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dropping the Effexor/Lexapro weight gain

Can anyone give me an idea of how long it usually takes for your metabolism to recalibrate after stopping Effexor and/or Lexapro?  I've gained significant weight while on these drugs (despite an intense exercise program and careful diet).  My nutritionist and MD told me that the drugs likely altered my metabolism, but no one can tell me how long it will take to correct that.  Most frustrating, I've noticed that since I stopped taking both, my weight gain has accelerated.  Any ideas as to how long I need to endure this or ideas for correcting my metabolism?  Thanks.
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I gained....and here i am 20 lbs heavier in 3 1/2 years from 130 lbs to 150 lbs...I feel so stupid not coming here and finding out that this might happen and i can switch to another med....but it wasn't me! I kept telling me docs nonstop, there is something wrong, i can tell this is not normal i am gaining a lot and they consistently said - Lexapro cant make u gain, research doesn't show that. F your research and read this forum and the hundreds of people screaming it does.!
Anyhow - damage is done! Now what? I was on 20mg for 2 years and for last 1 1/2 years tapering it off and now I am at 3 1/2 mg and I workout regularly and eat healthy...when do I get my metabolism back? after I am completely done with this med? or never? or slowly? what happens now...I REALLY need to know...because while ur "mood" gets better with Lexapro the weight gain can make you disheartened
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Thanks for the reminder about Niacin. I saw that video a while back, but I'd forgotten. thank you for posting.
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I am 32 and began taking Lexapro in September of 2009. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and depression. I have taken many other antidepressents in the past but never longer then a year at a time and never gained weight! No diet and no exercise.
Up until I began taking it I weighed between 103 and 105. I am 5'4'' and have a very small bone frame. I have been this weight since high school and I have 3 children. I was able to lose the weight after the children naturally. Although it took 3-6 months. I have never dieted or stuck to an exercise program.
After 6 months of taking Lexapro I had gained about 13 pounds. Shocked with weight gain and unable to wear any of my clothes I began a strict diet and exercise plan and still ended up gaining additional weight. I am now 132 and gained about 30 pounds total. I am boderline size 8! I felt like I was going crazy about the weight gain? I went to my doctor on 4 different occasions about the tiredness and weight gain and never once did he say it was the Lexapro. He said it is calories in and calories out.  I feel like I am starving all the time because of the dieting and yet completely bloated. I am upset to be fat and hate to see all the fat on my stomach proturding over my pants waist line and looking at back side rolls under my shirt. I had no idea Lexapro would cause this much weight gain. I also slept all the time (including after 8 hours of sleep falling a sleep at the wheel and getting in a fender bender). I didn't have a passion for things anymore.
However, the plus side is zero anxiety disorder. It def. helped me in some trying times and removed my probles in social issues.
On my own I cut the 20 to 10mg for 2 weeks. Then I cut that to 5mg for 2 weeks. Then went to approx 2.5 for 2 weeks. Next took a tiny nibble of pill each day for a week. I have been off for 3 days and am dizzy, can't walk, running into things, sick to my stomach, shivers, brain feel like its in paralysis, even right now respelling things over and over incorrectly and diarreah. Horrible, Just want to take it to make it go away. If I dont lose any weight and get energy back within 3 months I am just going to get back on it so I can go back to being a zombie.
Thank you for your posts. I dont feel so alone or crazy.
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So, lately, after 8 years on Lexapro, I quit.  During that time, I went from weighing 150lbs to 178lbs at my peak!  I'm about 5'9, and 178lbs is a flabby.  Although my anxiety was much better, I would say I would still get moody at times, and I feel tired a lot and sleep TOO MUCH.  Well, I happened to watch a great documentary called FOOD MATTERS, and in it there is a Doctor Andrew Saul whom I found charismatic and well spoken.  He mentioned that NIACIN, or Vitamin B-3, taken at large doses (3grams/day) can help cure depression and even schizophrenia without side effects.  Some people get flushing, but you can get non-flushing type.  So, I've been trying that with good results.  I stopped taking the Lexapro about 3 weeks ago cold turkey, and after about two weeks, the dizziness and zaps went away.  Right now, I feel quite good, and low and behold, I've lost about 3 lbs already!  When I started Lexapro in 2003, I also started boxing around the same time, so I had assumed that the weight gain was due to my training at the gym, but actually I think it was the Lexapro.  I also thought it was an age thing (I'm 37), but I've noticed a sharp and healthy decline in my food intake and cravings the past two weeks.  So, yes, Lexapro seems to cause weight gain for me, too.  But, I would highly recommend Niacin as a natural, safe, and cheaper alternative.  Just try it.  I have more energy, haven't felt depressed yet, and I don't feel so tired all the time.  Read here, and good luck everyone.  Depression is a tough illness:

http://moodydays.com  (my blog on depression)
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i am 16, and was wondering if i should take lexapro. i am very active, and play 3 sports.. not good im guessing.. i also have an eating disorder.. so gaining weight wouldnt be good.
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I've been on Lexapro 20mg for almost a year now and have put on 25 pounds! And I feel horrible the lexapro definitely helps my depression but all this weight gain is just making me feel worse and worse. I got on antidepressants about 6 months after I had my daughter and now almost a year later I weigh 25 pounds more which is almost what I weighed at my heaviest during my pregnancy ahh I just feel crappy everyday because of this weight gain. Wish I could do something to reverse it while still getting the help I need for my depression!
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