485620 tn?1208680239

How can I lose weight after pregnancy?

I need to shed about 40 lb – I still can’t believe I put that much weight during pregnancy. I’d like to read more about fitness – perhaps some quick tips - and maybe use some tools for weight loss, like a meal planner. What’s a good web site where I can find what I’m looking for?
4 Responses
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485625 tn?1208680870
Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. You’ll be able to lose it gradually within the next few months. Remember not to follow any strict diets right now, while you’re nursing. That could impact both your, and your baby’s, health! You should gradually start exercising, at least thirty minutes per day. Also, start following a healthy diet. Some moms continue to eat snacks between meals, and they end up gaining more weight. So, watch out! Keeping track of your calorie consumption with a meal planner is a great idea. You can find tips about fitness and diets, as well as a menu planner/calorie counter at http://www.projectweightloss.com – it’s free and it has a bunch of resources, plus a nice community.  
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485627 tn?1208681129
www.jennycraig.com is a great site. Try it. It has a membership fee but it’s affordable, and it has some free resources as well.

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try Curves for fitness and try weight watchers, I love them both. I dont do weight watchers but I eat their fodos and they are very tasty and Curves is a simple 30 minute workout any mom can make time for,I should know I have 2 boys under 2 and workout there everyday while hubby watches the little ones.
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I am a big weight watchers fan myself and I do it online...

But, for a free website, you can go to  self.com (self *******) and join the challenge!  It is free! It gives you exercises (cardio and strength training) and helps with making a food diary...I am combining that with Weight Watchers......
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