2174192 tn?1338758326

neurologist EMG results and bloods taken

hi all
      i had my emg done on thurs all went well,my peripheral nevres and muscles in my left leg and arm and muscles are all fine, so he did some blood work ,ANA,ENA,LDH,CK,LYME SEROLOGY,ANNCA,CRP, TPO,HHACC AND SERUM ELECHOPHORESIS, he is also sending me for an mri, he said seen as daughter just dx with hasimotos and another daughter with lupus that it could be all to do with the immune system,also i have been on anti depressants for a long time he felt it could be this depression causing the pain?? but i have only had the pain since was dx with hypo last july,i am defiecent in it D  and ferrtin.
results that are back at moment are
sugar 5.6 normal
kidney and liver functions normal
hemagoblin 11.4 [11.5 normal]
T4 19.2  [ref 9 -19]
TSH 0.17 [ref 0.9 - 4.94]
does the above T4 and TSH ranges look ok or could i become hyper
other bloods will be back next week ,so i wil post assoon as i know them,
i am still in awful pain and not great on the energy front either
thanks for listening
Best Answer
649848 tn?1534633700
FT3 is the hormone that's actually used, directly by individual cells. That's the one that correlates best with symptoms.

Here's a bit how it works......... your thyroid makes both T4 and T3 hormones, but mostly T4.  The body can't use T4 directly, so it must be converted to T3. Some of the T4 will be bound by protein and will be unusable; the remaining T4 is "free" meaning it's available to be converted to T3.  Likewise, some of the T3 will be bound by protein and unusable and the portion that's "free" is what's available to be used by the cells.

Many doctors "assume" that everyone adequately converts the FT4 to FT3, when, in fact, there are a lot of us who do not, and must add a source of T3 medication.  The only way to know for sure is to test both FT3 and FT4, and since FT3 correlates best with symptoms, doesn't it make sense to test and make sure your levels are adequate? Any time there are lingering symptoms, lack of FT3 should be suspected.

We do find that members in countries, such as UK, that have a nationalized health care system, have a hard time getting the test, due to NHS guidelines. Many have had to go private to get tested adequately.

13 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Wasn't sure what your health system was called, or how good it was - just relating what we see from those in UK on NHS -- seems that your HSE might be even worse. Non-answsering, I understand, because even our doctors often don't answer.  Nose picking endo?  How "yuck" can it get?... Don't blame you; I wouldn't want to pay for a nose picker, either....

Yes, your doctor should find one for you, but make sure s/he finds one that's willing to test FT3 and FT4, as well as antibodies........ oh, by the way, you should specify that a nose picker is not acceptable.

Just don't give up.
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2174192 tn?1338758326
thanks Barb,
                   i live in Ireland [not part of the uk or nhs] we are even futher behind the uk ,our health system is called HSE and is not great at all , i am seeing an endo through this system who doesn't listen,do tests or examine me[ also picks his nose when i ask a question] i went to the neurologist private but it is dear enough even with having the insurance,i think i will go private to an endo the reason i haven;t so far is that i don't want to pay for the nose picking non answer person,but i think i should get my doc to find one for me
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649848 tn?1534633700
Don't feel too badly - there are doctors here in the U.S. that don't believe FT3 is necessary either and many of our members have had to try several different doctors before they could find one that was willing to test adequately, and treat by symptoms, as well as labs.

One thing I do find interesting is that many of the scientific studies, showing a need for FT3 testing and often T3 med, are done in UK, yet NHS guidelines generally, don't allow it, though I have heard that if your doctor is willing, there is a protocol he can go through to get it approved.
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2174192 tn?1338758326
thank you for that info,
i will make sure it is done even if i have to go private,i;m just not me anymore and its becoming very upsetting especially as my girls are getting similar things , i don't understand why different countries have other ways of doing things it should be all the same
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2174192 tn?1338758326
   for some reason here in ireland they won;t do the T3 as far as i can tell i;ve asked lots of times and was told i don;t need it done, if you can tell me why i need it i will try and force the issue with the knowledge, on the the T4 i think it was FT4,thanks for all your help
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Mess of the poll? Looks alright to me.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Is that T4, total or free?  It looks like it's either total or in units we aren't used to seeing.  If the lab report doesn't say "Free" or T4, Free or something like that, it will be total, and not as useful as FT4; you also need FT3; hope that was ordered also.
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2174192 tn?1338758326
hi again,
            thanks for the linkgoing to read now, think i made a mess of the poll
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Oh wait..you have myxedema crisis didn't you? Hmmm this might be the problem.  I just answered a question on another medhelp forum and this lady is suffering major muscle pain. Okay so i said myxedema crisis occurs over 60 almost exclusively which is what is written on medical websites but there are exceptions. :) The link here:


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1756321 tn?1547095325
Hi redcat...Just throwing that out there as a possible cause. I'm going to answer your poll but i have swelling everywhere basically *cries* lol
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2174192 tn?1338758326
hi red,
       thanks for reply ,good having you there and helping
hope all well with you
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include pain. For some, vitamin D deficiency will have no obvious symptoms.  The possible explanations for vitamin D deficiency with thyroid disease include poor absorption of vitamin D from the intestine or the body may not activate vitamin D properly. Whatever the reason is, it's clear vitamin D deficiency is very common with thyroid disease.

This is an excerpt from WebMD's article "Lack of Vitamin D Linked to Pain"

"There is new evidence that small amounts of unprotected sun exposure could be good for you. Earlier studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with an increased risk for several cancers. Now comes word that it may also be a major cause of unexplained muscle and bone pain.

In a study involving 150 children and adults with unexplained muscle and bone pain, almost all were found to be vitamin D deficient; many were severely deficient with extremely low levels of vitamin D in their bodies."
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