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Feel hungover without drinking and a host of other problems

Hello, I'm writing for my husband who is 36. He has been 'ill' for about 2 and a half years now and the doctors haven't been much help. His main problems are with his stomach, eating causes nausea and stomach pains mainly in the upper quadrant, sometimes lower. Sometimes he feels sick before he's even finished his meal. He's had a CBC done and also been checked for H. Pylori, all clear. The GP hasn't been interested in sending for more tests, just writes a prescription for Zantac. If his only problem was his stomach, I wouldn't be that concerned, but he also suffers from joint pain, muscle pain, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, occasional pins and needles and 'burning', and the oddest symptom to me is that he wakes up in the mornings feeling hungover even though he's not had a drink. I keep thinking it's a food sensitivity, as he feels the worst after eating. I've researched the hangover bit myself and the only thing I found that was medical related was gut fermentation caused by overgrowth of yeast in the gut.ALL of his symptoms match. I was wondering what other people thought or if anyone had any other suggestions. He has yet another Dr Appt in a few days and this time I want him to be armed with some info, because the GP's around here try to fob you off as much as possible. Thanks in advance for any advice.
113 Responses
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Most if not all people on this forum have problems with dehydration caused either by liver, kidney , pituiary gland disfunction /water diabetics (various allergic reaction - histamine kicks in due to low blood volume/dehydration)Some of you may have POTS.
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17216667 tn?1454655695
Bludtest HIV,Liver and X ray of the Lungs is in all the Cases here adviceable
is this all rulet out than the syndromes are the same but to find the reason is not the same for everyone. Important kg,Bludpresure and Closterine also i am sorry to say AGE;;;;;;

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It is such a relief to find this thread and to know I am not crazy,  I have all these symptoms.  I have been suffering for 10 years periodically but getting worse over time.  The first thing they diagnosed me with was IBS,  and recommended fiber.  I went gluten free for over a year but it didn't help,  in my case.   I stopped being able to sit for long periods,  my legs would fall asleep.  My doctor told me it was stress and recommended compression socks.   I quit my "stressful" job and started working construction, but I kept  falling off ladders finally I dislocated my shoulder and had to give it up. Was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was prescribed painkillers which I couldn't take because they hurt my stomach.   I got a job doing basic labour but I was struggling to keep it when i turned up sobbing in my doctors office.  They recommended antidepressants,  three weeks later I lost my job.  

- water
- Epsom Salt Baths
- Magnesium
Brain Fog
- water
- B Vitamins
-  Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
Heart Palpitation and Pins and Needles
- LARGE amounts of water
- re-hydration salts
Stomach Pain
- Pepto
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Sinus infection.  Zithromax.  10 day course.  
Or. You have mold in your house.  Get rid of the mold

No doctors came up with anything.  Saw several.  Figured it out on my own.  If I start feeling hung over for more than 3 days I go on the antibiotics for the 5 days as long as I catch it soon enough.  Then I am ok for months.  Depends on the year.  Found a doctor that understands.  No more BS.

I suffer from this too.  Sinus infections that won't go away but no green stuff. Just lots of white stuff.  
Mold does it too.  You only need to be around it for a little while and it keeps on giving... but if you are living in it you will feel ill and ill....

GPs don't know much.  Unless they specialize.  I have been dealing with my autoimmune disease for 48 years.  I know more than the doctors know.  Wish I could shut off my immune system.  Then would not have hardly any problems.  I give you this advise on experience.

My experience anyway.  
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The only thing that helps me is Cannabinoids. I can't use it during the day because I have to work, but after the day is over, I smoke some weed and feel okay. (I refuse to become a pot-head) Otherwise I am hung over and sick sick sick sick, with no alcohol. It totally *****. No one understands it either, especially doctors. Luckily I live in California and have a med-card.
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I have a lot of the symptoms listed in these comments.  I was first diagnosed with hashimotos 2 years ago, when the treatment did nothing I went to a holistic Dr.  She ran a series of tests and found that I have lyme and co-infections.  I'm not saying that you all have lyme but it's a very real possibility.  Only 40 percent of those bitten will get a bullseye rash, if you get tested, for it try the Western Blot, the ELISA test is not reliable, though if you've had it for some time even your antibodies might be gone now. Chronic infection can also be detected through other means, such as extremely low iron, magnesium deficiency (specific to lyme), vit D deficiency, and chronic inflammation.  Read up on Lyme and see if the symptoms ring true for you and find a DR. who will do the appropriate tests. If you can't get antibitoics because of lack of insurance you can also take the herbal route.  Please take care!! <3
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I'm on the path to getting a diagnosis for similar symptoms. As of right now I have been diagnosed with Undifferentiated Connected Tissue Disease with possible Fibromyalga.  The more people I talk to tell me to also go to a Lymes specialist to test for that.  I recently read an article that stated medical research has found more and more people have been diagnosed with Lymes without any recall of the classic tick bite and skin rash.  Lymes is also a tricky diagnosis and there has been a lot of false negatives until patients go to a Lyme specialists for a full work up.  The article also stated that people may contract Lymes years (even decades) before a diagnosis because early symptoms may be too non-discript and isolated, that doctors only treat any one symptom at a time I.e. stomach trouble, head aches, fatigue, insomnia, flu, muscle aches, hair loss, eye disruption, rashes etc... Bottom line, Lymes can be the route of all of these autoimmune diagnosis.  For those of you that have a similar diagnosis as me, lets all collectively go get a lymes work up to rule it out or learn that Lymes is in fact part of the problem. We can treat ourselves better, be on the road to better health.  I'm going to the Dr's in two weeks.....I will keep you all posted

One more thing I have been researching is the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol diet, I havent started it yet because we are still in Summer Vacation mode, but the diet supposedly has helped thousands of people just like us. I would much rather treat myself holistically than have to live on Plaquenil.

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A related discussion, Hungover without consuming alcohol was started.
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9445009 tn?1403810594
Hello all! I have been cured of the 'feel hungover without drinking' !! For several years I suffered all the symptoms mentioned above.It seemed to get worse until I felt so bad that I wondered if I would die in my sleep. By coincidence, I found out about bioresonance diagnostics and therapy and found a practitioner who had the diagnostic machine that discovered the source of my problem.
The machine test result showed that I had a virus which had been occupying my organs for many years. The Practitioner gave me four bioresonance treatments of one hour each with a week rest in between. It is also known as 'zapping'.
The hangover feeling is caused by toxicity ( think of having been intoxicated ) --it doesn't matter whether it's by alcohol, bacteria, parasites or allergies etc and is the liver trying to clean out the toxins.
For about 3 weeks after my treatments I felt really wiped out, but the Practitioner told me that was because after years of accumulating toxins from the virus, my liver had to work even harder to get rid of the debri left by the now destroyed virus.
After a month, another test pronounced me free of the virus and I now feel like a new person!
For more info go to youtube ' how bioresonance scanning works'.
Some practitioers recomend a liver cleanse after the bioresonance.
Ther is also a home macine--google  'does the hulda clarke zapper really work'
This treatment has worked for a number of people I know and for me it worked a 100%!!!!!
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Hi Everyone

There is a stomach condition that you may not be familiarly. Its called SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) Just type it in google and you will get lots of info.

In a nutshell the bacteria that helps you digested food is in the wrong place.Its in the small intestine. This can cause all sorts of unpleasant symptoms.

Some of them mentioned in your posts. I was diagnosed with it in 2007. It can be treated with medication but the Private consultant I saw said in his long years of experience the best way is to control the the condition is with your diet

Obviously that was 7 years ago so their might be better methods or medication. Please don't suffer its a horrible condition so goggle it now and hopefully get the right treatment and info.

If you want any more help just reply

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A related discussion, Liver/Gallbladder Detox? was started.
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Hi, I feel like this constantly too.  Have been struggling with the hang-over feeling and thirst, numbness in my limbs (almost always in bed at night but on a couple of occassions during the day), neck pain that's been going on for about 3 years.  Physio/acupuncture/naturapath/drs haven't been able to help.  I haven't worn a regular bra in that long - only strapless for me.  I wear a mouthguard to prevent teethgrinding which helped the headaches I was getting.  I have hypothyroidism but that's under control - I find the whole thyroid much more helpful than the synthetic but these other symptoms are outside of that diagnosis.  I also ended up with a fungal nail infection and was put on heavy antifungal meds.  I felt much better whilst taking them but my doctor didn't want to continue them as my liver was struggling (despite my feeling better than I had in ages).  I think because of that that there is a fungal component to it.  I need to do the antifungal diet but it just seems so hard and I'm a vegetarian so the diet doesn't offer much variety.  Has anyone found the answer yet?
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4409763 tn?1354141610
i just typed in (reluctantly, because I was a little afraid) feeling hungover without drinking, and I am amazed at how many suffer from the same symptoms I've been having and how long ago folks have been posting their symptoms and concerns.  I just started suffering symptoms last month.  I just had another episode this morning.  I have not touched even a brewski, (which I love), in about 2 years.  I stopped smoking a year ago.  This terrible hungover feeling just started with me.  I do thank all who gave their comments and shared their symptoms.  It makes me wonder though...
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A related discussion, THYROID was started.
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candace ive had your exact symptoms, did you ever find out what is wrong with you?
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hey man ive been sick for three yerars now, after a sexual exposer with a women, but docs cant find anything wrong, the only thing that has helped me is the candidia diet and supplements. did you ever figure out what is wrong with you
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try the candidia diet and some probiotics
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bet you have a candidia over groth, check it out. it almost killed me. i was exactly like you. then i found out about candidia and did the diet cleanse and probiotics and feel much better
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I feel for your husband as I too suffer most of the same symptoms and have been for over 6 years. I've tried so many things and am trying to stay persistent with doctors because they all say I am fine and learn to live with it. I recently started acupuncture and an allergy program called naet and it seems to be helping little by little. Its worth checking out if you are open to alternative methods. One thing I've learned from my acupuncturist though is that we are often told we have an abundance of digestive acid but that more often than not it is the opposite. We just happen to feel the burn because of where its sitting. I've been drinking a shot of braggs apple cider vinegar with each meal (not snack) and its made a huge difference in my gastro problems.it takes the pains away and helps digest things faster. Its not tasty but it makes me feel so much better when I eat now. I never go out without it anymore even to restaurants. There are other benefits I hear from it with inflammation and arthritis pains that may even help you more. Good luck with your journey. I hope you find answers very soon. You are not alone
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I know this is late, but I hope you are feeling better, I also wonder if you've been tested for candida overgrowth? I am suffering from all of these symptoms and have for years. I am in the process of some unconventional testing. I am waiting for my candida test to come back. I sure feel it will be positive. I don't care for this kind of quality of life. I really hope you are much much better! take care!
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I know this is late, but I hope you are feeling better, I also wonder if you've been tested for candida overgrowth? I am suffering from all of these symptoms and have for years. I am in the process of some unconventional testing. I am waiting for my candida test to come back. I sure feel it will be positive. I don't care for this kind of quality of life. I really hope you are much much better! take care!
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ME TOO! I am 39, eat well, drink plenty of water, (occassionaly with some electrolytes) and consume ZERO alcohol... and I wake up at least once a week feeling half-drunk and grossly hungover!! I call these my "toxic" days. I often get it a day after lots of sweating (a hike, or just working hard) so have assumed it is related to water intake. But I am really stumped, because I am a water-drinker! This has been happening off and on for years, but seems to be getting more pronounced. I am seeing my doc next week, and eventually plan on getting a naturopath involved if I don't start feeling better. It totally *****- my sympathies to all you guys- I will post any helpful info!
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Lastly.........I failed to mention that the main foods causing my symptoms are wheat sugar and dairy. A few others ...strawberries broccoli and yellow #5. Things that I never would of guessed. When I now cheat on my diet a year ago on. April 30th.... I will experience a slight hungover feeling and or migraine and or neck pain all over again. The mds had no clue and dont really get it. Who knew. It was as simple as fixing my diet???
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To add a few more things.  I did get every test done.....lyme...celiec...food allergies and environmental....etc.  All were negative! Until I found this nutritionist who specializes in testing and treating food sensitivities.... I finally was able to live again. I am 34 and have two small children. I owed this to my family as well as myself to try anything. The test was very expensive now covered by insurance.  Go to www.gourmetrd.com i wish u all luck
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