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Pain in testicle, lower back, and stomach


When I run/jog or work out hard for more than 10 minutes, I begin to experience a dull ache in one or both of my testicles, which then develops into sharper, shooting pains for up to an hour after I have finished running.  About a year ago, my doctor diagnosed me with Epididymitis (swelling of the tube on the back of the testicle) on my right side and I took Ciprofloxacin (500mg twice a day for 10 days) and the very severe pains went away.  My doctor also said the pain in my lower back when I run might be due to sciatica - swelling of a major nerve that runs from the lower back into the leg.  He told me to take ibuprofen after my workouts if it still bothered me, and I've been doing that off and on.  But still, most of the time when I run, I continue to get the dull ache and it usually develops into tenderness in one or both of the testicles.  It doesn't matter whether I wear breifs, boxer-briefs, or boxers.  Running is supposed to be good for you, but it really is getting to the point where it almost doesn't seem like it's worth it.  Also, I don't want to do any permanent damage to my testicles or other reproductive organs, because this really seems like it's something that shouldn't be happening on a regular basis.  Does anyone know what could be causing it, and if it can be caused by something by sciatica, and if it can cause permanent damage?  Thank you for your help!  

--John, 23
69 Responses
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I also have the same problem any it started 2016 Dec and I've tried to look for an advice from Doc but he gave me some antibiotics medicine it cooled me for few days and now am feeling the same pain.
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all of this all sounds like beggining stages of testicullar cancer, not to scare any one, but i have most similar symptoms as most of you, went in told the doc all the problems, than he asked a strange Q, have i noticed shortness in my breath and if i cough up black or bloody mucus, n yes i do,
So if any of you have shortness in breath or bloody black mucus the doc said that could be a sign that the cancer spread to the lungs. and like me if ur a smoker the cancer will spread much faster
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i have all your symptoms plus when the pain comes it also sends a pain down the inside of my left leg and it stops at the knee, i have found no real answer and am trying to wait out going to the doc until my insurance is active again.
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bad diet bad posture and constipation turned out to be the cause of my very similiar symptoms
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bad diet bad posture and constipation turned out to be the cause of my very similiar symptoms
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please don't go for surgery until and unless it is needed.am da victim who had surgery for the epidydmal cyst and suffering from that surgery from past 2 years.please don't go for surgery.if u want to go means visit a good urologist and ask him for the side effects.please please don't go for surgery
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Did you ever found what! Was wrong
I have same symptoms and I'm scare of what can be
I get out of breath easily if I run
Thanks for any info  
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I've been suffering for 4 years with similar symptoms except my pain started  in the middle of my stomach with a sharp intense pain which then made my stomach so bloated I looked like I was pregnant. The pain mood mostly on my right side and my right leg goes numb.it now spreads to my testicles and my left leg also the area between my testicles and anus is really tender any answers or advice?
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I am 61 years old and have this dull pain in my testicles. Sometimes it appears to just at the base of the penis. My testicles are normal in size and there is no lump. I have seen a urologist who did a DRE on my prostrate, ultrasound on my testicle, urine and blood test (PSA is very low at 0.75). This was done a few months ago and found nothing wrong. He suggested it may be a minor infection of the prostrate as seems slightly enlarged (which he says is normal for my age).

The pain is not severe but is nagging. The testicles are not swollen nor tender except i get anxiety when i touch massage it. I can massage and whatever other then squeezing it and there is no pain. But the dull pain occurs when is sit down (especially when i am driving) or stand up for long period.

Can any one help?
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Hi thank you for the poston Candida. I have numerous infection of Candida in my penis. This usually happens after a course of antibotics for things like flu. Since then, i do not take any antibiotics for flu or such unless really serious. Now i do not have the infection but, like you mentioned, they linger in the system.
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Hi thank you for the poston Candida. I have numerous infection of Candida in my penis. This usually happens after a course of antibotics for things like flu. Since then, i do not take any antibiotics for flu or such unless really serious. Now i do not have the infection but, like you mentioned, they linger in the system.
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I am surprised that no one at all has ran across the topic of Candida.  Candida is a yeast infection that YES - it does happen in men to.  NOT just women as most believe.  ALL men and women have candida yeast that live in their digestive tracts.  That amount of yeast however is balanced from the good bacteria in your body.  However their are conditions where you decrease your body's good bacteria, giving the candida yeast an opportunity to ridiculously multiply.  This is a yeast infection and YES it happens in men too.  Many different conditions cause this good bacteria to be overthrown by yeast such as - being on antibiotic medication (this medication not only kills the body's bad bacteria but the good as well), any steroid medication, sexual interaction with a female with a vaginal yeast infection, or a weakened immune system.  When the yeast turns into a yeast infection it can travel trough various parts of your body.  It prefers more decreased in oxygen areas such as your genitals, feet, etc.  I am currently going thru this myself guys so Im not just some trying to drop he-say info.  I have testicular pain.  Sometimes dull and sometimes worse then other days.  Went to ER with testicular pain one night when it was unbearable.  They gave me zithromax and did a test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.   They both came back negative.  I later tested myself for HIV, herpes 1&2 and syphilis.  All negative.  I went to a urologist about my pain where I was on various antibiotics such as Cipro (living nightmare), Septra, Cephalexin & Roceptin.  They would decrease my pain but never complete returned me to normal.  I finally got shed some light when I had a appointment with my ear, nose & throat doctor for some allergies when he told me that I had some yeast spots on the back of my tongue leading into my throat.  I was officially diagnosed with a overgrowth of yeast.  I know some of you guys may be thinking well that's on your tongue and most of your issues are groin related - well that's the number one area that Candida likes to colonize.  They will travel all throughout your body!  Depending on the depth of your infection the Candida WILL EVEN INFECT YOUR BLOODSTREAM.  If infection occurs in the blood stream you would most likely have various symptoms other than just testicle pain such as : fatigue, main pain, muscle weakness, back pain, neck pain, urinary inconsistency, frequent urination, bowel inconsistency, dry skin, bad breath, dry mouth, hands tingling, feet tingling, skin burning and even more symptoms.  It can affect your whole body.  This makes it difficult for doctors to detect because A: EVERYONE has some level of Candida so it hard to detect those with overgrowth/infection, B: Symptoms can be so wide-ranging it can sound like plenty of various conditions, and C: Men are quick to be eliminated for having a yeast infection and usually a option for women but HA:  Don't be fooled.  BELIEVE ME:  Look it up for yourself guys.  Just Google Candida in Males.  If you have been to various doctors and have various tests and your nuts hurt and have no option left : DEFINITELY Google this.  There is even a test you can give yourself AT HOME which is free of charge.  Ive did the test at home the next day after seeing my Ear nose and throat doctor :  When you wake up in the morning, before you do ANYTHING - Don't even brush your teeth before the test - Work up a nice spitball and spit in a clear cup of water.  Let it sit for about 10 to 15 mins.  If your spit dissolves in the water and it becomes clear again like a fresh cup of water then your are probably NOT having a yeast infection.  PROBABLY.  Dosen't mean that you shouldn't still look into this.  If your spit is still floating above the water in the cup and you see stringy legs coming from the spit sinking into the water - THEN YOU HAVE A YEAST INFECTION.  When I did the test I had stingy things coming down in 5 minutest.   If you see little speckles on the bottom of the glass in addition to the stringy legs the you probably have a parasite infection now as well.  When candida becomes a infection it is fungus and not bacteria so your antibacterials wont cure this.  There are cures however for candida.   They are various ways such as probiotics NOT antibiotics.  These help strengthen your body's good bacteria to get candida back in line, a strict diet - wont go into details, and yeast killing supplements - Depending on your level of infection you may need to go about all three to properly make sure your rid your body of the fungal infection.  Threelac is a great supplement for candida in men.  But GO  AND DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.  GOOGLE CANDIDA, DO THE TEST, AND OTHER ONLINE SELF TESTS.  GOOD LUCK GUYS!
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I am experiencing severe abdominal pain accompanied by testicular pain and swelling ,lower back and kidney pain. Ive had ct scans blood tests urinalysis colonoscopy testicular ultrasound  and so on Did 14 days of antibiotics Now my Dr seems to be grasping for straws orders up more of same tests. I haven,t been able to work for three mos. soon to become homeless if i can,t get back to work
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I had cyberknife for prostate cancer in september of  2010 everything went fine about a year ago I started having pain in my left testicle like someone was squeesing it = I thought it would go away it just got worse went to yhe Dr who put me on cipro for a month this did nothing except hut my joints - had a sonagram og the scrotum and testicles which showed nothing - had a cat scan with dye of the lower abdumin which shows nothing - went for an MRI of the hip waiting for results - I feel better in the mourning but as the day goes on I my lrfy testicle lower back on left side and left hip start tp hurt so much I have trouble walking - advil does nothing - I see many people here have the same problem did anyone find what this might be or what gave them some relief - it wears you down walking around each day feeling like someone is squeesing your left testicle - by the way I have a dest job and all blood tests and urine cultures came back normal
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how are you doing now did anything give you releif
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Iam suffering from below symptoms from past 4.5 yrs
1. After wake up from bed at early morning
a. Slight shivering in left leg foot to the left leg hand.
b. Slight pain at the outer side of the left  testicle and top of the left testicle to the left leg foot.Entire leg and knees are paining.pain is like a heart beat.(How heart beats like that pain comes and goes like a heart beat) and with shivering.
2.If i walk more than 15 to 20 mins, pain increasing  at the outer side of the left  testicle and top of the left testicle to the left leg foot.Entire leg and knees are paining.
3.If i mastuberate,Iam getting pain after ejaculation and pain and burning sensation while urination. Pain around the testicles and abdomen for a few seconds after ejaculation. After ejaculation, both testicles are moving upwards, right testicle coming back immediately and left testicle takes more time to come down.
4.If sperm comes at the time of dreams, then there was no pain or burning while urination and after ejaculation
5.When i sit for a more time example for more than 30 minutes, iam getting pain at buttocks.
6.Pain and burning sensation at the tip of the penis to the testicles.
For the above symptoms, i met urologist and he suggested me to go for below tests:
Haemotology Test Reports
1.Haemoglobin: 14.7 gr %
2.Total W.B.C Count: 8300 cells/cu.mm

Serology Test Reports
1.H.I.V : Negative
2.V.D.R.L: Non Reactive
3.Hbs Ag: Negative
4.Random Blood Sugar: 78 mg/dl
5.S.Creatinine: 1.0 mg/dl

Urine Tests
1.Albumin: Absent
2.Sugar: Nil
3.Microscopic Examination: Epithilial Cells: 1-2/HPF

Prostate Specific Antigen:(PSA) Total : 1.4
Ultrasound Scanning:
A.Abdomino-Pelvic Ultrasound Scan
Results:Liver,Gall Bladder,Kidneys,Pancreas,Spleen,Aorta,IVC,Portal,Splenic vein,Bladder are normal
Prostate Volume: 20 cc in size and echogenicity.
No significant abnormality nated.
B. Scortal Doppler Study
Test Results:
Right Testis:4.3x2.5x1.7 cms
Left Testis: 4.2x2.7x1.6 cms
Normal homogenous echoes
No focal lesions
Normal itratesticular arterial pattern
No e/o Hydrocele/Varicocele
Scortal wall appears normal.
No sonologically detectable abnormalities observed.
After seeing these tests, doctor suggested me to take the below medication for 5 days.
1.Pipragram-T 4.5 g injections twice a day,Mikafast 500 mg injections twice a day, buffet 40 mg injections twice a day, Nock-3 tablets twice a day,Hetrazan 100 tablets thrice a day,Contiflo-D tablets once in a day and becospecial tablets once in a day.
After this i got some relax, again i met the same doctor and explained that i have not cured completely.Then he given the below treatment.
1.Clavcure 625 mg twice in a day for 10 days
2.Pantocid DSR twice in ady for 10 days
3.Hetrazan 100 tabs thrice in a day for 3 weeks
4.Nock-3 tabs-twice in a day for 3 weeks &
5. Contiflo-D tabs - once in a day for 3 weeks.
I have started this treatment before 7 days, with this i got some more relief.But Symptoms are still existing.
Finally i want to inform you that one day i have made mastuberation while sitting on the bench.After that day only i got pain in the testicles and one day i made unprotected sex with my girl friend .Due to these reasons only iam facing these symptoms.
After seeing my test results and symptoms ,kindly tell me whether iam having any Sexually transmitted disease  or i need to go for any surgery for testiclar pain or whether i have to meet neurologist for nerves pain?
Kindly tell me what is my disease and whom to meet for treatment i.e either Urologist / neurologist/urosurgeon/neuro surgeon?
From 4.5 yrs no doctor was telling what my disease called.I have met till now urologist,Sex specialist and surgeon.
Kindly advise me the right treatment, right doctor and what my disease called?

Kidly help me.
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Hi guys,

I recently hurt my lower right back when i was playing football.I took a heavy step & jarred it,making it difficult to run or even walk normally at times.Over the past 2 weeks it has slowly gotten better but over the past few days ive been getting very faint pains in my left testicle/groin area & lower abdomen.The pains arent crippling or sharp but are just more annoying than anything & are very very faint.Could this have been caused by my back injury?? My back injury was on the left side also.My right side feels totally normal.As a childhood friend of mine has had testicular cancer & thes dull pains of mine are still here,its kind of made me quite worried about the pains.My testicle feels normal apart from the epididymus seeming a little swollen.Im definetly getting an app to see the doc for my own peace of mind but wanted to get any other ideas from others incase im reading into this to much.


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I've had similar issues as all above. Pain in left testicle. Pain in left leg all the way down to the heal. In fact the heal pain came before the severe testicle pain appeared 2 days later. Had all the STD tests,  negative... Antibiotics - did nothing. Etc, etc. Same same. Only painkillers work. By chance one of the docs did pushed into the left side of my abdomen and the pain flared up everywhere along my left side. He thought it was kidney stones (as apparently kidneys are connected to the testis when we develop in the womb)  however ultrasound came back negative. All in all doc still know nothing. But one thing I found that really helped. When the doc pushed into my abdomen, the pain was more isolated to the abdomen so I thought to try something different. After a little massage to that area all the pain goes away. All of it. So when I get the pain in the back, leg and ache in the nut I just massage that abdomen area where the pain is and I'm good for about a day. Now I need to find out what the cause of abdominal pain is as this may be structural or something to do with the amount of exercise I do. Btw I'm 39 and I've had back pains since I was about 30 and funnily enough I started to get testicular aches (but not pain) about year after when my back pains were the worst. Now I think about it. It's all related. Gonna see the chiropractor and physio to see if this can be sorted for good as I know a good back massage / abdominal massage really is a short term cure for my nut pains... Pains that are driving us all nuts.

I hope that helps
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Hi I a 25 i have had tesicle pain a dull ache fro a week, a started with lower abdermen pain and back ache, it doesnt particully hurt when  wee and not when i ejaculate, i do some timnes get sharp shooting pains in my groind and through my willy, i feel like my bladder is alwyas full and sometimes the feeling in my abdomon is like i have been kicked in the balls.
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I thought the jaw , neck and shoulder pain were unrelated but I see they're not after reading your statement . I have the same thing .
A sharp pin pain on either my right or left side of my lower back ( just above my buttocks ) which eventually spreads a pain down one or both legs . The pin pain will subside but the lower ab, testicles neck and shoulders pain will intensify . The testicle pain is constantly bad but will flare with these regular sharp jolts of pain . Went to the emergancy , Doc gave me some percacet and sent me to see a specialist . Specialist wanted to shove a minature camera up my penis . I said no way . After going to see my regular family Doctor he said he was surprised the specialist wanted to do that procedure since the pain is in my testicles and not where the camera would of ultimately took him . I've been having this hit me for the past 9 days and it's really tough focusing at work when your mind is wrapped around this Gut and Testicle ripping pain .
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My name is Robert in 26, since I was 23 I been feeling a slight pain in my left testicle. I thought it would go away but as I got older the pain worsened. I also think this is affecting my left leg cuz it hurts allot too. Recently I'm experiencing abdominal pain. I'm very active I dance and play soccer almost every day. I'm so tired of this painfull ****. Every single day it's there and it's driving me crazy. Is this condition life threatening*? and does it ever go away.
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I am having similar pains to those some people have listed- pain in the right testicle and sme pain in the lower back. I've been to my primary care physician once already and he didn't have an explanation for the pain. Just gave me an anti-inflammatory drug. its not terrible pain, but it has me concerned. I've spent the last few days on the web doing research and found these stories. I think the epididymis is definitely bigger on the right side (where the pain is) than on the left side.
But my big question is- has anyone had problems getting erections because of this? I was good one night and the next morning both my gf and I were dismayed at my problem. i wasn't having pain at that point, but the pain started a day or two later. Its been a week and a half and I'm still having some pain and erection problems.
Anyone else experience this?
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My hubby has gone through all of the above, he was told he had an infection after going in A&E with suspected torsion, they chopped him open and it wasnt, just said an infection, gave him loads of tablets, antibiotics and painkillers and sent him home, 7 days later back down A&E, was given Antibiotics by IV and sent home with more painkillers and antibiotics. 10 days later he and I had enough so I rang through to a private Urologist who saw him checked him out and then sent him for a MRI scan, which showed up L5-S1 disc degeneration disease and disc bulge!! Then referred to back specialist
Apparently there is a nerve that runs in MEN from the spinal cord down the leg and runs slightly off to the scrotum/testicle area. He's now had a nerve block injection 8 days ago, pain slightly better but testicle still high up in his body, Doc says give it time and see if it settles!! Anyone else like this?
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