be slowly approached at least for me. It is not the fear of the surgery...it's the fear of placing the rest of my life under the CONTROL of others...this scares me more then death itself.
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694885 tn?1232649948
Thank you. It's nice to hear that you are fighting a good fight. I want to fight this but just on my terms. With my history of cancer (one was a mole like yours and the other was cervical cancer) I feel that requesting a body scan to determine if the cancer is anywhere else should not be an issue but it appears to be one. I mean...it's not like it has to get approved through insurance or anything my family has all agreed that this should be the next step and that they will help us pay for it if we need. Anyway... I am looking at everything and just hoping that I can find a doctor who will just talk to me about my problem and allow my to do some other testing...

This forum is a great resource with a lot of very kind and informed people....please be patience with me as I work through this....I am really not playing the pitty card.. in fact I get frustrated because my husband is so much kinder now that I am facing this....people should be nice and kind to each other all of the time not because of some illness. sorry....getting off track here.  Anyway.. I am going to go search the web for this body scan mobile unit coming to town next month.
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393685 tn?1425812522
In your original post - it sounded as through you were done with "exploring" anything but an ending to your life. Now I read things a bit differently in this latest post.  Your posts have drawn me in like a magnet - as much as I don't want to read them.

Admit it.... You DO want to look into options to becoming whole again- Unless I am mistaken - that is exactly how I am reading what you wrote in the comment above.  You envy the past and hate what is happening right now. You seem in those words you speak of above that you ARE a fighter - but something is keeping you at bay.

I see your point on the bills LORD KNOWS I GET THAT!!! - and that is what has gotten your complete focus  ---the "burden" - not examining the possibile MIRACLE of you continuing to lead a life!  

The glass is half empty - isn't it ....................... not half FULL.

Your choosing to take the "all mighty dollar" using that as not wanting to burden your family with money after you are gone.  At least they will be better off financially right?

Well -  I lived that "sacret $$$$$$$$$ idea" with my father when he so cowardly took the same road you speak of and left himself to rot away in front of us instead of fighting to be there for us. Slowest growing cancer in the beginning - but his lack of fighting caused it to grow obsessively until nothing stopped it.

After 5 years the pain has not left me.  His one sided view still to this day mentally disrupts me. Is that how you want to sentence your children to a lifetime of pain? They might not say that ..........they may support you to your face - but it changes and they will question why you chose to leave them instead of fighting for them too.

There is no closure to the survivors when someone gives up. As the words ring through my ears --  my dad would scream out where's Kevorkian when I need him!!!! That pain of him saying that will never leave me. But boy are we OK now that we didn't spend that money.... yeah right.

What I would give to be in debt and filing bankruptcy AGAIN - and having the peace knowing we meant enough to him to fight instead of the constant ache of knowing we weren't important enough for him to try.

I am an adult and still carry the pain - I can't imagine being innocent teenage dealing with that agony.

BTW - his death anniversay is January 7th. My families Serbian Christmas Day. What a way to bring in the new year.

You are reading the WRONG stories - You are reading about gloom and dispair - read the stories of the miracle of people being told they have weeks to live and 6 months later go back and are cured!  Those exsist too.

The friend of your spouse is not you - he may be ill - but there are reasons why things happen - Even if he "tried" at the beginning and failed and is still ill - the people who will be forced to live on will not always have the Who- What - Where - When and Why nightmares play over and over in their heads regardless if he passed now.

They won't be sentenced with the  What If's" as I and your family will have. Does he have the same exact cancer as you? Is he exactly the same components as you?

So let's get that body scan to see.................. Come on let's do it!! There are many centers able to do that and they will be a heck of alot more supportive of you trying to save your life then end it.

You say.............. "I do not understand why I can not explore some of these routes prior to going under a knife."  Dabble with the idea to prepare if you must - not use it as the only choice here.

Let hope be your guide as little as it may be. Help give the strength to people (as I) who are scared to find out they also may have cancer and are facing the beginning stages of all the things you are turning your back on.  Finally after many years of pain and illness I am about to enter a phase of finding out if I need surgery or not.  Please help me too understand.

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168348 tn?1379357075
I think what you are saying is much more reasonable than before.  I am so glad you are opening your options to some further tests, etc.  It is not usual that thyroid cancer metastisizes to other part of the body outside of the thyroid gland, the isthums and the bed, but it is possible of course to go to the lungs, etc.

I urge you to get the scan, find a doc to help you fully explore the extent of the cancer and go with it from there.

Thyroid cancer (other than the type and age of the late Chief Rheinquest) is highly treatable and curable and of all the cancers the RAI is a walk in the park compared to our friends here on the Breast Cancer community or Ovarian Cancer communities.

I urge you to further explore your chemicals, the extent of the cancer, and let Pep88 help you find a doctor to meet your needs.

We all will die at some point in our life.  But the quality of life as it pertains to YOU, not your friend, not your neighbor, not anybody else on this or other websites, is what is most important and I wouldn't write yourself off as a death sentence without further tests.

If it were pancreatic or late stage Melananoma than I can fly the pity party ... but I find it very hard to relate to what you express with thyroid cancer as a cancer survivor myself, please know there are options and death is remote with most thyroid cancers.

Also, the surgery is not bad at all ............I have kidney stones which are worse.  I have gallstones and gallstone attacks which are worse and the pain lasts longer for over a week to pass these things .. the surgery is less painful than those afflictions.

I live with fear EVERY SINGLE DAY of my melanoma coming back and I miss a mole and can be dead in 2 mos.  A mole.  A freckle gone bad.  If I let that fear control my body and my mind, then I have lost the battle before its begun.

Just my personal 2 cents having fought some battles of my own and am proud to announce I have won with the help of my friends here at MedHelp!

Please never fear fear itself. OK?

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694885 tn?1232649948
Thank you for the feedback. I do understand that this thing (cancer/thyroid) is messing with my mind and making me foggy a bit. I just think about going through the surgery, then through the chemo & RAI (I have read alot of stories about this) only to be told " sorry " we just could not get it all. I just do not know if surgery is really worth it to only prolong this. A friend of my husband has been going through this for the last year and he was just told that he has 6 months to live. I asked him did he regret going through everything (surgery,chemo,RAI) and he said YES. Knowing what he knows now, he would have never gotten the surgery. Not only does he only have six months to live he is now very stressed about the medical bills that will be left to his family (wife & two kids). He is now going through the process of filling for bankruptcy.  I guess I just feel like I would rather avoid opening this can of worms. Four months ago I use to run/walk six miles a day. Now..I sleep badly at night..up for a few hours...nap for a few hours...up ...then back to bed. My husband bought me a new treadmill for my birthday in November that I have used once and then I got so nauseated I had to go lay down.  

I would love to get a body scan to see if / where the cancer has spread and then make my determination on having surgery. If the cancer shows up elswhere then I would rather let the whole thing run it's course. If not, and the cancer is only in my thyroid/neck then YES I would then consider having the surgery But my doctor said that he would not order any further testing even if I am paying cash.  I did find out that a mobil scan unit will be in my area next month and charges 250 to 500 for the scan. So I am looking into this as well.  I have also read about blood test that they can do to determine the spread of cancer (cancer.net) so I would like to ask a doctor about this as well. I just need a doctor who will talk to me about these types of options. I do not understand why I can not explore some of these routes prior to going under a knife. To me it just makes sense to look at the body as a whole and determine the best course of treatment and not just focus on the area where the cancer is 1st found.
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168348 tn?1379357075
As long as a thread remains non-disruptive to the community it will remain posted.  The moderators work full time to ensure smooth postings on all of our communities and the moderators delete and have final determination on all of the posts on MedHelp.

Pep88 has some very good points.

I agree.  As you continue to find a Dr to find your needs, you should really have a full workup regarding any possible depression.  A chemical inbalance related or unrelated to thyroid issues may be clouding you.

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Gee, I was thinking you requested that deletion.  Now that I see you didn’t, it has me wondering…  

Anyway, I know I’m not alone in being concerned about your well-being.  We do care.
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393685 tn?1425812522
I agree with pep entirely. Asking a doctor to except this type of liability could be conflicting and extremely difficult to morally honor the wishes of this patient.

The suggestion of an FNA procedure causing this spread of cancer is quite upsetting. From what I understand by asking a few members about their knowledge on this, it sounds this could happen - unlikely - but not impossible.

I also agree that the symptoms she is experiening may be in so many words, clouding good judgement, and that could be why no medical professionals are stepping up to the plate.

It sounds medicmommy may have some information. Good Luck

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280485 tn?1249013844
FYI...  You may have to hang on until July 2009 in order to find that RTD doc...  
This is the final count and info on the RTD vote...  
It's copied from the website: http // www . lists.opn.org/pipermail/right-to-die_lists.opn.org/2008-November/003049.html

***For those who like to see actual, final polling figures in Washington
State on November 4, 2008, here they are:

The question to the electorate was this

"Initiative Measure 1000 concerns allowing certain terminally ill
competent adults to obtain lethal prescriptions"


YES   1,599,797   (57.91 percent)

NO    1,162,742   (42.09 percent)

Total votes:  2,762,539

Of the three initiatives on the Washington ballot, more cast votes on
Measure 1000.

The law will not take effect until July 2009.
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280485 tn?1249013844
Just a question...  If some hospital were to offer to do your surgery and RAI pro bono, would you agree to it?  In all of the posts I've seen that you've put up, I only see you searching for dr's to help you "get through" to the end and support your decision.  No struggle to find a dr to help you out financially.  No desperate pleas to find you some small bit of devine intervention...

I wrote a long response to you the other night on the other post of yours that got deleted... but after writing it, I decided not to post the comment.  Not that I've changed direction any, but rather I've sort of "organized my thoughts" to a some further extent.

I'll just say it:  I'm struggling with your decision.  I've thought about it for a while now.  I can't think that this is what your husband and son would want if they knew what you are planning.  I just can't.

***I want you to say you'd do the surgery and RAI if you could find someone willing.  That's what I want you to say.

I live in Washington.  I think I mentioned it in another post.  A post where I had begun to search for indigent care facilities in Washington and posted links...  In the comment I didn't post the other day, I said I found myself wanting to call everyone I knew in the healthcare industry to see what I could do for you.  To see how I could help.   Also that I think you may be suffering from some form of thryoid related depression that led you to decide to proceed in this direction.

It would be one thing if your cancer was terminal, but it's not.  And approaching a dr, a "healer", to help you wait and watch and help you through to the end... Well I can see why anyone would not want to be a party to it.  It would be a futile as well as painful endevor.  That was what I was, and still am feeling today.

I do staunchly support a person's "right to die".  And I believe that that law was just passed here in Washington State in November.  So it's the law.  It's your right... and IT'S JUST THAT *YOU* DON'T HAVE TO.  And if that is the case, I find myself at a loss.  And the total reason I didn't post my comment on your other thread.  

My only thoughts now are that you do have that right.  And maybe that's the doctor you should be seeking.  And I guess you'd be a good argument for the people opposed to the right to die campaign, as well as the sound basis for it being overturned here in Washington.
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694885 tn?1232649948
Dr. Bersotti (sp) was my main endo doc who referred me to Oregon State University who would not even agree to review my file. I then called another endo office in Vancouver WA. at SW WA Medical Center who said that they would only offer the same option (surgery) and thats it. Then I contacted the Cancer Center of Seattle who said that they only work with people going through chemo and RAI and then referred me and my file to WA State University who I am now waiting on. They received my file last week.  I contacted hospic who said that they could help with med's but only after a doctor orders (palitive) sp? but If i do not have a doctor I can not even do that.

Thank you so much for your efforts....
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Just letting you know, I'm working on it...I have a lot of "people" I'm using as resources...It may take a day or two (New Year's is interfering) before I'm able to find someone...Could you tell me the Drs or the name of the cancer center you've already contacted? Thanks! ~Melinda
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694885 tn?1232649948
Thank you so much for your response about my posting getting removed.  I almost gave up on this whole thing, thinking that it appears everyone just wants me to go away if I do not want to do the surgery and conform to the standard treatment. I know that there is a docotor out there that will respect my choice, I am just having a heck of a time finding them.  I emailed medhlp on why my posting was removed as well. I am keeping my hopes up that WA State University will have a doctor that will take my case. I will here back from them after they review my file this week. If anyone else has a doctor that they can suggest please let me know.
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Thanks and great to hear from you.

You know, in a weird way, I hope what was shared in that thread and the previous ones gives pause to all who are constantly speaking of: ‘There are many choices out there.’ ‘We need to approach our care in a demanding, insisting way.’  ‘We need to steer our drs and be our own advocates.’  Well, this person was doing that very thing.  ...now that’s something to think about, isn’t it?

I’m doing well and hope you are too.  ♥ Hugs ♥ back to you, my friend, and have a wonderful New Year!
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I noticed too...It was for the lady who was seeking a WA state Dr that would respect her wishes...I was going to post to her some Drs that I thought could help her...:(  ~Melinda

P.S How have you been?!? I haven't been in here much since starting back to work full-time and going back to college as well! I hope all is well with you...(((((HUGZ))))
Have a Happy New year!
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