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1211076 tn?1303519440

Still feeling like crap and at my wits end!! Help!!!

Obviously, I need a new endo! I had TT Dec 09 and although I don't expect to feel wonderful, it seems like I'm going backwards! I know that I need to get the "Frees" tested now and I'm going to get my GP to do it. I can't believe how hard it is to find a Dr that will test!
Anyway, my last labs were Total T4 8.7 (Range 4.5-12.0) T Uptake 0.87 (Range 0.66-1.27) TSH 0.611 (Range 0.400-4.000) Total T3 93 which is low..(Range 104-260). i just had these labs done 7-29-10. I've been on Synthroid 125mcg for 9 weeks now and Endo doesn't want to raise it and says I may have a conversion problem. He told me that almost 3 months ago because my T3 was even a bit lower than it is now. I see him August 12th and that will be my last meeting with him. I've got to find someone new.
I'm telling him of my symptoms and how I feel like I'm going downhill and he keeps saying I need to take something called Folbalin Plus (some form of Vit B?) or B12 shots..my B12 level is 525 (Range 200-900). My GP says I am within range. I don't know who to listen to anymore! Endo says he's not raising synthroid now and might need to add Cytomel to the mix..what is he waiting for? He told me that months ago!!
So, he is blaming my symptoms..anxiety, feeling off balance (like i have to sit down alot), forgetfulness, moodiness, tingling hands (calcium is fine), etc...on not having enough B12?? Does that sound right to you guys? I find that hard to believe and when I tried the B12 shot and Folbalin Plus, I felt more anxious than ever! This appt on the 12th should be interesting!
It seemed like I was starting to feel better. I went back to work and was getting out abit. Now, it's all I can do to go to work and I pray I make it thru the day. I just feel "off." Sometimes, it's hard to explain!
Does any of this sound normal? Please help. I know I need the Frees tested and I know I obviously need a new Endo. What do I do in the meantime? Why does he keep pushing the B12 when I tell him the only thing it does is make me feel like I'm going to crawl out of my skin? And what is he waiting for if I do need the Cytomel? Don't worry..he's going to get an earful! Thanks for listening and advising! ...Lynda      
35 Responses
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I am a nurse, so there are a lot of times when I tell my MD what I think is wrong with me. I was having tingling on the underside of my tongue and I asked her to check my B12 and Folate, while within range, it was low and she suggested I take 1500 mcg oral B12 which alleviated the problem. This may be all you need.
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Just an update...STILL haven't heard back from the Endo. Left a message on Sunday, so he would get it first thing Monday morning. Stated that I stopped the Cytomel due to chest pains..(haven't had any since), that I would try the B12 injections once a week, as he recommended (i'll just deal with it if I get anxious), etc etc and STILL nothing. Needless to say, I will be seeing my NEW Endo on Oct. 19th and I guess Ill just keep on plugging away on my 125 mcg of Synthroid, Multi Vitamin, extra Vit D.

Thanks! ..Lynda  
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393685 tn?1425812522
yeah - this office needs to get its "act" together and it certainly sounds like a mis communication issue is going on.

Its your body - your health and your life. You must feel comfortable and know somehow you are getting proper care.

I'm thinking they don't have their ducks all in a row.... Get another opinion. - in my opinion... :)
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Thank you for the advice on the supplements, as well! Definately going to look into it!
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1211076 tn?1303519440
I definately appreciate both posts! I am trying to research things, as best I can. I'm fairly new to all of this..but I don't want to sound like an idiot when speaking to the endo, certainly.
I haven't dismissed him yet, but I'm certainly shopping around the hospital where I work. I think I may have said in an earlier post..not sure..that I left him a message and told him the effect the cytomel had on me. Keep in mind, I also have Mitral Valve Prolapse. He said it was very slight..but maybe that had something to do with the reaction I had to the med? Or maybe I didn't give it a chance..who knows?? That is me speaking here and not the Endo.
Do you know that after leaving a message stating about the cytomel, stating about the tests I'd like to have done, etc...the only thing his assistant said when she left me a voicemail was that ...GET THIS.."He made an error and was looking at someone else's chart when he told me to take 81mg aspirin in place of B12"....WHAT??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? And then the only thing she addressed was the importance of getting these B12 shots.
I called and left a VM (you can never get a live person to answer) that fine..I will get a small dose of B12 each week, at their recommendation and just deal with the anxiety from it..if it should happen again..but what about all the other questions I asked? Testing? How I stopped the Cytomel, etc. And as usual..no answer!
You know there is a very good Endo in his group, in your opinions..do you think it's bad to switch to her? When I say that, I mean because all doctors talk. I wonder if he would say something negative to her like "Good luck with her!" etc.
Well, we'll see what happens next. It seems like in the hospital where I work..no one wants to take on thyroid issues except Endo's. I've asked all around and the answer is the same..find a good endocrinologist. Even the Intergrative Md's I've checked with! Ugh.
I made an appointment with an Endo outside of where I work, that was recommended to me. I figured...what do I have to lose?? But the first opening isn't until Oct 19th.
This guy has to get back to me sometime...so i'll keep you posted on what happens next!
Thanks a bunch to everyone!
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263988 tn?1281954296
Jumping in on the conversation...

I had perimyocarditis in 2007 and was told I could never take Cytomel because I essentially had heart disease. Well... I'm on 5 mcg in a split dose plus my 137 mcg of Levoxyl daily. Phooey on doctors predications!

It took me a while though to get used to the dose. At first I didn't take the Cytomel with my Levoxyl. I only took Cytomel in the afternoon and only 1/2 of the tablet. Later, as I tolerated it more, I adjusted to 1/2 with the Levoxyl and 1/2 in the afternoon.

Getting used to it... yikes... now there was something a bit scary at first. I took the full 5 mcg at once in the AM with Levoxyl. By day two I was having heart palps and mild chest pain. By day seven it was over the top keeping me up all night. The Endo told me to stop the Cytomel for three days. After that he told me to split the dose. I asked him if I could start off with less and increase to full amount. He agreed.

Something my friend's Endo told her that I never stopped to think about. When one starts taking thyroid medicine (increases a dose) they become hyperthyroid for about a week while their body adjusts to the increased dose. After hearing this, my symptoms of the first week made more sense. They were the ones I had when I had thyrotoxicosis in 2008. Neck discomfort, increased pulse, increased dry skin, atrial fibrillation, chest pain, hyperdefecation, fatigue, heart palpitations, weakness, increased sweating, nervousness, and emotional liability.

All of those symptoms are gone now.

I can relate to what you're saying about a relationship with a doctor.

I've had my share of many bozos - eight to be exact - before I found the gem. He's not perfect and neither have I been the perfect patient. He's good and he listens and he sees my frustration of going up and down again and again. Sometimes I feel as if I want to throw in the towel. I didn't go for a lab test he'd sent to me in the mail. Bad patient. ;)  After seeing him in June, I decided that he does really understand my problems with my thyroid and he's willing to work with me. Plus he's the one who suggested Cytomel, not I. I didn't even mention it. A great doc with many years of experience. Finally a keeper.
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393685 tn?1425812522
another thing I just was thinking was your voice mail message - in a sense I got the feeling you may have "ordered" him to do what you say. That's fine but keep in mind - that he may not know "how" to utilize the right testing to medicate so where will that really go for you if he is not understanding it.

Here's where you should take some time and learn how the free testing works. Get it done for sure - but you really have to step up and know where things should be to play a part in all this with him - if he remains your provider.
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393685 tn?1425812522
Why don't you check out this complete supplement package over just one. I think you will see good things with this and the B content is great. - Complex formula

There is a product called Fatigue to Fantastic. Its design exclusively for CFS and thyroid patients.

I find is very good and gives the whole system a recharge to get things balanced.

Do a little research on the correlations of T3 body hormone and heart /cardiac issues. This hormone is SO sensitive in our bodies and if you are low or high - the heart issues will arise. Cardiac issues are not just Hypo or Hyper issues. Its found in both and the "sweet spot" has to be met with our hormones to end that for us.

Hat's off to the ones who can take their medicine and feel good quickly. I have been doing thyroid volunteering now for almost 4 years here and the ones who do fine you rarely hear from. Its a complex case for many and finding your needs can be challenging.

I am worried about your relationship with this endo as you say above. I will tell you that if your relationship is strained or you feel like this doctor is brushing you off you have to re examine your relationship. Keep in mind that emotional stress on a thyroid patient is present - sometimes in irrational levels, and you could be falsely judging this doctor just because your are hormonal and not feeling well. - but deep down if you feel this relationship is not working for you - then you need to find a second opinion or a relationship you feel better in. The aggravation of thyroid disease is sometimes what keeps us ill.

I don't know what position you hold at the hospitol but I am sure your contact level could be better than most. One thing I suggest is to look at A4 doctors or someone maybe in the Intergrative MD field with your case. You have many things that happened and really need to view all sides of treatment on many things to see all that there is out there available.

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1211076 tn?1303519440
So strange...didn't take the Cytomel today..no chest pain. I left a thorough voicemail for my endo that I want the proper testing done (Frees, 24hr saliva, estrogen, etc etc) I also let him know that I, as the patient have a right to thorough testing. i told him I know my body and I know something is off. I don't expect to feel good overnight, but I work in the same hospital with him and each time I see him in his office, he acts like he doesn't even know who I am! It really just rubbed me the wrong way when he said "You might need Cytomel, but I think your symptoms are because your B level isn't where I'd like it."....So, why prescribe it to me...if you're not sure????

It is not the XR tabs. What is the exact testing for cortisol? I know before my TT..he wanted me to have this Cortrosin Arginine Stim Test...many have said it's a HORRID test. Ever heard of it? Is there an easy test for cortisol?

Thank you, Stella..I appreciate your time and knowledge. Oh, and I called the pharmacist and they don't have a liquid B vitamin. She said to go to GNC. If I were to try a supplement again..should I buy B12 or B Complex? I don't know what a good dose is.

It's so odd to me that my sister had TT and is fine on 150mcg Synthroid and takes a Multi Vitamin "when she remembers" and feels fine! I'm glad for her..I wish it were that simple for the rest of us!      
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393685 tn?1425812522
I don't want to say don't take it. Your doctor said to and your tests prove you could use it but that doesn't mean you may not be able to handle it right now.

The B's are so important and getting on the right kind is important too. You should look at easy - sublingual lozenges I think to absorb better to take.

The anti-depressants can also play a role in all this. Anxiety is very common with unbalanced T3 hormone and taking the band-aid stimulant can complicate things. Those are catch 22 drugs... sometime we need them to get over the hump of it all but will play a part of the condition lingering too.

I am assuming this is standard T3 and not XR tablets.... it should be depleting within 6 hrs each day. If you have cortisol issues though - then you could be feeling that more and thinking the T3 drug is the culprit.
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1211076 tn?1303519440
To keep taking the T3 or not..and wait for the Free testing..even though I'm sure it will come out low? If I take it, does it have to be a certain time or when I feel like I need a boost? Although, I didn't notice anything but dizziness and an anxious feeling from it. How long do you feel the effects from a low dose of 2.5? What happens if i don't take it..I only took it for 2 days? Help!
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Ok...so here was my day today! Yesterday, when I started the once daily dose of cytomel 2.5mcg..I thought I felt fine. I noticed some chest discomfort, but blew it off to maybe heartburn or something like that. Today, I noticed the same thing, along with I just feel "not strong on my feet"..(if that makes any sense!) Not a dizzy feeling, but put it this way..I couldnt imagine a day of walking through the mall, etc. I just always seem to have this unbalanced feeling..it's hard to explain!

It's always something! So now I don't know if i should continue this Cytomel, as I've had this continuous chest pressure feeling for the 2 days I've been on it. Or is it all in my head? I know it's such a small dose..but the more I think about it (and I do tend to overthink!) It makes me uneasy that the endo said i "might" need some Cytomel but he really thinks because by B12 isn't as high as he'd like it..that that's what's causing my symptoms. My TT3 is 90 something and the low range starts at 100 something..I don't have my labs on me right now...so was he just making a guess when he prescribed it, so i would shut up about all these symptoms? As I stated, he thinks my symptoms are from the low B.

I am definately stopping in the pharmacy tomorrow to see about getting the liquid B..as I can't even tolerate the B12 shots..they make me anxious! My question is, can I stop the Cytomel and just take the B liquid..or should I stick with the cytomel? Today was my 2nd day of taking it and I just don't feel right. I see my GP this week to get the frees tested. I just feel like the endo is guessing at this point and trying to find a way to get me to stop complaining about these weird symptoms! I think he's disgusted with me because I just cant seem to tolerate alot of things. Even before this..I felt weird when I'd take Tylenol! Ibuprofen is ok..but can't even tolerate caffiene, some cold medicines, etc.....I really am at my wits end with all of this. I don't even remember what it's like to feel normal and it's very depressing. I try to stay positive, but when you never feel good, it gets old real quick.

I wish my kidney cancer wasn't misdiagnosed for two years, I wish I didn't accidently find this Hashimoto's with nodule and then TT ( I only got a scan because my sister had ThyCancer). It's turned me into a Hypochondriac and I get anxiety very easily. I take what a Dr says with a grain of salt..as I saw 5 specialists who wouldn't listen when I told them something was wrong and told me it was all "in my head"..until I demanded a simple CT scan. Had I not been so persistent, I would be dead..as per the surgeon. I'm lucky I survived these things, I know. But it's an awful feeling always wondering if something is going on and I'm just not catching it!

I know you're wondering and yes..I see a psychologist and I take .75mg of clonazapam for anxiety. I get depressed at times because of this..but of course can't tolerate all the side effects to those meds..believe me, I've tried several!

Thank you all for letting me vent. You don't know what it means to talk to people that actually UNDERSTAND. Please advise on the cytomel situation or anything else you might have to add. I'll do anything to feel better @ this point!    
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1211076 tn?1303519440
I don't really know if my adrenals were tested? I know that sounds foolish on my part, given the history of kidney cancer. Unless, I just don't know what it's called on my blood labs...so much stuff. I'll definately ask for the 24 hr saliva test.

I know before TT, the endo wanted to do some test where I was injected with something at different intervals??..Serum cortisol or something? But then he explained to me that I would most likely have very bad nausea during the test? I declined it because I already get so nauseated easily and he made it sound like hell. He never said anything else about it.

this is getting interesting. well, time to leave for work..thank you!
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393685 tn?1425812522
wow... I think we are onto something here. You certainly could have some adrenals issues - even causing your thyroid to be off.....

When was the last adrenal blood lab? - acth testing?

You can find the adrenals are brushed off as "fatigued" and not looked at in the perspective of things. Its just not reconized much at all unless the are critically an issue.

This sounds like a cortisol issue and I believe a 24 hr saliva tests would pick it up much more precise than a once draw on an ACTH test.

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1211076 tn?1303519440
Well, I get home from work exhausted feeling..but as the evening picks up I seem to wake up...I must if I am up until that time. And then to get up so early..and feel like crap and have trouble going back to sleep? Maybe I could, if I didn't take the synthroid at 7am?  
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Interesting...because I had kidney cancer 8 years ago and the endo is aware I have 1 kidney now. I'm sure kidney, adrenals..are closely related. Shouldn't he have tested this sooner? My body feels tired, but it's not a sleepy tired where I could take a nap. Just dead weight. Like tired and anxious at same time...if that makes any sense!
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393685 tn?1425812522
are you feeling more alert or more upbeat with energy at the midnight to one AM?

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393685 tn?1425812522
well.... you know what that points too now that you said this? --- a d r e n a l s....

and That is more why you experienced hyper than really being hyper.

Get a saliva 24 hr culture wither with your doctor or you can find them on your own too WITH the results.

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1211076 tn?1303519440
Good morning! You know what's wierd, Stella? Mornings are always the worst time for me..I don't know why? I'm always up pretty late (midnight to 1am) and no matter what, my body wakes me up @ 7am..like it knows I'm ready for my synthroid because since Im always up then..that's when I take it.

So, I take it and lay back down because I feel tired and blah..like I didn't sleep  enough. I never fully go back to sleep, though. I even take .5 of clonazapam around 11pm...that's for the anxiety I experience.

So, as it stands, I took my Synthroid @ 7am and it's 9am now. I feel tired, but not sleepy tired..as usual. I work from noon to 8:30 pm and I'll eat something before I go and then take the 2.5 Cytomel. Maybe I'm strange, but it seemed to rev me up and give me energy all day. Doesn't seem possible on such a low dose! Guess I'll see how the next few days go. I just can't understand why mornings are so hard for me. Never had a sleeping problem before. I sleep good for about 5 to 6 hrs and that's not enough. And I wake up feeling terrible everyday. As the day goes on, I usually feel better.

Hope you are well and you have a good day!
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393685 tn?1425812522
You can notice T3 within a day... but that is seriously a low dose even for a trial.

You most likely will feel better in the AM after the first dosage and start to decline quick by early afternoon in a few days.
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Sorry for the mix up, ladies! Can you tell I have some brain fog, also? :-)..It was prescribed to me 2.5 mcg once a day. Today was the first day that I took it and i felt a bit anxious..(but just could be me being nervous about taking medication).

Anyhow, I felt pretty good today! Would it make a difference so soon? I definately noticed a difference in how I felt. I wonder if it was from the Cytomel..just that small of a dose?

What do you guys think? Thank You!!...Lynda  
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649848 tn?1534633700
In an earlier post, Aug 09, 2010 09:29PM, you said "Also, he recommends Cytomel 12.5 mcg to be taken with my Synthroid in the morning.".  Now you said 2.5 mcg.  

That's where the mix up came from.  With only 2.5 mcg, you should be fine taking it all at once; whereas with 12.5, most likely you would not be.

Just curious if you've picked up your script and started taking it yet?  Cytomel should begin working fairly quickly.
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393685 tn?1425812522
See how it goes... let us know.
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1211076 tn?1303519440
Stella...I didn't pick it up yet, so I don't know if it's time release or not? My guess is no. If he only wants me to take 2.5 mcg in the morning..why do you think I should maybe take another 2.5 during the day? Maybe he didn't lower my dose of Synthroid since he wants me to just take 2.5 mcg total? I don't know.

I don't get the aspirin thing, either??

He knows I'm prone to anxiety and have MVP...so maybe that's the reason for the wee bit of Cytomel just in the morning?...UGH to thyroid issues!!!! :-) ..Thanks!
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