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dropping the Effexor/Lexapro weight gain

Can anyone give me an idea of how long it usually takes for your metabolism to recalibrate after stopping Effexor and/or Lexapro?  I've gained significant weight while on these drugs (despite an intense exercise program and careful diet).  My nutritionist and MD told me that the drugs likely altered my metabolism, but no one can tell me how long it will take to correct that.  Most frustrating, I've noticed that since I stopped taking both, my weight gain has accelerated.  Any ideas as to how long I need to endure this or ideas for correcting my metabolism?  Thanks.
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The drug makers keep the side effects as cryptic as they can so that we can't directly link it to the meds.  Well, and they always say that people eat more when they feel better.  That is true for me.  Some people eat when they're stressed but I lose my appetite...unless I'm on Lexapro, then I just eat more when I'm sad or stressed.
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Like so many of you, I am so glad to have found this board because I have had the same issues with Lexapro.  

I have been an athlete my whole life and gained 30 pounds in about 18 months after starting Lexapro.  I have a good diet, I exercise, etc.  I feel disgusting and nothing fits me or looks good on me anymore.  (I am 5'8" and was 150 (size 6 - I'm muscular and thus weigh more than the size would indicate) and have shot up to > 180.)  

I tapered off of the cursed substance (w/o telling the Dr.) about 6 weeks ago, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weight will start coming off.  I may follow what one of the other posters recommended and try and shock my system somehow.  I'd try anything at this point.

In a country as litigious as ours I'm surprised no one has brought a lawsuit against the manufacturer.
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I was so excited when I got off Lexapro back in March and started exercising.  I felt like my old self and I actually enjoyed working out like I used to.  Maybe I expected too much but I really thought my appetite would go down to where it was before the antidepressants and it hasn't.  I also expected to lose some weight through exercise and it's as much of a struggle to lose weight as it was when I was sedentary.  I have been exercising 6 days a week for at least 40 minutes doing both cardio and toning.  I just don't get why I can't lose weight anymore.  The sad thing is that there are no studies out there about the long term effects of antidepressants on metabolism.  I wish there was a professional out there who could tell me that it just takes a while and the metabolism kicks back in after so much time...I just can't find that information.  So, we all tend to think we might as well go back on the meds since we're miserable and fat anyway.  That's exactly what the drug companies want, though, so we have to be vigilant and keep posting any progress that we make!
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I've been off antidepressants for two months and I think the reason we lose weight when we go off antidepressants (for me anyway) is that you get your energy back.  I used to love to exercise and was just very active until starting the meds.  Lexapro made me lazy; I completely stopped working out, and I had no tolerance for hunger - even if it was just boredom hunger, I felt I had to eat again and again.  I didn't mind that I needed to lose 30 lbs because the meds had me numbed out.  Now, I'm my real self again and I want to exercise and eat better because I'm not numb to the fact that I went from 5'6 128 lbs to 159 lbs in two years.  I see it every day and I feel it whenever I try to put on pants I used to wear so I'm doing something about it.  What's funny is that my PMS is better.  The meds are supposed to help PMS but it counteracts it by making you so hungry that you eat all the crap that makes PMS worse!   Good luck to all.  These meds suck, but just taper off very slowly and you will get there.
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I reasonlly started taking Lexapro a long with my other med, ibuprofen 800mg, for joint pain. I also gainned 12 pounds in the past month and half. So, I found this site as I was trying to figure out why I gainned this weight. I did find that one of the side effects of taking ibuprofen is "sudden unexplained weigh gain" ans now, I find the side effects of Lexapro is weight gain..... WTF... I am being treated for depression and now, it looks like, I have to worry about becoming fat on top of it all.
I am 57, 5'5' male, on, 3/13/11, I started taking the ibuprofen, and it is working, and around 3 weeks later, started the Lexapro, a week later, I noticed that I had gained 9 pounds. This is not good. I was already 179 before I gained any weight. Now, it's May 1st, and my weight is 191 pounds. I am not sure which of the meds is responible for this, but I am not happy. I was happy with finding help for the depression but now. I feel like it's a catch 22, help with the depression, and be fat or relieve from joint pain and be fat.... This is not fair! You would think, with all the wonderful work they have done in the field of medicine, they would do better than this?  I don't know what to do about this and would welcome any feedback.... Thanks
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I am so thankful for this site.  It let's me and my husband know that I am not crazy or just not being consistent in the gym.  After 2 1/2 years I weaned myself off of Lexapro in May 2009.  By then I had gained 40 pounds.  I keep going to my doctor and he keep saying it was just my age although I have been little all my life even after two children.  At fifty -two I only weighted 110 pounds.  Now it is April 2011 and I still can't lose this weight.  I walk, I run, I Zumba and I've tried all types of healthy eatting but still the weight remain.  I can't wear any of my clothes.  I've gone from a 6 to a size 10 or 12.  I have terrible belly and but fat.  I don't know what to do.  Any suggestions how to get this weight off.  It is so depressing.  I hate going shopping because nothing fits right.  Has anyone thought about suing the makers of Lexapro.
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