1031554 tn?1298589473

Vertigo, Tinnitus and Dizzy Spells

I have a few symptoms that began at various times (years apart) so I didn't believe the symptoms to be related until I read a post on another website (see below). My symptoms are almost identical but not nearly as severe (I have posted an extract in case the other website goes down). In particular the dizziness, "brain fog" (described below), head rush with first bite of food and tinnitus are particularily discomforting. Can anyone suggest a cause/s for these symptoms? I have seen about half a dozen doctors, two dentists, an ENT, a neurologist, an audiologist and have had an MRI without shedding any light on the situation.

Source: http://forum.asktheneurologist.com/vertigo-and-dizziness-f16/vertigo-tinnitis-t169.html
"I'm 40 years old, and for about two years I've been dealing with random but troubling symptoms. I've been to a battery of doctors, and have had every test known to man run, with no conclusive results, no diagnosis, no help or abatement of any of the symptoms.


"Tinnitus - all the time. Sometimes screaming loud, sometimes it quiets down. It's a high-pitched whine, and as far as I can tell in both ears. I've been to an audiologist and have had extensive testing done. Nothing physically wrong with my ear canals or hearing parts. Sometimes the tinnitus is so loud it gives me a horrible headache and it always impacts my hearing on some level. It's been my constant companion for no less than a year.

Vertigo. At times extreme to where I have trouble walking across the room without holding on to something. It's not often this severe, but when it is this severe, I find that I am struck with extreme fatigue very shortly thereafter. These bouts will last for about 2-3 days where I have the extraordinary vertigo, and could sleep the entire day away (type A personality - not normal for me). When this is going on, I experience extreme nausea as well, even when laying down and not experiencing vertigo. I should mention if I lie down, the vertigo doesn't happen.

On an on-going regular basis, I experience vertigo when I take the first couple bites of food. The entire room will swim and if I were standing, I would fall over. This happens every time I eat. Recently it has begun happening when I take a drink as well (the first couple drinks when I start drinking water for example). This symptom has gotten worse recently. It didn't used to ever happen with liquids I drink, and the episodes with bites of food used to last 5-10 seconds and now last a good 20-30 seconds.

I feel as if I have a golf ball in my esophagus. A lump in my throat (but below my throat) that never goes away. It literally feels difficult to swallow a large bite of food because of this.

Extreme fatigue. As mentioned above, I go through bouts of fatigue that need to have some other moniker. I literally feel like I can't raise my head I'm so exhausted. Bone weary is a better term. This lasts for several days when it hits. I truly feel like whatever is wrong with me, this is a by-product, or aftershock, if you will, of whatever is happening to me.

Insomnia. I also have bouts of insomnia that will last for several days. This is just within the past 6 months or so. Never in my life have I had trouble sleeping before.

Tests I've had:

Neurological consult. He felt I probably had Meniers and was pretty much a jerk who told me my cluster of symptoms were strange and sounded psycho-sematic. However, I did follow up with an ENT who specializes in meniers, and it's not meniers.

I also saw an audiologist and had a huge battery of tests (not just hearing tests) done to test inner ear, outer ear, etc., etc. They truly ran every test they could since it is logical to think this is ear-related. I was found to have nothing physically wrong with my ear parts, and my hearing was within normal range - possible very minor hearing loss in one ear, but inconclusive.

MRI. Result was that I do have a Chiari Malformation. The above-neurologist who was condescending and dismissive about my "psycho-sematic" symptoms thought the Chiari Malformation to be a non-issue. Yes, it's there (he said as he read my MRI), but it couldn't possibly cause any of these strange cluster of symptoms.

Thyroid. I've often felt many of my problems could possibly be thyroid related. I could check "yes" off on every hypothyroidism symptom, and yet bloodwork has come back two times as normal. (My internal medicine doctor couldn't believe it wasn't my thyroid, so he re-tested). I didn't list all these random little symptoms here, because I don't think they're related? But in case they are: I've lost my outer eyebrows - they were full, now they're bald. I'm always cold, even in summer, I've gained a great deal of weight in the past year; I have heart palpitations (I wore a halter monitor and was found to have sinus taccychardia and sometimes irregular heartbeat, but they could find no reason so it was determined to be probably low-potasseum); I get dizzy if I get up too quickly from sitting or laying.

Other bloodwork. I've been tested for diabetis, hypoglycemia, anemia. I am borderline anemic - always have been my whole life, tho, so this is nothing new. Everything else, normal.

That's my story. The symptoms are literally starting to take over my life and I'm so frustrated! I've done everything I can to find an answer, and no answer comes.

If any of this rings a bell or if anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I'm proactive, live a full life and want to get at the heat of these symptoms so I can start to feel normal and well again. Instead things seem to be heading further and further south."
4 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
If ear is the cause of vertigo (rotator movement of self or environment) then it could be due to benign positional vertigo, Meniere's disease, vestibular neuronitis and labyrinthitis. Other causes of dizziness are otitis media, trauma, side effects of drugs, TMJ, and fluid in ear. All these causes will have to be ruled out one by one by your ENT through specialized test.
Something stuck in the throat can be due to post nasal drip, if you have recurrent cold and sinusitis. It can also be gastric reflux due to weak esophageal sphincter or due to hiatal hernia. It can also be an allergic reaction to something you eat. If all common causes of a feeling of something stuck in the throat or a foreign body sensation in the throat has been ruled out (post nasal drip, gastric reflux, allergy by a skin test or RAST panel, food allergy), then rare causes will have to be looked into. One is upper esophageal dysmotility—can be known by endoscopy and barium meal. Projecting superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage is another possibility and surgically trimming it can help. Esophageal candidiasis or fungal infection, gonococcal pharyngits, chemical burn of esophagus due to acid, and cancer of the esophagus are some other causes. Another possibility is irritation of the anterior fibers of C2-3 spinal nerves with spasm of the muscles attached to hyoid bone. This usually happens due to injury or postural problems causing curving of lower cervical spine. If everything is ruled out then the problem could be psychogenic and counseling may help.
Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult your doctor. Take care!

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Post too in the Chiari Malformation Forum.  Your story sounds similar to alot of their stories.
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Meniere's Disease perhaps?  My sister suffers from it, and the symptoms are virtually identical - the eyebrows I would attribute to stress, I lost a good deal of mine when I had a severe episode of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, I lost almost 45 lbs in three weeks, and a good deal of hair from the stress...
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1031554 tn?1298589473
Second part of post:

"As I thought more about my situation last night a couple more things I neglected to mention came to mind.

I didn't mention, but I also had a swallow test (I believe that's what it was called). I ate bites of food with different consistencies (liquid, pudding, crackers) while being x-rayed. The test was run for my upper throat, right where you first swallow. They found nothing. When I told the doctor administering the test that the sensation was lower in my esophagus, he moved the focal point and looked at it and said he could clearly see some sort of muscular hesitation, but couldn't test for it because the order written was to test my upper esophagus so he couldn't pursue it - that I needed to have my doc write up another order for lower (or mid?) esophagus swallow test. I haven't done that yet.

Another symptom I didn't list, but which is a biggie is brain fog. I feel like thinking is like slogging through thick mud. It's hard for me to come up with words (and I'm a very, very articulate person. So much so, that people have teased me my whole life for using big words). Now I have trouble completing sentences. I'm CONSTANTLY seeking the word. I see the object in my brain, and I concentrate and search and search for the word. It's always just out of my reach.

Last but not least, I have trouble understanding people speaking. I don't know how to explain this other than to say I have to concentrate VERY hard to understand what people are saying. At first, I 100% attributed this to tinnitus and that it was difficult for me to hear them. But as I've spent the last couple days really thinking about my issues and this one in particular, I've been trying to really monitor this symptom. In truth, what it feels like is more like there's a veil in between the person speaking and me. I have to look at them and concentrate really hard to "hear" what they are saying. This might sound very strange, but it FEELS disproportionate to hearing problems I may or may not have (due to tinnitus). It feels more like the person speaking has mush in their mouth and I just want them to speak more clearly and to speak up. I'm continually asking my kids / husband to repeat or say it louder or more clearly."

The dizziness immediately after biting the first bite of food is covered here:

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