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undiagnosed severe full body nerve pain, twitching and spasms.


I have been having this problem for 8 years, started in 1998.
getting worse in 2003 three days into flu shot.

Have had several mri of brain with and without contrast all normal. emgs over the years normal, spinal tap normal, several blood test normal (sed rate elavated over the yeras up to 30).

I see a neuromuscular doc now who did a muscle biopsy which is normal, test me for stiff man-syndrome (normal.) he has no idea.
took lyrica for a month and now zanaflex up to 20mg in a day. (no help yet.)

The rhumatologist said fibro and neuro disagrees.  he says the twitching and spasms and nerve pain can be due to signal in nerves not traveling properly.  why he dosent know.
i read on my brain mri single left frontal lobe white mater but doc said normal? why?

my sysptoms
twitching in whole body
muscle jumping like popcorn poppin all over
muscle spasms all over body( throat spasms, svere tightness in throat, stabbing sharp pain in thraot with it, literally feels like sking bieng pulled apart.)
nerve pain all over body (burning, tingling, pins and needles)
nerve pain(stabing, electriclike sudden jads that are horendous and take the life out of me, piercing shooting in nature like some thing lashing me from inside.  lasts seconds but it is in multiple places in my body at the same time.)
at times when stabbs hit i get a single twitch.
my qustion what could this be.  is it possible to have nerve pain of this nature in the entire body and all together.
with my research i cant find anyreason for such pain in entire body all together
32 Responses
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I too have weird neuralogical pains and problems. The worst is the sharp electric shock like nerve pain. That pain is terrible and probably the worst pain known to man. It will only last seconds but during those seconds the attack is vicious and the pain is unbearable. It's like someone is using a vodoo doll and poking you with a knife.

I started having these problems when I was 21 years old and have been to hundreds of doctors, all kinds of doctors including alternative medicine doctors. Like Makina I've done every possible test to no avail.

In addition to the nerve pain in the thigh area, back of the leg and bottom of heel, I have been dealing with chronic dizziness for 2 years. I'm now 30 years old and still trying to figure out these problems. The nerve pain and dizziness have ruined my life. I am constantly thinking when will the nerve pain attack me again, it can be several times a day or more or less. You just don't know but it's frightening anticipating for it to happen.

Since there is no diagnosis of these problems I went into further research and found out that mercury can cause all sorts of neurological problems. I happen to have many silver fillings in my teeth due to cavities and many of the fillings are big. I know it cost a lot of money to take out those silver fillings but I'm considering it because it just might be the cause of these neurological unexplained problems.
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I also have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel and disc desiccation present at multiple levels with narrowing of c4andc5-c6  cord compressio it could also be due to myelomalacia or gliosis.alternatively demyslination is a possibility. Minimal scattered periventtricular and subcortial white matter foci are present without evidence of acute ischemia. The differential diagnosis includes chronic white matter ischemia, demyelination and vasculitis." whew! What a mouthfull of textbook jargon, might as well be Greek to me I'm just looking for someone who has a clue?

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I have so many of the symtons that so many of you have reported, sometimes I feel like I am going insane I will be 56 next month and have been pretty healthy most of my life but at the age of 37 began nurse aide work for six years and think I pretty much ruined my back have had two MRI several cat scans and so many tests I can't even remember their names have the sharp shooting pains all over body face fingers toes wrists breasts middle arm elbows it's just madness. Mri were done ten years ago and questined ms but no concrete diagnose now nuerologist ordering anothe MRI but I'm pessimistic to outcome have had headaches sleep deprivation sleep jerk shocks daytime shooting pains that make me jerk have c 's and l's in back trouble numbness in fingers legs and hands go to sleep. Just knowing some others have similar issues makes me feel that somehow someone will find out what the he'll is causing this.  
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Hi there,
   These are my most bothersome symptoms right now. family card dr did a full blood work up one including Lupus, I was sent to a Rheumy as my results were 1:160.  He redid my ANA and did the DNA also hepatitis, aids and some blood work checking for rneumatic muscle diseases. All tests came back normal. His feeling was upon first hearing of my symptomology that he would have referred to me a neurologist.  He asked me to try taking Xanax 3 times daily for the relief of some of these symptoms.   I have to tell you it works very well.  I know when Im due for it , especially in the AM because I wake with chronic low back pain. Its not a perfect cure as all, as I dont believe anxiety is at the route of my problems, but this druf is also used as a anti spasmodic. Today I am very grateful to have some relief.  
  Wednesday I see a neurologist again in our area, which I dread as is bedside manner was non existant.. My step dad who is a Dr, said it was unfortunate the Dr was so arrogant as my symptoms- went un addressed.
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I have for the last few years got spasms in my right leg that runs from my knee up to the groin area. Always the same leg.   Usually when I get up during the night.  I can feel it coming on and it feels like when you were a kid and someone gave you a snake bite!  (twisting someones arm in opposite  directions as if twisting a door knob with both hands on the arm!)  That is the only way I can describe it.  It will come on and radiate for a few minutes, let up and come back with a vengence.  They can last up to 10 or 20 minutes.  I take quinine and orange juice.  That seems to shorten the spams.  Not sure what can be causing it but has been going on for years now.  I have had a hip replacement and still get them.  I am having a total knee replacement in a couple months.  Like I said this is always the same leg and the area is always from the knee to the groin.  Any one else have anything like this?  
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The answer is in your spine. I had this condition for 8 yrs and now live an awesome pain free life again. Stretch on an inversion table consistently 3 times a day (it's not fun but it works!). I did this and with in three weeks my spine started to pop many times and three weeks after that the pain went away 90%.All glory to God whom lead me to the cure!
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For a few years i have been experiencing shocking nerve pains all through my body, form my toes to my fingers through my back, neck, legs, everywhere. Also experience muscle spasms and sharp shooting pains. I have had mri's and tests for neuro diseases a year ago and all came back fine. The pains come and go every few months. What can i do in my situation?
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Full body pain and your other symptoms do sound like magnesium depletion, but you will never be able to replenish the mag levels with oral supplementation alone. I have had full body pain and many other symptoms. nothing seemed to help, so, being a science geek, I developed a very effective therapy, a product called Magnion ( www.imagenlabs.net ), and also  Magic Oil. They are both transdermal forms of magnesium and The magnion has transdermal antioxidants and anti-inflammatories added as well. It took a few weeks of therapy, magnion in a bath and magic oil rubbed on the skin.....but my symptoms are nearly gone..migraines too. Too cheap and simple not to try. I used to hate baths...now, i take them instead of showers. also works good for exercise recovery
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yes i have had cervical mri.  i do have copies of everything and i have read doctors dictations.  its said severe carpal tunnel in arms.  but this year was the first time emg ever done on arms.  before this alwas in legs.  in legs it has always been normal.  the dictation by the neuro dosent sya much just excluding things like ms, als and stiff mans syndrome.  

this is what it says for mri of cervical without contrast
mild disc desiccation at c3-4, c-5, c5-6
straigtening of the -spine with slight reversal of lordosis in the midportion.
no evidence of abnormal signal intensity within the vertebral bodies.

the mri of brain
nonspecific T2 and flair hyperintensity in the left frontal white mattter.

dictation of neuromuscular doc.
extraocular movements are intact.  facial stregnth normal, speech clear. normal muscle bulk, tone and tregnth.  sensory exam in symetrical to fine touch. reflex normal.

we completed muscle biopsy which demonstrated no diagnostic abnormalities.  blood work for cpk, anti GAD antibodies and parvo B-19 were negative.  extensive imaging studies of brain and spine and other rhumatalogic exam , thyroid, and blood all negative.  unremarkable emg accept for carpel tunnel. chemistry level unremarkable except for mildy elevated globulin and protien.  sed rate elavated in past.

so basically i have in all gone too 3 different neurologist and one neuromuscular doc.  no one has a clue.

my sysptom for last few days are crazy.  my toes and finger are on fire along with rest of body and sharp electric horendous jabs of pain.
i  hate it when its in my throat. all i know flu shot made all this go to another level in 2003.
i am in a pretty bad shape.  i might go to the er tonight.  eventhough the never do ****.

my strenght is normal, walking rmal, but the nerve pain is really bad and just the zanafles is not working.




the doc said its normal.
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The Marshall Protocol website does indeed mention Th1 inflammation because that is the sole source of a lot of illness': the inflammation, so yeah, they're going to "mention it!" I don't have the ability to debate how it works, the website, (that NO ONE IS MAKING MONEY OFF OF) explains it all well. It does of course sound odd & yes, some question the Vit D aspect, that's normal, especially when we're mislead into believing something is good for us our whole lives. Vit D/sun light is not good for people w/a Th1 inflammation disease, as their site explains. Mercury was viewed as something harmless & even beneficial; its good thing we all benefit from advancements made by science. Why is it so hard to believe that we still can be making more discoveries? I was just suggesting looking into the MP, if after researching it you do not find it an appropriate treatment for you, fine, but I don't discredit anyone else's advice, so I don't understand why anyone is discrediting mine. It IS a fairly new treatment; I bet a lot of people were probably skeptic to things like penicillin & Novocain when they were new, too.

I'm not looking for spam opportunities, there's no pyramid scheme involved, as I already said, it's a website, explaining a treatment used to help a lot of sick people. (BTW, I haven't had 1 spam email sent to me by way of them.) They ALWAYS insist on being under the care of a physician for whatever illness we may have. Doc
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one more thing i forgot

gagging is another sysmptom

read a dictation from second neurologist said possible dymlinating disease.

i have a 21 yr old sis recently diagnosed of ms.
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yes i have had cervical mri. i do have copies of everything and i have read doctors dictations. its said severe carpal tunnel in arms. but this year was the first time emg ever done on arms. before this alwas in legs. in legs it has always been normal. the dictation by the neuro dosent sya much just excluding things like ms, als and stiff mans syndrome.

this is what it says for mri of cervical without contrast
mild disc desiccation at c3-4, c-5, c5-6
straigtening of the -spine with slight reversal of lordosis in the midportion.
no evidence of abnormal signal intensity within the vertebral bodies.

the mri of brain
nonspecific T2 and flair hyperintensity in the left frontal white mattter.

dictation of neuromuscular doc.
extraocular movements are intact. facial stregnth normal, speech clear. normal muscle bulk, tone and tregnth. sensory exam in symetrical to fine touch. reflex normal.

we completed muscle biopsy which demonstrated no diagnostic abnormalities. blood work for cpk, anti GAD antibodies and parvo B-19 were negative. extensive imaging studies of brain and spine and other rhumatalogic exam , thyroid, and blood all negative. unremarkable emg accept for carpel tunnel. chemistry level unremarkable except for mildy elevated globulin and protien. sed rate elavated in past.

so basically i have in all gone too 3 different neurologist and one neuromuscular doc. no one has a clue.

my sysptom for last few days are crazy. my toes and finger are on fire along with rest of body and sharp electric horendous jabs of pain.
i hate it when its in my throat. all i know flu shot made all this go to another level in 2003.
i am in a pretty bad shape. i might go to the er tonight. eventhough the never do ****.

my strenght is normal, walking rmal, but the nerve pain is really bad and just the zanafles is not working.




the doc said its normal.
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ya possibly

the docotrs dont say anything.  but the er doctor at that time said serum sickness from the flu shot.  whe i researched about it back then i remembr it said its short lived but three years later here i am.  the neuromuscular doc says whatever is going on it has not cause muscle weakness, atrophy or actual nerve damage.  (emg of legs normal)

i dont know what to do.  at my end of rope with this.  ok i know this is bad language.  i have to fight this

you know my first neurologist just termed as hypochondria and anxiety.  i read hi dictaion and it says she mentioned fera of death.  i mean so unfair becaus he asked me wierd questions back in 1999.  sure i am afraid of death who the hell is not.  so i feel like a new doc gonna read that and peg me like this from start.  

i wish docs could just be more better listners.  99 percent of symptoms they dont even listen just nod their heads.
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I know, its so frustrating, I
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You have had an extensive work -up.

A few things you have mentioned--the stabbing pain in your eye,have you had your eyes checked by an opthimologist?

The jerks that you speak of are extending from the c-spine.

The numbness and other disburbances you speak off are often sensory and unless the EMG/NCS tech is highly specialized they don't touch on this area.

Theres other test that one of these nuero's could of done.Visual evoked potentals,samotosensory evoked potental,lumbar puncture.MRI of the thoracic spine.

You definatly have many neurological symptoms happening.Don't let these DRs dismiss you,you know your body.

Keeping a journal of your daily symptoms will aide you in what brings them on,what diminishess them .

I was where you were at a few years back,I seen 3 neurologist,neuromuscular specialist,4 neurosurgeons(bad back) and a electro-muscular specialist.I was scared, symptoms were persistant and at times relentless.I suffered from pnemonia and bronchitis for 3 months last year and all these Drs said it was in my head.Finally my electro-muscular DR sent me for MRI's lumbar and thoracic.All those Drs were wrong,it wasn't in my head but in my spine.I was Diagnosed in June with progressive MS.My brain has been spared at this moment.My point is you know how you feel!!To many patients walk away when disgusted with a DR.Find a previous DR or a new one and be very up front with him.Be honest with him about the fear of dying.Hand him all your med records and ask him to figure it out.Tell him you don't want to be dismissed but treated as a patient and with the dignity you deserve.My neuro and I get along great now.
Keep us posted on how you are doing.By the way the majority of my symptoms appeared after a tetnus shot.
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one more thing

stabing pain in eye so bad knocked me from sleeping up.

u asked for copies of test.  how could i get them to you.
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i have had mmri of entire spine.  last was in 2003.  it was normal but it said a minimalbulge at some place and said it should be doing anything.  it wasnt worded like that but i am just sumarrizing.

i do keep a journal sysmptoms.  but i can never figure out what makes it come on and go away.   i just right daily tab of all the syspmtoms.  

i do have a lot going on.  i was talking to my husband and saying maybe i am not explaining or using the right words.

i meanfrom head to toe. theres is so much vibratns in muscle too.
i mean should i give the doc play by play.  
for example.  sudden tightness in thraot followed by squeezing in eye followed by pins and needle in face along with twitching and rest of body ****.

i just give them basic list of sysmptoms and places they occur.

can the nuromuscular doc drop me as a patient if i bother them too much.  i have been calling ever week about sysmptoms.
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well i checked out the spin ebsite and this Arachnoiditis
sounds like whats going on with me.  but you know i lot of this sounds like it.

how did you come to thqt for me i am woundeing.

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yes sed rate elavated along with c-reative.  but not high numbers

all this stated when i movd to conneticut and my husband had cat too. so i have always woundrerd about lyme.  have been tested many times. negative.

what do u think about diet change  like juicing
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Ask the muscular specialist to do a samotosensory test.This can detect abnormal spots of the spine and back to the brain.
My neuromuscular DR ran this test after I had ask,okay I begged,this is how they detected the lesions in my spine.MRi's don't always detect the small things.
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what kind of test is it .  how is it done.  is it same thing as evkoe potential.  it was done  1999 normal.

one thing i have noticed past yrs my -spine mri normal and recent one mentioned some deformity typ stufff and said one causes spasms.
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Yes its an evoked potental.If you had this in 1999,you want to have it repeated.Technology has changed and equipment more efficient.What actually is wrong with the c-spine,this could be attributing to the spasms,nerves and pain
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I remember before 1998, when i was a teenager i use to wakee up in the middle of night with my ears on fire.  (dont remember one or both) and i would rub them for a while ten when it ok i go back to sleep.  another this is for a few months i had burning in left elbow.

the forward 1998, newly married and suddenly started feeling starnge sensation in neck.  odd sensatons that made it hard for me to look at people. ( not visualy just by sensation) still have this problem.  it was a wiered pain in neck.  then i started to have the same thing in my haands.  i had hard time touching metal.  it would send firy feeling up arms.  the thraot tightness started with lump to swallow.  went to ent who couldnt figure it out.  a month later it all goes away and i became pregnant.  in midd pregnancy legs tingle and feel numb.  dc says norml.  then tingling around lips. goes away.  3 days after labor boom all sysmptoms haywire.  severe left sided at first and then both. numbness, tingling type stuff.  lot of inflamation in muscle and joints.   muscle cramp in legs at this point.  see a neuro, mri and eeg normal.
sountil 2003 i see 2 differnt docs.  all work up normal. 2003 flu shot and all hell breaks loose.

always sick with upper respitory stuff.

before the flu shot stabbing pain had already stated but flu shot made it worse.

my hol face in vibrating.
i have also felt my eyeball shake. when close like vibrating
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