440728 tn?1234645302

What is the worst thing a doc has ever said to you?

Thought I'd ask this question coz feeling fairly fed up with the "medical profession" right now, and last time I asked the question: "What was your most embarrassing experience with a doc, it was such a laugh to read the answers and it really cheered me up. So this time I'm asking: "What is the nastiest thing a doc has said to you?" Mine is this: "You are imagining your symptoms, they don't exist, it's all stress and you're imagining you are on the menopause too!" How he could say this amazes me when my FSH is sky high and I've been on a premature menopause for 3 yrs!
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I’ve had so many stupid things I wouldn’t even be able to find the worst.  But here’s one of my favorites…

After getting a call from the surgeon to come in because the MRI found a tumor in my gallbladder, the nurse questioned what I was doing there (implying I was just wanting to seek attention).  After I had to tell her the dr told me to come in, she opened my file to the first page, read what was there and said, “Oh.”


I once submitted an entry like this to a more public website that had a long list of other entries.  They were all eye-popping, like above, but the kicker was they were interspersed with entries from drs, nurses, medical staff and the families of such that said all the people who relayed such stories were only being victims who must have somehow contributed to their own situations.
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My 2 year old niece was referred by her Pediatrician to a Dr for evaluation at a large teaching Hospital that was a considerable distance away from home for problems with walking and delayed development issues.  
This Dr did not do any evaluation or tests...just looked at her parents and said "What makes you think something is wrong with her?  You need family counseling to improve your parenting skills."
6 months later she was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma that was inoperable as it was completely wrapped around her spine.
She died 1 month after her 3rd birthday.
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Someone I know was told by his GP that he was going to stroke out or have a heart attack and did not seem to have any plan to to any testing for a cause.  He felt horrible....no energy, memory problems, and weakness in the legs.  He went to a heart doctor, and the heart doctor wanted to know if he had ever had his thyroid tested.  His GP never had.  (He had cancer too, and he does not believe the cancer doctors ever tested for thyroid either.)  Anyway, he did have major thyroid problems.  His TSH was zero!!!  Months later after medication for the low TSH, he feels much better.
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590006 tn?1221271520
Endo: These Hashi thyroid symptoms are all in your head. You and your family physician need to get to the bottom of what's going on. Your TSH is normal. BLAGH! BLAGH! BLAGH!

P.S. Family physician couldn't find anything wrong.
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I have a few things...

1. You are crazy, you need to see a therapist and need anitdepressents, it's all in your head (sleep dr.)

2. In the next five years you will probably develope type 1 diabetes, R.A. and i think you might have lupus,, but we'll wait and see (endo)

3. Your hashimotos is attacking way too fast and i dont think i will ever be able to catch up with it (endo)
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597354 tn?1227197932

1)  I called the Dr. after months of trying to get up the nerve to tell them my tongue hurt.  Seemed silly to me at the time and I was embarrassed.  So I go to the Dr. and say "My tongue feels like it has been burnt." Dr. says (I am LOL while writing this) "take off your shirt and I'll do a breast exam."  LMAO  Ummm...for those of you who are wondering - yes I switched doctors.  haha

2) My daughter was 6 months old and I knew she was having seizures - took her to pediatrician and he gave me eye drops and said she had sore eyes.  haha  What a freak!!  Turned out she had Petit Mal Epilepsy.  

BTW, this post is freakin' hilarious!  Sad too but more funny that they can be so smart yet so stupid at the same time.  I am still laughing at some of these posts.  And YES THE CARMAN wins - that one choked me up.
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Oh....I have many but this was the best.

Me:  "I can't breath when I walk.  My throat tightens and I wheeze with exercise."

Doc:  "Then why don't you ride a bike or swim."
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Our GP told us our 5 yr old son had either fast fulminating Hodskin's, advanced leukemia, or most unlikely, cat scratch fever...and we needed to prepare ourselves for the worst. After days of waiting for tests to come back...it was cat scratch fever!  

This same &&^%$** GP, a short time later after seeing a mammogram report, told me I had breast cancer and should prepare for the worst (again!!!!!) since it looked very advanced. After a very rough time, crying in my husband's arms most of the night, I got the strength to look at the written report... it said "a very small benign cyst." (Later I talked with the radiologist who read it and a surgeon just to be sure I was OK).  

We never went to this doctor again and I told everyone I could button hole about both incidences.  Shockingly, I ran into some others with similar experience with this doctor.  How do they let someone like that continue to practice medicine?
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390388 tn?1279636213
I went to the doctor complaining of heart attack symptoms, eyes were still blood shot, sight was blurry, headache, arm felt like it was filled with cement, HR was high.  The prior day sunk into the low 50's then skyrocketed in the 160's and back and forth.  Urggg.  Massive pains and I hit the floor and could not get up.  I went to the doctors office telling her about my horrible experience the next morning with the lame reason for the apt of having a pap done (in which a class watched) and I could not lift my self up off of the table.  After I told her why I actually came in.  She never even checked my heart.  She said:

"We have done all the test we could do 2 years ago.....You just have to bloom!   If you don't feel any better over the weekend call me on Monday.  If it happens again; call an ambulance and go strait to the ER.  I don't have a crystal ball you just have to bloom."  As I staggered out of there I thought to myself I sure hope I bloom before I wilt.   LOL  
Later that evening I was really mad; requested my records and came here to MH.  I found out my blood work was off everywhere and my EKG's were terrible.  It took me 2 months to go back to get the answers after fuming over it all.  
Another time was with my mother.  She went in to have a total knee replacement on her right knee.  They assured her everything would be fine and showed her the marks on her left knee.  My mother panicked.  We explained it was her right knee.  Later they came back and said;  not to worry.  A lot of people do great after hip replacement!  .....Mom wanting to hop out of there at this point.  The doctor comes in and says don't worry do you have any last questions were just about ready.  (No one had explained nothing to her and didn't even know what they were replacing for that matter)  She said she had quite a few with wide eyes.  
"He literally yells "you have got to be kidding" at her and ask "if she just that stupid not to understand or if she was just plainly high on something they gave her and  that he didn't have time to explain everything concerning this now.  Checked her left knee and stomped out."  My poor mother was a wreck.  The nurses were nice and said don't worry he's a great doctor and just has bad bedside manors.  You'll be fine you'll see.  We'll have you back on your feet in no time; I'm sure your knee replacementsss will be fine.  She had the surgery two hours after this.  Everything went fine.  I felt so bad for her though.    

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586424 tn?1232176659
Wow!  And for the longest time I thought it was just me.

The worst for me:

PC Doc-- "I don't feel you have a problem.  You just need to learn to deal with life."

Internal Meds Doc-- "You need to learn personal hygiene.  You are giving yourself MRSA and I don't know why we're sitting here discussing this."  My reply, "If you look at the LAB results they prove I am not giving myself MRSA.  I take 5 showers a day and 3 of those I bathe with Iodine!  I think you should recheck your sources."  I walked out.

Endo--  "Well I feel your life just needs a routine.  You're a new mom (my son is 14mo at this point) and you are a new wife (I'd been married over 2 years) and you need to adjust to the military lifestyle (which I grew up in!!!).  When your life gets a routine then we can discuss maybe getting some lab work done.  I'm referring you to a Psychologist."

Psych--  "Why are you here."  My reply, "Because doctors know more about my body than I do apparently.  I have a Thyroid issue which can't be diagnosed until I don't have stress in my life.  I have chronic MRSA because I live on a Pacific Island, go to a college campus and date someone in the military...three out of four will do that to you."  She cut me off and said, "Just because you live in Hawaii does not give you the right to be a racist.  Get out of my office."   ???  I'm still confused on this one.  ???

PC Doc (here)--  I was simply telling her what I deal with on a daily basis and for some referrals to other docs.  "You need to choose what problem you want fixed.  I can only focus on one at a time.  So do you want another child or do you want to sleep?"  To which my husband replied, "Why can't we fix them all.  Don't you think they are all related?"  To which she kindly replied, "No.  There are too many things wrong for them to be all related."  His reply, "Right.  Hormones are not part of the same system.  I'll be sure to let the Endocrinologist know."  And we walked out.  And to think we waited 45 min. past our appointment time for that one!!!

For my son (which hurt me more than my doc appts):

In the ER after my son's first seizure:  Peds Doc:  "We're going to have to do a spinal to find out what's wrong.  We think it could be menengitis."  This after he'd just introduced himself without looking at my 2 mo old who was finally awake and cooing, rolling over, and giggling.

Peds GI:  "Your son does not have GERD.  It's all stress because he has very young, inexperienced parents, who are causing him to have GERD-like symptoms."  To which I replied, "Do you have kids?  How old are you?  What makes you the expert?"  He answered, No, old enough, and that he had a degree.  I simply told him, "We are his parents, we are with him 24/7, that makes us the experts.  You don't even have a child.  In my eyes you are the inexperienced one."  We filed multiple complaints about this doc who was stalking us to our appts!  Funny how 4 mo on Prilosec stopped the Seizures and my son finally gained weight!

Feeding Specialists--Group of Docs:  "We have come to the decision your son does not need Prilosec any more and does not need to be on weighted formula.  The fact that he hasn't drank more than 2 oz of his bottle in any given 24 hour period for the last week is just because he isn't hungry."  Ummm he was 4mo old and even trying to keep less than an ounce of water down by itself was a challenge.  We left.

Most hurtful, Random GP:  Asked me,  "Why do you feel the need for so much attention?  Your son is just fine."  Less than a minute later my son had a seizure on the table in front of the doc.  The doc didn't even care and told me that's normal for infants!

**** I need to find better doctors.  Any suggestions???  ****
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201897 tn?1245842334
These gems are from the same rear-Endo:

"You're a nervous patient." after being in her office for 5 minutes.

"You're getting older and these things happen."

"All your symptoms are from perimenopause"

"WHY!?!?!?!"  - after asking the second time to have the hormone tests done to check if my symptoms really were from perimenopause.  Side note - yes I am in perimenopause.  I also have chronic lyme disease, babesia, bartonella, chronic EBV and HHV-6 infections, other hormonal problems (adrenal and thyroid, which she also refused to test for), and vitamin/mineral deficiencies.  Idjit!

This is from one of my holistic docs:  "Now aren't you glad you had your allergy testing done here?  Btw, I have the highest numbers ($$) in the practice for referring our patients to our allergies center."  That was my last visit.
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Right after I had a sonogram to see if my pregnancy was normal, the tech called the doctor and told me to go right away.  I knew something was very wrong.  But, instead of the doctor saying, "sorry, you lost the baby."  He said...

"You have two options:  you can have a D&C or let the fetus pass naturally.  Which do you want to do?"

He had neither told me that I'd had a miscarriage OR what a D & C was.
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479481 tn?1219708409
I have two of them.

After having a Hida Scan done without the ejection fraction, my Dr.insist that the ejection fraction was done.  I told him it hadn't .  His reply was: "You must of been on drugs.  I have your results in my hands, as far as I can see, I'm the only one with an MD in the room".  Which at that point, I grabbed the paper from his hand and stormed straight to the area where I had it done.  The technician who did it read me the results.  No where in the paper did it indicate the ejection fraction was done.  After going back and confronting this to the Dr., his reply was: "Well, if you are going to be a baby about it, I can request the test again with the ejection fraction, but, I will do an Endoscopy again before the Hida Scan"  At that point I laughed at him and walked out and found me another Dr.  

I had another experience, went to the Dr because I thought I had a cold.  After 4 months of re-visiting him, the systoms wouldn't go away. He finally said there was nothing wrong with me and that it was all in my head.  So I decided to go to an Ear, Nose, throat specialist.  It turned out to be a very bad sinus infection and was asked why I waited so long to see a Dr.  I had to explain to him what had happened.  It was so bad, he was talking about surgery if he oculdn't clear my sinus.  I didn't need surgery and dropped that idiot Drl that couldn't fix a simple sinus infection in the beginning.  Bottom line:  Just because they have an MD, doesn't make them Good Doctors.
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566103 tn?1228385767
"thyroiditis and vitamin deficincies are very common....." "she thinks she is on her last lap"

my responce.....if someone dont start #&$%^$^% watching me I will be!
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369861 tn?1306275686
I went to my dr and told him that I had gained 40 lbs within two months.  He said back away from the table and join the gym.  I said F**** U and left.  I knew something wasnt right.  I went to my primary and we sat down and talked, he did a full panel of bloodwork and wahlah...thyroid issues.

the endo said don't worr about it, its ok..   When I finished yelling. he said why don't you like me.... and lets just say he should have never said that.  My son just sat there and shook his head.
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314892 tn?1264623903
"I think if you go home and take enough Xanax, these symptoms will go away."

ENT after treating me for Meneire's Disease-which didn't work. (Turns out I don't have that dosease at all!)
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212753 tn?1275073111
Well my favorite was the surgeon that told me after my surgery ."I have bad news and good new. The bad news is that your giant goiter had pap cancer. the good news is that its the GOOD CANCER"
Good cancer??? If it was his cancer would he say that?
Love Venora
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I also have a few.  Most upsetting involve my children.  ER Dr. told me my daughter could not have strep because she only had a sore throat and a rash, but no fever.  He did the test to "make me happy".... it was positive.

My son (at 2) had been hospitalized (2 days) and the nurse said if I would just "make" him eat he would be fine.  My Ped. was away at a conference and she called him and told him that my son was fine and should be discharged....he went with her recommendation.  I had to call Dr. early in the AM with a temp of 104, vomitting and he has asthima.  Dr. told me to keep him home and what to do, and that obviously "I" was giving him better care than the hospital and to bring him to the office when they opened.  We avoid that hospital at ALL costs!
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280485 tn?1249013844
It was actually a nurse after my TT. I was in recovery and needed to have another dose of pain meds.  I asked the nurse who decided ON HER OWN that she should ~double~ the dosage.  Of course I was hooked up to one of those monitors that beeps when you don't get enough oxygen because you stop breathing.  After she gave me the pain meds, it kept going off everytime I "drifted off"...

I called for the nurse because it scared me so much.  I knew I'd never wake up if I went "to sleep".  She came in only after the lady visiting the patient next to me went and GOT HER!  I waited FOREVER (thinking I was a gonner for sure) and I said to her, (barely cause I'd just had my thyroid out...) "I can't breathe.  Too much pain meds."  And she said..."Do you have problems with anxiety?  Do you want something for ANXIETY?"

I yelled (ok whispered..), CALL MY MOM! (who's a retired nurse practicioner) and lives 20 miles away.  She came and made sure I didn't die, but THAT was the worst thing a "nurse" ever said to me.

Sorry I missed this thread.  Good topic.
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185634 tn?1257071139
When my son was born, my MIL thought I should have a pediatrician (I had always used our D.O., who also delivered my son).  I got one and started taking him there.  I wasn't real impressed with his bedside manner from the start, but figured you can't like everyone, right?  From birth, he had a really hard time with his bowels for some reason.  I had to use suppositories on him every time.  I decided to not give him the iron fortified formula, because I didn't want to add to his "issue".

I took him in one time, and the doc asked if I was using the iron fortified formula?  I told him no, and explained why.  Know what his reply was?!?!?!  "Iron doesn't constipate babies.".  Um.......okay.  So it only constipates adults, huh?  Needless to say, I dumped him and went back to the D.O.
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219241 tn?1413537765
My total worst thing any doctor ever said to me was, "You need to be admitted to a psychiatric ward....and the sooner the better."  
(this is after being on 8 years of too high a dose of Effexor and going nuts coz  I allergic reacted to a different kind of anti-depressant. All the time I was having severe Hashimoto's and a lovely type of cancer swelling my thyroid up...I kept telling them something was wrong, and that's the response I got.)
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When I complained of STILL gaining weight at a consistantly slow and steady rate - about 2-4 pounds a month for several months after starting on a new anxiety/depression med, and explaining that I had started walking several times a week and was eating much healthier, with my thyroid levels under control......."Well it can't be the meds, most people complain of LOSING weight on that med, it must be because you are getting old" (and I am turning 33 this month)

WhenI found lumps in my breasts, and she confirmed and said  "well I need you to go get a mamogram and I want you to go to "this" one because they are specialists in Breast Cancer" and walked out of the room.  You dont drop the "C" word and walk out!

She is a good doctor with NO bedside manner, and I would rather have that, than a bad doctor with good bedside manner, ya know?
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440728 tn?1234645302
Thanks for your replies, they are all wonderful in different ways, some make me so mad, some make me LOL and some make me so so sad. Especially the CarMans! He never even thought of himself, just the people he loved when he answered the question! Isn't that lovely.
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393685 tn?1425812522
See Rite

Many have ran into some real issues with doctors. Just keep moving forward!
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