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Mysterious bug under my skin, crawling on my scalp

This is my first post, I've been reading this forum for about a month now, reading about evetything from how to cure scabies to mites.

I'm 27 years old, live in Dallas Texas and here is my story...

First, we've always had a fly problem at every house we go to. You know, the little fruit fly looking things. However, we're not big fruit eaters and don't have any out. They seem to love the trash and the sink (different fly?).

Up to 6 months ago I felt like a bug was crawling on me when I sat on my couch and bed (different apartment), our first assumption was bed bugs and we treated the house (using bombs) for these, the crawling feeling slowed but never fully stopped.

We recently moved (2 months ago) and I felt the same thing on the couch and bed, even worse actually. So much so that we had to throw the couch out. The couch had a mattress in it, it ended up staying out back for a little while until one day I looked out there and it had little black bugs crawling all over it. During this time it seemed I ws being attacked at night by whatever this is, constant crawling all over my head. I usually stay up late to work (upwards of 5AM sometimes) and the entire time this crawling is going on. When I get in the bed it's even worse.

Now here we are at present day. Three days ago I started feeling like whatever this was is now in my skin (I'm certain of it), It's under the skin on my face, my scalp, my back, my toes, and my feet. I can feel it crawling in and out of my anus at times also.

Went to the dermatoligist today and of couse he says it's my imagination, some people get it. He's subscribed me some DEXEPIN for depression. :(  Funny thing is I'm not depressed, my life was quite good until this bug showed up.

I can feel them crawling under my skin, they hang out in my ear (not sure if under the skin or just in the canal) all day, it's gross. No one in the house (my wife and 3 kids) can feel them. My wife has bites all up and down her legs and even a protruded ring looking this on her forearm.

As you might have imagined I'm loosing my mind and life, nothing is the same. And now that the doctor says it's my imagination I cant even get my mom or wide (even though she has a lot of bites) to believe what I'm feeling is real. This makes everything 99.9% harder.

At first I thought it was bird mites (lots of trees around our apartment), then I thought scabies (becuase I can see tracks under my skin), and now I'm thinking it's some kind of fly. There are flys everwhere in this apartment. The disposal was broken when we moved in and it had  flies coming out, they are still around even today (and it's broken again). The bathroom has the flies, in fact, there are several dead in the tub.

I spray the tub down with bleach/water after getting out and noticed when I spray the faucet part some of it turns black (black mold?).

Could this be a bot fly? What do I need to do to get rid of it. Now that the dermatologist was no hope (second doc I've seen, first gave me Pemethrin which did not work) I was thinking of ordering some Stromectol / Ivermectin and Green Kleen Green online.

Recently I had jock itch for the first time in my life, had been taking Gris Peg (Griseofulvin) when this all started to intensify. Please if anyone has been through anything like this offer your sound advice.
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I have basically the same problem as you. After 8 doctors, thinking I'm crazy or a dope head, I have been doing my own research and experments trying to solve this traumatizing nightmare. Recently, I have researched the fungas and mold issue. I have a 2008 GMC Sierra. When I first bought it, it had a horrible odor coming out of the air conditioner. The dealership said that was because it had set up for a while. I have brought it back numerous times to try to get them to fix the problem, but they don't know how and they want. I purchased a mold kit from Lowes and sent it to the lab to have it analized. The results came back, with 3 types of mold.
Since I have had this truck several health problems have occured along with the bugs. I have taken every kind of anti parasite medication that is on the market.
Now, I am taking anti-fungal medication and the crawling is almost gone. The sores that look like bite marks are almost gone. I think that the mold caused the fungas to grow all over my body and under my skin. Then the fungas gnats were attracted to it and then they moved in. Today, I am going to a new doctor to see if she will give me some stronger anti-fungal medication. After 2 years, this nightmare has to end.
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Good grief! My heart goes out to u bc I am living a very similar nightmare. It's been 10 years of itchiness and being told it's delusional parasitosis, my imagination, paranoia, allergies, yet I can't get a single physician to actually take a scraping of any kind and look at it under MAGNIFICATION. I have a jewelry loupe plus a bunch of other mid level mags plus the phone and I can see and even have on video these parasites on me and in my hair and in the toilet (sorry) and in my makeup even in the refrigerator. And it doesn't matter if I move. It's feels great at first but 2 mos later I'm back to itching and ripping my hair out now.
It started bc of the ears thing. Always crawling in my ears. So I began to trim my long blond hair shorter and shorter until I could not feel it tickling and stinging and biting and travelling across the back of my neck. I don't know the answer yet. I believe there is more than one type of parasite bothering me and 10 years of searching and also having seen GMO fruit flies  REPRODUCE IN MY SKIN AND MY FIANCES SKIN AND THEN 2X WE HAD TO SCRATCH AND LITERKY DID AND then this ball rolled down our skin and poof it turned into a fruit fly and flew away. I am NOT LYING OR EXAGGERATING. that's when HE began to believe they existed. We know fruit flies have been dna altered to reproduce a diff way and one is in human skin. My man used Windex and garlic pills I think but def grapeseed extract and his cleared up.ine never had. Theories: of course Lyme leading to morgellons, yeast or fungal overgrowth = difiarial ------ which looks like hair and moves. Fungus gnats. Lice. Crabs. Gnats. Ticks. Actual spiders. Any zoonotic disease I can share with the cat. Or a lake I seam in that wasn't exactly clean. So the whole amoeba family. Demodex mites. The list goes on and on. No one can cure me and I am almost bald. It has literally driven me to a place where I no longer think I can live this way. 10 years of itching and 10 years if people calling me crazy. And yes. My anust is itching right now and they are INSIDE MY EYES. WORMS AND LARVA. IN MY EYES GUMS LIPS THROAT.

I CAN SEE AND FEEL THEM. why can't anyone else???

Windex, vinegar, bleach, BORAX, epsome salts, Lysol sprayed directly into body, and DOLLAR TREE WRINKKE RELEASER OR FABRIC REFRESHER. it kills everything!!! Temporarily. But blessed relief just enough to take a sleeping pill n sleep so I don't rip my hair out all night long we him everyone else sleeps.
It's not u. It is in the furniture. Ur clothes. Ur skin. Ur bedding, toothbrush hairbrush towels omg it never ends ... I live on benadryl with Sudafed and Zyrtec to attempt to eliminate the itching. But it's temporary. Need a way to make this stop and there are so many of us why don't they FOCUS ON LYME AND MORGELLONS AND HELP US? at least with death the suffering ends. This suffering follows u forever as far as I can tell. Maybe only god can... Good luck and god bless you!
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U sound like my life
Mine was mites I had like a seed rice looking things on my nose I would pull them they would just not come out! Finally got Some oust removed from Amazon used on my eyes cleared up the eyes got over me tin from feed store I finally started pulling them out got a magnifying glass I could see like little hook looking legs or something that's why they wouldn't come out they latch on its discusting!I even went to ER I told the Dr I had in a little plastic bag he wouldn't even look at them!
Sorry I answered above I got ivermectin at feed store.
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It's Cutaneous larva migrans most likely from an earlier hookworm infection. Believe me, it took 20 plus years for me to discover what it was.
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I had that, also. They migrated just beneath the skin,,I could see them and feel them,, just awful. The Medical professionals were able to diagnose/identify 5 different kinds! Ewww!!
And I did forget to post that. Must ppl don't realize that parasites, bugs, and Fungus all go hands in hand. GMO s have contributed to Fungal infection becoming epidemic- and now I've been seeing information about 5-G cell towers causing Fungi to release far more mycotocins than they normally do! WTH--?! Humans have really messed up their bodies and environment!
Exactly,   I had them in my scalp and for the longest  time couldn't figure out how I was reinfecting myself.. Then it dawned on me one day while I was looking at my hands and saw one under the skin. Washing my hair evidently kept transferring them back and forth..  My dermatologist gave me Ivermectin pills (two single doses 2 weeks apart) and Ivermectin cream. Now I use this hair washing like brush and don't use my hands, not taking any chances.
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Borrelia burgdorferi Description and Structure

Figure 1. Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium.[https://link http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/lymedisease/understanding/pages/intro.aspx
Borrelia burgdorferi is a Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the class Spirochaetes [Figure 1] . This bacterium is helical and has both an inner and outer membrane as well as a flexible cell wall. The cell is usually 1um wide, but can be up to 10-25 um long. Bacteria of the class spirochaetes have flagella located on the inside of the periplasm in between the inner and outer membranes. The flagellum along with the helical structure of the bacterium allows the bacterium to migrate through viscous fluids and burrow through various tissues. As a result, this cell is highly invasive. B. burgdorferi is also known for its outer surface proteins OspA and OspC have been studied extensively and have a role in transmission of the bacteria into the host cell. The metabolism of this cell is limited, therefore; B. burgdorferi relies on their host for energy precursors. Its genome encodes transport proteins such as ABC transporters. B. burgdorferi also codes for enzymes and proteins that are used in the phosphotransferase system. The host serum as well as the environment are targets for these transport systems. The genome of this bacterium is distinctive. It consists of one linear chromosome of 910,725 base pairs long with at least 17 linear and circular plasmids that combine to a size of more than 533,000 base pairs [2] . As a result of its large number of plasmids, the genetic organization of B. burgdorferi is specialized. .
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Yes, Cassidy, Lyme's Disease organisms play a big part of Morgellen's, they have discovered. They have also discovered that fungal infection is part of Morgellen's, as are coinfections and parasites​.
     This is my first post ever, at any medical site, period, so here goes. My story started 6 months ago, and it's been a nightmare ever since. Multiple doctor's, so much money, and finally getting diagnosis of: Lyme's, fungus and parasites.  I've had every symptom listed here, and had a few doctors look at me like I'm  crazy when I told them I had bugs, worms and (* yes) maggots on me! It turns out that bugs thrive on fungus, and will even live/reproduce on your body if they can! (* Nightmare!!) And you won't find that in any text book description! The KEY to getting treatment, is finding a doctor who will listen and believe you. The mention of bugs, however, usually always will not work, because of the stigma of  'parapsychosis'. Keep the emphasis on the fungal infection, or the parasites. Usually, the parasites are one of many kinds of round, hook, flat, pin or thread worm. (* I had five different kinds, my lungs were full of them). Most of these worms larvas migration are just beneath the skin surface, and feels like bugs crawling. The fungus is on the surface of the skin, ( you can't see it,  tho) and burrows into, and grows, just beneath surface it's skin, also. It feels like pinpricks, burning, bug bites, and Ant bites. So, the sensation of bugs crawling is a Hallmark sign of worms and fungus. Then once you try remedies to kill the parasites/fungus, the herxhiemer reaction to toxin released from die off, will cause neuropathy, (* neurotoxin) and then crawling sensation gets even worse! This condition is torture! I've been reading so many blogs, is where I've gotten most of the clues, for research, because the Western medical doctors don't have a clue! To get proper treatment is necessary to heal. Repairing your immune system function is key. For the fungal infection, oral meds are necessary. All the advise on here is also good advice. KEY: insist upon a fungus culture, and a blood test for worms. (* Stool samples are not accurate.) Yes, I know lots of ppl here (* lots on every site I've visited) really do have bugs! With fungal infection come the fungus mites, gnats, flies and their accompanying eggs, worms/maggots. (**They thrive on fungus) Lyme's disease will cause multiple parasites infections- including: scabies, worms, etc. Then, the fungus reproduces rapidly in your environment including your car, clothing etc (* it actually permeates everything in your home!)** This brings more bugs for the free meal, more flies- the problem then explodes exponentially! It is true a horror show once it gets to this point, very hard to get rid of. The fungus can ruin a life! The fungus can be several different ones, and can live on every surface, and the spores float thru the air. They have so many forms/appearance, depending upon what stage they are in,,white fluffy, translucent lint appearance, red, black or blue 'fiber'.. It can spread to your entire body and even go systemic. Your skin can grow mold ( black specs), or, glassine exothrax, (* hard splinters) or rigid scales can show up anywhere on body- looking like exoskeleton's of skin parasites. ** I got so sick I almost died as my lungs collapsed! At one point, I even had flies hatching out of my entire body! (** Lyme's organisms turn OFF these immune system, so they over-run the body, causing little  or no outward symptoms, while inside the body MUCH damage is being done. Lyme's organisms are very difficult to detect- as they hide in the body and are hard to diagnose. (** Sadly, my BFF just passed away from Lyme's, because it till then almost ten years to diagnose it!)
    Once the fungus infection goes systemic, you may find yourself fighting for your life, as I am.  Sorry long winded...I see so many ppl on here (* and every where) suffering and not getting the answers or treatment they so desperately need. Be proactive, do your research, insist on the tests you think you need,-- bypass those stupid doctors if you have to by using lab of your choice, bringing in your own specimens. The Lyme's test out there now are a shot in the dark! The Western blot test is a joke, there are newer, more sensitive tests out there now, where you can order your test kit on line, and go to lab of your choice. If you think you have Lyme's, (** Morgellen's) get tested for Lyme's and done believe them if they say you tested negative! (* That's how my friend died) you know your own body,- don't count on, or wait on the doctor's to figure out what's wrong with you and save you. You must save yourself! And above all- Don't give up and try to stay positive! (* I've only gone through this for six months, and wanted to be dead more times than I can count. I can't imagine going through this as long as many of you have.
    The scabies protocol and Morgellen's skin care protocol (* found on the Lyme's disease.org website) are the best ones- they will cover it all (* dont forget the tiny flies that infest a home with​ fungus- Google up Drain flies infestation. If you think you don't have them, (* microscopic/macroscopic) take a bright flashlight and go look at your drains, trashcans and even your car. Those little bastards can make your life a living hell as they can borrow into your skin and lay thousands of eggs everywhere, your bed and clothes and one day you'll wake up when tiny maggots all over you! They love fungus,- it's what they thrive on.
   Well, good luck, you can look all of this up. (* Some types of flies can get into your eyes or have their eggs weeping out of your eyes thru our lymph canals. (* Thru tear ducts. I've had worms crawling out of my eyes, this is no joke) and that was my snapping point. Fungus is serious stuff. You need to fight it for all you're worth, or it will over take your body and you can die. Look it up. Cancer, HIV and hepatitis patients that die from the complications of those disease, usually die from the resulting fungus infection.
I'm be praying for all of us. God bless and don't give you, you are NOT crazy.
** that is:: take a bright flashlight at NIGHT, can to see tiny flying specks, (* flies , spores and fungal fibers). PINE GLO 98¢ at Walmart is same exact thing as BenzaRid on Amazon (* fungicide used in hospital, etc) and Kleen Green naturally is the enzyme cleaner you want, as it is the original one, all natural, y can even Spritz your sheets and body with it,,,)concentrate,,- makes several gallons for 21$. Spray down everything, even your car, and just bleach down your drains and trashcans for the Flies. Raid bedbugs spray ( purple can) kills mites, which follow/,get into whereever you go (* shoes, rugs, mattress, etc. Wanting that free fungus meal) . I hope this helps someone. Love and light.
20813170 tn?1539096679
Not answer.but I've been suffering somewhat of same thing for 7 years. sometimes I feel a very hot area then it turns red and a small pin like hole appears with a black speck at opening.now what I feel all over is a stinging feeling from inside my skin going towards surface.and it stings bad like a bee.then appear a black foreign body when I touch in goes back in.been to dr after doctor as I have these things head to toe.at first Dr were concerned but since they don't know what it is they basically call me crazy. infectious disease don't even wanna see me.i know what I see and feel.and I am now loosing my mind from being frustrated.sysmptoms seems to be getting worse.like they consumed my whole body inside.i feel them crawing everywhere now.like there's so many there is no more room.its like they come to surface for air or something.now I can feel tingly moving things in my nose.i make my self sneeze so I can blow my nose Better.one time a black long slimy thing was wrapped around my musus.i wrapped it around a cuetip.it seemed dead.second time.a long piece of musus came out and I could see a black shiny tip on one end of mucus.i looked at it with magnifying glass and it was alive I touched it and it went back in mucus.it pisses me off cause I tried getting it out and it kept hiding.so I threw it away.i should have just put the whole thing in something and bring it in to be tested.causw I've never can get sample for Dr to test.i am not nuts.ive seen it alive in me.and I'm going crazy.no one will help.im so close to just saying forget everything.
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3 things I read last night, I have a very similar story,
Bot fly larvae
Flesh fly
Fungal fly
Please look them up I believe this could b it
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