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Mysterious bug under my skin, crawling on my scalp

This is my first post, I've been reading this forum for about a month now, reading about evetything from how to cure scabies to mites.

I'm 27 years old, live in Dallas Texas and here is my story...

First, we've always had a fly problem at every house we go to. You know, the little fruit fly looking things. However, we're not big fruit eaters and don't have any out. They seem to love the trash and the sink (different fly?).

Up to 6 months ago I felt like a bug was crawling on me when I sat on my couch and bed (different apartment), our first assumption was bed bugs and we treated the house (using bombs) for these, the crawling feeling slowed but never fully stopped.

We recently moved (2 months ago) and I felt the same thing on the couch and bed, even worse actually. So much so that we had to throw the couch out. The couch had a mattress in it, it ended up staying out back for a little while until one day I looked out there and it had little black bugs crawling all over it. During this time it seemed I ws being attacked at night by whatever this is, constant crawling all over my head. I usually stay up late to work (upwards of 5AM sometimes) and the entire time this crawling is going on. When I get in the bed it's even worse.

Now here we are at present day. Three days ago I started feeling like whatever this was is now in my skin (I'm certain of it), It's under the skin on my face, my scalp, my back, my toes, and my feet. I can feel it crawling in and out of my anus at times also.

Went to the dermatoligist today and of couse he says it's my imagination, some people get it. He's subscribed me some DEXEPIN for depression. :(  Funny thing is I'm not depressed, my life was quite good until this bug showed up.

I can feel them crawling under my skin, they hang out in my ear (not sure if under the skin or just in the canal) all day, it's gross. No one in the house (my wife and 3 kids) can feel them. My wife has bites all up and down her legs and even a protruded ring looking this on her forearm.

As you might have imagined I'm loosing my mind and life, nothing is the same. And now that the doctor says it's my imagination I cant even get my mom or wide (even though she has a lot of bites) to believe what I'm feeling is real. This makes everything 99.9% harder.

At first I thought it was bird mites (lots of trees around our apartment), then I thought scabies (becuase I can see tracks under my skin), and now I'm thinking it's some kind of fly. There are flys everwhere in this apartment. The disposal was broken when we moved in and it had  flies coming out, they are still around even today (and it's broken again). The bathroom has the flies, in fact, there are several dead in the tub.

I spray the tub down with bleach/water after getting out and noticed when I spray the faucet part some of it turns black (black mold?).

Could this be a bot fly? What do I need to do to get rid of it. Now that the dermatologist was no hope (second doc I've seen, first gave me Pemethrin which did not work) I was thinking of ordering some Stromectol / Ivermectin and Green Kleen Green online.

Recently I had jock itch for the first time in my life, had been taking Gris Peg (Griseofulvin) when this all started to intensify. Please if anyone has been through anything like this offer your sound advice.
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This crazy, I am in the uk I feel this crawling sensation ,I had thought it had gone as I was sent to jail for six months for a fight ! For the first two weeks it got less and less and went away! Felt wonderfull ,now been home two weeks and feels as there is something living in my body and at night it comes out again..now light it's scared of can't catch it on camara untill it clicked the led flashlight and cam flash it runs away hides in dark under yr chin behind ears any body folds ,I basically am chasing what ever this is in and out my body, only way to stop itching least lighten it up! Remove as much clothing as possible ! Lights it hates the light I sleep with lights on! Keep clean.. This I think is a different bread of body mite as do a google on body mite and things add up! I caught it on cam once , I surrounded. Myself with cams and it cam out my anus shot to my arm pit ,it was around 4-6 bugs large red one followed by smaller black mites but there must be more as I feel like its a massive spider but on cam was bugs which move in blink of yr eye fast!! I will soon post more everdence and get a doctor or college to watch and help us get rid of this bug ! It loves cotton clothing hates polyester I learnt to.. Also drugs such as amphetamine it hates thus why it has left its home in your small intestine to your anus and up the body trying to escape this drug, now you may not be a drug user but have you had a lot of dental work now or in the past? Used fat pills ? I be leave this bug is inside us all and is provoked by us to come out and then doesn't leave! . .?? It left me in prison ! Now think of that envoirment it's crap cloths all fire retardant bedding like plastic sheets, your mattress is just a large bit of foam sealed in a PVC sheve same with pillow...this must mean something why did it go away inside but now I'm out the crawling! The sounds I hear! The worst is say in the car at night it loves. Coming out or i should say the crawling goes mad at night in the car this must all mean something ....will keep u in the know on what happens..
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U r deals by with a fungal issue in ur home. The fungus becomes systemic.
Inside of u.  the fungus attracts the bugs. Like mites and springtails. Both r tiny.  Some of these mites r microscopic.
Look for moisture problem in ur home and workplace. Once this became meds systemic, they go where u go. U need to change ur diet. Quit sugar and carbs. Even fruit. Start eating mostly proteins.  Ike meat. Just for a few weeks. Don't cheat. Fungus and mold loves sugar. It feeds it. Also read about morgellons. It's real. Read about birdmites.
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I've actually had the same symptoms for months now. Everyone thinks I'm insane and WILL NOT listen to me!! About a month ago I was diagnosed with head lice then scabies and then the worst happened...my children started itching. Now C.P.Steven. has removed my 3 small children from my care for reasons of me being "Crazy" & "imaging bugs". My children are 8, 6, and 2. I feel like now I am going crazy from depression of missing my kids, dealing with this problem and my children constantly crying wanting to come home. Please someone help me!!!!
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It started for me in 2012 so it has been 4 long hard years. A neighbor's cat went into my apartment when I opened my door at night and found it on my bed.  I then started hearing a popping sound on my pillow when going to sleep at night and thought it was fleas or lice.  I didn't think too much of it and sprayed lice spray but it didn't go away.  Shortly after, I felt tiny things jumping onto my ankles and calf when sitting on the couch.  This went on until all symptoms came full-on after I had let my own cat out.  It came back one night and when petting it, I felt this "fuzzy" tickling feeling.  It started losing its hair and I found white specks and material all over my apartment.  I felt itchy and realized that something was in my clothes.  Then the worst came; I started getting the scalp crawling activity and constant sensation of something tiny landing on my face.  When I disturbed a cluster of these flying parasites they would head straight for my face and head.  Right before this, there was a flea infestation in my apartment and I bombed it with insecticide.  Now I know that it made it worse.  Over the years, I've cleaned endlessly, have extreme depression and anxiety due to thinking that this may never end and the fear of infecting loved ones.  I thought that I can no longer have a family or even be intimate with others.  But over the years I have made it manageable.  My problem is that I take medications and have become addicted to Adderall for the energy to carry out the preventative rituals to minimize the infestation in my environment as well as to be as "bug-free" as possible when I see people that I care about.  That and to numb myself from the depression.  Well these parasites infest my meds and when I take them, they populate the inside of my body.  I wash the pills that I take before ingesting but they are still on it.  I've tried ziplock bagging the meds but these microscopic parasites still enter and reproduce.  Getting off meds and having a psychological addiction to pills makes it hard to stop, especially since I will have extreme fatigue and lack motivation to do what I need to do if I give up the Adderall.  It's like doing things for the first time and with the thought that this may never end in the back of my mind makes it hard to quit.  My assessments are as follows:

-  this is some kind of a flying/airborne organism.  You can see them faintly swarming the air around you.

-  per Morgellons information, I suspect that people claiming that they have Morgellons may also have this parasite.  These flying parasites are living IN my body.  That is why after 3 moves they are still here and why I am noticing them swarming everywhere I go.  They come out of my skin and infests anything and everything.  They even infest essential oils that supposedly repels them and I find the in the bottom of a pot of water.

-  people within 20 feet of me will feel the parasites swarming around my body and will clear their throat, scratch, cough, and sneeze.

-  some people either have thicker skin and not feel them or the parasites avoid certain people.  My girlfriend rarely scratches around me.  Wish I knew the factors for this.


-  To minimize or eliminate scalp activity, I shaved my head AND scrape my scalp when bathing to remove them.  Using exfoliating gloves and bath brushes won't work.  I had a breakthrough when I started scraping what turned out to be a layer of biofilm (looks like skin) with my fingernails after it has been softened in water.  It uncovered tiny bumps felt on my scalp, which are their nest clusters.  After scraping them off, the scalp/face activity went down to almost zero.  Most people don't dig in deep enough to remove them.  I now use a brush meant for cleaning which have harder bristles to loosen the biofilm and scrape with my fingernails.  It doesn't bleed; one needs to remove the layers upon layers of biofilm.  The same goes for the rest of the body, you need to scrape with a harder bristled brush to remove them.  These suckers cling on hard.

-   Things started dying and debris fell from my scalp after using a product called Nature's Gift Debriding Soap.  The product has nano-sized surfactants that penetrate the skin to kill and clean out the parasites.  Add a couple capfuls to a bath or if showering, apply a layer on the body and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing off.  You can make a spray and put into the ears to kill them; just let it stay in the ear for 10+minutes.  My fingertips were infested with them and this soap cleaned them out.

-  Supplements that helped:  Ivermectin, Albendazole, Pyrantel Pamoate, Emulsified Oregano Oil pills, Lufeneuron, Biotin.  All found on Amazon.  The first 3 are formulas made for animals/pets but people take them for scabies, myiasis, etc.  The downside is that it elevates liver enzymes and should be taken 4 days and then once a week thereafter due to their lifecyles.  Not necessarily good for the liver but the relief that I get was more important at this time.  The Lufeneuron will break down chitin and is a flea medication for pets.  Also used to attack Candida Albicans because it destroys fungal cell walls (some say it is debatable).  These suckers hate Oregano Oil, and Biotin will strengthen your skin.

-  For baths, I add 3 cups epsom salt, Japanese bath salts, 2-3cups borax, 1-2 cups hydrogen peroxide, 20-30 drops Oregano Oil, and Iodine.  When my skin touches the bath water, these suckers come right off.  Also when immersed in the water as well as using a BackJoy accupressure tool to apply pressure for 30 seconds each to all parts of the body, the particles and parasites will come out of the skin.  You will feel so much better afterwards.  I take baths 3 times/week.

-  Moldstat seems to kill them.  I clean with it mixed with Kleen Green but the smell can be pretty harsh.  Fogging the home with it can bring results.

-  Air purifiers help the air quality.  Unfortunately I spend a bit of money on filters but I feel that it is worth it.  Otherwise the parasites will be so numerous that breathing them in constantly will make me feel sick all the time.

-  Do not use insecticides.  They will come back in greater numbers and more vicious than before.  Trust me, I learned the hard way.

-  Ziplock and compression bags help a little to minimize infestation of clothes or minimize the infestation of the environment from paper or dirty clothes.  But eventually the few that make it in there will reproduce.

-  I plan on vacuum sealing my meds as soon as I can after picking them up to see if it will help.  There are vacuum sealers for $60 on Amazon.  If you take meds, this should be tried.

For anyone with remedies or a cure, please share.  Stay strong and never give up people.  There is no other way!
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It's possible that you could have a bad mold allergy.  If you were ever exposed to black mold, you will always be super sensitive to all molds including, aspergillus, penicillum, and stachybotrys. If there is mold in your house, there is moisture which will attract flies.  The crawling unDer skin and the ring sore are both uticaria central nervous system responses to toxins and allergies.  Toxic mold produces mycotoxins which are triggering the CNS histamine responses.  Mycotoxins cause macrocystosis and vitamin absorbing problems such as folate and b12, thus creating high homocyctein levels, then high cortisol, then adrenal fatigue.  IT'S CRAZY the domino effect that occurs.  The only way to know is to have your home tested for mold, and yourself tested for alergies and a complete blood workup. If you do in fact have toxic mold everything in your home will contain it especially porous materials, papers, wood, matresses, couches...everything. SO, just moving will not solve the problem, because if you take all of your belongings into another home with ventilation problem or water damage the mold will feed again and thrive.I hope that this helps you.  My family and I lived in a home with black mold for 7 years and so far it has caused chronic inflammatory polyneurapathy and vascultis in both my parents, irreversible nerve damage and collagen deterioration for my sister, and mastocystosis which can turn into leukemia for my brother. Not only does it cause life altering diseases it also cause premature aging!
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Am experiencing the same thing.I have these bugs crawling in my head and under my skin, it feels like a sharp piece of glass when I try to get it out and it bleeds very much. I need help, I have gone from doctor to doctor they think I have a mental problems but I don't.If anyone know what I can get to get rid this plz let me know..Thank you
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I am expert the same things.  It’s been almost a year and I have a squishy scalp and white plugs in my pores and lesions that don’t heal on my scalp.  I can feel bugs crawling under my scalp and can move them around under my scalp I can feel egg like things underneath my scalp and I can see yellow egg like material come up through the lesions that don’t heal.  I am at a dead end with dealing with this I cry all the time over this it’s the grossest thing you have ever gosh darn seen and I am a very clean person so it has nothing to do with that.  These things have a hard outer shell that protects them from absorbing any chemicals that would kill them.  So I have no idea what these are yet.   Can someone help me figure out what this is and how to get rid of this gross things
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It is still early days but I think the technique of putting each article of clothing in a separate ziplock bag with food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is going to work. I suspect it will take a few weeks for this to work completely though so it may be a struggle to find something to wear in the meantime. I will buy a few new things or else just look for the "best of the best" of my clothing to get me through this month (I have very little at this point though). I am also going to keep dirty clothing which is waiting to be washed in a closed bin with DE until laundry day, in case there are still bugs in there or new ones have got in there. And immediately after washing, each article will go back in its separate bag with DE. I have them all labelled.

One thing which seems to be working on my scalp is baking soda one day followed by lemon juice the next day - and no shampoo at all.  Mix say a tablespoon of baking soda in some water and pour that over your scalp and don't rinse out. Comb as usual. I keep my comb now in between uses in a glass of diluted listerine (I like the original one). The next day I pour the juice from one freshly squeezed lemon on my scalp / hair and leave it in. It is not good to do this on a day you need to look your best though as you can't really get a comb through it after it dries, whereas you can with the baking soda. I think I will keep repeating this for a while. I will use Epsom salt water poured over my scalp too if things ever get really bad again, Nix only in extreme cases which I hope never to live through again. I also read that swimming in salt water or chlorine helps - so off to the pool I will go from time to time.

As for my skin: I had some success with using an exfoliating scrub (eg Neutrogena Deep Clean, or an apricot based one), followed by a baking soda rinse similar to the hair. Leave it on overnight, then apply some anti-fungal cream - I used a clotrimazole based one but others will likely work too.

For the environment, the best for me has been Lysol disinfectant spray since these things are airborne. Best to leave your home for a while after you spray and open the windows as soon as you get back in to avoid poisoning yourself. You can wipe down surfaces with an enzyme cleaner or anti-bacterial solution, and use windex with ammonia on the windows and mirrors. You can put a bit of ammonia down the drains and then cover them up for a bit so nothing can escape.

This is what is working for me so far, and I hope this is helpful to others out there who are suffering. Please contribute if you have found any good solutions too!
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